gfto&e J994 Starlight Parade Rose Festival Fleet Junior Parade Jazz Band Classic Illuminated floats, clowns, marching units and drill teams make the Starlight Parade a spectacular favorite. It begins at 8:30 p.m. Saturday, downtown. Twenty U.S. and Canadian Navy and Coast Guard ships open for tours during their stay in Portland, June 6-11, on the waterfront. See the largest kids' parade in the world as 10,000 children participate in a parade of their own, Wednesday, June 8, at 1 p m . in the Hollywood District. Enjoy an evening o f Jazz, from smooth swing to jumpin’ jazz, Thursday, June 9, 7:30 p.m. Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall. Serving (he community through cultural diversity. V oinnin XXIV. N um ber 22 June Wire ;)Llartlam. 1994 ruer Summer Safety Program ortland is oneofonly tw oN orth- west cities chosen by the Clinton Administration to participate in a Summer of Safety program to com* bat crim e, violence and fear. The Corporation for National Ser­ vice, V IS T A Summer Associated Pro­ gram accep ted a p roposal by the Lead­ ers Roundtable and Police Activities League o f G reater P ortland to organ ize and operate the program. T he com m unity-based organizations P Wall Street Whiz Falls Hard The stunning fin a n c ia l rise o f b la ck W a ll Street w h iz k id Joseph Jett came tu m b lin g to the ground as he was p u b lic ly fire d fro m his p re stig io u s tra d in g desk at K id d e r, Peabody and Co. Jett had been on top o f W a ll Street earning o ve r $9 m illio n last year and being declared his firm ’ s 1993 em ployee o f the year. B ut K id d e r, Peabody o ffic ia ls recently accused the 36-year-old W ic k liffe , O h io n a tive o f an elaborate scheme to create $350 m illio n in false p ro fits and conceal $100 m illio n in losses. Jett has refused to ta lk w ith mem bers o f the press and has refused to even answ er his d o o rb e ll in M a n h a tta n ’ s trendy T riB e C a d istrict. Exiled Haiti President Calls Policy Racist T he e x ile d president o f H a iti, Jean- B ertrand A ris tid e , has denounced C lin to n a d m in istra tio n p o lic y to w a rd his co u n try , la b e lin g it “ ra cist” . A ris tid e was upset w ith C lin to n ’ s co n tin u a tio n o f Bush a d m in is ­ tration p o lic y in w h ic h refugees fro m Cuba are eagerly accepted in the U.S. w h ile refugees fle e in g the oppressive regim e in H a iti are fo rce d to return. A c c o rd in g to A ris tid e , w h o w as o v e rth ro w n b y the c o u n try ’ s cu rre n t m ilita ry regim e, the U.S. p o lic y tow ard H a iti is “ re a lly a w ay o f saying we d o n ’ t care.” The ousted leader also is frustrated that the U.S. has not done Rose Festival Center Opening m ore to restore h im to pow er. M e a n w h ile , a C lin to n spokesperson said, “ O u r p o lic y rem ains to restore dem ocracy and restore President A ris tid e to H a iti. The Portland Rose Festival Center opens Thursday and runs through June 12 as the downtown waterfront is transformed into an activity center with big rides, food booths, entertainment and arts and crafts booths. Special features include the Made in Oregon Pavilion, International Marketplace and entertainment stages. Black Wealth Conference Seeks Proposals V endors and persons w ith ideas and projects needing fu n d in g have been in v ite d to su b m it proposals to the organizers o f the Urban League President Chosen n a tio n ’ s firs t B la c k W e a lth B u ild in g C o n ­ ference. The firs t in a series o f conferences Hugh Price To Lead National Civil Rights Group is set fo r e a rly Ju ly in W a sh in g to n , D .C The conference aim s to share w ealth b u ild at a tim e when the A fric a n -A m e ric a n co m ­ can-A m ericans since B ro w n vs. Board o f m u n ity is in great need o f an e ffe ctive advo­ in g , in ve stm e n t and incom e enhancem ent cate fo r equal econom ic o p p o rtu n ity and a E ducation. Focus p u b lic and p riva te resources at the techniques w ith blacks th ro u g h o u t the na­ tion. B u t spokesman James Nathan says, defender o f hard-earned c iv il rig h ts ,” said R e g in a ld K . B ra ck, Jr., chairm an o f the nation, state and local levels m ore sharply on the acute problem s a fflic tin g the urban “ W e decided to add a session in w h ic h people should be able to present and seek fu n d in g fo r th e ir p a rtic u la r w ealth b u ild in g league’ s board o f trustees. “ H ugh has a passion fo r ju stice and a poor. H e lp l if t the urban poor, especially c h il­ co m m itm e n t to developing solutions to the dren, ou t o f poverty and into the econom ic p rojects.” C onference in fo rm a tio n and reg­ problem s fa cin g urban A m e rica to d a y,” Brack istra tio n m aterial can be gotten by w ritin g said. “ W e believe he w ill be an effe ctive voice and social m ainstream . E q u ip a ll A fric a n -A m e ric a n ch ild re n w ith B lack W o rld International, P.O. B o x 65001, fo r the Urban League and fo r the African-A m eri­ the academic competencies and social skills W a sh in g to n , D .C . 20035 can com m unity as a whole, and that he can lead required fo r citizenship and se lf-su fficie n cy Motown Founder Sues Over Sex Allegations M o to w n Records founder B erry G ordy, Jr. said he is suing the N ew Y o rk D a ily N ews fo r $250 m illio n fo r p rin tin g allega­ tions that he sexually m olested a 14-ycar- o ld boy and pressured singers to have a bor­ tions. G o rd y called the a rtic le “ obscene and co m p le te ly false.” The a rticle in question quoted fo rm e r M o to w n s ta ff m em ber T o n y T u rn e r as saying G o rd y m olested him when he was o n ly 14. T u rn e r is reportedly w o rk ­ ing on a book about G o rd y and M o to w n - the n a tio n ’ s leading b lack entertainm ent firm . Hugh G. Price T he N a tio n a l U rb a n L e a g u e has named H u g h Price, 52, a senior o f f i­ cer o f the R o c k e fe lle r Foundation our organization into the 21st Century.” in the 21 C entury. Price said A fric a n -A m e rica n s have made m any im p o rta n t strides in the 4 0 years since E n lis t the A fric a n -A m e ric a n m id d le class in supporting the healthy developm ent o f B ro w n vs. Board o f E ducation. “ W e can now be fo u n d in the highest and o u r least-advantaged ch ild re n and b u ild in g m ost sensitive positions in governm ent, busi­ ness, la w and m edicine. B u t many others o f us have been le ft behind. R e b u ild in g that eco­ n o m ic and social in fra stru ctu re fo r a ll A f r i­ ca n -A m e rica n s is a daunting challenge, but and a frequent c o m m e n ta to r on social issues, no o rg a n iza tio n is better positioned to do it as the seventh P resident and C h ie f E xecutive than the N a tio n a l U rban League,” P rice said. O ffic e r o f the n a tio n ’ s second-oldest c iv il Price said heintends to f u lf ill the league’ s rig h ts o rg a n iza tio n . P rice succeeds John E. Jacob w h o headed the U rban League fo r 12 tra d itio n a l mandate c o m b in in g social ju stice years and is re tirin g a fte r 30 years o f service w ith econom ic grow th and opportunities. Spe­ c ific a lly , he n o te d th is in vo lve s: to the c iv il rig h ts m ovem ent. “ Hugh Price b rin g s experience, visio n , • S o lid ify and expand the dram atic educa­ c re a tiv ity and leadership to the Urban League tio n a l and econom ic gains made by A fri- M l » '' via b le urban neighborhoods. D evelop strategies to compensate fo r the shortcom ings o f urban la b o r markets so that inner c ity residents w ho w ant o r are expected to w o rk can earn le g itim a te liv in g above the poverty line. P rom ote in te r-g ro u p understanding so that a ll A m ericans are equipped to collaborate and liv e harm oniously in an increasingly co m p e titive and m u ltic u ltu ra l w o rld . F irm ly address lin g e rin g vestiges o f racism and com bat m isleading m edia images o f A frica n -A m e rica n s w h ich fuel discrim in a ­ tion by ethnic stereotype. received a grant valued at more than $100,000 to hire 35 youth aged 18-25 for the summer, June 17-August 19. O f 31 areas awarded funds nationally, Port­ land and Seattle are the only Northwest cities. In addition to a living allowance for the nine-week program , Summer Associates whosuccessfully com plete the program w ill receive an education award of $1,000. The Leaders Roundtable is a col­ laboration o f leaders from cation, government and community- based organizations w ho w or k together to increase school completion, prepara­ tion for employment and access to jobs and to post-secondary education for low- income and ethnic m inority youth in Multnomah County. “W e are pleased to be participating in this project with the Police Activities League,’’ said Ronald B. Gould, C h air of the Leaders Roundtable and a partner with Deloitte and Touche. “Throughcol­ laborative efforts like this, we can find new ways to help young people over­ come barriers to self-sufficiency and productive citizenship.” PA L is a juvenile crime prevention program which works w ith youth at risk of dropping out o f school, o f joining youth gangs o r participating in delin­ quent behavior. P A L is a collaboration of all law enforcement agencies in M u lt­ nomah County and works closely w ith schools, parks, and non-profit agencies to ensure no youth fall through the cracks. ▼ Continued to page A3 Social Issues Concern New President H ugh B. P rice, 52, is a graduate from Y ale L a w School. He has served as a lo n g ­ tim e social advocate in m any positions, most recently at the Rockefeller Foundation, where he was responsible fo r managing in itia tiv e s in education fo r a t-ris k youth and programs to increase m in o rity opportunities. He is son o f bla ck m id d le class parents w ho were a ctive ly in vo lve d in the suffrage and c iv il rig h ts m ovem ents in W ashington, D .C . During the late 1960s, he served as the first executive director o f the Black Coalition o f New Haven, an organization dedicated to restoring the liv a b ility o f neighborhoods. H is firs t p o sitio n fo llo w in g graduation from law school, was an a neighborhood a tto rn e y w ith th e N e w H a ve n L e g a l Assisatnce A ssociation. F rom 1970 to 1975, he was a partner in a law firm co n su ltin g on urban a ffa irs in N ew Haven. F rom 1978 to 1982, he was a m em ber o f the e d ito ria l board o f the N ew Y o rk T im es where he w rote e d ito ria ls on p ublic p o lic y issues, in clu d in g p u b lic edu­ cation, urban affairs, m anpow er, w elfare, c rim in a l ju stice and telecom m unications. He has taught seminars and served on m any boards and com m issions. 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