Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 08, 1994, Page 14, Image 14

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    P age B8
J une 8, 1994 • T he P ortland O bserver
Signs Of The Times
M. I saacs
hose who believe in
Jesu s
C h r is t, the
A nointed son o f the
Living God, are fully aw are of the
signs of the com ing again of this
same Jesus who sacrificed him ­
self, upon a cross, for a sinful
world; whose death, burial and
resurrection paid the penalty, the
wages of disobedience (sin) to the
W ill of God, the Father. There
are apparent, in these tim es in
which we now live, physical signs,
social signs and religious signs,
that make significant m an’s so­
c ia l r e s p o n s ib ility , s o rro w s,
strengths, sufferings, tem ptations
and victories in this life.
Physical signs: Isaiah ch. 34:
Isaiah Ch 35:1-2: Let the earth
hear! for the indignation of the
Lord is upon all nations and his
fury upon all their arm ies. VS 5,
For the L ord’s sword shall be
bathed in heaven; behold it shall
come down upon Idumea, (ie) a
place; Herod, the Great, King of
the Jews from 37 to 4 BCE was an
Idom ean, A ncient descendent of
EDOM. Physical signs are stated
thus: A great slaughter shall come
in the land of Idumea; the bul­
locks and the bulls, the unicorns
shall be slaughtered with them.
Streams shall be turned to pitch
(tar), the dust shall be as brim ­
stone; the whole land shall be­
come burning pitch; an accurate
d e scrip tio n of the w astes of
nuclear war. Thorns shall claim
dwelling places; Owls, wild beast
and vultures shall gather in this
waste and comfort through the
promise of the flourishing of the
beast of the fields and the birds of
the air and the blossoming of flow­
ers in this waste land. Isaiah Ch.
35 tells us to strengthen ourselves
for God will save us. The Way of
Holiness will be established. The
ransomed of the Lord shall re­
turn, and only the redeemed shall
walk there. Ezekiel 36:30 There
shall be no more famine. Believ­
ers are told to prophesy of these
things. Physical signs: A great
army from the north shall come
against Israel, so that ungodly
men may see the power of God.
Physical signs: D anie' Ch. 11, A
king shall rise and exalt him self
(anti-christ) above every god; he
will have no desire for women,
and he will honor forces, (vio­
len c e ); He sh all bring forth
strange gods, whom he shall ac­
know ledge and increase with
glory; he shall war against and
have power over Egypt, Libyans
and Ethiopians. These are the
physical signs of the end, when
M ichael, a great prince, shall
stand up for the people of God.
Social signs: Matthew 27:5-
7; “ Nations shall rise against na­
tions, false teachers famine, pes­
tilence, earthquakes, persecution
of C hristians, hatred children
against parents, men, lovers of
themselves; Great signs and won­
ders (by men) shall come to pass;
Mothers killing their children,
etc. These are the days of tribula­
tion and except they be short­
ened, no flesh would be saved.”
These signs are coming to pass
even as I write. Matt. 24:22-24.
Luke 21: “Men shall die of fear,
who have no anchor in C hrist, the
A nointed.” When we see these
things come to pass, we know that
the Kingdom of God is nigh at
hand.” Vet, the intellectual, the
proud, the non-believer persists
in vain things, holding to the false
notions that man is God and able
to do all things. Luke 21:25-26:
“There shall be signs in the sun
and in the moon and in the stars,
the sea and the waves shall roar.”
2nd. Thess. Ch. 2: “Let no man
deceive you for the day (the end)
shall not come until there be a
falling away of believers (follow ­
ing after vain fleshly things) and
that man of sin, the son of perdi­
tion be revealed.” James 5th Ch.:
Social signs: The rich shall weep
and howl for the suffering that
comes upon them; because they
have lived in pleasure on this
earth, wantonly pursuing the lusts
of the flesh; they have condemned
and killed the just; their gold and
silver is cankered; their riches
are corrupted, and their garm ents
are m otheaten. Men having rela­
tio n s h ip s w ith o th e r m en,
m other’s with sons and father’s
with daughters. Men debate and
fight over abortion rights and as­
sisted every imagination of the
thoughts of the heart are an evil
continually. Ezekiel 34: God will
search out his sheep and will de- '
liver them. Matt. 24:37-39: As
the days of No’e were, so shall the
President, Convention Coordinator
and Mrs. Lillian Whitlow, Second
Vice President, Program Chairman,
St. Paul
Missionary Baptist Church
8101 N . Fiske Ave.
Portland Oregon 97203
Dr. Joe S. Hardie, Pastor
We Invite You To Come And Worship With Us.
The Church Where Everybody is Somebody And Christ
Is All.
June 11-12,1994
A Christian Woman's Challenge
Rev. Denise Bell
ers to be agents of change in the
church and the larger community is
reflected in her service on many com­
mittees and boards.
Other luncheon features will in­
clude: the Annual Scholarship
Awards to graduating high school
seniors, Club Women of the Year
Awards and Arts and Crafts Awards.
Special program presentation will be
by the Soldiers Of Light Girl’s Club,
Ms. Heather Cain, President, Mrs.
Queen Ann Deloney, State Supervi­
sor, Miss Kimberly Barney, the
NACWC National Penny Queen,
1992-94 and Miss Celeste Calvin,
N.W. Region Penny Queen contes­
tant will be presented. Music will be
by vocalist Mr. Sam Jackson, III.
The State Meeting concludes
Sunday with the Annual Group
Church Visitation, this year to be Mt.
Olivet Baptist Church.
Mrs. Mary Harrison is State Presi­
dent. Mrs. Layola Brown, First Vice-
P.O. Box 11 437
Portland, OR 97211 , 288-2919
North Portland Bible College is offering two classes in its Summer
Session, starting, June 21: The Book of Romans, taught by Rev. Denise
Bell of Mallory Avenue Christian Church, and Highlights of Church
History, taught by NPBC Librarian, Elizabeth Nance. Class sessions will
be on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, from 6;30 to 9:30 p.m., June 21
through July 21.
V /ta/tv/ (j J /ie '( / h m m
‘Cpnwfoit/ - lA tcm o iia / k a u fe n
Lombard Chapel
3018 N. Lombard
Portland, Oregon 97217
Church Phone Number
North Portland Bible College
IS a fitiil dinvLofi
1 Sunday School -9:30am
Sunday Morning Wor­
ship Service - 11:00am
Sunday School Teacher's
Meeting Tues - 6:30pm
Bible Study Wednesday -
Prayer Meeting
Wednesday - 7:00pm
The Awards Lun
guests. Call 281-23(
Annual Women's Day
shall have their part in the lake of
fire and brimstone. These are the
social signs and the religious signs
and the physical signs of the end
of time. Rev. 22:12-13: Behold, I
come quickly, my reward is with
me to give every man according
as his work shall be, saith the
Lord. I am Alpha and Omega, the
beginning and the end, the first
and the last. Rev. 2 2 :1 6 :1, Jesus,
have sent mine angel to testify
unto you these things in the Churches.
I am the root of the offspring of David
and the bright and morning star. Rev.
22:4-5: and we (believers) shall see
His face, and His Name shall be in our
foreheads. Rev. 21: In a new heaven
and a new earth shall be the throne of
God. Rev. Ch. 21,22: In the Holy City
of a new Jerusalem, there shall be no
night there; and they (we) need no
candle, neither light of the sun for the
Lord God giveth light; And they (we)
shall reign forever and ever. These
are the signs; Behold, I come quickly,
saith the Lord.
103 NE Morris St., Portland, OR 97212
Rev. Denise Bell To Keynote
OACWC Awards Luncheon
The Oregon Association Of Col­
ored Women’s Clubs will hold their
Annual State Meeting Friday through
Sunday, June 17-19, 1994.
The convention theme/is Seek­
ing Contemporary Solutions To Old
Challenges” with focus on the press­
ing societal problems: Health Care,
Crime, Drug Abuse, Housing, Teen
Age Pregnancies and Housing Ineq­
uities. The theme is being addressed
by all National Association of Col­
ored W om en’s Clubs of which
OACWC is an affiliate.
Opening session will be Friday
evening atthe Pacific PowerCommu-
nity Service Center. Workshop focus
will relate to the NACWC National
Project: “Strengthening The Afro-
American Family-Dispelling Myths
About Health Care in the African-
American Community.” Awareness
and Prevention of HIV/Aids will be
addressed by Mrs. Carrie L. Holiday,
National Co-Chairman.
The Rev. Denise Bell, Senior
Pastor, Mallory Avenue Christian
Church, Portland, will be the Key­
note speaker for the Annual Awards
Luncheon, Saturday, June 18, 1994,
12:00 Noon at the Coliseum Red Lion
Inn, 1225 N. Thunderbird Way. Rev.
Bell is a graduate of Kean College,
New Jersey where she obtained her
B.A. in Public Administration. She
received her Master of Divinity De­
gree from the Denver Theological
Seminary, Denver, Colorado, major­
ing in Counseling. She was ordained
at the Park Hill Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ) Denver, in 1988.
She became Associate Paster at
Mallory Avenue Christian Church in
1989 and called as Mallory’s Senior
Pastor in 1991. Partnership with oth-
coming of the Son of man be.
R e lig io u s s ig n s : M ark
7:21,23: Out of the heart of man
proceed evil thoughts, adulteries,
fornications, murders, thefts, cov­
etousness, wickedness. All these
evil things come from within man.
Luke 17:28-30: Likewise in the
days o f L ot, men ate, drank,
bought and sold, They Builded
and Planted: Even thus shall it be
in the day when the Son of man is
revealed. Luke 21:28: And when
these signs begin to come to pass,
then look up, lift up your heads,
for your redemption draws nigh.
2nd. Timothy 3:1-5: In the last
day perilous times shall come.
Men shall have a form of godli­
ness, but denying the power of
God; From Such Turn Away. Rev.
9:2: Neither do they repent of
their murders, nor of their sorcer­
ies, nor of their fornication, nor
of the abom inable;... and m urder­
ers and whoremongers and sor­
cerers and idolaters, and all liars
Killingsworth Chapel
430 N. Killingsworth
Portland, Oregon 97217
heating oils
Saturday, June 11th At 11:30AM
• Seminars
• Urban League
• Collins Memorial Day Care
• Totally Dependent O n Christ
Best Cash Prices
104 NE Russell
Portland, OR 97212
Call for Quctel
jsH. Jjîaul (ÄtssTOitaru
^Baptist (ßjjurclj
Lunch Served Afterwards
Sunday, June 12th At 3:30PM
Speaker: Sis. M ary Davis
8101 N. Fiske Avenue • Portland Oregon 97203
Church Phone: 289-0147
Come and join us in this glorious time!!!
Study Phone: 2 i 3-1911
Sunday Service
M a llo ry Avenue
Christian Church
"Come to me all you mho ore
meary and heavy laden and I
uuill give you rest."
Sunday School
Bible Study
Evening Service
9:45am Sunday School
11:00am Morning Worship
7:30pm Tuesday Bible Study
and Prayer
Inter-racial C ongregation
126 N€ Alberto Portland, OR 9721 1 (503) 288-5173
Mt Olivet
Baptist Church
Has moved Sunday services to
Family Life Center,
8725 N. Chautauqua Blvd.,
at Willis Blvd.
Worship Services 8:00am & 11:00am,
Church School 9:30 to 10:30 am,
Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 NE Schuyler, 10:30am & 7:00pm
Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00am on KBMS
A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry
Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor
Church Office 116 NE Schuyler St. • (503) 284-1954
Pastor. Ro JamcsC C. Faulkner
We W elcom e You to The
Qüreatcr J^am t jBtepljcn
afflissinrtarg ¿(Baptist CCljurdf
“Serving The Lord
With Gladness”
Psalm 100:2
Sunday School 10am
Morning Worship 11:05
Prayer & Bible Study 7pm
Rev. G.L. Black I Pastor
3605 N.E. Mallory Ave.
(503)281-8117 Portland,
OR 97212
Rev. and Mrs. G.L. Black I