P age B? J une 8, 1994 • T he P ortland O bserver Ä’ Welcome To The 1994 Vancouver Festival C-Tran Festival Shuttle Service Saturday 8:00 a.m. -11:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Avoid traffic congestion by park­ ing your car in one of six convenient locations. Both shuttles operate on 15 minute frequencies. You will arrive at the downtown 7th Street Transit Center - an easy one-block walk to the festival. North Shuttle Arrives and departs from the #73 boarding location at 7th Street Tran­ sit Center. • Clark College Parking avail­ able on south and east sides of Ap­ plied A rts B uilding and along McLoughlin Blvd. (on the street). • Hudson’s Bay High School Board on East side of school, along <- - Vi I Reserve Street. • Clark Public Utilities Park in lot and board along Fort Vancouver Way. > - • o & O k_ ) a > sz Columbia S t » i51li: \ i ;;/• A s,, , , •?>' A . A! SS*SV23 b its iVÏSp co /■2S5S / South Shuttle Arrives and departs from the # 14 boarding location at 7th Street Tran­ sit Center. • Fort Vancouver/SR 14 Park & Ride • Old Apple Tree Park Across from Who Song & Larry’s on E. Columbia Way. • Vancouver Landing at Termi­ nal One At the west end of the Red Lion Inn of the Quay. Entrance off Columbia Street. Mi O A/ ■ A i t / A ' I Mt 1 11 ___ I 8 _ 1. : ■ '/ ■ r : 2 1 • L_ • i ' 1 : *¡ - ; J ■ ! a ! -y 1 ,,L _ J ' POWELL’S CITY OF BOOKS 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Alvin 0 7 chases are subject to a handling fee.) The opening gala is an open-air festival. Sidewalk seating is available for dining, conversation and people­ watching. There will be plenty of room to dance, and once the show starts, you’ll want to do just that! Starting at 5:30 p.m. a pre-gala dinner will take place at the First Interstate Tower. Patrons have their choice of a 4-course dinner of chilled poached filet of salmon or garlic- roasted tenderloin of beef, beer and wine beverage, and, of course, a ticket to the show with reserved seating. Cost is $55 per person. Call the Down­ town Vancouver Association 693- 2847 for reservations. N ew & used books on Business, M usic, & African-Am erican Studies Don’t Miss Alvin and the Chipmunks ¡8 Main S t party unsurpassed in the history of Vancouver and Clark County. This is a full evening o f outstanding talent that you’ll never forget! Come early to enjoy street performances featur­ ing live music, dance and juggling - all prior to the main show. You’ll need a ticket to attend. Tickets are limited - get yours now! Advance general admission tick­ ets are $15. Day of the event gate admission is $18. Purchase tickets at Columbia Arts Center, 400 W. Ever­ green Blvd., Paradise Cafe at 13th and Main Streets, and all Fred Meyer FASTIXX locations. FASTIXX ac­ cepts credit card orders by calling 503/224-TIX X . (FASTIXX p u r­ |(O 1 ÎM LxJ W ashington S t ing an array of family-oriented enter­ tainment, exhibits, demonstrations and hands-on activities. Set in a 12- block area, each comer presents a new adventure. Your presence, par­ ticipation and enthusiasm confirms our community’s fun-loving spirit and evolving “cultural wings.” Enjoy the festival, a prelude to the multitude of events available all year. Brian Wolf, Chairman, 1994 Vancouver Festival Friday, June 17, 1994. This inaugural event brings to our community the best in entertain­ Opening Night Gala with ment and family activities. We have The Temptations developed a festival that will have a and Mary Wilson short as well as long term impact on Of The Suprêmes our community and allows Vancou­ Main Stage ver to take its rightful place in the regional economy. The Vancouver 4:30 p.m. - Midnight Festival -” Where S ummer Begins” is W e’re kicking off the Vancouver a 3-day outdoor extravaganza boast- Festival in a big way with an outdoor <0. 5 j C . and the Chipmunks with guest The Straw berry M j 9 AM- 11 Jam Band at Main Stage 9 co-sponsored by First In­ Brbadway terstate Bank, this na­ fo r m in g M onday though Saturday am - 9 pm Sundays U sed books bought every day till 8:30 pm O n the # 2 0 Bus line • O ne h o u r free parking tional touring group per­ “C” S t pm 1005 West B urnside Street “R o c k in ’ 228-4651 Through the A ges.” n g r u i« Z tz /4 , Q & tr th c ° to Announcement Zoe Z ahara Cox was bom May 18,1994 at Providence Medi­ cal Center. She weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces and was 20-1/4 inches. Parents are Thomas and Tonya- Marie Cox of Tigard, grandpar­ ents are Cynthia Rabideau of Port­ land and John and Joanne Cox o f Louisville, KY, and a great-grand­ parent is Vera Cox of Rushville, IL. - ________________________________________> L anita D uke , G rassroot N ews 1 I CI T ! G osp ----------- r-n------------------ at S t A n A’■ ’ 91 In the light over solid waste, we don’t point fingers. We point to answers. O u td o o r Printed a* In this n pubin senke p iih in a lu m . V ?? 1 I r ' F e s t iv a l & C om m unity J u n e 2 5 , .VE Ninth F ah ?, d. AlbcrUu Noon to D usk F r e e & O p e n i o F ood ! M usic ! A r t ! W a r e s ! F un ! H oly S pirit ! - Info:. 2 3 4 -9 0 4 3 . K e e p \ m ir ic a B e a u tifu l h a s th e a n sw e rs. Î > ÍÍ U V I B ftoth s p a c e a v a ila b le . l-SOO-l SA-4-KAB T r d* / in c Public All Senior Citizens Are Invited To Attend The 22nd Annual Fishing Derby Sponsored by The Urban League of Portland’s Senior Ser­ vice Department. June 24, 1994; 9:30 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.; Sauvie Is­ land Registration Fee: $5.00. For more information, contact Bob Barner or Pauline Reed, 248-5470, Ext. 4545 For THE DUKE REPORT Award Of Excellence Best Of The Northwest Video Festival 1994 K orean A merìcan G rocery A ssocìatìon O f O reçon AlbfRTA S t . M ar I< et M id-K B eauty Supply D e I< um Food M ar I cet 9 1 5 NE AI òerta 281-6588 541 I NE MLK Blvd. 55 5-0271 800 NE D e I oim 285-1240 Kiwq Food M art P rescott C orner M ar I cet A ìimswort U M ar I< et 5510 NE MLK Blvd. 281-0557 1460 NE P rescott 284-7418 5949 NE 50th 281-0479 Also H as Vidso R enta I W e AppREciAtE Y our B usìness A nc I SuppoRr, TltAoik You