Voinnin \ \ I \ June 15, 1994 Serving the community through cultural diversity. Number 24 Wlje ^jdnrtla ttò O b s e r v e r 1 9 9 4 SECTION Training Women In Building Trades From L to R: Judy Joni, Donna Ainswroth, and Wendy Gonzales. Judy Joni, I.E.C.O. Representative, and Donna Ainsworth present the Donna Ainsworth Award to Wendy Gonzales, B-Fit 1994 Graduate. Donna Ainsworth is the first B-Fit graduate who obtained journey level status through I ECO. I ECO traditionally awards a scholarship to an outstanding student from each B-Fit class. A program for training women in building trades referred to as B-Fit (Building Futures in Industry) of- fered at the Rock Creek campus of Portland Community College won an award from Labor Investing For To- morrow (LIFT) America Awards, The following excerpt is taken from The Wall Street Journal: “T he aw ards c a lle d LIFT America are given to employers, unions educational organizations and B-FIT PROGRAM RECRUITING FOR 1994 FALL TERM B-Fit: A two-term certificate program which gives female and minority students a unique hands-on experience in many of the basic skills required to enter an apprenticeship training program or other skilled non-tradi- tional jobs in industry. Program focuses on the construction and electrical communities to recognize “creative solutions” for upgrading the quality of the work force. Sixteen winners were chosen from 500 nominees; they run the gamut from local vocational programs to industrial grants. Several other award winners also stress efforts to improve opportuni ties for women and minorities. Build­ ing Future in Industry and Trades, a program run by Portland Community College in Oregon, is a “fast track” six month training course designed to put women on paths for such non- traditional skilled careers as electri- MEDICAL ASSISTANT/ LIMITED X-RAY and mechanical trades. You will receive two terms o f skills training on PC C ’s Rock Creek campus in the follow ing areas: • Trades Basic Skills • Construction Basic Skills • Electrical/Mechanical Basic Skills • Trades Math . Physical Strength Building . CPR/First Aid/Safety in the Workplace . Cooperative Ed/Worksite Training . Job Search Skills Orientation Building Q successful management career requires planning For your growth, As a McDonalds® Restaurant Manager, you'll have the strength of a Fortune 500 world leader behind you, every step of the way. ULIith courses designed specifically for your success, like “Lead­ ership Styles”, "Sales Building”, "Time Planning” and "Personnel Recognition and Retention." All to equip you to go as far as your energy and motivation allow. In the process, you’ll earn an outstanding benefit package, including: • Excellent Starting Salary • Employee Stock Ownership Plan • Company Funded Profit Sharing / 401K • Educational Assistance • 3 Weeks Paid Vacations/Holidays after 1st Year • Performance/Merit Increases • Medical, Dental Si Life Insurance McDonald’s has been putting a lot of thought behind your next promotion. If you’re ready to see what your future in management really could be, join the McDonald's Restaurant Management Training Program. Please send your resume to: McDonald's Corporation 5000 SW M eadow s., Ste. 200 Lake O sw ego, OR 97035 ATTN: HUMAN RESOURCES m I McDonaga-8 Learn Leadership from a world leaders™ Always An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. ©1994 McDonald's Corporation « i l ■ x : ;< Phlebotomy EKG Front Office Medical Lab Procedures Medical Lab Skills • National Certification available • Financial Aid for those w ho qualify • Job Placement , Assistance fonnation about scholarships for the 1994-95 academic year may be obtained by contacting: , 7A7i Jennice Taylor, Job Developer; 244-6111, ext 7473. Classes begin Sept. 19,1994. Financial Aid Available; $540.00 per term. • Day & Evening Classes ...A nd y o u 'll see m ore than ju st d riv ers. Health Careers for The Future There's a dedicated team of mechanics, dispatchers, ConCorde Career Institute supervisors, planners, analysts, adm inistrative 1827 NE 44th Av«. Portland, OR 97213 E (503)281-4181 ! (206) 750-7969 FOR ORIENTATION INFORMATION CONTACT: Judy Campagna, B-Fit Instructor; 244-6111, ext-7475 Donna Adams, ext-7201. Classes will be held on the Rock Creek Campus 17705 N. W. Springville Road; Portland, Oregon. Talk to your career counselor about the professional and technical skills you need for a career with Truck Driving & Heavy Equipment Training Training True Professionals • • • • • • • • For Over 30 Years Hands On Training Short or Long Courses CJ).L. Refreshers Placement Assistance Financial Assistance Housing Available Accredited by ACCSCT (f "It's your Futjfe, p^n wisely. BLVD. support personnel and more. They keep Clark County's 1 1 FOR HAIR DESICN 23 « TS'- EDWARD WADSWORTH INSTITUTE .3‘: v:# ■ transit system going, 365 days a year. B-Fit is offered in cooperation with federal and state appren- ticeship programs and private industry. . ...vitti C -T R A M . Pharmacology The Education to Work Program is a cooperative effort between the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) and Portland Community College, designed to assist minorities and women in accessing pre- apprenticeship education and obtaining highway construction jobs. In- SA N D Y Are you being trained for your next promotion? Xray EDUCATION TO WORK PROGRAM SE cians, plumbers, carpenters and sheet- metal workers in jobs that pay $ 15 to $25 an hour. Previously, women weren’t striving toward such jobs, program officials say. Many women students, whose average age is 36, were working in low-paid jobs — such as in fast-food restaurants - when they entered the program. About 35% were unemployed and on welfare; 70% were single heads of household. The program fills women ’ s “skill gaps” through immersion courses in everything from learning how to wire electrical projects to a physical fit­ ness program to career planning. The women build a house from the foun­ dation up, do upper-body training, and even hear from sex-discrimina­ tion attorneys on how to file a com­ plaint if a problem arises. Katharine Settle say s she entered the program because “my husband had just recently left after 34 years of marriage, and I found myself think­ ing about what I was going to do for a living.” Though she hadn’t had a job in 26 years she thought the train­ ing program would help her acquire skills to be a residential construction contractor and thus make use of expe­ rience already gained while helping to build and renovate houses with her former husband. She’s now pursuing an associate degree in building con­ struction technology and says the training program was “invaluable” in helping her reach her goals B-Fit is a two-term certificate program which gives students a unique hands-on experiance in many --------------- . . of the basic skills required to enter art apprenticeship training program or other skilled non-traditional jobs in industry For more information call: Port­ land Community College at 244-6 111 exL 7449. Classes Forming Now During the initial orientation session, you will learn about the B-Fit program audits services, be introduced to careers in the skilled trades, and explore job realities to determine if you wish to enter the training program. ? ? 0 I MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES 1-800-888-7075 ) Diesel Driving School 90801 Hwy 99, Eugene, OR C-TRAN, or any other transit system. 1 4:2 Ä S » » 14 C-TRAN P.0. BOX 2529 VANCOUVER. WA 986G8 Is an Eaual Opportunity Employer, M/F/D. 5Í» III