Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 01, 1994, Page 3, Image 3

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    P age A3
T he P ortland O bserver • J une 1, 1 9 9 4 ______________
Summer Safety Program
Continued from front
“W e are excited to be part o f the
national agenda,” said Fred W illiams,
President o f PAL and partner o f
Perkins and Co. “W ith additional
corporate support for our base pro­
gram s and our partnership with L ead­
ers Roundtable, we will make an im ­
pact this sum m er through crim e p re ­
vention efforts.”
Announced by President Clinton
at an Am eriCorps Public Safety Fo­
rum on March 10 in Brooklyn, New
York, Sum m er o f Safety will involve
nearly 7,000 participants who will
serve with 91 projects in 70 urban and
rural locations around the U nited
“ Sum m er o f Safety participants
will help Am erican people take their
com m unities back,” said Eli Segal,
assistant to Clinton and CEO o f the
C orporation for N ational Service.
“They will com e together across g en ­
erations, ethnically and income lev­
els to do the work that com m unities
deem m ost necessary in their critical
fight against crim e and violence.”
ro c
In June 1994, PAL will increase
its crim e prevention efforts by open­
ing its first PAL Y outh C enter in the
Rockwood neighborhood. A ribbon
cutting cerem ony and introduction o f
the VISTA Sum m er Associates is
scheduled for June 1 4 ,11:30 a.m . at
424N .E . 172nd. The 35 VISTA Sum ­
mer A ssociates will be based at the
PAL Y outh Center coordinating rec­
reation-based program s, a National
Night O ut, graffiti paint-over projects,
neighborhood canvassing with safety
inform ation and counseling in vari­
ous sum m er sports camps.
“T he VIST A grant gives PAL an
opportunity to introduce college-aged
students to a whole new experience,”
said P ortlan d State student Jerry
Ciocta. “ It introduces us to com m u­
nity children, and gives us hands-on
experience about w hat today’s chil­
dren are facing in society.”
A p p lic a tio n s a re a v a ila b le
through PA L (248-5011), the L ead­
ers Roundtable (228-8617), and the
Corporation for N ational Service o f­
fice (231-2103). A pplications are be­
ing accepted through May 30th.
I New Advisor
Date: June 8,1994
Place: Portland Building
1120 SW Fifth Ave., 11 th Floor
Portland, Oregon
Time: 8:00 a.m.
Commission meetings are open to
the public. A complete agenda is
available at PDC or by calling
828-3200. Citizens with disabilities
may call 823-3232 or TDD 823-6868
for assistance at least 48 hours in
PDC is the City of Portland’s urban
renewal, housing and economic
development agency.
S a y You
S a w It In...
Joins Drug Rehab C enter
John J. U lwelling, executive vice
president o f the O regon Foundation
for M edical E xcellence and form er
executive director of the Oregon Board
o f M edical Exam iners, has been ap­
pointed senior advisor to the board o f
directors o f Springbrook N orthw est
As head o f the Board o f M edical
Exam iners, U lw elling established a
diversion program for those licensed
by the board to assist in the rehabili­
tation o f the addicted professionals.
Since the program ’s inception, the
diversion program has helped over
250 health professional resum e their
norm al lives and practices.
U lw elling will continue in his
current role with the O regon Founda­
tion for M edical Excellence.
'Q IIjc ^ . Í n r í í a n t t
Holy Cow! Enter Kid’s
Competitions At The
Multnomah County Fair!
This sum m er, the M ultnom ah
C ounty Fair is com ing to the Expo
C enter in Portland on July 27 - 31.
This year, the Y outh D epartm ent o f
the Fair has added many new features
and com petitions for kids and teens.
As com petition areas are entered, kids
can earn great prizes, have a lot o f
fun, and have their entries judged by
the very best in their entry field. For
more inform ation, and to get a copy of
the 1994 E xhibitor Handbook, co n ­
tact the M ultnomah County Fair O f­
fice at 248-3094.
Youth D epartm ent Com petition
• C rafts and C ollections. W e
w ant to see w hat you have been co l­
• Foods. From Channel 2 ’s pro ­
gram “Tw o to Four” , food segm ent
judge Emily Crum packer.
• G raphic Arts. Poster Design:
1 st Place Prize, your image will be the
Youth Segm ent Poster for 1995 Fair!
• Literature. Short Stories, P o­
em s, judged by Robin Cody, Author
o f “ Ricochet River” ; Phil M argolin,
A uthor of “ Body o f Evidence.” Gift
certificates from Pow ell’s Book Store.
• Perform ing Arts. All groups
and individuals are invited to sign up
to perform on stage. Com e show us
your stuff! M usic, Theater, Dance!
• Photography. Black and white,
color prints, all kinds o f subject m at­
ter. Judge Steve C ridland, President,
A merican Society o f M edia Photog­
raphy, O regon Chapter; C hristopher
Rauschenberg, Chairperson, Blue Sky
Photography G allery, Portland, O r­
egon. G reat prizes to be announced!
• Plants and Flow ers. Judged by
the best plant experts, gift certificates
by Portland N ursery, D ennis’ Seven
Dees Nurseries, Drakes 7 Dees N urs­
eries, M ax and Hildys Nursery.
• Science. Save this year’s school
projects or make new ones. A w ard for
Most Creative - Innovative Project.
• S ew in g, N e e d le c rafts, etc.
W eavings and T apestries, W earable
Art and Quilts. Judged by Textile
A rtist M arth a Z a n g e r, T a p e stry
W eaver Kathe Todd, Hooker, Fiber
A rtist/designer Nancy Klos.
• Visual A rts, Painting, D raw ­
ing, Prints, Sculptures. Judged by
Laura Russo, Laura Russo Gallery,
G ordon G ilkey, C urator o f Prints and
D raw ings, Portland Art M useum and
Professor o f Prints, Pacific Northwest
College o f Art. G ift C ertificate and
art supplies from A rt Media.
Investing In Interest
Sensitive Options
No one has probabl y told you that
everytim e the interest rates m ove up a
percentage point this will devastate
all investm ents in this country. It has
a far reaching effect, more than the
average person realizes.
The world
debt is approxi­
m ately 41 tril­
lio n d o lla r s .
This m eans that
when the inter­
est rates rise one
percent, one class o f people m ust pay
the debtors. In this case, you would
have to pay the creditors approxi­
m ately 41 billion dollars. This is why
rising interest rates can cause so many
problem s in this country and also
abroad. The rising interest rates ef­
fect every thing, stock plunges and the
collapse o f real estate investments.
The dollar drops in value and be­
com es alm ost worthless. Banks and
insurance com panies who have large
investm ents in real estate will col­
lapse rightalong with everything else.
High interest rates cause catastrophic
economic effects nationally and in­
The interest rates are under the
control o f the Federal Reserve Board,
and its banks. M o sto f you don ’ t know
that the Federal Reserve System is not
a part o f the federal governm ent even
though it sounds like part o f the gov­
ernm ent. The Federal Reserve is a
$50 or $100 could be worth $1,200 -
$ 1,500. This could be made in day s or
in weeks. But, w hat if you invested
let ’ s say $ 1,000and interest rates rose
to about half the am ount that they did
under President C arter’s adm inistra­
tion, that $1,000 investm ent would
grow into approxim ately $375,000 in
a short time.
If you will recall, the last time we
had a D em ocratic A dm inistration,
prim e interest rates rose to 21.5 per­
cent, the T-bills were beyond 17 per­
cent, so you can see that interest rates
are going to clim b upward before the
end o f the year; so why not make a
profit from this, by investing in Inter­
est Sensitive Options. You can find
out about how you can begin to invest
these options by calling a stockbroker
and getting further information.
This is the kind o f investm ent
that will let you sleep at night without
worrying about how much you are
going to loose on your investm ent.,
so check it out.
As I stated before, interest rates
are the core o f the w orld’s financial
markets. There is going to be high
profits made from investing in the
interest rate m arket from 1994 until
1997. The rates have alw ays risen
under the D em ocratic A dm inistra­
tion. You are probably not aw are of
this, but every local, state and federal
governm ent is involved in the interest
rate markets.
4#>»er(Ca Beau"'
Hatfield To Put Spotlight
On Environment
U.S. Sen. M ark H atfield,R -O re.,
will chair a “Listening To A m erica”
meeting in Portland to solicit view ­
points and ideas from O regonians
w hose livelihoods depend on even-
handed environm ental policies that
foster econom ic growth. The meeting
will focus on the im pact o f environ­
m ental policies on salm on recovery
and the tim er industry.
“F o r too long, the A m erican
people have been shut out o f policy
decisions that affect their fam ilies
and business on a day-to-day basis,”
said Haley Barbour, chairm an o f the
R epublican-oriented “L istening to
A m erica” project. The project is spon­
sored by the National Policy Forum:
A Republican Center for the Exchange
o f Ideas.
The m eeting will be held June 2,
from 9 a.m. to noon at the Portland
M arriott, 1401 SW Front Ave., Salon
D. The meeting will focus on audi­
ence participation and is open to the
public, free o f charge. All concerned
citizens are invited to attend.
“Environmental policies and their
im pact on jobs and econom ic growth
are at the forefront o f the national
policy debate,” Barbour said. “It’s a
critical debate that absolutely must
take place, but, too often, the discus­
sion is confined to W ashington with
very little input from the people who
are affected by these policies day-in
and day-out.”
According to Barbour, “Listen­
ing to America” is designed to broaden
the debate over issues like environ­
mental policies by giving Americans
at the grassroots level, regardless o f
party affiliation, a voice in develop­
ing national policies.
Keep America Beautiful
has the answers.
Printed as a publie sen iee
In this publication.
Super Sale
Satu rd ay, Ju n e 4 th
Free Drawings: One (1) $100.00 gift certificate • One (1) pair NIKE Barkley Shoes
One (1) Fashion Wig by Eva Gabor $120 value • Style and Shampoo $24 value.
Entry Blanks available in store starting at 10 a.m., June 1st. You must be at least 18 years of age to
enter. No purchase necessary. Drawing will be held at 7 p.m., Saturday, June 4th.
S to rew id e S avin gs
Iloine Be par I m eni
J e w elr y Departm ent
Men's D epartm ent
NBA Logo Hooded T’s
Orig. $45 NOW $19.99
Selected Gemstone Jewelry
SAVE 50%
Selected Furniture Samples
SAVE 30% to 50%
NBA Logo Windsuits
Orig. $90 NOW $49.99
Selected Sterling Silver
SAVE 40%
Bed Pillows
Orig. $13.99 NOW $7.99
NBA Logo Jackets
Orig. $75 NOW $29.99
Selected 14K Gold Chains
SAVE 60%
Comforters/Selected Styles
SAVE 40% to 50%
Selected Sport Shirts
Orig. $24-$32 NOW $9.99
Selected Watches
SAVE 50%
Summer Shorts
Orig. $18 NOW $7.99
Selected Fashion Jewelry
SAVE 50%
Selected Lamps
Orig. $50 - $180
NOW $29.99 - $99.99
Selected group of luggage
4 Year Anniversary Sale
1) Night Club
D e sig n e r S h o rt Set
$25.95 to $69.95
2) Snake Skin Belt $7.95
3) Snake Skin Shoe
Men from $69.95
Women from $49.95
4) Men Double
Breasted Suits All
Colore From $149.95
5) W om en B u tterfly
Short Pants from $99.95
6) Men and Women Silk
Joggers $49.95
Offer Ends June 6
Visa I Master I American
Express I Select Check
2929 NE Alberta
private corporation that is privately
ow ned and locally controlled. The
Federal Reserve Board, and its banks
have been given a mandate by C on­
gress to issue money and control the
m onitory system in this country. You
can be assured that
this private corpora­
tion will raise inter­
est rales 2-3 times
more before the end
o f the year.
You can profit
from this interest rate m arket. Each
day, interest rates exceed 700 billion
dollars. That is approxim ately 70
times w hat is traded on all the stock
m arkets in this country in one day. So
you can see this is big business.
Some of the more affluent inves­
tors are saying that you can start
investing in Interest Sensitive O p­
tions with a small am ount o f cash, as
little as $50 to $ 100 plus com m ission.
You can control $1 million dollars of
federal reserve notes. This is what
you call real leverage, 10,000 to 1.
The profit from this small invest­
ment can grow into thousands o f dol­
lars in a short period of time because
everytim e the interest rates rise in
percentage points, your investment
will earn a profit. The only thing you
stand to loose in this investm ent is
your initial investment which is only
$50 to $100. But, if interest rates
m ove upward, say one percent, that
In the
tight over
w aste,
w e don't
We point
to answers.
U h le lic D epartm ent
( hihlreii's Department
M isses A J u n io rs
Reebok Lady Fantasy 11
Reg. $40 NOW $29.95
Selected Girls Tops
Orig. $20 - $34 NOW $7.99
Fashion Vests
Orig. $16.99 NOW $6.99
Men's NIKE Air Pegasus
Reg. $70 NOW $34.95
Selected Girls Shorts
Orig. $21 NOW $7.99
Body Suits
Orig. $12.99 NOW $8.99
Men’s NIKE Air Force
Reg. $80 NOW $39.99
Boy's Hooded Tops
Orig. $16-$18 NOW $7.99
Print Shorts
Orig. $9.99 NOW $6.99
Women's Reebok THR
Reg. $65 NOW $31.99
14” Musical Barney
Reg. $19.99 NOW $9.99
Hunt Club Slacks
Orig. $29.99 NOW $14.99
Reebok Breakaway Mid
Reg. $60 NOW $37.99
Boys School Age LEE Jeans
Reg. $25 to $28 NOW $11.99
Camp Shirts
Orig. $14.99 NOW $7.49
JCPenney. L lo y d C e n te r