Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 25, 1994, Page 9, Image 9

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    T he P ortland O bserver • M ay 25, 1994
P age B3
F ood P age
Lawry’s Seeks “Tasty Tips”
Infant Babbling Useful
Two researchers have developed
an inexpensive screening method to
detect severe hearing loss in infants.
The m ethod relies on teaching p ar­
ents to listen for certain sound p at­
terns in infant vocalizing, which typi­
cally occur by 11 months o f age in
normally hearingchildren. Once iden­
tified, the infants’ hearing loss can be
com pensated for early, when chances
are greatest that they will be able to
acquire spoken language norm ally.
The m ethod could result in the
diagnosis o f severe-to-profound hear­
ing loss as early as one year o f age.
This is nearly 2 years earlier than the
average age at diagnosis at 3 years o f
age in the United States.
The research was conducted by
R ebecca D. E ilers, PhD and D.
Kim brough O iler, PhD, o f the D e­
partm ents o f Psychology and Pediat­
rics at the U niversity o f Miami and
the University o f M iami Ear Institute
in M iam i, Florida. The research team
was founded in part by the National
Institute on D eafness and other C om ­
m unicative D isorders and the N a­
tional Institute o f C hild and Health
and Human D evelopm ent, both part
o f the National Institute o f H ealth in
Bethesda, M aryland.
The study appeared in February,
1994 issue o f The Journal o f Pediat­
Although Drs. Eilers and Oiler be­
lieve that their method will prove to be
highly effective, the researches stress
that it is not a substitute for other, earlier,
screening attempts. Moreover, parents
who suspect their children have a hear­
ing loss should immediately discuss their
concern with a pediatrician, and not wait
until their children are old enough to
begin babbling.
In the article, the researchers re ­
ferred to an NIH C onsensus D evelop­
m ent Conference that recom m ended
universal hearing screening for all
infants before 3 months o f age. As of
yet, this recommendation has not been
carried out. In the m eantim e, Drs.
E ilers and O iler think their m ethod
will help to identify a large propor­
tion o f hearing-im paired children.
The diagnostic technique developed
Calling all cooks! Calling
all cooks!! Do you have a unique
flair for preparing a particular
by the two researchers consists of teach­ dish in the kitchen? What is
ing parents to listen for canonical bab­
that special something that you
bling - well formed speech sounds that
do to make your fried chicken
children with normal hearing almost al­
ways make by 11 months of age. Essen­
tially, canonical babbling consists of
strings of syllables that are so speechlike
that many parents say their children al­
most sound as if they are talking. Ex­
amples of canonical babbling include
syllables like “da,” “na,” “bee,” or
“yaya.” Unlike une speech, these syl­
lables are not associated with any word
A bout 0.2 percent o f U.S. chil­
dren have m oderate to severe hearing
loss by the item they reach one year o f
age, said Dr. Eilers. Such hearing loss
may involve dam age to the cochlea,
the bony structure o f the inner ear or
damage to the nerves conveying sound
impulses from the inner ear to the
brain. This dam age may occur as a
result o f hereditary conditions, or
com plications o f pregnancy or birth,
such as low oxygen levels, high bil­
irubin levels, or infection with cyto­
Heart Disease Reversal
Program In Sweet Home
You can have m uch the same
Heart D isease Reversal Program in
our area in Sweet H om e, Oregon as
the fam ous O rnish program that is
being started in three large m edical
centers in the east. M utual o f O m aha,
the nation ’ s largest provider o f health
insurance for individuals, has co n ­
tributed $ 100,000 to each o f the three
medical centers to get them started on
this program that has proven to be such
a benefit to those who have tried it.
Dean O rnish, M .D., whose Heart
Disease Reversal Program is being
used in the medical centers, tells us in
his book E at M ore, W eigh Less:
“Along the way, we discovered that
p e o p le
w ho
fo llo w e d
program ...im proved not only their
hearts but also their waist lines...The
program takes an approach to dieting
scientifically based on the type, rather
than just the amount, of food consumed.”
This sam e type o f H eart Disease
R eversal Program has been carried
on at Son-Lit A cres, in a small rural
setting near Sweet Home, for the past
ten years, with sim ilar dram atic re­
sults. Using G od-given remedies such
as tasty, healthful food, exercise, hy­
drotherapy and massage, not only
reverse heart disease, but also helps
diabetes, arthritis, obesity, hyperten­
sion and o th er com m on diseases.
Health quests com e to experience this
program from all over the W estern
U nited States.
Im elda cam e to the program with
a blood pressure o f 180/104 and w alk­
ing 1/4 mile a ta tim e . At the end ofthe
program the doctor had discontinued
her hypertension m edication, her
blood pressure was 134/76 and she
was walking tw o miles at a time and
four miles a day.
Louis, a 65 year old diabetic d e­
creased her daily insulin from 52
units to 15; her w eight from 222 to
213; and her triglycerides from 248 to
206 during the session.
Son-Lit A cres is enhancing its
staff with the addition o f Rich and
R onda Smith. R ich ’s background has
been in the field o f m assage and hy­
drotherapy. His training was under
the guidance of Charles Thomas, RPT,
PhD , form er director o f Physical
Therapy at Lom a Linda University,
and a recognized authority in hydro­
therapy. F o rth e p a s t4 years Rich has
headed the therapy departm ent at the
Hartland W ellness C enter and taught
massage and hydrotherapy at Hartland
College in Virginia.
Ronda Smith, R.N. also has her
B.S. in Health Education. She has
worked in the area o f w ellness educa­
tion for 15 years at W eim ar Institute
in C a lif o r n ia , a n d a t H a rtla n d
W ellness C enter in Virginia. She has
added cooking classes to the program
at Son-Lit A cres, so that each guest
will learn to prepare the delicious,
healthful foods to continue their new
lifestyle when they return home.
W ith so much research validat­
ing that a healthful lifestyle is so
effective in reversing diseases, it is
fortunate to have this program right
in our area. Health guests enjoy a
com fortable, hom estyle setting dur­
ing their 18-day stay, and experience
the b e n e fits o f health edu catio n
classes, relaxing treatm ents. C ook­
ing classes, exercise, delicious meals
and association with the warm, car­
ing staff. If you would like more infor­
m ation, please call (503) 367-5430
and they will send you inform ation
and answ er your questions.
crispy and moist or your col­ the Law ry’s “Tasty Tips from
lard greens more flavorful? Seasoned Veterans” column.
Law ry’s Foods, Inc. is hoping
The column will spotlight
that you will share some that tasty tips used by amateur and
you will share some of your professional cooks from across
cooking secrets with others in the country. Cooks whose tasty
tips are featured will receive
valuable Law ry’s coupons and
products as well as gift certifi­
cates for free groceries.
In addition, the column will
feature tasty tips from L aw ry’s
“Tasty Tips from Seasoned Vet­
erans” national spokesperson,
Chef Ben Gordon, owner of Res­
taurant 2110 and Benny’s in
“It is quite an honor to be
selected by Lawry’s as a “sea­
soned veteran” in the cooking
arena,” said Gordon. “I ’m ex­
cited about sharing my behind-
th e-scen e food p re p a ratio n
skillsavith the public and look
forward to learning new tips
from them as well.”
if you want to share your
tasty tip(s), please send them to
Law ry’s Tasty Tips From Sea­
• 4 large rip e firm b a n a n a s
• 2 T ablespoons ru m
Veterans, c/o Flowers
• 1/2 cu p brow n su g a r
o r 1 teaspoon ru m e x tra c t
Group, 542 S.
• 1/2 cu p H eath B its ‘O B rickie
• C innam on
• 6 T ablespoons b u tte r o r m a rg a rin e
Peel the bananas and halve legthwise. M elt Bits ‘O Brickie, brown
sugar and butter in skillet. Add bananas; cook until ju st tender. Rem ove
Lawry’s is the leading pro­
bananas from skillet. Sprinkle with cinnam on. Add rum to skillet and stir
of seasoned salt among
until sauce is smooth. Pour over bananas and serve as is or with scoops o f
vanilla ice cream. M ake 4 servings.
iananas Mardi Gras
Q. W hen I frost my cakes the
surface crumbles or breaks and gets
mixed in with the frosting. Help! L.
K., Bakersfield, CA
A. Before frosting, be sure to cool
cake on wire racks. T hen, gendy brush
away loose crumbs and fill visible
pockets or holes in cake with frosting.
You should use a flexible, m etal
spatula to frost cake, and keep a cup
o f warm w ater nearby. If spatula pulls
up c ru m b s o r is n o t sp re a d in g
sm oothly, dip it in w ater, wipe dry
and begin again.
F ro s tin g can p u ll an d te a r
c a k e if i t ’s to o th ic k . T o th in
fro s tin g , s tir in a few d ro p s o f
w a te r o r m ilk . C o a t to rn se c tio n
w ith a th in la y e r o f fro stin g to
seal in c ru m b s b e fo re c o n tin u in g .
Q. A friend gave me a trifle bowl,
but I do n ’t know w hat a trifle is. R.
W ., Los Angeles, CA
A. T rifle is an E n g lish d e s ­
se rt m ade o f a sim p le ca k e so a k e d
w ith sh e rry , ru m , c o g n a c o r w h is ­
k e y a n d la y e r e d w ith c u s ta r d
sa u c e , w h ip p e d c re a m , to a s te d
n u ts a n d so m e tim e s fru it, ja m a n d
g ra te d c h o c o la te .
Q. W h e n e v e r I m ake a c h e e se ­
c a k e , it s p lits in th e m id d le a fte r
b a k in g . W h at m ig h t I b e d o in g
w ro n g ? D .B ., W en o n ak O ak V a l­
le y , NJ and D .J., P h ila d e lp h ia ,
A. C h e e se c a k e is m ore lik e ly
to c ra c k if i t ’s b a k e d at to o high
an o v e n te m p e r a tu r e , o r o v e r
b a k e d . C h e c k y o u r oven te m p e ra ­
tu re w ith a sm a ll o v e n th e rm o m ­
e te r an d a d ju s t a c c o rd in g ly .
In a d d itio n , it h e lp s to p la c e
c h e e se c a k e on the m id d le p o s i­
tio n ra c k o f th e ov en so h e a t flo w s
e v e n ly d u rin g b a k in g .
T ip O f T h e W eek ; B a n a n a s
a re a g re a t sn a c k you c a n e a t a ll
y e a r. P u rc h a s e b a n a n a s th a t are
yellow o r yellow tip p ed w ith green
an d free from b ru ise s. Y ou can
use b a n a n a s to p re v e n t d is c o lo r a ­
tio n . O ne m e d iu m o r tw o sm a ll
b a n a n a s y ie ld s o n e cu p slic e d .
D o you have a c o o k in g q u e s ­
tio n ? W rite D ear B e tty C ro c k e r,
B ox 1113, D ept. B e tty , M in n e ­
a p o lis , M N 5 5 4 4 0
B etty C ro c k e r is a re g is te re d
tra d e m a rk o f G e n e ra l M ills , In c .
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