JM if f* *•* ««bteNKfl > «•/■'»* P age C3 • ' vf s » Portland Brewery A Real Success Northwest Flanders Street Brew- ery-Portland, Oregon Started brew ­ ing in January 1986. Pub opened M arch 1986. 3,000 square feet o f leased space. Includes brewing, storage space and a small 480 square foot pub open from lunch time through evening, seven days a week. The pub serves all o f the com pany’s beers then avail­ able, a limited food selection and offers entertainm ent several evenings a week. THE TRAIL BLAZERS & OREGON ARENA CORPORATION ACTIVELY SUPPORT & ENCOURAGE M IN O R IT Y The brewery features: • A three-vesselbrew housew ithanet capacity o f 10 barrels per batch. • Six 20 barrel ferm entation/condi- tioning tanks. K egging equipm ent. • Annual capacity of 4,200 barrels. Seasonal and specialty beer brew­ ing. This brewery is also used to test- brew new beer styles before scaling up production at the N orthw est 31st Avenue Brewery. The com pany’s products are stra­ tegically grouped into three catego­ ries: core, seasonal and specialty beers. Core beers are the com pany’s biggest sellers and currently include Portland Ale, M cT am ahan’s Ale, M l Hood Beer and Oregon Honey Beer. Sea­ sonal beers consist o f products o f­ fered for lim ited time periods during v a r io u s s e a s o n s a n d in c lu d e O ctoberfest Ale and W inter Ale. Spe­ cialty products are divers, interesting beers produced in limited quantities including Portland Stout and cask- • n-: •>z- Robert Carr a Portland Native. an independent sales representative or- ganization in Northern California. Robert C an a native Oregonian has fulfilled his long range goals, at least the first aspect of it. Robert is currently employed by the Portland Brewing Co. Robert’s main duties are Keg repair but he also assumes other positions will in the plant, such as bottling line and also as warehouse worker. The father of five, three girls and two boys are the survivors of his deceased wife who w,— — --------------- - passed in 1983. Robert spoke highly of the organization and fills very comfortable with the ad- ministrative staff. His supervisor Teddy Peetz has started Robert to learn various functions of the company. Robert is the only African-American employed by them make choices for their future in practical ways. Beginning in 1996-97, all O r­ egon high schools will aw ard the certificates. O nce they earn the C er­ tificate o f Initial M astery, students will prepare for the C ertificate of A dvanced M astery which will help Teacher Chris M orris, a first grade teacher at Amity Elem entary School, was named Oregon teacher o f the year by the Oregon State College. “Chris sets high standards and expectations of her students,” wrote after high school About 110 Cottage G rove stu­ dents received the Certificate of Ini­ tial Mastery at a cerem ony at 7:30 p.m. at the high school. Students pre­ sented portfolios of their work orga­ nized around the standards for the certificate. S ta te G ro u p H o n o rs A m ity A m ity Supt. G eorge Lanning and Board C hairm an Paul Turgesen in a letter supporting her nom ination. “C hris is a leader in educational change and is piloting prom ising edu­ cational practices,” they added. M orris applauds “the positive things that are happening” because o f O regon’s school reform program . “I am a strong advocate o f these changes and feel they are long in com ing,” she said. Other finalists for the aw ard were S aralee C ro ft o f S utherlin H igh School, Robert M iles o f M aple Pri­ mary School and Gail Thom pson of Low ell High School. Congratulations to the 1994 Graduates E N T E R P R IS E S E M E R G IN G SM ALL B U S IN E S S E S for the F uture BUMS Oregon Arena Corporation Last chance to place a Career Ad during Career Month in the Portland Observer. O SV* CO u co We are Proud to Serve Our Community With Special Services For Women Emanuel’s services for women reflect our goal of providing excellent medical care in a warm, compassionate environment. Our programs cover a wide range of needs, from belore birth through life, including fertility programs, prenatal diagnosis and medical genetics, to options for birth and gynecological serv ices. A Lutherin-Affiliated Center of Canng Si L «celleixe i- ' BUILDING A FOUNDATION c/o < U Q < o Emanuel Hospital & Health Center 1 Portland Brewery. Cottage Grove Awards Certificate Cottage Grove High School on June 16 was the first in the nation to aw ard students a Certificat o f Initial Mastery. The certificate is akey elem ent o f O reg o n ’s school reform program . Awarded to students at approximately the tenth grade, it recognizes that students have dem onstrated certa d r i l l s a n d knowledge by applying them I- B U S IN E S S Art Lawrence, Vice President of Portland Brewery, pictured with conditioned ales. To date, all o f the com pany’s products have been ales which are produced in 14 days using top-ferm enting yeasts. Future prod­ ucts will include various distinctive “old-w orld” lagers, which require much longer to produce, and necessi­ tate specialized fermentation and cold­ conditioning equipment which the com­ pany has installed in its new brewery. Products are currenuy currently uisuiuuivu distributed through a network of over seventy bever- age wholesalers located in Oregon, Washington, California, Nevada, Idaho, Montana and Alaska. These wholesalers are supported by full-time company sales people in Portland and Seattle, as well as J- • ** t. .* I o o o Dedicated to education and service in Oregon and S. W. Washington To learn about opportunities at OPB. give us a call. For information about interning or volunteering at OPB. contact Manager of Volunteer Services Shelly Pozzi at (503) 293-1939. (Interns must be currently enrolled in a higher education academic program., To obtain OPBs current jo b listings, or learn about careers in public LEGACY I liultli Staffili 2801 N. Gantenbein Avenue, Portland, Oregon 9722 / broadcasting, call the OPB OPB lobline at (503)293-1972