Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 15, 1994, Image 1

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‘ S e rv in g th e c o m m u n it y t h r o u g h c u l t u r a l d iv e r s ity ."
V o lu m n X X IV , N u m b e r 2 4
Singing The Blues
Focusing On Careers
J u n e 15. 1 9 9 4
Home Loans Renewed
Bike Helmets For Kids
U.S. and First Interstate banks
renew commitment to low income
loans for home repairs and home
See Page A5
Kaiser fits children with bicycle
head gear on eve of Oregon’s new
bicycle helmet law.
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The Blues, Jazz and Gospel, the
music is part o f the celebration of
Black Music Month.
Job opportunities and careers are
reviewed in four pages of news and
See Page B4
See Section C, inside
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See Metro, Section B
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Reno Walks King Neighborhood
olice Chief Charles Moosetook
U.S. Attorney General Janet
Reno, the n a tio n ’s top law
enforcement official, on a tour of inner*
Northeast Portland Monday.
’ i f
M a rc h e rs P ro te s t
Fa rra kh a n
N A A C P’s historic sum m it in Balti­
more, Md. was m omentarily disturbed when
m archers protested the inclusion of Nation
o f Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. Farrakhan
is being attacked for alleged homophobia,
anti-sem itism and racial separatism . The
conference drew about 80 A frican-A m eri­
can leaders. Som e civil rights leaders con­
dem ned Farrakhan as an exponent o f racial
hatred and anti-Jew ish rem arks.
Help For S tu d e n t Loan
D e b ts
■ s
The U .S . D epartm ent o f Education has
a program to cancel student loan obliga­
tions or defer them in some cases, however
quite a few restrictions apply. The program
is offered to those with Perkins loans, also
called National Direct Student loans, who
work in certain professions that include
teachers, nurses and some social workers.
Those having trouble with their paym ents,
w hile still a student, in bankruptcy, unem ­
ployed or suffering from some economic
hardship, may get their paym ents deferred.
For more inform ation, ask for a copy o f the
Student Aide G uide by calling 1-800-433-
D o c to rs N a m e B la ck
P re sid e n t
p l
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The prestigious A m erican M edical A s­
sociation has selected Dr. Lonne Bristow,
64, at its first black president in its 147-year
history. Bristow is the current chairm an of
the AM A board and is the only black m em ­
ber. He was unopposed for the position, and
his selection was greeted with a standing
ovation at the AM A annual meeting. Under
B ristow ’s leadership, the board has refined
its national health care reform proposal to
call for a blend o f insurance coverage.
B la ck Te e n s La g In Jo b s
The num ber o f Black teenagers among
the unem ployed is growing, despite em ­
ploym ent gains by other populations. Labor
D epartm ent figures show the nation’s un­
em ploym ent rate has fallen to its lowest
level in nearly four years. The overall 6
percent jobless rate means more people are
finding work. The exception was black teen­
agers which has an unem ploym ent rate of
40 percent, up from 32 percent in January.
By contrast, jobless among white teens stands
at 15 percent. Experts fear the failure o f
black youth to find jobs will force more o f
them into crim can d otheranti-social activi­
ties. The unemployment figures show whites
with a jobless rate o f 5.2 percent; Hispanics,
9.5 percent and blacks, 11.5 percent.
M u h a m m a d Le a ve s
H o sp ital
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Controversial Nation o f Islam spokes­
man Khallid Abdul M ohammed was re­
leased from the hospital after suffering bul­
let wounds to the legs in an apparent assas­
sination attem pt. M oham m ed, who has an­
gered w hites, especially Jew s with his
speeches, was reported to being doing fine.
A disgruntled former Muslim minister James
Bess o f Seattle, has been charged with a t­
tem pted m urder as a result o f the shooting
at the University o f California at Riverside.
R eno took a half-hour walk in the area of
King Elem entary School, 4906 N.E. Sixth.
Earlier, Moose and his wife, Sandy, held
a reception at his hom e in the King N eighbor­
hood, attended by Portland M ayor Vera Katz.
Reno was in Portland to address the
Conference o f U.S. Mayors.
T he w alk occurred during an unseason­
ably cool evening, and Reno encountered
little vehicle traffic or pedestrians other than
15 press representatives who surrounded her.
She talked with Katz and M oose about
President C linton’s crim e bill and w hat it
offers, programs such as job training and
after-school activities.
T he crime bill being considered by C on­
gress would authorize the spending of more
than S20 billion over the next five years. The
bill would include m oney to help police live in
the cities where they w ork, rather than in the
suburbs where m any law enforcem ent offic­
ers now live.
In Portland for exam ple, over half of the
police officers employed by the city, live
outside its boundaries. But not C hief Moose.
T he visit w as to show Reno w hat it’s like
for a police chief to live in the heart of the city
he oversees.
M any residents find M oose’s decision to
live in the neighborhood as symbolically im ­
portant. They also see it as a good step in the
on-going efforts to fight drugs and crime.
The conference of mayors is urging its
m em bers to press for measures in the final
anti-crim e bill w hich include funding for
100,000 newcommunity-policing officers and
a ban on assault weapons.
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U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno (right) tours inner-Northeast Portland's King Neighborhood with Portland Police Chief
Charles Moose, a resident of the community, and Mayor Vera Katz. Reno said President Clinton's crime bill provides
incentive to police officers to live in the neighborhoods they serve. Reno was in Portland to address the annual Conference
of U.S. Mayors.
OJ. Simpson
Questioned In Deaths
Polk Graduates As
Medical Doctor
A n g e le s
P o lic e
questioned football Hall of
FamerO.J. Simpson Monday
in the death of his former wife
25-year-old man.
arcus Q. Polk, son of
Jerome and Lajoyce Polk
o f Portland, graduated
Friday from the Oregon Health Sci­
ences University School o f Medicine
with a doctor o f m edicine degree. He
was the recipient o f the school’s Spe­
c ia l R e c o g n itio n a w a rd fo r a
graduating student.
The Portland O bserver, saluted
Polk as a role model in 1989, citing
his dedication, ambition and desire to
succeed in his chosen field.
Polk was bom and raised in Port­
land. He graduated from Benson High
School in 1986. He attended Harriett
Tubman M iddle School and was a co­
op student at Jefferson High School.
He begins a one-year residency
at Emanuel and Good Samaritan hos­
pitals in Portland on June 20, and will
continue a residency for three more
years in A d anta.G a., specializing in
the medical field o f anesthesiology.
P olk’s undergraduate work was
a rc u s Q. Polk
at Jackson State University, Jackson, Miss.,
were he attended college on a golf scholar­
ship. He played collegiate golf for two years
before deciding to concentrate on a pre-m edi­
cine curriculum . He graduated for JSU in
1990 with high honors.
At OHSU, he received various awards
and scholarships, including the Oregon M i­
nority A chievem ent S ch o larsh ip , Jackie
Robinson Foundation - R alf E. W ard Award,
and CIBA - GEIGY Com m unity Service
Award. He was the first student to ever hold
a seat on the Oregon M edical A ssociation
Board o f Trustees.
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The National Football League star and
Heisman Trophy winner was not arrested
in the deaths o f Nicole Brown Simpson, 35
and Ronald Lyle G oldman.
His attorney, Howard W eitzman, in­
sisted that his client is innocent.
Police questioned Simpson for two
hours, saying they were not ruling out
anyone’s possible involvem ent in the Sun­
day night slayings.
Sources said a bloodsoaked glove be­
lieved used during the killings was found at
Sim pson’s house.
Police officers said little about the
crime, but indicated there were signs o f a
struggle, and that there was no evidence of
a robbery or a burglary.
Shortly after a passerby found the bod­
ies, police began looking for the football
star, learning a few hours later that he was
in Chicago.
W eitzm an said his client had taken a
“red-eye” flight som etim e in the “ late
evening” on Sunday.
Pete Phillips, general m anager o f the
O ’Hare Plaza Hotel near O ’Hare Airport,
said the football star checked into the hotel
at 6:15 a.m . Monday and checked out a few
hours later, after police called him.
Phillips said Simpson told him that
Hertz, the auto rental com pany for which
Simpson has long been a spokesman, was
holding “a function” in Chicago.
His com m itm ent at community service
includes work with the Portland Sickle Cell
A nemia foundation, Kappa Alpha Psi Frater­
nity, Inc., Par Excellence Junior G olf Pro­
gram , Urban League o f Portland, Housing
Authority o f Portland and Oregon Medical
Extracurricular activities included mem ­
berships in the American M edical A ssocia­
tion, Multnomah County Medical Society,
Oregon Medical A ssociation and Student
National Medical Association.
His hobbies are golf, basketball and ten­
Yellow police tape marked the drive­
way o f S impson ’ s estate, which is about two
miles from the townhouse where the kill­
ings a took place. Cardboard marked small
reddish-brown stains leading to a point
about 50 feet from the garage.
Police emerged from the S impson man­
sion carrying two white Reebox gym shoes
in a clear plastic bag. A police source said
investigators were going to compare them
with footprints found at the scene o f the
Police sources said they had been called
to the townhouse several times in the past to
deal w ith dom estic disputes betw een
Simpson and his ex-wife.
S impson, 46, and his former wife were
divorced in 1992, three years after he pleaded
no contest to a spousal battery charge filed
after he allegedly hit her, kicker her and
told her, T i l kill you.”
Friends said the couple had been at­
tempting to get back together in recent
m onths, but the reconciliation attem pt had
ended several weeks ago.
Detectives said the S impson ’ s twochil-
dren, Sidney Brooke, 9, and Justin, 6, were
asleep in the home when the slayings took
During his two years at the University
o f Southern California, Orenthal James
Simpson equaled or bettered dozens of
records and won the Heisman Trophy in
He was drafted in the first round by
Buffalo in 1969 and went on to establish a
NFL single-season rushing record o f 2,003
yards in 1973. In 1985, he was inducted into
the Pro Football Hall of Fame.
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