P age A3 p e r s p e c t i v e s “Ethnic Hawaiians Seek Own Nation” The A ssociated Press report de­ hat headline w as assigned to a recent A ssociated Press scribes a'Tractious sovereignty move­ d isp a tc h to th e n a tio n ’s m ent” by a small but grow ing group, intent - on gaining some form o f inde­ m edia(June 3,1994). A lready, anum ber of O bserver readers have called to pendence for 140,000 ethnic and question the truth o f this statem ent; a “part-H aw aiians” who make up 12.7 flag-w aving p ro testo r for “native percent of the population. Following rights is show picketing a public park a trend th at began -- and he looks as close to being of w ith th e n a tio n ’s African descent as, say. President w h ite m e d ia a fte r p u b lic a tio n o f the Clinton. W hat these startled readers re­ 1990 O b se rv e r ar­ m em ber is my nationally distributed ticle, the press now article o f February 14, 1990: “H a­ m entions, how ever briefly, “ ...the over­ waii; A m erica’s Best K ept Secret. The article began, “W hen the U.S. thrown o f the Hawaiian monarchy by M arines surro u n d ed the beautiful a group led by American business­ palace o f the last A frican Q ueen of men and supported by U.S. Troops. Hawaii, Q ueen M innie Lifliuokalani, The Portland O bserver gave a ' realis­ on Jan. 17,1 8 9 3 , the end was at hand tic’ account. “I Liliuokalani, by the G race of for the 200-year rule o f Black Dynas­ G od and under the C onstitution o f the ties over the fabulous Pacific Island. T Hawaiian Kingdom, Queen, do hereby solem nly protest against any and all acts done against m yself and the C on­ stitutional G overnm ent of the Hawai­ ian Kingdom by certain persons claim - ing to have established a Provisional G overnm ent o f and for the Kingdom. N ow to avoid any col­ lision o f armed fo r c e s , an d perhaps loss of life, I do under this protest and im p e lle d by said force yield my authority until such tim e a s th e G o v e rn m e n t o f th e U n ite d S ta te s sh a ll upon the fa c t b e in g p re se n te d to it undo the a c tio n o f its re p re s e n ta tiv e a n d r e in s ta te m e in th e a u th o r ity w h ic h I c la im as the C o n stitu - Cynthia tim es encounters from other children. Counseling has helped Cynthia learn to talk about her feelings, to handle frustration better, and to in­ crease her social skills. This fifth grader is described by teachers as tury o f effort on the part of Americans to outflank the Europeans in the great ' M anifest D estiny’ predicated race to gobble up an annex the remaining lands on the earth still occupied by peoples o f color. U.S. corporations and m issionaries had gained a foot­ hold in every aspect of Hawaiian in­ frastructure and culture, and had now m ounted a final assault upon the last Black ruler. Queen Liliuokalani was im prisoned, but noble woman that she was, com posed several beautiful songs. A verse from one spoke forgiv­ ingly, ' Behold man not with m alevo­ lence, but with forgiveness.’ A Bir­ mingham Jail, if you w ill!” The aim s o f the Hawaiian “free­ dom fighters” are described by the m edia as ranging from autonom y -- a nation within a nation concept sim i­ lar to w hat some native Americans have - to reparations, improved home­ stead rights, etc. Some are trying to provoke United N ations intervention. All in all, this should be a very inter­ esting exercise; the United States has domination over a num ber o f South Pacific territories w hose original owners are African. W e close with another statem ent o f m ine that has had nationwide distribution. It was in the 1970s when a white student in my Black history class reported that his father, w ho operated one o f Portland’s largest Cruise Line Clubs, had told him about his lessons. “ Your talking rubbish - who in the hell do you think I can persuade to spend $5,000 on a South Seas cruise to see a bunch of niggers (sic)? They can do that right dow n on Union A venue!” That is when I coined the term, "Travel Agency Anthropology.” Club Donates Tapes To Library Helping Children Heal Several hundred children in the N orthw est, including m any African- A m erican ch ild ren , are curren tly aw aiting adoptive fam ilies. T hese children have experienced extrem e neglect or abuse, and now need the loving guidance o f new parents to help them heal and grow . Som e o f the children are school aged, some are babies and toddlers, and som e come in sibling groups or pairs. O ne such “ w a itin g c h ild ” is 1 1 -y e a r-o ld C ynthia, a sweet, shy girl who says she wants an A frican-A m erican fam ­ ily to adopt her. As a young child, Cynthia was severely abused, and later abandoned by her birth family. She has had re­ constructive surgery on her hands to remedy the effects o f burning, and may need future surgeries in her ado­ lescent years. Fortunately, she has good use o f her hands, and is learning how to deal with the teasing she some- tio n a l S o v ereig n o f the H a w a iia n I s la n d s ...” The United States, o f course, chose not to “undo the action o f the representative,” and by 1900, the multi-trillion dollar empire o f H a­ waii, had become an American T erri­ tory, and a state by 1959. It is am azing how our government can send in the marines to occupy an island when our “national security interests” are in­ volved - - 1 was thinking o f H aiti. In this respect, the next paragraphs of our original article proceeded to give a more specific frame o f reference. This w as accom panied by photos which left no doubt we were talking about people who could be seen ev­ eryday on W illiams Ave. or MLK Jr. Blvd. N ot like the Associated Press photos. “These events culminated a cen­ c o o p e r a tiv e a n d w e ll-b e h a v e d . Cynthia receives academic support through special education classes. W hen not in school, Cynthia spends her free time at the Boys and G irls C lub, where she participates in many activities. She looks forward to be­ com ing part o f a family w ho will share her interests and understand the deep hurts she has experienced. A patient loving parent is needed to help Cynthia com plete the tasks of grow ing up. In a d d itio n to a d o p tiv e fa m i­ lie s, te m p o ra ry fo ste r fa m ilie s are a lso n e e d e d fo r c h ild re n o f a ll a g e s. O reg o n a g e n c ie s w a iv e o r re d u c e fees fo r fa m ilie s a d o p tin g n o n -in fa n t c h ild re n , an d o n -g o ­ in g fin a n c ia l a ss is ta n c e m ay be a v a ila b le . F o s te r fa m ilie s re c e iv e a m o n th ly stip e n d . T o le a rn m o re , c a ll the S p e c ia l N eed s A d o p tio n C o a litio n a t 2 2 2 -9 6 6 1 . A check for the taping o f books by Pulitzer Prize W inner, Black Au­ thor Toni M orrisson, was presented by the Literary Research Club to the A lbina Branch Library. Tapes will be made o f “Tar Baby”, “Jazz” and“Song o f Solom on” the presentation repre­ sents the C lub’s ongoing community service project to place books by Black A uthors in the com m unity. The Al­ bina Branch Library located at 15th Avenue and Frem ont Streets repre­ sents a central location for commu­ nity use. M s. C arol Uhte, Senior Li­ brary A ssistant o f the Branch ac­ cepted the g ift “Flossie the Fox” by Black Author, Patricia M cKissick, was the book presentation. The Club also presented several ch ild ren ’s books by other multi-cultural authors. The Literary Research Club, or­ ganized in 1927, is a m em ber o f the O regon A sso c ia tio n o f C o lo red W om en’s Clubs. They sponsor an annual “Koffee Klatch” for this project which is their priority; how ever, they L to R Arid Thomas, member; Carol Uhte, Senior Library Assistant, Albina Branch Library and Mattye lies, President, Literary Research Club do engage in m any other community services. M onthly literary programs include book reviews, current events and historical site visits. The club is also developing its history. Mrs. Mattye lies is President. Mem- bers are, Mrs. Irene Cranford Mrs. Alene Grice, Mrs. Esdella Jackson, Mrs. Hame Belle Paris, Mrs. Bernadette Plummer, Mrs. Arie Thomas, Mrs. Cyvira Woods, Ms. Bema Deanne Plummer and Mrs. Betty Thompson.. T .Jb, Supporting Our Scholars of Tomorrow.. .Today. Ÿ ELACKS ’N GOVERNMENT TRI - COUNTY CHAPTER ANNUAL BANQUET DATE: Thursday - June !6 , 1994 TIM E: 7 - 9 pm PLACE: KING NEIGHBORHOOD FACILITY 4815 N.E. 7TH Soul Food Dinner * Entertainment * Motivational Speakers Award will be presented to Repesentatlve Avel Gordlcy Y ’al! Come! Speakers: Bishop We'is Imam Malik Shabaaz Kathleen Sadat Dr. Rodney Paige Cost: $ 7 .0 0 per person BEAUTY SUPPLY, INC. 5^ ? Presents Hands On Work Shop By Mizani If we a re to have scien tists, e n g in e e rs and o th e r p ro fessio n als for tom orrow , we m ust start today. O u r n a tio n 's fu tu re d e p e n d s on its g reatest natu ral re so u rc e , o u r young people. serve m in o rity students. O u r c o m m itm e n t to U N C F is o n ly p a rt o f B row n & W illia m so n ’s, Receive your certified papers on, Sales and use of the p ro d u c t Only the license, Certified Cosm otaligist and Barber will receive full use A nd th e ir key to th e fu tu re is e d u c a tio n . But m any stu d en ts sim ply c a n ’t affo rd to o f this p ro d u ct atten d college. G o v e rn m e n t c u tb a c k s in e d u c a tio n su p p o rt, few er stu d e n t loans and D ate................. June 12,1994 Tim e------------- 1:00-4:00 Place 525 N. E. Killingsworth For more information please call, B.J. Beauty Supply-”Portland”- 503-331-0615 or B.J. Beauty Supply “ Seattle” 1-800-289-7685 Models Needed-hair Styles free e d u c a tio n a l o p p o rtu n itie s w ith c o n trib u tio n s to the U n ite d N eg ro C o lleg e Fund and d ire c tly su p p o rts in stitu tio n s o f h ig h e r le a rn in g that risin g c o sts have c o m b in e d to lim it ac c e ss to a co lleg e e d u c a tio n for m any m in o rity stu d en ts and o u r e m p lo y e e s' g ra n ts to e d u c a tio n . We know th e se fu tu re le a d e rs, now stu d y in g in co lle g e s and u n iv e rsitie s a c ro ss the co untry, need o u r help. G iven the o p p o rtu n ity , these young people will excel and secure a b righter fu tu re fo r th e m se lv e s and for all o f us. w h o need fin an cial assista n c e . T h a t’s w hy B row n & W illiam so n T obacco C o rp o ra tio n c o n tin u e s to su p p o rt B&W BROWN & WILLIAMSON TOBACCO CORPORATION Our Continuing Commitment to Community Service. “FREE”