M ay 25, 1994 • T he P ortland O bserver P age A6 A R T E V Traveling With Children This Summer W hen traveling with children this sum m er do not forget to pack the m ost im portant bag: the “ snack” bag. “Traveling as a family can be a lot o f fun. There are lots o f things to do, and eating is one o f them ,” said Dr. Corinne M ontandon, a nutrition­ ist at the U SD A ’s C hildren’s N utri­ tion Research C enter and an assistant professor o f pediatrics at Baylor Col­ lege o f Medicine. “J ust make sure you offer nutritious treats,” she added. Mobile m unchers can wile away the m iles crunching on fresh fruit, nuts, popcorn, dry cereal, celery sticks. and carrot sticks. (Nuts, whole grapes or popcorn should not be given to tots younger than 5 because they could choke.) String cheese, packaged fruit snacks, a variety o f breads, spreads, small boxes o f raisins, Graham crack­ ers, animal crackers, low-salt pret­ zels,and peanutbutter and jelly sand­ wiches also appease restless riders. For heartier fare, have a picnic lunch prepared and stop at a conve­ nient roadside park, M ontandon said. A cooler w ith ice or commercial ice pack allows travelers to pack a Hampton Inn Of Anaheim/ Disneyland Offers Families An Affordable Funrise Disneyland Package T h e H a m p to n In n h o te l in A n a h e im , 3 0 0 E . K a te lla W ay is o ffe rin g fa m ilie s a new an d fu n - fille d F u n rise D isn e y la n d P a c k ­ age. T he P a c k a g e in c lu d e s 2 n ig h ts stay at th e H a m p to n In n - A n a ­ h eim , 2 d a y D isn e y la n d p a ssp o rts fo r 2 A d u lt a n d 1 C h ild , T h e F u n r is e E a r l y A d m is s io n to D isn e y la n d fo r 1 d a y , a free c o n ­ tin e n ta l b re a k f a s t e v e ry m o rn in g from 6 a .m . to 10 a .m ., a n d free sh u ttle se rv ic e to D isn e y la n d fo r o n ly $ 2 5 3 .0 0 (ta x n o t in c lu d e d ). E x tra ro o m n ig h ts a n d p a s s p o rts a re a v a ila b le . T h e F u n rise E a rly A d m issio n is y o u r p a s s p o r t to g e t in to D is n e y la n d and M ic k e y ’s T o o n to w n a t h is M o v ie B arn . G e t g oofy in G o o fy ’s B o u n ce H o u se. G o n u tty in C h ip N ’ D a l e ’s T r e e h o u s e . T a k e a W h ir lw in d sp in on G a d g e t’s G o C o a s te r. Y o u ’ll b e p la y in g in th e P a rk w h ile ev e ry o n e e lse is still D ream - wider range o f items. Sandw ichesm ightincludc sliced barbecue beef or chicken, lean lun­ cheon m eats or tuna. Pack sandwich fillings, lettuce and tom atoes, and condim ents separately in clean air­ tight containers or clear plastic food- storage bags. Assemble sandwiches just before serving to keep the bread fresh. M ontandon also encourages par­ ents to ice down plenty o f single-serve cartons o f fruit juice, a quart of milk and a bottle o f water. Remember to tuck in some color­ ful napkins, sturdy paper plates, plas­ tic forks and knives, and paper cups, she said. N ext to “ I’m hungry,” parents m o st o fte n h e a r “ I ’m b o r e d .” M ontandon suggests games that fo­ ing! ! T h is e x c itin g fe a tu re is n o t a v a ila b le w ith tic k e ts p u rc h a se d at the M a in g a te . A c c o rd in g to A n n a C o o p e r, sa le s m a n a g e r o f the H am p to n In n - A n a h e im , th e F u n r i s e D isn e y la n d p a c k a g e g iv e s fa m i­ lie s e x tra v a lu e , a n d a n o th e r r e a ­ son to stay a t the H a m p to n Inn - A n a h e im /D isn e y la n d . “O v e r 90% o f g u e sts w ho try a H a m p to n In n re tu rn to stay a g a in . T h e re a re m any re a so n s for th is im p re ssiv e sta tistic : cle a n , c o m fo rta b le a c c o m m o d a tio n s, a c o m p lim e n ta ry d e lu x e c o n tin e n ­ ta l b re a k fa s t, fre e lo c a l p h o n e c a lls and a fre e m o v ie c h a n n e l. P lu s th e ir h o te l sta y is b a c k e d by high le v e ls o f c u sto m e r s e r­ vice and by o u r 100% S a tis fa c ­ tio n G u a ra n te e : If a g u e st is n ’t c o m p le te ly s a tis fie d w ith th e ir a c c o m m o d a tio n s, w e d o n ’t e x ­ p e c t them to p a y ,” M s. C o o p e r said. cus on family participation. C h ild re n a lso en jo y a sp ecial tra v e l bag filled w ith b o oks, h a n d ­ h e ld v id e o s, a d eck o f c a rd s, and m in i- p u z z le s . T o d d le rs an d p re sc h o o le rs like d o lls , b o o k s, p la stic c a rto o n fig u re s, an d c o l­ o rin g b o o k s. Counting cow s or billboards, rhyming gam es, map reading, sing­ alongs, and riddles provide hours of entertainm ent. M o n ta n d o n re m in d s p a re n ts to m ake fre q u e n t sto p s so c h il­ d re n can stre tc h th e ir le g s and use the re stro o m . W ith a bit o f planning, patience and plenty o f travel treats, families can make this sum m er’s vacation a road trip worth repeating. L Sternwheeler Days On The Columbia The Colum bia Gorge Lions present Stem w heeler Days, June 24-26, in Cascade Locks. The festivities begin with excursion rides on the stem w heeler “C o­ lumbia G orge,” over 60 food and craft booths to brow se, carnival rides for the kids. Blue Grass m usic, Salmon bake, bingo gam es, bed races and go- cart races. T hunder Island w ill be alive with an encam pm ent o f M ountain men and women depicting fur trading cam ps of the 1930s and 40s and the annual parade will start at 11 a.m. on Saturday. Festival hours are Friday 4 p.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m . to 9 p.m. and Sunday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Cruises on the stem w heeler “C olum bia G orge” are 10 a.m ., 12:30 p.m. and 3 p.m ., seven days a week. Please call (503) 374-8427 for more information on cruises. For m ore inform ation on S tem w heeler D ays please w rite to: Stem w heeler Days, P.O. Box 522, Cascade Locks, Oregon 97014 or phone Phil Redlock at (503) 374-8313. Cascade Locks is located 40 miles east o f Portland on Highway 1-84, exit 44. Meui Subscribers Con Win ft Trip To fteno Cellular One Introduces VoiceTouch Cellular One of Oregon/S.W. Washington today announced a revo­ lutionary service which allows its sub­ scribers to dial their phones with their voice instead of their fingers. The ser­ vice, called “VoiceTouch,” is offered exclusively by Cellular One and will work with any digital /analog cellular telephone because the hardware and software which operates the system is installed in Cellular O ne’s switch. “This is truly the most usable, robust and easily accessible voice rec­ ognition serv ice in telecommunications today, and we’re proud to be the first to be able to offer it to our customers,” said Will McAllister, Cellular One’s general managerforOregonandSouth- west Washington. “It is convenient and simple to use. And the great thing about it is, you don’t have to buy any equipment or upgrade your phone at all to use this system. All you have to be is a Cellular One customer.” VoiceTouch subscribers can both speak a number to dial it and program up to 20 telephone numbers under key words or names, or call the number by speaking the word or name. Subscrib­ ers will access the service by hitting the “#” key and then the “send” key. A customer can then dial a number by saying “dial” and then speak the num­ ber. Or a customer can say “call” and then speak a pre-programmed name or word. If the system is un­ i <>st< ?:«-.« S ( >!.« lar communi­ ÎVôicsïiiueh ! / cation services ; SysWtn 'fcs' Í = T “ Í in the Pacific N o r th w e s t. Z Sfrkk Cellular One is a w holly owned subsid­ iary of McCaw Cellular Com­ m unications, Inc., h e a d ­ quartered in K irk la n d , W ashington. W Tw o out o f the next one hun­ dred (100) new subscribers to the Portland O bserver will be eligible to win a round trip to Reno. Two People, Round Trip Air Tw o Nights Hotel and Hotel Tax depart on Sunday, M onday, or Tues­ day. • Requires 14 days notice. • No Holidays. • Subject to availability. • Prize is not refundable. • M ust use by Ju ly 3 1 ,1 9 9 4 . • E n try d ea d lin e is M ay 31,1994 v \ ß Rene Contesi Name Address Phone ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION $30.00 MAIL YOUR ENTRY TO: RENO CONTEST P.O. BOX 3137 PORTLAND, OR 97208 Dottie Fischer Presents: 503-231-1600 700 N.E Multnomah #478, Portland, Oregon 97232,1-800-545-0844 QQ dick E scapes via RENO Air RENO From Seattle to Portland 3rd Night Freq: Sands Regency* 3rd Night Free:* RiverBoat Hotel Effective A rriv al Dates 2 nights A rriv al Sun - W ed 3 nights A rriv al Sun - T ue 2 nights A rriv al T h u o r Sat 2 nights A rrival F riday 3 nights A rriv a l T h u rsd a y 4/9-6/18 $114 $114* $127 $180 $177 $131 $176 $179 5/1-6/30 $126 $126* 9 / A*? / çj’ Holland America Line’s ss Rotterdam S e p te m b e r 29 - 3 0 ,1 9 9 4 V an co u v er, B.C. to P o rtla n d O c to b e r 12 - 1 3 ,1 9 9 4 P o rtla n d to V ancouver, B.C. ms Westerdam Special: - Get $30 back in ‘Hilton Bucks’ per couple - thru 5/31 $142 $155 4/29-10/31 $130 Reno Hilton $194 $199 $178 $174 $175 $176 O c to b e r 1 - 2 ,1 9 9 4 V an co u v er, B .C . to P o rtla n d O c to b e r 9 -1 0 , 1994 P o rtla n d to V ancouver, B.C. Includes 2 for 1 Show and $100 Funboat Clarion Hotel 4/1-7/31 4/1-7/31 $114 $124 $131 $146 $126 $129 Includes 2 for 1 Dinner - Amigo's For tw enty-four hours you can enjoy all o f the luxuries you can im agine on Holland A m erica’s ss R O T T E R D A M or m s W E ST E R D A M ! Live an exciting day and evening betw een Portland and V ancouver, British Colum bia, cruising scenic V ancouver Island, the majestic Colum bia, the bustling John A scuaga’s Nugget 3/8-7/31 $126 $149 $135 $184 $187 W illam ette River, plus have the thrill o f crossing the C olum bia River bar. 3/8-7/31 $138 $167 $153 $208 $217 You will experience Holland A m erica’s Tradition o f Excellence in their service and cuisine. Included in Peppermill Hotel 5/1-10/29 $138 $167 $150 $202 $211 Flamingo Hotel 3/1-6/30 $138 $167 $155 $212 $221 your cruise price is a gourm et breakfast, lunch, dinner and m idnight buffet. You can also enjoy a w ide range Includes Show Discount Eldorado Hotel of shipboard activities and entertainm ent planned for this special cruise such as floor show s, lounges, on­ board shopping, dancing and casino while at sea! Portland to V ancouver B.C. - Ship sails at 11:00 a.m. 4/29-7/17 $142 $173 $159 $216 $227 V ancouver B.C. to Portland - Ship sails at 6:00 p.m. $243 CR U ISE PACKAGE INCLUDES: One way cruise between Portland and Vancouver, B.C., ground transportation betw een V ancouver, B.C. Includes Cabaret & Funbook Harrahs Reno 2/13-6/25 $150 $185 $169 $228 Free ‘Sammy’s Showroom’ with Cocktail/Tax and Portland with a box lunch and Travel M arketing escorts. Gold In Reno! - Only $180 per person! In c lu d e s 2 n ig h ts at th e R e n o H ilton, 1 ro u n d o f G o lf p e r perso n and A L A M O E c o n o m y C ar PACKAGES INCLUDE 4 4 4 4 4 Round trip Non-Stop Reno Air je t flights from Seattle or Portland to Reno. T w o o r three nights at selected hotels, including room tax. (Prices arc per person, double occupancy) Transportation betw een Reno Airport and hotel (excepts Sands*). V alid for travel through specified dates, except Holidays and Special Events. Prices valid for travel on “8” Fair only. O ther classes slightly higher. $3 - $6 airport facility fee not included (where applicable). Bookings made less than 11 days prior to travel will incur rush handling fee. Prices require minimum 7 day advance purchase. Cruise Only Cruise Package $350 $238 $198 $178 $158 $148 $128 $105 $415 $303 $263 $243 $223 $213 $193 $170 Suite (W esterdam only) S tateroom Deluxe D eluxe O utside L arg e O utside S ta n d a rd O utside L a rg e Inside S ta n d a rd Inside 3 rd a n d 4th P assenger