Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 08, 1994, Page 12, Image 12

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    J une 8, 1994 • T he P ortland O bserver
P age B ö
Is It Possible To Conclude A Story CRIME STOPPERS
Like South Africa? We’ll Try Again Ma"
Sex Char«*s
ing how to read and write to develop­
m P rof . M ckinley B urt
urfers from all over the ing curriculum s o f vocational guid­
w orld consider South ance. ' This is the know how needed in
Africa to be the home of South A frica’ said a W hite House
aide. Because of our history, we’re the
the "perfect wave,” far superior
to a n y th in g th a t C a lifo rn ia only country that has dealt with blacks in
beaches have to offer - or even such ways and manners. We have a
monopoly of training andexperience.”
Perhaps, one day, people from all
over the world also will consider South
Africa to be home o f the “perfect
dem ocracy.’’Butapparently there will
be a long and protracted struggle.
Mr. M andela understands this,
thoroughly! But, do we? Already,
some o f the black media has concerns
about the economic relevance of a
horde o f African American advisers
and ‘operators’ who would descend
upon South Africa as the “new profit
center for minority business.” Our
brethren abroad do not need the inept
m inistrations o f these polished so­
ph isticates in their S800 suits, long on
rhetoric and political skills, but un­
able to operate a 7-11 store success­
fully (they haven’t done so at home.)
B ut we have learned the jargon and
B.S. as we see from the following
quote in the black press.
“ As his ad visers disclosed, Presi­
dent Clinton has at his disposal 'c o n ­
sultants’ who are experts in all types
o f race relations skills, from group
dynam ics to motivation of the disad­
vantaged, from crash courses in leam -
Tri-Met Maps
Summer Events
T ri-M et’s new “Getting Around
T ow n” map is available ju st in time
for planning those summertime ac­
tivities for kids, the whole family or
ju st yourself. The brochure is free to
anyone in the Portland metropolitan
area, available at Safeway, Albertsons
and most other Tri-M et outlets.
Getting Around Town includes a
color map of the tri-county region, show­
ing parks, shopping centers, and other
popular summer destinations near Tri-
Met. It also lists phone numbers and bus
lines for music, theater and arts centers;
exhibits and museums; community
schools and centers; swimming pools;
hiking trails; fishing spots; movie the­
aters; shopping areas and more.
Tri-Met fares are 95 cents for most
rides; $1.25 for the longest trips. Day
tickets are $325. Special for summer,
Tri-Met is offering the discounted youth
pass - valid for unlimited travel during
June, July and August for $35. Tickets
and passes are available at Safeway,
Albertsons and most Tri-Met outlets.
For special schedule information,
call 238-RIDE.
? 5 '
May the Lord help his slow learn­
ers, please! In the meantime, nine
white U.S. Senators have enlisted the
servicesof a black man extraordinaire,
the Rev. Leon Sullivan - to design
and implement a long-term economic
development program for “CHINA.”
This is the genius who, beginning in
the 1960s with hisZion Baptist Church
congregation in Philadelphia, per­
fected the technique of bringing in­
dustry to the innercity unemployed
while at the same lime training them
in the relevant skills.
Today, these “Opportunities In­
dustrialization Centers” (Portland has
one) are the ' state-of-the-art’ proto­
cols for immersing populations into
the economic mainstream. And Rev.
Sullivan isa w orld-recognized expert
in industrial training and enterprise
formation. His centers are found in
the U.S., Canada, M exico, South
America, Europe, India and Austra­
lia, etc. It was to be hoped that this
was the type proven expertise the
administration would engage to struc­
ture the U.S. economic contribution
to South Africa - Real-time business
A student-of-the-month program
sponsored by Buffalo Ranch restau­
rants had been added to M adison
High School, W hitaker Middle School
and Faubian Middle School.
The restaurant will provide the
schools with certificates for free menu
item s to inspired students in each
“We have had wonderful com ­
ments about the program in other
markets, and I’m sure it will be a
success in Portland as well,” said Bill
Bermingham, Buffalo Ranch general
manager. “ In view o f current con­
cerns about school funding, it is im­
portant to encourage students. W e’re
happy to offer an incentive.”
The program is also in place at
Applegate Elementary, W estElem en-
tary.Faubion Elementary, Hollywood
Elementary, Powell Valley Elem en­
tary and Creston Elementary schools
in Portland.
The Buffalo Ranch is anew w est­
ern theme restaurant at 555 N.E.
persons, not acollection of politicians
and social programmers who have
never met a payroll or bottom line. It
is this kind and their ilk who blocked
“ Marcus Garvey” and will block Rev.
Sullivan if they can.
The “Perfect democracy” could
be further delayed, by factors we have
touched on before. That last minute
surge of frantic activity by D eK lerk’s
white governm ent and controlling
industry saw many new international
relations launched or enhanced. Not
the least of which involves South
A frica’s arms industry. Tielman de
W aal, executive manager o f Arma­
m e n ts C o rp , o f S o u th A fric a
(Armscor) said “ selling more mili­
tary gear abroad is the key to survival
for state industry, since the blacks are
preparing tocutm ilitaryexpenditures
in favor of social programs we must
double our exports to other parts of Af­
rica, Asia, the Middle East and Israel.”
In other words, these cold blooded
exploiters of the black race for 400
years -- and merciless exporters of
death as a client o f a misdirected
American foreign policy according to
several members of Congress - have
found a perverted way to blame the
real African people for further holo­
causts. The United Nations has just
announced, “W e want the Rwanda
killers punished.” One should not be
naive enough to suppose that the U.N.
plans on indicting and placing on
trial all the w orld’s intelligence ser­
vices, arms dealers and government
officials. The administration says “our
manufacturers need to continue for­
eign arms sales so as not to slow down
the recovery.”
Few speak out. Rep. Cynthia
McKinney, D-Georgia, has been very
vociferous in opposing project in­
creases in American Defense Indus­
try Sales (but not all Black Caucus
members). Sen. Mark Hatfield, R-
Oregon, has consistently opposed the
merchants o f death: “Six billion dol­
lars, 10,000 dead and the people o f El
Salvador are worse off than ever.”
We hope and pray that President
M andela’s dedication and strength of
purpose can keep all of his party on
task and on goal. There are other
assaults being fashioned or in pro­
cess. International “Waste M anage­
ment Firm s” are seeking African re­
positories for industrial and nuclear
wastes, seeking bribable or cash poor
governments. The tobacco compa­
nies like Phillip Morris, which keeps
a black “ V.P. for African M arkets”
criss crossing the continent in a dedi­
cated Lear Jet (Ebony), are gearing up
for huge third-world campaigns as
the major nations cut back on the
death-dealing poison. Will our broth­
ers and sisters survive? W ill mankind
survive, for it is a global village? Will
a perfect democracy succeed the per­
fect wave?
Commissioner Awards
$10,000 In Race
Discrimination Case
In a recent final order, Labor
Commissioner Mary W endy Roberts
ruled that the m anagem ent o f a Port­
land com pany, Northwest Fitness and
Supply , discrim inated against an
em ployee because he is A frican-
American. The com plainant, M ar­
quis M. M cNeil, alleged that the
com pany’s managers discriminated
against him and finally fired him
because o f his race. The com m is­
sioner upheld M cN eil’s allegations
o f discrimination, but found that he
was fired for reasons unrelated to
race. She ordered Northwest Fitness
and Supply to pay McNeil $10,000 in
compensatory damages for mental and
em otional distress.
Testimony revealed that a ra­
cially negative atmosphere existed at
the Sandy Blvd. store. For example,
the store’s retail m anager instructed
all employees to call a “code 22”
whenever two or more African-Ameri­
cans entered the store. Code 22 is an
employee alert that a suspected shop­
lifter is entering the store. M anage­
ment would not allow McNeil, who
was the advertising manager, to place
ads in The Skanner, and African-
American neighborhood newspaper,
because it “did not want to attract the
clientele The Skanner, would reach.”
W hen M cNeil suggested that they
hire two African-A m erican students
from Benson High School who were
regular custom ers, his m anager said
that they already had their “quota of
In her opinion, Com m issioner
Roberts writes that M cNeil “endured
frequent and repeated suggestions
through his supervisor that persons of
th e C o m p la in a n t’s ra c e w ere
untrustworthy as both custom ers and
potential employees.” However, she
rejected the argum ent that discrim i­
nation was the cause o f his discharge.
Evidence showed that m anagement
warned M cNeil that the interpersonal
relationship he had with a cow orker
was disruptive. W itness testimony
confirm ed that the em ployees’ atten­
tion to each other took them away
from their duties. M anagem ent fired
McNeil and the coworker, who is
white, at the same time.
The Clackam as County S h e riff s
Office, in cooperation with Crime
Stoppers, is asking for help in locat­
ing M ichael Patrick Smith. A rrest
w arrants charge Smith with Rape in
the First Degree and other sex-related
Smith pled guilty in October 1992
to sex charges involving two young
girls who were approximately 3 and 7
years old at time. One was his daugh­
He was scheduled to appear in
court for sentencing in February, but
never showed.
Smith is also known as M ichael
Patrick Fordham, a 36-year-old white
male, 5 foot, 9 inches tall, 170pounds,
with blue eyes and brown hair that is
According to recent information.
S m ith is re p o r te d ly liv in g in
M ilwaukie with a woman and her two
young children and working at a sal­
vage or wrecking yard in North or
Michael Patrick Smith
Northeast Portland.
Crime Stoppers is offering a cash
award o f up to $1,000 for inform a­
tion, reported to Crime Stoppers, that
leads to an arrest in this case, or any
unsolved felony crime, and you can
remain anonymous. Call Crime Stop­
pers at (503) 823-HELP.
Statistics On Gun
The following information was compiled By Handgun Control,
Inc., and the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence, and from New
York Times’ “Deadly Data on Handguns,” March 2,1994.
* In 1993, handguns were used in the murder of 33 people in Great
Britain, 38 in Sweden, 97 in Switzerland, 128 in Canada, 60 in Japan
and 13,220 in the United States.
• Every year, more than 24,000 are killed with handguns.
• A child or teenager commits suicide with a gun every six hours.
• The leading cause o f death for both black and white teenage boys
is gunshot wounds.
» Firearms kill more people between the ages of 15 and 24 than all
natural causes combined.
• More than 1,000 people were shot to death at work in 1992.
• In 1993,72 police officers were shot to death.
The following information was compiled by Oregon Health
Division ~ Center for Health Statistics: Deaths of Oregon residents
due to external causes - (Oregon residents that died in the state of
♦Firearms were used in 63 percent of all suicides in 1992.
*ln 1992,24 percent of all unnatural deaths involved firearms,
(unnatural = externa) causes)
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