f f b n a t e Obituary b two years o f secretarial training. On Aug. 16, 1948 she m arried Style A rthur Reif II and to that union God blessed them with four children, Barbara Ann, Styne A rthur II, M ary Ellen and M ichael Douglas. Pennie was a hom em aker who enjoyed sewing, fishing and cam p­ ing. In addition to being a skilled seamstress she was also an accom ­ plished furniture re-upholsterer. The family wishes to acknow l­ edge the many individuals who were o f great assistance during her illness and convalescence. Pennie is survived by her loving husband and children. In addition she leaves behind four grandchildren, her brothers John Henry Johnson and Alton D ouglas Johnson and a host o f nieces, nephew s and many friends. A reception was held June 17 at St. Phillip T he Deacon Episcopal Church following the funeral service. Traditional Values Versus No Values by M. I saacs The city gives OK for unmarried dom estic partners o f city employees to receive health benefits without re­ gard to sexual orientation. It seems, again, our public servants, elected by us, have chosen alternatives directly opposed to the values established by o u r fo re fa th e rs , an d m ain ta in e d through the years by Believers in One G od, and one nation, under God. T raditional values that em phasize fam ily units are being husband, wife an d children. E ven com m on law m arriages were considered legal only after several years had passed, during which acouple had remained together, bore children and established a home. D oors are rapidly being opened to unw holesom e activity, sinful activ- ity and the breakdown o f American Christian fam ily structure. Portland City Council has now endorsed the selection o f partners for the sole pur­ pose of acquiring health benefits and o f course, these partners can be changed at the whim o f the unm ar­ ried city em ployee. This decision is also a hidden endorsem ent of m ale/ male partners being called a family unit. Mike Lindberg called this deci­ sion pro-fam ily. W hat kind of family is he referring to? Certainly not a couple, legally married under our le­ gal system. It seems our public ser­ vants are having trouble with defini­ tions o f ju st w hat and who constitutes a family. This decision is not a broad­ ening o f the definition o f family, but a blatant disregard of w hat/w ho con- Family Connection Celebrates Phillips Anniversary Rev. J o s h u a D. Phillips The public is cordially invited to attend the Fam ily C onnection’s 70th A nniversary o f Rev. Joshua D. Phill­ ips. The celebration will take place at the Piedm ont Friends Church, next to the “G ive Us This D ay” ministry of­ fice at 5736 N. Albina at 7 p.m. Friday, June 17. A special worship service will be held at the church with a reception following in the church annex. Please come and share this special occasion with us. Rev. Phillips is the co-founder, along with his w ife, Dr. V irginia Phillips, and adm inistrator o f G ive Us This Day, Inc., a nationally know n organization specializing in African- A m erican children adoptions and extended family program s. In addi­ tion, G ive Us This Day is the only A frican-A m erican adoption agency in the state o f Oregon. Rev. Phillips is also a m ost trusted confidante and advisor to clergical, civic and politi­ cal leaders throughout the state and the country. He has worked tirelessly to make Pordand and the state a better place for all o f us. Thank you in advance for com ing and sharing in our celebra­ tion of a very com m itted and worthy com m unity leader. Mt Olivet Baptist Church Has moved Sunday services to Family Life Center, 8725 N. Chautauqua Blvd., at Willis Blvd. Worship Services 8:00am & 11:00am, Church School 9:30 to 10:30 am, Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 NE Schuyler, 10:30am & 7:00pm Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00am on KBMS A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor Church Office 116 NE Schuyler St. • (503) 284-1954 M a llo ry A venue Christian Church "Come to me oil you who ore njeary and heavy laden and I will give you rest." 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Morning Worship 7:30pm Tuesday Bible Study and Prayer Inter-racial C ongregation 126 N€ Alberto Portland. O fl 97211 (503) 288-5173 'rfm urtincenienf B a b y ’s N am es: Davis Thom pson W est stitutes a family. Some men and women change partners several times a year; even those unm arried city w orkers with children to support. Just who or what agency will investigate the private life style o f city employees to deter­ mine if they lied w hen, on a signed affidavit, they stated how long they’ve lived with a partner. W ho can say if they (the partners) are responsible for each others welfare? Only they can say... and we can only trust they will not lie, Ha! “They m ust not be m ar­ ried to anyone.” Is this statem ent a sanction o f unm arried partners or a deterrent to m arriage? If it is against the law o f the land for m ales to marry males, it follows that the city should not pay health benefits for male/m ale partnerships nor define this type of dom estic partnership as a family. This is not about health care ben­ efits which are available to married partners; nor is it about who w ill pay for care for those partners w ho live together without sanction o f m arriage, as our M ayor would have us believe. This is about the decline o f Christian values/family values and Godly at­ tributes among elected officials who have no regard for the legal system, C hristian foundation; nor for the Christian forefathers and the Godly people o f this city, who elected them. It is frightening to see such d e­ nial o f our Christian heritage, espe­ cially under the guise o f “benefit for the people.” A clear message is being sent that this city/nation is no longer “under G od.” The destruction o f our nation’s very foundation is the goal of the insidious evil agents of darkness. W ar has not accom plished this goal, nor has disregard o r m isuse o f na­ tional resources; therefore, the target has changed. The sanctioned legal family unit has now been targeted (for at least three generations) with scary results. The justified part o f the fam ­ ily unit which is evidently the main target are the children. The evident result o f the target change: C hildren are dying by the m illions; legally aborted daily. Serious crim e increase, by children w hose regard for life has been “cut aw ay” cleanly. Children becom ing parents o f children through incest and/or rape; children aban­ doned by parents or sold into prostitu­ tion and/or exploited by pornographic greed mongers. This by no means cites all the evils pervading the home life o f children o f the lessor gods who call them selves families. Education declines, poverty in­ creases, disease increase, crim e in­ creases and the slaughter o f innocent people continues. The moral teach­ ing o f children is abandoned and their lives are not sacred anym ore. W hen and if these unholy children grow to amoral adulthood... we can expect decisions such as “health care for dom estic partners without regard to sexual orientation,” to be adopted. G od fearing people should not be surprised at these types o f decisions, considering fact that all the C om m is­ sioners are strong supporters o f “gay rights.” L et us who w orship and serve God A lm ighty, pray that these types o f decisions becom e and remain to­ tally unacceptable alternatives to fam­ ily living in a C hristian N ation based on a Godly foundation. W e m u st n o t re m a in m u te in the fa c e o f a d v e rse u n g o d ly d e c i­ sio n s. C h ris tia n s m u st a w a k e b e ­ fo re o u r “ r ig h ts ” u n d e r G o d a re o v e rru n and w e b e c o m e a m in o r­ ity in a n a tio n o f u n h o ly p e o p le , w hose only g o d is th e m se lv e s an d th e ir a lta r o f w o rsh ip , th e ir u n ­ holy d e s ire s , w ith o u t re g a rd to frie n d , n e ig h b o r o r foe. "Let the People Rejoice The Mass C hoir o f Bethel Afri­ can M ethodist Episcopal Church will hold it's Annual Day Celebration, "Let the People Rejoice", on Sunday, June 2 6 ,1 9 9 4 at 5:00 p.m. at Bethel A.M .E. C hruche 5828 N.E. 8th Av­ enue, Portland, O regon. A free will offering will be taken. Length: 21 inches P a te rn a l G ra n d p a re n ts : Ronald W est M a te rn a l G ra n d p a re n ts : Mr. & Mrs. G eorge Calley D ate o f B irth : 5-17-94 F a th e r: Jeffrey R. W est M o th e r: N anette C. W est T o d a y w e c e le b r a te th e homegoing o f Pennie L. Reif. She passed away on Friday, June 10,1994 at the age o f 65 years. Pennie was bom on Oct. 22,1928 in G reggton, Texas to the proud p a r­ ents Henry and Essie B . Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are both deceased. The family m oved to Portland in 1944. Pennie graduated from high school in 1947 and later com pleted Inmates Will Ready Park For Festivals For the second year in a row, inmates of Inverness Jail will be helping a North- eastPortland community-based nonprofit organization stage gospel music festivals in the inner city, according to producer Joyce Boles. An inmate work crew will work all day Monday, June 20, to paint, clean and refurbish someplayequipmentin Dawson Park, she said. In exchange for this labor, the Portland Park Bureau has said it will waive its park rental fees for the gospel music festivals slated for the park July 16 and Aug. 3. “This takes a real financial b u r­ den o ff us,” said Boles. “ It is very reasonable for the city to charge rent for the parks, but staging these festi­ vals requires so much m oney that this The 25th National Convention of The Full Gospel Pentecostal Association “Silver A nniversary” June 19-26, 1994 at Whittaker Auditorium 5700 N.E. 39th, Portland, Oregon Guest Speaker: Dr. Ray Campbell of Dallas, Texas Music by: Rev. Hezekiah Walker from Brooklyn, NY For info, call: 287-2223 President: Bishop A.A. Wells 'Jfie T ii/fe fo fia fief Of! 7fie Tfutrieb extra burden lifted is really noticed.” The festivals cost about $3,500 each to stage, w ithout the rental fee, she said. “T h at’s a lot of money when you are rasing it in two and three-digit am ounts.” Boles added that she is w ell pleased with the work done by the inmates, who com e to the jo b under the leadership o f an officer, and who come equipped with all their own tools, including a portable toilet. Boles said she plans to use in­ mate work crews w henever possible in the future, including other parks for other festivals in other years. The crew s are available for situations where there is no com petition with the private sector, she said. Greater St. S te p h e n M.B.G ¡gj Es S p o n s o rin g & ¡3] P re -F a th e r’s Pay I CHICKED DINNER L u n c h e o n The program w ill feature the Mass C hoir along with other local talent including Mrs. Lessie W illiams, well know n Portland singer. Spiri­ i^l tual, gospel, as well as traditional [a] selections will be performed. For more information, call Bethel A.M .E. Church at (503) 288-5429. Greens, Green B eans, I5 acaro n t cr Polaloe S alad, B read a n d D essert ESI S a tu rd a y,Ju n e 18 1IAM-SPM jjj B in e -in 333S ^E M a llo ry D in n e r S B.SO ^G e n e ra tio n S p e c ia l B 13.00 [Ê] T reat T hat S p e c ia l P e rso n (s) JBL sparti ¿Mi estim arti ^Baptist (llljurtlj Portland Oregon 97203 8 1 0 1 N. Fiske Avenue 5tudy Phone: 21 9-1911 Church Phone: 289-0147 Sunday Service 1 0 :4 5 Sunday School '9 : 3 0 ^ u n c ia l yfw n e cC<>tne(<>iy - Ueniouat (Q aulen Lombard Chapel 3018 N. Lombard Portland, Oregon 97217 503-283-0525 Killingsworth Chapel 430 N. Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 97217 503-283-1976 IBafitiit (Zinvidi 103 NE Morris St., Portland, OR 97212 Sunday School -9:30am Sunday Morning Wor­ ship Service -1 1 :00am Sunday School Teacher's Meeting Tues - 6:30pm Bible Study Wednesday - 6:00pm Prayer Meeting Wednesday - 7:00pm ’ H Hi ” Church Phone Number 287-7457 Bible Study 6 :0 0 Evening Service 7 :0 0 p m Pastor. Re. JamcsC I: Faulkner We W elcom e You to The 05 rea tei* J^aint JBtepljctt jlMisstonarg ^Baptist ©jurct} “Serving The Lord With Gladness” Psalm 100:2 Sex: Male W eig h t: 8 lbs. Pennie L. Reif Dr. J o e S . H ardie. P a sto r We Invite You To Come And Worship With Us. The Church Where Everybody is Somebody And Christ Is All. Sunday School 10am Morning Worship 11:05 Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 7pm Rev. G.L. Black I Pastor 3605 N.E. Mallory Ave. (503)281-8117 Portland, OR 97212 R e v . a n d M rs. G.L. B lack I 4 • 4. » 12J ¡B]