The year: 1933. The music: Strictly Ellington. Unforgettable songs like Sophisticated Lady,.a smoky, jazzy song that spoke of Duke Ellington’s musical roots in the hot Harlem nightclubs of the day. Now,-in tribute to the 60th anniversary of this memorable song, the Duke Ellington Orchestra presents its first-ever collector doll. Beautifully sculptured in fine hand-painted bisque porcelain Dressed in shimmering satin and midnight-black dotted tulle. Holding a magnificent ostrich feather fan, And on her head, a stunning headpiece embellished with ostrich plumes. This exceptional doll is an exclusive offering in Franklin Heirloom Dolls' prestigious Gold Standard Series, the collector's criterion for design, quality, and craftsmanship. Just $195, payable in convenient monthly installments The Duke Ellington Orchestra presents its/irst-ever heirloom collector doll IH jkk E llington ' s A Historic 60th Anniversary Tribute SATISFACTION GUARANTEED II you wish to return any Franklin Heirloom Dofls purchase, you may do so within 30 days of your receipt of that purchase for replacement, credit or refund. Franklin Heirloom Dolls Franklin Center, PA 19091-0001 Please mail by September 30,1994 Please enter my order for Duke Ellington's Sophisticated Lady, presented by the Duke Ellington Orchestra and created by the award-winning artists of Franklin Heirloom Dolls. I need SEND NO MONEY NOW I will be billed for my specially imported doll in 5 monthly installments of $39* each, with the first payment due prior to Shipment. ’ Plus m y slate sales tax and a one-time charge o l $3 for shipping and handling SIGNATURE______________________________________________________ _____ __________ ALL ORDERS ARE SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE MR. MRS M ISS___________________________________________________________________ PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY ADDRESS_________________________________________________ API # _____________ CITY/STATE_______________________________________________________ Z IP __________ TELEPHONE # (_______________) __________________________________ ® i 99« fhd 1 57 4 1 -30 0 0 4-0 0 1 -8M EE