P age A5 T he P ortland O bserver • J une 8, 1994 Making A Home Safe, Not Unsightly If your house falls victim to burglary, chances are an unlocked door was the entry point. How­ ever, according to Joe Freeman of J.P. Freem an, a national security research firm, if the doors are locked, burglars will consider one more option - windows. In 1992, four of 10 burglaries occurred using windows for pri­ mary access. Freeman said when both doors and windows are se­ cure, most burglars will set their sights on another home. According to Dave Culver, president, Pella Window & Door Co. of Oregon Inc., a local dis­ tributor of Pella Wood Windows and Doors, security does not have to mean loud sirens and bars over every ground floor window. “ Professionals and consum ­ ers have more standard security options for new and replacem ent windows than ever before,” said Culver. “We recommend looking for windows that are effective against tampering and do not sac­ rifice other factors such as energy efficiency and durability.” Cßy fo/bie O n e o f a Ü fiô n d W ttfc o e tâ o U e b W Oßoo/iA 3Àe ßupina/ jdfutun Jfeufaye ttiu/ÿ 31Me (fe n Culver said m ulti-point lock­ ing systems are a popular security feature. These system s secure windows, patio doors and French doors at the side, bottom and top. In a well-designed system , all three points activate with one h a n d le . The e a se m ak es homeowners more likely to keep windows and doors locked, while the design reduces frame warpage caused by the uneven pressure of dual lock handles. The American Society of Testing M aterials gave the m ulti-point system its highest security rating for doors. F inally, C ulver suggested c o n ta c tin g th e lo c a l p o lic e departm ent’s crime prevention bureau for specific recommenda­ tions of lock and window brands with added security features. Bu­ reaus generally recommend any­ thing that will slow a burglar down - even using double-paned glass since it takes longer for burglars to get through. For a free informational package about selecting windows and doors for the home, call 1-800-847-3552. Enjoy the 86th Annual Grand Floral Parade on Saturday, June 11 at 10 a.m. Parade route runs along Memorial Coliseum to Downtown Portland. Spring Plants to Upgrade Neighborhood A troubled apartment complex once known as “crack alley,” is getting a touch of spring. Tenants and neighbors of the Maya Angelou Apartments at North Mason and Borthwick were scheduled to gather Saturday to plant flowers and shrubs donated by local nurseries and growers. The beautification of the complex (once closed by police because of rampant drug dealing and gang activity) symbolizes a community-wide effort to reclaim the apartments for the families and children of the neighborhood. Housing Our Families, a women’s non-profit community development corporation, is in the process of renovating the complex. Since acquiring the property in August 1993, they have been working to physically rehabilitate the apartments and to increase the safety and liveability of the entire area. Over the past nine months, Housing Our Families has held four community forums and has met with hundreds of neighborhood residents to identify their concerns and to assist them in developing projects to address their needs. The Spring Planting Day was planned by a group of community residents working together to take back their neighborhood from drugs, gangs, and physical decay. The event is organized in partnership with the Master Gardener program and Taproots, a volunteer group which collects donated plants from local nurseries. J.L. Lawn Service Phone (503) 288-4906 Pager 940-7721 ^M onday - A 'liday J:00-7:00/nn W ifaftO tday J0:00a/>n-6:00/wn 2808 otiff i/Madin ’/tin y 2ß/rd. fo/tie W ’./Ktittey ^achtem (503) 2 8 8 -5 2 4 6 McMurphy's Appliance Center UJasher fit D ryer5199“ Refrigerators From 5129“ Ranges From *129“ Great Rate Home Equity loans. OZ ZO SIMPLE INTEREST RALE O pen Mon. ■ Fri. 9:00am to 5:00pm Saturday 10:00am to 2:00pm W hether i t ’s a new fa m ily room, that car you've hod your eye on. o r the kids educotion, 'O Z Sunday dosed your desires con be 'APR met with the help A of a home equity loon from West One Bonk. Because right now. for a lim ited time. West One is offering low rote Home Equity loons. It's a great way to borrow CARPET CLEANERS NEW Generation $1400 per mo. We are #1 in the world. 43 Countries Strong Fortune 500 Company ★ NO W HIMPSI* Teachable • Hard Workers Only 15 People Needed • All Jobs Provided You Just Work. Call 579-6819 Need Dependable Vehicle using the equity in your home, and the interest payments moy be tax deductible (consult your tax advisor). So now is the time to oct. Rotes this low won’t lost much longer. Jf ¡ q so put down your hammer. pick up the phone and coll J-800-96 7-93 78 or drop by the nearest West One jK f branch today BAN K