J une 1, 1994 • T he P ortland O bserver P age B2 t r a v Creative Endeavors Honored e l New Hotel Chain Coming To Oregon Prom us H otels today a n ­ nounced plans for a major expan­ sion of the Homewood Suites ex­ tended-stay brand hotels. The company intends to finance and b u ild 20-25 c o m p an y -o w n ed Homewood Suites hotels in the next three years, according to Ray Schultz, president and chief ex­ ecutive officer of the hotel divi­ sion of the Promus Companies. Inc. In Oregon, Homewood Suites hotels have been targeted for de­ velopment in Portland and Sa­ lem. “We are excited about the de­ v elopm ent o p p o rtu n itie s that these markets represent for the Homewood Suites brand,” Schultz said. “W e’re anxious to begin working with developers to iden­ tify suitable sites for the chain’s expansion.” The Promus companies will fund the expansion through in­ ternally generated cash flows and existing c re d it fac ilitie s. The plans are based on the excellent performance of the brand for the past several years and an im prov­ ing lodging picture, according to Schultz. “The extended-stay segment is one of the most promising and dynamic in the hotel industry, one in which Homewood Suites has established a reputation for e x c e lle n c e . W e c o n s is te n tly achieve premiums over com peti­ tive hotel chains as well as the industry as a whole,” Schultz said. Actor Jaleel White (right), host of the 1994 Disneyland Creativity Challenge Awards, with Mickey and Minnie Mouse and Don Dominguez, west coach executive vice president of Walt Disney attractions. White presented achievement awards and medallions to 66 junior and senior high school students from around the country. He encouraged them to follow their dreams, stay focused and avoid the pitfalls of life, namely drugs. System -wide occupancy of 75.8 percent in 1993 place it among the industry's top perform­ ers. Another key measure of per­ formance is customer satisfaction. Homewood Suites ranks among the highest in the industry. R e­ search shows the chain scores in the upper 90s for the quality of its product and service. Customers of the brand tend to be very loyal, too, with intent-to-return scores also in the upper 90s. The 100 percent satisfaction guarantee offered by Homewood Suites, and all other Promus hotel brands, plays a big role in keeping quality and comm itm ent to service high, Schultz said. Priced for maximum value compared to competitive hotels, the brand is known for offering complimentary breakfast daily, an evening social function every M onday-T hursday, apartm ent- style suites with separate sleep­ ing and liv in g a re a s , fu lly equipped kitchens, rem ote-con­ trolled TVs, videocassette play­ ers and ceiling fans. Many have w ood-burning firep laces. The suites are built around a central lodge that offers a “ suite shop,” convenience store, laundry facili­ ties, an exercise center and an executive business center with a p erso n al co m p u ter, facsim ile machine and photocopier. Promus Hotels is the hotel divi­ sion of the Promus Companies, Inc., based in Memphis, Tenn. Join the Starlight Run on Saturday, June 4 at 8 p.m. in Downtown Portland ■s * ■