»„•A T he P ortland O bserver • J une 1, 1994 P age B5 B l a c k M u sic M o n th Z a p M a m a : Coming To Portland Heads Back T o Their Roots Some historians refer to “ the c h itlin ’ circuit” as the handful of world-famous btsck v a u d e v ille th e a te rs - the Apollo in New Y o rk, the Re­ gal in Chicago, the Howard in D .C ., the Paradise in Detroit, the Royal in Baltim ore - that thrived from the 20s through the civil rights era. Speech, chief w riter and rapper for the G ram m y-w inning band Arrested Development, uses the terra “c h itlin ’ circuit” in re fe re n c e to the s m alle r, funkier venues that have al­ ways catered to black music, especially throughout the ru ­ ral South. Gearing op for the release o f the fo llo w -u p a to n m , Zingalamadnni, to their multi - platinum debut, 3 Years, 5 Months, and 2 Days in the Life of..., Arrested Development are undertaking a nine city “chitlin circuit” concert anil p ro m o tio n a l to u r . A .D .’ s chitlin’ tour itinerary is more far-reaching than the chitlin* tours once done by legendary delta bines singers and jazz acts of the past, but the idea is the same. ‘W e’ re staying true to our Zap M ama is a group o f five women singers led by M arie Daulne. Shortly before M an e’s birth in Zaire to a Belgian father and a Zairean mother, there was a political revolt which forced the Belgians to leave the country. M arie’s father was lulled in the ensuing riots but her m other m an­ aged to escape with three children to the safety o f the pygm ies, the neigh­ bors o f her own tribe the Bantou. The pygm ies are feared by other tribes because of their supernatural pow ers, m ysticism and spiritualism . There, M arie was bom , w ithout m edical at­ tention, in the forest. A fter M arie left home, she de­ cided to make music her profession and studied polyphony in Arab, Asian and A frican contexts. She felt that since the A frican tradition is oral and transm its em otion, she needed to ex­ perience this dim ension firsthand; M arie set out to re-m eet the pygmies. W hen she arrived, they regarded her differently from the other women who had come to study and film, because she could sing like them. A lthough her m other had care­ fully taughtherchildren some Bantou traditions, she feared them becoming too African and considered M arie’s songs “savage” and uncivilized. A t the same time, the Belgian side o f her family supporter her cultural studies. As M arie started developing her new group, she realized that since she herself had not spent m uch tim e in roots with the people,” Speech said. “This tour is not as glitzy or glamorous as a formal arena show. I t ’s g rittier, more down- to-earth, more old school.” He adds that the tour is a “ re­ birth” for Arrested Develop­ ment who, before they were signed, used to play “ little backwoods clubs” throughout southern Georgia and north­ ern Florida, bringing hip-hop to many of these places for the first time. As committed as ever to political activism in everyday life, Arrested Development has arranged to have Greenpeace and Amnesty In te rn atio n al giving out inform ation at all of their dates. And, as before, A .D . w ill be displaying works by local African American a rt­ ists in every city. The tour com­ mences in Atlanta and con­ cludes in San F ra n cis c o . An extensive summer tour w ill be announced in the near future. Zingalamaduni, Arrested Development’s second studio effort, w ill be in stores on June 14. The first single from the new album, “Ease M y M in d ” has just been released. X Africa, the music could never be fully African; “My music is a mix - like m e.” T o zap means to switch chan­ nels or, as intended here, cultures. In a way, Marie compares herself to A mericans, a new breed o f people who have forgotten some of their roots and traditions. Z ap M ama are going back to the roots, the human voice. Instead of adding more elaborate instruments, like so many of their Europeanized contem poraries. Zap M ama subtract instruments. These are women o f the world: Zap M am aoffersanacappella journey, reminding us that we all m ake the sam e sounds they use (breathing, exhaling) but as mecha­ nization continues - in Africa as well as in W estern countries ~ everything CL Ite 11 it v t lattò (0 h s erber ’ 1 W ELCO M ES ¿Al’ MAMA * V This special evening of music will be preceeded by a screening of MIZIKE MAMA the award winning documentary portrait of this internationally acclaimed group • FKIENDS OF THE ZOO ’ THE GRAND WAZOO St. Johns Music Series Planned C a th e d ra l P a rk in th e St. Jo h n s D istrict o f N o rth P o rtla n d will be th e site fo r a series of c o n c e rts th is su m m e r, th a n k s to local co m p an ies a n d ind iv id u al sp o n so rs. P o rtla n d P a rk s an d R ec re a tio n a n d F rie n d s o f C a ­ th e d ra l P a r k N e ig h b o rh o o d A s­ sociation say o v er $8,000 has a l­ re a d y been raised . T h e series, w hich inclu d e c o n c e rts Ju ly 1 0 a n d Ju ly 2 4 ,w ill conclude w ith th e 5th A nnual B lue H ero n M usic F estiv al on Ju ly 31. M a jo r sp o n so rs o f the series in clu d e th e M e tro C e n tra l E n h a n c e m e n t F u n d a n d B ro w n ­ in g -F e rris In d u strie s o f O regon. A s s o c ia tio n C h a i r T e d W h ite, in an n o u n c in g th e series, c re d ite d th e g ra n t as p a rtic u ­ la rly im p o rta n t because it p ro ­ vided m u ch o f the m usic fo r the festival, new electric c irc u its an d d rin k in g fo u n ta in s fo r th e p a rk . “W e h a ve received w o rd th a t p a rk s a n d re c re a tio n is going to m a tc h som e o f th e p a rk im p ro v e­ m en t m o n ey ,as well,” W h itesa id. T h e la r g e s t c o n tr ib u tio n from an in d iv id u al cam e from Jo h n D ip asq u ale, m a n a g e r o f the St. J o h n s B ra n c h o f U.S. B ank. P erso n s a n d co m p an ies in te r­ ested in c o n trib u tin g to th e se­ rie s a re a sk e d to c o n ta c t Blue H ero n T re a s u r e r S a n d ra W y a tt a t 735-4771. to b e n e fit the renovation of th e Asian Elephant Exhibit. original and natural gets taken for granted. Although based in Brussels, the home of techno. Zap Man’s instru­ ments are their vocal chords and bodies. Their live shows are com pelling and fun, thanks to their sense o f hu­ mor, their vibrant personalities and their collective experience within the­ atre and dance. Live Zap Mama add a whole new dimension to the experience. m w » .a Z SAT. JU N E 18 I 4 r Z $ 1 6 .5 0 A D V A N C E A L A D D IN TH E A TE R o 3 0 1 7 S E M IL W A U K IE A T P O W E L L UJ f ALL SHOWS START AT 8PM - TICKETS AT ALL TICKETMASTE R OUTLETS. CHARGE BY PHONE 2 2 4 4 4 0 0 . SUBJECT TO USUAL CONVENIENCE FEE. TICKETS ALSO AT PAOLA'S RESTAURANT TAKEOUT COUNTER, 3 0 2 3 SE MILWAUKIE. 2 3 4 7 0 0 0 . FOR INFORMATION CALL 2 3 3 1 9 9 4 Portland Repertory Theater £ z fi N < 7 PM, SATURDAY JULY 30 • $20.°° METRO WASHINGTON PARK ZOO OUTDOOR AMPHITHEATER o F E A T U R IN G UJ MARCUS ROBERTS musical director & pianist JON FADDIS TRUMPETER NICHOLAS PAYTON trumpeter r ii= j / x = ’J 2 r ir rj ? r ; i = ¿¡yi'jiMstf § Featuring the music of Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington Count Basie, Charlie Parker, John Coltrane and others, this 17- piece orchestra presents the nation's finest jazz artists. UJ "r* £ s Tickets at all TicketMaster outlets. Subject to service charge. CHARGE BY PHONE 224-4400. For information call FOZ at 220-2495. Friends O f The Zoo • OOZVM QNVilO 3HL - OOZ 3H1 3 0 SONSIW CELLULAR open NEXT AT PORTLAND REP’S STAGE II N IG H T S A ir C oncert S eries on the U wm at M c M c n a m in ’ s E dgefield t n A « M > o tA T W N W r r H A n e w p la y b y the F r id a y T hursday J une 9 A ugust 5 c e le b ra te d A fr ic a n - A m e r ic a n BEST BLUES PACKAGE THIS SUMMER) CTED WITHIN THE R obert C ray B and UNSPLASH 1994 T he IO th a n n iv e r s a r y T our S teel P ulse M axi P riest eres ammoimo error abulous red F ox ■ junior T ucker • T he A- team "-PROVOCATIVE AND C O M PELLIN G -” DEPARTMENTAL S pe c ia l G uest J im mie V aughan MAY 18-JUNE 12 rnuw EMCEE TOMMY COWAN WORLD PREMIERE john henry redwood ■ unday J uly 2« Los L o b o s w it h i h c i a l h u h t Z a c h a r y R ic h a r d M onday j u l y i i N a n c i G r if f it h w it h m k h l g u b t J im m ie d a l e G ilm o r e thum oav auouit ta T h e I n d ig o G ir l s M>vtee charg«. du»ge. O tkwge ÄeUnc» HA«« « all £1 |oATVLs«m»»8r Suh)»« » i swvto w g* I by phone ¿24 4400 AK ««ncral xtntMton AU shows » e »*> <* shine No outside tood o» bev««g«s aUcwed on atte. Food and hevewgw are .nwtoNe nn Bto. On site parMng B avallaNe For Into CdgelMd. I SOO-eOQBMO M W *** R edw ood D ire c te d b y L i l l i e M a rie R e d w o o d w it h M arcia G T riffiths M H F p la y w r ig h t/a u th o r J o h n H e n ry IS o N 'O ííic c : 2 2 1-1 ft» I SNOWMAN • ■ Ì “V « . /• • . • i ', jlv v ,. 4 ’ ■ -V -