J une 22, 1994 • T he P ortland O bserver Edwin Hawkins’ Release, Kings & Kingdoms Spotlights Youth Johnson Gives Life To Classic Hymns If ask ed w h at m ak es a song G os- pel, m ost people w ould probably agree it’s th e ly rics. B ut d o n ’t tell that to D o n ald Jo h n so n . A s o n e o f the le ad ­ ing m u sic ia n s in C h ristian m usic p e rfo rm in g G o sp e l-ja z z , D o n a ld ’s m usic is ex h ila ra tin g p ro o f that the H oly S p irit m o v e s in both m usic and w h at they m ean t, b u t w hen they ex p la in e d it I ag re ed an d ask ed them to w o rk w ith m e. I w an ted to be p art o f it a ll,” Jo h n so n w ords. J o h n s o n ’s la te s t r e le a s e o n I n te r s o u n d , P a s s M e N o t, g iv e s n e w lif e to c la s s ic h y m n s th a t in c lu d e W a d e in th e W a te r, P a s s M e N o t, a s w e ll a s c o n te m p o r a r y c h u rc h f a v o r ite s lik e C y n th ia C l a w s o n ’s O h ! (H o w C o u ld 1 L iv e W ith o u t Y o u ) a n d B e B e & C e C e W i n a n s ’ M e a n tim e . A s soon as it becam e know n D onald p la y ed the saxophone, he w as rec ru ited to play w ith the church s band. B ut w as soon to learn that hot licks alone w ere not enough. “ A fter a w h ile o n e o f th e pasto rs ca m e to m e a n d said , 'D o n a ld , you play real w ell, b u t in o rd er to c o n ­ tinue p lay in g h ere y o u ’re g oing to have to be sa v ed and receiv e the g ifts o f the H oly S p irit.’ I d id n ’t know E dw in H aw k in s has n ever been on e to rest on his laurels. A s o n e o f the w o rld ’s m ost p o p u la r G o sp el artists for the last 25 years, h e ’s ch o sen to use h is in flu en ce to help n urture new said. W ith the fin an cial help o f friends and h is w ife, and m oney he w as able to save from a jo b in the m ail room o f the S eatd e M etro system , Johnson produced h is first C D an d cassette tape w hich beg an to sell im m ed i­ ately. A fter sellin g o v er 10,000 units co m p letely on his o w n , he suddenly found lo ts o f industry interest in h im an d his G o sp el- ja zz m usic. “ I try to reach o u t to peo p le w ho a re n ’t in c h u rc h ,” Jo h n so n said. “ I w an t to bring them in and show th em w here life is really at. T h e p resen ce o f the H oly Spirit d raw s peo p le to the m usic, even if they d o n ’t know it, an d then th a t gives m e the chance to tell them w hat H e’s all about. M y w hole thing now is Donald Johnson is one of the ju s t to spread the G o sp el to as leading musicians in Christian music m any p eo p le as I p ossible c a n .” performing Gospel-jazz hymns. Heaven Help Us by W illiam R eed When it comes to us gaining social and economic parity in America, the majority of us seem to be waiting for jesus to come. In this land of capitalism and free- enterprise, the bulk o f our kind continu­ ally refuse to do anything that makes economic sense when it com es to doing the type of thing s that can help more o f us reach the American Dream. Ask any African American man or woman you see, “D o you know the meaning of capi­ talism and how it works?,” and they will tell you, “O f course 1 do!” But then you should put the “outcom e” statistics in front of them and ask, “T hen how is that you expect our race to grow when in 1990 we spent only three cents o f each of the $300 billion we had in our collective pockets that year with each other?” Even though statistically w e know that black-ow ned-and-operated busi­ nesses have an established track record of hiring 80 to 90 percent of their em ­ ployees from our community, why is it that they d o n ’t get the support they need form the black community? If we know so much about capitalism, why is it that the majority of us d on’t realize that un­ less we retain a larger percentage o f our money in our com munities and stimulate businesses and banks to create jobs and capital for us, w e will always be slaves to others? The outcome for our earthly dreams is that we will have to exhibit our ow n self-help and independence or wait until Jesus comes again to save us. W ho among you doesn’t believe that Heaven helps those who help them­ selves? When are we going to look around and see the answer to our economic woes? Although Asians have less than 20 percent o f the population numbers of African Americans, they have a record of spending 80 cents out o f each of their dollars with each other. W hile Asians seem to go out of their normal way to buy from each other, the record shows that blacks seem to go out of their way to avoid their population, but they control three times their number in the nation’s wealth. Jews also buy form each other, sell to each other and mostly hire only each other. Neither J e wish people, Asians or Arabs placed gaining their American on political em powerment the way we did. N either W hites, Jew s nor Asians consider politicians to be their “lead­ ers,” they simply us them as “public servants” to make, pass and enforce laws to enable them to have com merce as they wish. We each have daily need that have to be addressed. When will w e realize that the power of the consum er dollar, that we spend every day, has more power over the direction of our collective lives m a n u the iep political u n u c ai ballot? uaiiut.' W n u hen w iw will u iu our iu than expertsincapitalism figureoutthatw hen we buy gas, shoes, cars or bread we are stimulating growth of jobs and com ­ m erce for someone else other than our own? W hen we buy gas, cars, bread or shoes from a Brother’s B ailey’s outlet, we are making the way for that black businessperson to hire and train one, or more, of us. Since the 1980s the number of black families making $50,000 a year has increased from 762,000 to 1.2 m il­ lion families and the numbers o f those of us in managerial and professional spe­ cialty occupations grew form 1 million to nearly 2 million. But this has not helped the majority of blacks, because these A frican A m ericans took their money and investment potential and went to suburbia and its malls and split levels. The wealthier, and the not-so-wealthy Obituary: Brisco Morgan Address: North Portland Date of death: 06/11 /94 Place of birth: Tulsa, Oklahoma Place & Date of marriage: Dec. 23,1928 in Texas How long in local area: Since 1956 Occupation: He worked for the Union Pacific Railroad, while he lived inTexas, and worked in construction for various companies through the union Local #296. Retired in 1970. Service: Funeral at Sunset Hills Memorial, 11:00am, Friday, June 17,1994 Survivors: Wife - Charlie Bell Morgan; eight daughters; and many grand and great­ talen t. H e founded the M usic & A rts S em in a r M ass C h o ir and released the first o f its an n u a l alb u m s in 1982. N ow o v e r 3 0 0 v o ices stro n g , th e C h o ir’s n ew e strele ase on Intersound, K in g s & K in g d o m s, c o n tin u es in the lo n g -sta n d in g tra d itio n fan s h av e co m e to know an d love. H ead q u ar­ te re d in O a k la n d , C a lifo rn ia , th e M usic & A rts S em in ar now has o v er 2 0 ch a p te rs n atio n w id e, ea c h w ith its ow n artistic an d m u sical m in istry and o u treach to local co m m u n ities, v isit­ ing h o sp itals, p riso n s, n u rsin g h o m es an d v ario u s ch arities. E n co u rag in g the talents o f young w riters, sin g ers an d in stru m en talists, the S em in a r so licits m aterial from new w riters each year an d the album ’ s rep erto ire is ch o sen form the b est o f th eir w ork. N o tab le alum ni o f p re v i­ ous S em in ars include n o w -su p erstars John P. K ee, D aryl C oley and Y olanda blacks need to realize that when w e save our money in a black bank, or invest in others o f us in a theater or inner-city convenience store, we help all of us ascend to a higher economic plane. A d am s, am o n g others. A m o n - g the stan d o u ts on K ings . & K in g d o m s is H e is G o d A lo n e, a h ea rtfe lt song o f praise w ith all t e earm ark s o f a classic. “ I C all on Jesus is a sp irited , h an d -clap p in g an th em (greater J^am t JsHepfyen ¿Htsstottarg ¿¡¡Baptist (Hljnrctj “Serving The Lord With Gladness” Psalm 100:2 Sunday School 10am Morning Worship 11:05 Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 7pm Rev. G.L. Black I Pastor 3605 N.E. Mallory Ave. (503) 281-8117 Portland, OR 97212 business resources, send $5 to the Inter­ national Exchange Network, 2054 Na­ tional Press Building, W ashington, D.C. soloist. E dw in H aw kins stresses a sense o f C h ristian co m m u n ity th at is n ot o nly the fo undation o f th e M usic & A rts Sem inar C h o irs, but o f the church as a w h o le. * * Marcel Wip W ip /P a s to r an d L icen sed . M oreno V a lle y , C a lif ./F a m ily a n d C h ild T h erap ist. SH A RO N CH URCH 5209 N E 2 2 n d F rid ay July 8, 7 p.m . Im p ro v in g O u rC o m m u n icatio n S k ills S aturday 11:30 a.m . B A R R IE R S T H A T A F F E C T T H E B L A C K F A M IL Y 2 :3 0 - 6 p.m . A n g er C o n tro l C o n flic t N egotiation an d C o m m u n ity W o rsh ip C e n te r in M oreno V alley, C alifo rn ia. H e has been m arried for 21 y ears and has tw o d au g h ters, 19 an d 16. C o m in g J u ly 8 a n d 9 th : M arcel E vent sponsored by F am ily L ife D ep artm en t o f the S haro n C hurch. F o r f u rth e r in f o rm a tio n c a ll 281-8596. FREE O f rJ /ie m u 20045. j^L ^3aul ¿Missionary ^Baptist (Duirrb 8 1 0 1 N. Fiske Avenue Church Phone: 289-0147 Portland Oregon 9 /2 0 3 S tu d y P h o n e : 2 i 3 - 1 9 1 1 Sunday S e rvice eFwneïa/ i'Jtcnrc - 'Âiem oüa/ 'Saufon Lombard Chapel 3018 N. Lombard Portland, Oregon 97217 503-283-0525 Killingsworth Chapel 430 N. Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 97217 503-283-1976 1 0 :4 5 S unday S chool M a llo ry Avenue Christien Church 9 :3 0 B ib le Study 6 :0 0 "Coma to me oil you uuho arc fliteary and heavy laden ond I mill give you rest." E vening S ervice 7 :0 0 p m Pastai. Re. JamcsC C. Faulkner 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Morning Worship 7:30pm Tuesday Bible Study and Prayer d\l\œib IßafikLit (linciali 103 NE Morris St., Portland, OR 97212 In te r-ro c io l C o n g re g a tio n 126 NC ñ lb erta Portland, OR 97211 (503) 288-5173 Mt Olivet Baptist Church Sunday School -9:30am Sunday Morning Wor­ ship Service - 11:00am Sunday School Teacher’s Meeting Tues - 6:30pm Bible Study Wednesday - 6:00pm Prayer Meeting Wednesday - 7:00pm Church Phone Number 287-7457 Rev. and Mrs. G.L. Black testify in g to the L o rd ’s etern al faith ­ fulness. T he album d raw s its title from a line in B ill G a ith e r’s stan d ard , “ T h e r e ’s S o m e th in g A b o u t T h a t N am e,” d one here as a stately, so u l­ stirrin g b allad th at featu res E d w in as Empowering US Ministries many black entrepenuers. They have to “ leam effectively that in the land o f capi- M arcel W ip , M .S., M .F .C .C ., is talism and mutual support grows from the facilitato r o f th e sem in ars. H e is a mutual respect. Black business owners b o rn -ag ain A frican -A m erican m ale must m ove to make sure that those o f us P asto r-T h erap ist, rad io -co m m u n ica- who com e into their restaurants, service to r> m o tiv atio n al sp eak er an d licen se shops or dry cleaning establishments m arriag e, fam ily and ch ild th erap ist, shouldn’th a v eto stan d in lin eo rrecc iv e An O akw ood C ollege graduate in 1975 inferior products or service. Along with w ith a B .A . in T h eo lo g y an d Sociol- the product or service necessity that they o gy, he also earn ed a M aster o f Sci- provide and the vision and courage it cn ee deg ree in C lin ical P sychology, takes to start off on the road to entrepre- He has practiced psycho-therapy since neurship, blacks in the business of serv- 1978, w ith ex p erien ce in the areas o f ing other blacks will always have to be F o r e n s ic P s y c h o lo g y , A b u s e d aware ofour broad-based need for simple C h ild ren s S ervices, M eth ad o n e S er- respeet, v ice. C o n serv ato rsh ip S erv ices, M ar- For a listing of 50 organizations, riag e, F am ily and C h ild C o u n selin g governm ent agencies, franchiors and S erv ices. P asto r W ip is cu rren tly ¡ u iv u u n « ., —— — - foundationsthatprovidecapitalandother p a sto n n g the V alley V ista F am ily grandchildren. We W elcom e You to The Gospel Artist Edwin Hawkins Has moved Sunday ser vices Io Family Life Center, 8725 N. Chautauqua Blvd., at Willis Blvd. Dr. Joe S. Hardie. Pastor We Invite You To Come And Worship With Us. The Church Where Everybody is Somebody And Christ Is All. Worship Services 8:00am & 11:00am, Church School 9:30 to 10.30 am, Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 NE Schuyler, 10:30am & 7:00pm Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00am on KBMS A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Marlin, Senior Pastor C h u r c h O f f i c e 1 1 6 N E S c h u y le r S t. • ( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 o - 1 9 5 4