P age B 6 j A J une 1, 1994 • T he P ortland O bserver l + e r n n The Open by M. I saacs mphasis is being placed on “The Open Bible,” for its b enefits, altern ativ es to things seen and unseen, drawing power, wisdom and doctrines are of no effect until this book is opened and read. This book, which has survived through the ages, contains the MIND OF GOD, THE WAY OF SALVA­ TION, THE HAPPINESS OF BE­ LIEVERS AND THE STATE OF MAN. Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe, practice it to be holy. Many of us own a Bible, but, judging by the characterof our society, few open and read it on a regular basis. Bible doctrines are holy, its pre­ cepts are binding, its histories are true. It is the pilot’s canpass, the soldier’s sword, life traveler’s map. In the Bible paradise is restored, heaven is opened, and the gates of hell revealed. The object of the Bible is Christ Jesus; the design of the Bible is the good of mankind; and the Glory of God, its end. With that, in America and indeed throughout the world, it should fill our memory, rule our hearts and guide our feet. It has been given to us in this life, and will be fulfilled in judgment and will be remembered forever, even by those who have not read and understood. The Bible is the Guide of Life to all Christians who seek to KNOW the Ways of God. Jesus, The Christ is given several names in the Bible that explain and give significance to past, present and future phases and events and histories t i v e s ible of mankind. Jesus is called “The Word", “The W ay”, “The Light”, “The Lily of the Valley”, “The Sun of Righteousness”, The Lamb Slain for the Sins of the W orld”, “The Rose of Sharon”, The Bright and Morning Star”, and John 3:16 states: “For God so loved the world, he gave his ONLY BEGOTTEN SON that whosoever believeth should not perish, but have eternal life.” Wise Men came from the world’send, bringing to the Christ Child, their gifts o f gold, frankin­ cense and myrrh - Gold for the King, Frankincense for the High Priest, and Myrrh for the Great Physician. The Bible explains and elabo­ rates on the five stages of man - birth, life, death, resurrection and ascen­ sion; and God, The Trinity -- G od’s M. I saacs n unhealthy, unholy de­ velopment in our soci­ ety, which has become m ore ap p aren t since the ending o f W orld W ar II, is the offering o f ex cuses for life failures am ong m en. W e live in the gray area b etw een right and w rong, good and ev il, m oral and im m oral b e ­ h av io r, self-in d u lg en ce and the giving o f self for the benefit o f o th ers; and we tend to cloak all these gray areas in in tellectu al ex ercises w hich deny the s p iri­ tual m an the ab ility to live above the in ju stices and w rongs done to him by n atural or carnel m en. M any m e n /w o m en , in the tim e fram e m entioned, see a d ­ verse circum stances as inflicted on them by o th er m en/w om en. T h eir won failure to endure the trials o f life re su lt in depression and our “enlightened” society uses these circum stances and failures as excuses, reasons, to accept and sustain this inadequate behavior. R ath er than u n d ersta n d G o d ’s te s tin g - b le s s in g p a tte r n as a m eans o f m olding and purifying m an k in d into b e tte r and m ore honorable people, society perpetu­ ates m ankind w allow ing in self- pity and bittern ess. W e, th e re ­ fore, face several generations o f people, void o f conscious, com ­ passion and hope. P ublic com passion is now e x ­ p ected for serial k ille rs, because (ex cu se) they had a lousy ch ild ­ hood or they cam e from a broken hom e or they w ere victim s o f in ­ cest and/or rape. W hy is society so focused on reasons why these th in g s happen and speculate c o n ­ tin u a lly (in new s m ed ia, talk show s and m agazines, etc.) on excuses for the atro c ities com ­ m ix ed by these sick , hopeless people? It w ould seem m ore co m ­ p assio n ate and honorable to fo ­ cus on the victim s o f these am oral people, victim s fam ilies, the liv ­ ing people w ho have su ffe red greatly at the hands o f these weak, b itter, vio len t children our so ci­ ety has spaw ned. Scripture (B ible) says: “There is a way w hich seem eth right unto a man, but the ends th ere o f are the ways o f d ea th ” . O ur children, young adults have been taught to cover faults, and blam e others, rather than face and overcom e shortcom ings; and being good stu­ dents, they do this even to the extent of murder of friend and foe alike. Status in this society, m ate­ rial w ealth m eans m ore to these generations than hum an lives and we excuse this behavior by law, in some instances; andconsciousless people acquire m ore w ealth by using these excuses supplied by our “en lig h ten ed ” society. Hate groups are allow ed to thrive and attack d efen seless citizen s b e ­ cause o f som e “q u irk ” in so ciety ’s thinking th at d ecid es “rig h ts” are entitled, even when a group, or persons breaks the law , injuring or killing o th er people. Juries are expected to exam ine “m ind-sets” , reasons fo r actio n s, instead of determ ining g u ilt or innocence based on fact and evidence. R ap ­ ists are released early from p ris­ ons b ecause th ey , th em selv es, w ere rap ed w hen y o u n g ...th u s m ore victim s are at th eir m ercy. We excuse everything from o b e­ sity to hom osexuality; from school bully to rape by P riests; from drug abuser to abortionist; from m ercy killings to ritu al sacrifice o f c h il­ dren. Society, as we now perceive it, is/has becom e spiritually dry and death seem s to be the end results o f everything man touches. We are a carnal-m inded society, seemly bent on self-destruction; all the w hile proclaim ing loudly our “rig h ts”; our god-like m en­ tality and our control over our M allo ry Avenue Christian Church m inds, souls and sp irits. The S criptures (B ible) gives us an a n t i d o t e fo r c a r n a l m indedness. The A postle Paul w rote, “ Be renew ed in the spirit o f your m ind’” and “ We have the m ind o f C h rist” ; and also, “ Let this m ind be in you which was also in C h rist J e s u s ”. O ur nation m ust return to the L ord; we m ust have our m inds reprogram m ed. G od Said, “ My thoughts are not your thoughts; n e ith e r are my ways your w ays” . If we allow God, He w ill teach us to think His T houghts. “L et no co rru p t co m ­ m unication proceed out o f your m outh, but that w hich is good to the use o f edifying, that it may m inister G R A C E unto the h ear­ ers”. Eph. 4:29. E cclesiastes 10:20 says, “curse no t the king, no not in they thoughts; and curse not the rich in thy bed cham ber: for a bird o f the a ir shall carry the voice, and th at w hich hath w ings shall tell the m a tte r”. We m ust cease our discussions about other p e o p le , c o n t r o l o u r fo rk e d - to n g u e.” W e debate and reason, “W hat we say about others is truth, therefore perm issible to say or discuss. W e state, “W e d o n ’t gos­ sip or spread lies o r excuse re p re­ hensible behavior; we are sim ply re la tin g the tru th ” , th e re fo re , “W hy c a n ’t we discuss it?” The S crip tu res re p e a te d ly tells us. IBafitiit 103 NE Morris St., Portland, OR 97212 Almighty Power,God’s All Knowing Wisdom, and God’s All Embracing Love. From the Bible, spiritual strength is given to withstand the many tempta­ tions and trials of the times. Those who open and read and believe the Bible are able to stand against the “Winter of Life,” to re­ joice in the “fruitful Part of Life," to mature spiritually in the “Summer of Life,” to be sanctified and justified in “Our Souls or Immortal Part of Life,” and to watch, work and maintain soberness in the “Creative Part of Life.” The Bible, with these lessons, portray human life with its promises, its disappointments, its expectations, its pains and its glory - all so depen­ dent upon the source of LIGHT - THE GOD OF ALL. A Society Of Excuses by cSt. h o w e v e r, th a t C h ris t-m in d e d p eo p le m ust not p articip ate in ch a rac te r evaluations or assassi­ nations o f others. This nation m ust retu rn to the God o f our fathers and the g reatn ess w hich we once enjoyed. G od d o es n o t fix us w ith patches and splin ts, but w ith His ow n parts in w hich there is no sham e, no blam e and no excuses. He rep laces o u r lives and nature w ith His ow n life and nature. This w ork is accom plished on the IN ­ NER PER SO N . “ If any man be in C h rist, he is a new creature; old things are passed aw ay; behold, all things are becom e new. 2nd. C or. 5:17. th is nation m ust renew its sp iritu al foundation, shun the appearan ce o f evil, and take hold o f th e “ fre e d o m ” e s ta b lis h e d through C h ristian virtues. It is o nly through victory in C h rist Jesus is righteousness established in all peo p le. • Sunday School -9:30am • Sunday Morning Wor­ ship Service -1 1 :00am • Sunday School Teacher's Meeting Tues - 6:30pm • Bible Study Wednesday - 6:00pm • Prayer Meeting Wednesday - 7:00pm Church Phone Number 287-7457 Dr. Joe S. Hardie, Pastor \Ne Invite You 7 o Come And Worship With Us. The Church Where Everybody is Somebody And Christ Is All. New & used books on Business, Music, & African-American Studies POWELL’S CITY OF BOOKS 9 am - ii pm Monday though Saturday 9 a m - 9 pm Sundays Used books bought every day till 8:30 PM On the #20 Bus line • One hour free parking 1005 West Burnside Street 228-4651 Advertize In he ^ a r tla n h (©bgerver call: (503) 288-0033 Mt Olivet Baptist Church H a s m o v e d S u n d a y se rv ic es to Family Life Center, 8725 N. Chautauqua Blvd., at Willis Blvd. Worship Services 8:00am & 11:00am, Church School 9:30 to 10:30 am, Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 NE Schuyler, 10:30cm & 7:00pm Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00am on KBMS A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor C hurch O ffice 116 N E S c h ly le r St. • (503) 2 84-1954 Sad’s Oil Service heating oils Best Cash Prices 104 NE Russell Portland. OR 97212 282-5111 J s H , J J jJ itttl ^ M ^ B a p t is t Speedy Service Friendly Call for Quctel is s t o t t a r o d j w r r lj 8101 N. Fiske Avenue • Portland Oregon 97203 Church Phone: 289-D147 Study Phone: 2L 9-1911 Sunday Service 10:45 Sunday School 9:30 Bible Study 6:00 Evening Service 7:00pm “Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.” Pastor. Rc. JamcsC F Faulkner iß if Pitie 9.45am Sunday School 11:00am Morning Worship 7:50pm Tuesday Bible Study and Prayer //Cals ( n e o f a (K ind K 'deoobùodeb .dfto-»dmofiefnf c((afdi K (Aoo/tä In te r-ra c ia l C o n g re g a tio n 126 NC Alberto Portland. OR 97211 (503) 288 -5 1 73 ■ The ( riginnl Mfucan .fttnUage i/tudy 3tM« (Often A. Ve W elcome You to The ( S t e a l e r J S a m t J S te p lje n ¡Sfltsstrmary ^Baptist (!ll}utcl| Serving The Lord With Gladness” n ,..,1. . a ltv v O .t i r m t i a y - C fa id a y ItO O -Z tO f/tm - 'dienm uai Wa/wlen Lombard Chapel 3018 N. Lombard Portland, Oregon 97217 503-283-0525 I Killingsworth Chapel 430 N. Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 97217 503-283-1976 W i/a / n triai/ /O: 0 Cani - fi: OPfwn 2808 M o A la d in c£ M e l M in y d d v d . Pitie V ttiia ïie y fa d tà o n (5 0 3 ) 2 8 8 -5 2 4 6 Sunday School 10am Morning Worship 11:05 Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 7pm Rev. G.L. Black I Pastor 3605 N.E. Mallory Ave. (503) 281-8117 Portland, OR 97212 Rev. and Mrs- GO-- Black I --------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- , —