Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 08, 1994, Image 1

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Grand Floral Parado
Dragon Boat Races
Festival Of Bands
Grand Floral Walk
Il's a Northwest classic that
begins Saturday at 10 a.m. from
Memorial Coliseum to
Downtown Portland.
A day o f colorful river races
Saturday and Sunday, 8:30 a.m.,
Tom M cCall Waterfront Park.
Hear top-notch high school
marching bands sound off
Friday, 7 p.m. at Civic Stadium,
Be part o f a parade by dressing
as a walking float (flowers
required), Saturday, 8 a.m.,
J u n e 8. 1994
"Serving the community through cultural diver:
Voinnin XXIV. Number 23
festival &0urt
Football Player
Chosen Rose
Festival Queen
1 lb
Parade Musicians
Perform Downtown
Tw o participants in the Delta Air
Lines Grand Floral Parade will offer free
concerts downtown.
The St. Petersburg Second Tim e
Arounders Marching Band arc adult mem ­
bers from former high school, college and
military marching bands. They perform
Friday at noon in front of the Standard
Insurance Center at Fifth Avenue between
Taylor and Salmon streets.
The M arching Handbell C hoir is the
largest handbell choir in the world con­
sisting o f 90 members from California,
O regon, W ashington, Idaho and the M id­
west. They perform Saturday, following
the parade, at First C hristian Church on
Southw est Park and Colum bia streets in
downtown Portland.
Watch The Parade From
Broadcast Area
You can watch the Delta Air Lines
Grand Floral Parade and be part of the
backdrop for the nationwide broadcast
Although reserved seats inside Memorial
Coliseum have sold out, additional gen­
eral admission scats have been added to
the outdoor seating area on the north side
o f the Coliseum.
O utdoor admission seating is $8 and
tickets are on sale at Ticketm aster outlets
or by calling 224-4400. The seating area
serves as a backdrop for the television
broadcast o f the parade which reaches
more than 21 million households in 25
cities across the nation.
“W atching the parade on-site at the
Coliseum means you can see the entries
when floats are at their freshest and march­
ing bands, equestrian units and drill teams
perform their songs and formations,” said
M arcia Apperson, chairman o f the Rose
F estival’s Grand Floral Parade Com m it­
Roses To Brighten Bess
Kaiser Hospital
Gardeners will win prizes and brighten
patient’s hospital stay on Tuesday at the
15th Annual Bess Kaiser Medical Center
Rose Show, organized by medical center
volunteers in cooperation with the Port­
land Rose Society.
Judges will select first, second and
third place winners in the following cat­
egories: red, pink, yellow white, bi-color
and m iniature roses. Entries will be ac­
cepted on the day o f the show between 7
a.m. and 9 a.m. at the medical center’s
main entrance, 5055 N. Greeley Ave.
Vases and entry forms will be provided.
The roses will be judged at 10 a.m. and
rem ain on public display until 1 p.m.
W ednesday, before being distributed to
hospital patients.
W hen picking roses for exhibition,
m ake sure the flower is half to 3/4 open
(roses continue to open once picked). Cut
the stem long and keep the rose in water
from the moment it’s cut.
M ichael L eighton
Andrea Tracy,
David Douglas
April Cason,
Sherrelle Penn,
Kara Barber,
/ 7 oy Lawrence is the first
t / football player to rule the
^F) mythical kingdom of Roseria.
The Lincoln High School girl was
crowned Senior Court Queen Thursday
among 14 princesses from area high schools
participating in the Portland Rose Festival
Queen Selection.
Lawrence, 17, was a kicker on the
b oy’s varsity football team last fall. She also
participated on the girl’s varsity soccer
team, girls varsity basketball team and a
num ber o f other sports and clubs. She plans
on participating in college sports and is
considering a career in medicine or aero­
The system of choosing princesses for
the Rose Festival was introduced in 1932.
Each girl m ust have a grade point average
o f 2.75, a good attendance record and good
citizenship to be considered an applicant
for princess. They are first placed on the
royal court in a student body vote at their
Rebekah Bowdon,
Alyson Day,
For the queen’s coronation, they are
judged on leadership, scholastic achieve­
ment, school activities, civic involvement,
volunteer projects, com m unication skills,
poise and appearance.
Mira Bastrica,
The crown worn by today’s Rose Fes­
tival Queen was first presented to the Rose
Festival Society in 1922. The frame o f the
crown is made of 14-carat gold. It has a
large blue zircon at its tip, 650 w hite sap­
phires and eight rare pigeon-blood rubies.
The crown is valued at $6,000 and is housed
at the main branch of U.S. Bank when not
in use.
A traveling crow n queen was made in
1990 for wearing a la li public appearances,
other than coronation night.
Parade Features
National TV Hosts
The Delta Air Lines Grand Floral Parade
will feature two national TV personalities this
year: Paula Zahn, co-host of CBS “This Morn­
ing,” and Gordon Elliott, a nationally syndicated
talk show host. Zahn will serve as this year’s
Parade national co-anchor, broadcasting along­
side KOIN (Channel 6) anchors Mike Donahue
and Shirley Hancock while Elliott will provide
on-street reporting.
Paula Zahn has been co-anchor of CBS
“This Morning” since 1990. Prior to 1990 she
anchored and co-anchored programs such as
ABC’s World News This Morning and Good
Morning America. She has also anchored and
reported for TV stations spanning from San Di­
ego to New York City.
Gordon Elliott, a new nationally syndi­
cated talk show hast who has an off-beat
comic demeanor, will be the on-street TV
personality for the Grand Floral Parade tele­
cast this year.
Gordon has arranged video visits with a
couple who met at the Rose Festival, married
during the Rose Festival and had a baby during
Rose Festival who is named Rose; kids whochalk
their body outlines along the street before the
parade who will chalk Gordon’s outline.
The Rose Festival and the City of Portland
are pleased to have Paula Zahn and Gordon
Elliott as this year’s Delta Air Lines Grand Floral
Parade national TV personalities.
Ashley King,
Megan O'Connor,
Jennifer Hibbard,
St. Mary's Academy
A little know n ch ap ter in U.S.
and O regon history w ill receive
recogn ition in P ortlan d ’s R ose fes­
tival G ran d Floral P arade, when
th e B u ffalo S oldiers ride in the
p restigiou s ev en t. T h e recent a c­
cep ta n ce o f H yalite, I n c .’s, pro­
posal to jo in the parade is being
greeted w ith “ price and jo y by
O r e g o n 's B u ffalo S o ld ier m em ­
b ers” said H yalite E xecu tive D i­
r e c to r M ark L ittle . T h e tr o o p
served as honor guards for th e
O regon T rail W agon T ra in ’s final
trek into O regon C ity last Sep tem ­
ber, ju st ahead o f O regon G ov.
B arbara R oberts.
The Buffalo Soldiers Retrospec­
tive Program, a project o f Hyalite, Inc.
tells the story of the Black American
soldiers who fought in the Civil War
and protected American settlers on
their journeys west o f the Oregon and
Sante Fe trails. The Black men who
served in the 9th and 10th cavalry
were known as the Buffalo Soldiers, a
nickname given to them by the Indians
on the plains. The soldiers’ black and
curly hair, and robes o f buffalo pelts,
along with their bravery, led to the
nickname which was accepted by the
troopers as a mark of distinction and
honor. Oregon members of Hyalite’s
Buffalo Soldiers Retrospective Pro­
gram provide mentoring to young ur­
ban youth by acquainting them with
the contributions of the Buffalo Sol­
diers through camping, fishing, horse­
manship, and other recreation activi­
ties. “Teaching young boys about this
important chapter of African Ameri­
can history is our way o f building self­
esteem, pride and personal responsi­
bility,” said Hyalite Board Chairman
Raleigh Lewis.
H yalite is a nonprofit organ i­
zation incorporated to develop the
talen ts o f African A m erican art­
ists and provide culturally diverse
history and arts program s for ur­
ban youth. C ontributions are w el­
com e and can be sent to H y a lite,a t
P .O . Box 10596, P o rtla n d , OR
Commissioner Gretchen Kafoury today
announced special seating will be available
for Senior citizens and individuals with spe­
cial disabilities who want to view the Rose
Festival Grand Floral Parade, Saturday, June
Seating is available on a first com e, first
served basts at two locations. T he E ast side
location is N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Bou­
levard in front of the Convention Center and
offers park bench seating in an open area.
Two portable toilets will be at this location,
with one accessible to handicapped. On the
W est side, park bench seating only will be on
both sides o f S.W. Stark, between Broadway
and Park in Downtown Portland.
Parking for vehicles with disabled park­
ing permits has been reserved for both areas.
The East side parking location is in the C on­
vention Center parking lot for a $4.00 charge.
The W est side location is on S.W. Ninth
between Park and O ak, and can accommodate
about 30 vehicles on a first-come, first-served
M onitors will be on duty to assist. C om ­
missioner Kafoury urges people to come early
for the best viewing points.
I -----—-
Kelly Jo LeMay,
Special Seating For
The Grand Floral
tuffalo Soldiers To Ride
In Floral Parade
Alicia Toole,
Emily Strang,
Central Catholic