J une 8, 1994 • T he P ortland O bserver P age B4 & (F.- Black Music Month State Fair Seeking Local Talent The Oregon State Fair Crafts Courtyard Stage is seeking local talent to book for this year’s performance schedule. The Crafts Courtyard is an area of the State Fair where craftspeople demonstrate their skills to the fairgoing public. Sam Bemardi, the stage coordinator, is looking for “an eclectic mix of high quality acts” to fill the entertainment schedule. Tradition­ ally, the Courtyard Stage has showcased acoustic music, however, it is not limited to that format. Bemardi is especially interested in including sidewalk perform­ ers in this year’s counyard. For more information and application forms, contact Bemardi at (503) 378-3247. Or write to him at 9955 Bethel Rd., Amity, OR 97101. The Oregon State Fair - “The Big One” is Aug. 25 through Sept. 5. Summer Carnival To Be Held At Collins Center The Grace Collins Memorial Center Parent, Teacher Association will be holding a Hot Dog Feed and Carnival at the Grace Collins Memorial Center 128 N. E. Russell June 25th at 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Members of the community are encouraged to attend and suppon the activities of the P.T.A. The Grace Collins Memorial Center is a 45 year old day-care, youth outreach agency and community center. The carnival is being sponsored by the P.T.A. as a fundraiser to help with cost for the children attending daycare to go on field trips to such places as the Children Museum, O.M.S.I. and the Zoo. There will be games, prizes, and hot dogs available. Javelina Hardy, parent chair of the carnival committee says the whole community is invited and we promise lots of fun for young and old alike. Script will be sold for purchases for games and hot dogs. Any questions call 249-3750 ask for Danny. J U N E T E E N T H C E L E B R A T IO N Saturday, June 18th, 1994 at the Texas I I A nnex 1625 N.E. Alberta St. • Portland, A 447-year tradition 'Gangsta Rap’ Is Focus Of MTV Special In a tim e w hen violence has b ecom e a dom inant facto r in the lives o f our youth, the c o n tr o v e rs y o v e r “ g a n g s ta ra p ” c o n tin u e s to build. D oes the lyrical content o f this genre of m usic influence behavior? D oes “g a n g sta ra p ” c o n trib ­ u te to th e d e lin q u e n c y o f to d a y ’s youth by glorify in g guns and d ru g s, or d o es it reflec t the rea lity o f life on the stre e ts? B ill S tep h n ey , co -c re ato r o f P ublic E nem y and p re si­ dent and c h ie f ex ecu tiv e o ffi­ cer o f his ow n label, S tepsun M u sic E n te rta in m e n t, w ill ap p ear on “G a n g sta Rap: An M TV S pecial R e p o rt” in an e ffo rt to answ er som e o f these q uestions. T he sp ecial is the la te s t p ro g ra m to s u p p o rt M T V ’s “ E nough is E n o u g h ” a n ti- v io le n c e c a m p a ig n to r a is e a w a re n e s s in y o u n g p eo p le o f the tra g ic c o n se ­ quences o f v iolence and m ake it a c ce p tab le to turn to n o n ­ violence solutions. Follow ing a M ay 25 p rem iere , “G an g sta R a p ” w ill a ir Ju n e 11 at noon and 9 p.m . In the segm ent “T he H is­ tory and D efinition o f G angsta R a p ,” S te p h n e y w ill ta k e view er through the d e v e lo p ­ m ent o f the gen re as he traces the histo ry and e v o lu tio n o f “g a n g sta ra p ” fro m its early roots in N ew Y o rk ’s H ip H op scen e, th ro u g h its d e v e lo p ­ m ent on th e W est C oast o u t o f the L os A ngeles g an g culture. A rtists in terv iew ed include: Ice -T , O nyx, Dr. D re, S noop D oogy D og, Easy E, T u p ac, and S p ice 1. A lo n g w ith S te p h n e y , M TV w ill also talk to Jerry H e lle r, g e n e ra l m an a g e r o f R uthless R ecords, Rev. Calvin B utts and Suge K night, c h ie f e x e c u tiv e o ffic e r o f D eath R ow R eco rd s about the role reco rd lab e ls and m anagers play in pro m o tin g and p er­ p e tu a tin g th e “ g a n g sta ra p ” im age. A re they resp o n sib le for m ark etin g neg ativ e m es­ s a g e s to y o u n g p e o p le o r m erely p ro v id in g an o u tle t for a rtistic e x p re ssio n ? T h ro u g h o u t the sp e cia l, M T V w ill ta lk w ith young people from d iffe re n t so cio ­ econom ic b ack g ro u n d s to ex ­ p lore how u p b rin g in g , e n v i­ ro n m en t, ra c e and o th er fa c ­ tors affe c t the w ay w e in te r­ pret and re a c t to m usic. O ther to p ics c o v ered in the p rogram in c lu d e : T u p a c S h a k u r: G a n g sta R a p p e r or N o t? and P erception and In flu en ce o f G a n g sta R ap. “ P eo p le are too o ften s a t­ isfied n o ting the problem s, but not c o n sid e rin g p o ssib le so lu ­ tio n s ,” sa id S tep h n ey . “ W e m ay be able to h eig h ten the level o f d isc o u rse if we can get past b lam in g the m essen ­ ger, to in v estig atin g why there is an au d ien ce fo r the m es­ sage. If an y th in g , w e w an t to keep pace w ith the rap p ers, because they are the ones w ho really h a v e b ro u g h t th is d is ­ cu ssio n fo rw a rd .” Portland Brewing Company continued a 447-year tradition of German brewing when it brought on-line at its new brewer classic copper brewing equipment purchased from the Sixenbrau Brewery in Nordlingen, Germany. The new brewery, funded in part by the first microbrewery public offering in the State of Oregon, increases the company's capacity and will soon feature the new “Brewhouse Taproom" for sampling its fine, hand-crafted beers. /)o you re A liie ÁNheu;er-bu?ch uses over 5,000 Workers f urrJ ou^ 300/000 ÓArrek o f beer a óa / z whlLe P o A I an H ftrevJNG Co. ^ 5 wlkiow ; of worker; fo fu r ñ out jO5t 140 l?ArreL5 A c/Ay? \ \. Crocx/ thine v/ç work cheAp H ere s the new beer that s causing a lot oi ta lk . B rew ed w ith a touch of O re g o n clover honey, not so m uch for sweet­ ness as for crisp n ess. d r a u g h t. F r o m , w h o e ls e ? O r e g o n s m o st A delicious success. I n bottles and on I h«- I.ui I«- IV« « F"hui Take« Million« O I Workers T « Make in s p ir e d h e e rc r a f te r, P o r tla n d B r e w in g C o m p a n y . ©PORTLAND B R E W IN G C O M P A N Y . P O R T L A N D OREGON OR 2 :0 0 p m - 2:00am A m u sem en t • Food • C rafts In fo rm atio n B ooths A vailable For Vendor Info C ontact C huck H inton 288-4677 or 288-8836 Celebrate Sponsored by: AFRICAN AMERICAN MEN’S CLUB, INC. Non-Profit P.O. Box 17431 Portland, Oregon 97217 Black Nuslc rionth CL lie ÏJn rtla n b (Obs erb er ‘ W ELCOM ES ZAP MAMA A-Sanctioned Rose Festival event in the heart of downtown Vancouver. WA. Outdoor Party Friday, June 17,4:30pm - Midnight Featuring The Temptations - 7:45pm Mary Wilson of The Supremes - 9:30pm At Main Stage, corner of Evergreen & Washington Advance tickets: $15.00 • At The Gate: $18.00 Tickets available at Fred Meyer FASTIXX outlets. Paradise Cafe, Columbia Arts Center This special evening of music will be preceeded < by a screening of MIZIKE MAMA the award winning ’ documentary portrait of 1 this internationally acclaimed group SAT. J U N E 18 Saturday, June 18„ 9:00am 11:00pm Free Admission 9:00am 1:00pm Kids Parade with Alvin & The Chipmunks C Street & E . 13th Brainw aves Improvisational Group Comic Humor Visual Arts Stage 4:00pm Tom Grant Main Stage $ 1 6 .5 0 ADVANCE 6:00pm Swing Line Cubs Main Stage 3 0 1 7 S E M IL W A U K IE AT P O W E L L 8:00pm KWJJ Country Night Main Stage A L A D D IN T H E A T E R HL SHOWS SU IT AT WW • TICMTS IT ILL TICKSTMISTER OUTLETS CHIICl IT PHOM 224 4400 SUIKCT TO USUIL COHVFHKHCF ff I TICKS TS 4LS0 IT PlOU S I f STAMMT TAKEOUT COUNTSI 3023 SI MILWAUKIE 234 7000 F0I INFORMATION COIL 233 1994 Sunday, June 10„ 10:00am 6:00pm Free Admission 3:00pm Curtis Salgado & The Stilettos Main Stage 5:00pm Crazy 8 s Main Stage * Other events appear on four stages throughout the weekend. For a complete list of events, consult the official Vancouver Festival Program Guide. Other events include: Art Avenue - Fine artists on display on various street comers around town. Kids hands-on activities Beer & wine garden Food vendors Presented by the Vancouver Festival Association (206)693-2978 it "V - y ». .' 4 V ., ■>