J une 2 2 , 1994 • T he P ortland O bserver P age A6 Youth's Mural To Adorn Vancouver Building A giant mural designed and built by local high school students is sched­ uled to be hung on the west side o f the city o f V ancouver’s Citizen Services Building at 1313 Main St. This is the city ’s first dow ntow n mural f llfM j J , |A 7ANC0UVET?| -■e»- 1 2 s ARKE, 5th St B ro a d w a y |> i- k L II 1 i * *-csl ¿ w w Vancouver X / Boaters Take Note Of Fireworks Safety Zone Boaters on the C olum bia River on M onday, July 4, will be asked to give way for the Fourth o f July Com ­ mittee firew orks barge. T he com m ittee, a n o n -p ro fit group o f volunteers w ho have orga­ nized the firew orks for 32 years, m oved their firing operation onto a barge this year to lessen the chance o f fallout near the new C olum bia Shores Tow nhom es on the V ancouver water­ front. The barge is supplied by Tide­ w ater Barge Lines. According to Jim Larson, execu­ tive director o f the Fourth o f July Com m ittee, the switch to a barge w on’tdim inish the size o f the display. He says he anticipates very little Crime Stoppers change in river traffic patterns on the Fourth of July. However, there will be a safety zone around the barge. The U. S. Coast G uard and other enforcem ent agen­ cies will be on the w ater to maintain the safety zone. The barge will anchor in the general area east o f the Inter­ state 5 bridge. Its exact position will depend on wind direction that day. Boaters must anchor away from this area. The W ashington beach area will be closed to boat and foot traffic, from 1-5 east to M arine Park. Comm ercial river traffic will be closed during the firew orks display pending C oast Guard approval. Firew orks start at 10 p.m. and last for about one hour. T oprotectpublic safety, enforce­ m ent agencies will check boats for proper flotation devices, load limits and alcohol overuse. A new “no-wake” zone is in effect for the area around the M arine Park boat launch and T er­ m inal One. For details on other as­ pects o f Vancouver’s new water safety ordinance, call the city parks depart­ ment at (206) 696-8171. Access to the City of Vancouver’s Marine Park Boat Launch will close at 4 pm . Boaters will be allowed to leave the park, but no enter after that time. Fore more inform ation on the fireworks display call the Fourth of July Com m ittee at (206) 693-5481. INVESTING Where to Find Out About Cons, Pros Youth Day Camp Kicks O ff Soon Youth Day Camp program spon­ sored by the Vancouver Parks and Recre­ ation Department run June 27 to Aug 12 at Marshall Center, 1009 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Hours are 7 a.m. to 6 pan. “This quality program provides an alternative to daycare for children of working parents as well as a posi­ tive sum m er recreational experience forchildren ages5 to 12,” saysT eresa W illiamson o f the parks departm ent. The program incorporates new op­ portunities forchildren to experience specialty mini cam ps with a variety of activities, groups, clubs, trips, guest speakers and clinics. A staff m ember with American Sign Language skills will be on hand. Participants may sign up for the weekly programs: • 7a.m . to 6p.m . session for $ 100 ($92.50 in city) • 8 am . to 5 p.m. or 8:30 a m . to 5:30 p.m. session for $85 (76.25 in city) • 8 a.m . to 4 p.m. or 9 a.m . to 5 p.m. session $78.75 ($71.25 in city) Daily rates are available. A sec­ ond child receives 20 percent dis­ count off the rate. There is a 60 child limit. Parent N ight is Thursday, June 16, 7 p.m. at M arshall Center, 1009 E. M cLoughlin Blvd. Meet staff and learn details about camp. Registration for Day Cam p is through the V ancouver Parks and Recreation D epartm ent at Bagley Com m unity Center. Call 696-8065 for more details. M ore than 70 s tu d e n ts from E v erg reen and V an c o u v e r sc h o o ls w o rk ed to g e th e r on the p ro je c t. M t. V iew H igh S c h o o l a rt te a c h e r D arly n W c n d la n d t g a v e a rtis tic su p e rv isio n . The word “com m unity” stretches across the 20-foot by 40-foot mural, uniting people o f purple, orange and turquoise color. The mural dedica­ tion was part o f the Vancouver Festi­ val. Fun Wagon Tours City Parks It’ll be a sum m er full o f fun for children visiting the c ity ’s traveling Fun W agon. V ancouver Parks and Recreation Departm ent staff will operate the Fun W agon from M onday, June 27 through Friday, Aug. 12. The Fun W agon travels to the city ’s neighborhoods parks with free activities and gam es for children o f all ages. R ain o r shine, the show goes on a t the follow ing city p a rk s: J o h n B a ll.................... .... 23rd & K a u ffm a n ............. .. Mon. 10am - noon M eadow H o m e s............. 18th & General Anderson...... ...Mon. 10am - noon C a r t e r ......................... ..... 33rd & C o lu m b ia ............. .. Mon. 1 - 3pm S o u th c liff................... .... Umatilla Way & Oregon Dr.......Mon. 1 - 3pm H idden P a r k ............. ....23rd St. & D aniels............ .. Mon. 1 - 3pm 10am - noon E sth e r S h o r t............. ,.... 8th St. & C o lu m b ia .......... 10am - noon Ben F r a n k lin ............ ..... NW 56th St. & C h e rry ..... M in n eh ah a School .......2800 NE 54th S t................ .. Tues. 1 - 3pm E v ergreen ................... .... 4th Plain & R o s s ite r........ .. Tues. 1 - 3pm St. H elens T e rra c e ....... 13th & 40th A ve................ .. Wed. 10am - noon Q u a r n b e r g .................,...“U ” St. & 10th St............... .. Wed. 10am - noon F a th e r B la n c h e t....... .... Birmingham Way & Louisiana .....Wed. 1 - 3pm G e n e ra l A n d e rs o n ....„..T exas Dr. & Burdick S t , .... Wed. 1 - 3pm C a rl G u s ta fs o n .............. Tennessee Ln. & Nashville.... ...Wed. 1 - 3pm 10am - noon D avid D o u g la s........... ... N orth G arrison R d............. L ieser C r e s t.................... Virginia Ln. & Frederickson......Thur. 1 - 3pm O a k b ro o k ................... ... 103rd & B u rto n ................. 1 - 3pm V an F le e t..................... ... Flint Ave. & T o p e k a ........ .. Fri. 10am - noon W a te r w o r k s ............... ... 4th Plain & Vancouver W ay......Fri. 10am - noon D u b o is.......................... ... California & Palo Alto Dr....... ...Fri. 10am - noon A rn a d a ........................ ... 4th Plain & “F” St............. .. Fri. 1 - 3pm L e a c h ............................ ... “ K” & 28th S t..................... 1 - 3pm W eekly special ev en t schedule includes: Jungle Jam boree - A nim al m ysteries and crafts B oot Scootin' Country Fun - Join us fo r old-tim e fu n U nder the Big Top - Face painting and dram a games Prehistoric M ysteries - D inosaurs and more Go fo r the G old - Games and obstacle courses Down to Earth - M ake a giant m ural and hands-on projects I t’s a Small W orld - A rts and crafts fro m around the world Call the V ancouver Parks and Recreation D epartm ent 696-8065 for m ore information. News USA (NU) - Everyone he dealt with knew him by a different name. A different address. A different pro­ fession. The one thing that linked all who dealt with him, however, was that he owed them a tremendous amount of money. Collectively, millions. Slick operators like him are well- known to business people and inves­ tors. Such con men start fake com­ panies, take out loans, purchase ma­ terials and services on credit, and then disappear — without paying back a cent. It is perhaps a sad commentary on the times that a Washington, D.C.- based investment counseling orga­ nization was flooded with responses when it announced a session on how to find "deadbeats" and “missing per­ Seattle Police ask for sons.” The course is part of a four-day your help. conference scheduled in the Wash­ ington, D.C., area, called the "Free­ T he Seattle-K ing County Crime dom Conference" for professional Stoppers, in cooperation with the Port­ and would-be professional investors. land C rim e Stoppers, is asking for The missing-persons course is being offered as an incentive for early reg­ your help in locating and apprehend­ istration for the $395 conference. ing C larence Lester Lee. A felony no Sean McCarthy, one of the orga­ bail arrest w arrant, charging Lee with nizers of the conference, which is Failure to A ppear on an original sponsored by the National Associa­ charge o f First D egree Theft, has tion of Real Estate Investors, said the entire conference is aimed at been issued and authorities will ex­ people who are tired of the hucksters tradite from all 50 states. In addition, trying to teach them how to get rich. “It’s for people who are tired of the dog-and-pony shows, the pixie- dusters, the here-today, gone-tomor­ row gurus,” McCarthy said. “We won’t offer a single book, tape or seminar for sale, and certainly no franchises, boot camps and other so- called opportunities.” While real estate is the group’s primary focus, the conference in­ cludes sessions on business planning, corporations, limited liability com­ panies, trusts, taxation, estate plan­ ning, asset protection and an open session panel discussion. In sum, McCarthy said, the con­ ference covers the creation and pres­ ervation of wealth. “Frivolous law­ suits, draconian and voracious tax policies, and overregulation of busi­ ness affairs by government are the wolves that are devouring the fruits of our labors.” Underscoring its intent to counter the traveling "get-rich-quick” road shows, the NARE1 conference will be offered only in the Washington. D.C., area over the July 4 weekend. To register for the conference, call 703-659-5496. NARE1 also offers information on real estate investing. Send a self- addressed envelope and $2 to cover postage and handling to National Association of Real Estate Investors. Dept. NU. P.O. Box 361, Triangle. VA 22172. L ee is w anted in Sacram ento, Calif, for parole violation. Lee, also know n as O m ar Ali G rant and A nw ar Hussain, is d e ­ scribed as a 38-year-old black male, with a date o f birth of Aug. 4, 1955. He stands 5' 8" tall and weighs ap ­ proxim ately 155 pounds with black hair and brow n eyes. L ee is re p o rte d ly sta y in g in P o rtla n d a n d fre q u e n ts th e a re a o f N .E . 15th an d K illin g s w o rth , w h e re h e w as re c e n tly seen a t a local lounge. C rim e Stoppers is offering a cash rew ard o f up to $1,000 for inform a­ tion, reported to Crim e Stoppers, that leads to an arrest in this case, or any unsolved felony crim e, and you can rem ain anonym ous. Call Crim e Stop­ pers at (503) 823-HELP. JEANNIES DRY CLEANING §. LAUNDRY SERVICE O ld F ash ion ed D r y C lean in g n ’ FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY “Your Business Counts" S cratch A nyw here. R ed eem A nyw here. Redeeming your winning scratch tickets has never been easier. Just go to any of the thousands of places scratch tickets are sold and collect your winnings. You can buy tickets in Bellingham and redeem them in Bellevue. Or buy in Spokane and redeem in Seattle. It’s that easy. 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