Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 25, 1994, Page 5, Image 5

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    T he P ortland O bserver • M ay 25, 1994
P age A5
Ingram Leads
lack Mayors
On Friday, June 3, 1994 at 10:00 am
there will be a promotion ceremony for
Bruce Prunk, who will be promoted to
Commander for the Northeast Precinct.
Mayor Vera Katz and Cheif Charles
Moose are scheduled to attend. This cer­
emony will take place at the Northeast
Precinct, located at the comer of NE
M artin Luther King Jr. Blvd. and
Killingsworth Street.
Following the ceremony there will be
an Open House for members of the com­
munity to tour the new Northeast Pre­
cinct. This Open House will take place
between 10:00am and 5:00pm and re­
freshments will be served.
For further details, call Lieutenant
Derrick Foxworth at (503) 823-0000.
Festival Of Flowers Show
Tualatin Hills Park And Recreation District - Jenkins Estate
Jenkins Estate, 8005 SW Grabhorn Rd., Aloha, Oregon
Sunday, June 5 ,12:00 - 5:00 pm
Please call 642-3855 for more inform ation.
Public Workshops on
The Portland Development Commission’s
Five-Year Plan
Wednesday, June 1 7 - 9 p.m.
Metro Regional Center
600 N.E. Grand Ave.
Thursday, June 2 7 - 9 p.m.
Two World Trade Center
International Conference Center
Mezzanine Level
The Portland DevelopmentCommlsslon (PDC) Is the city's agency
for urban renewal, housing and economic development. The
public workshops are planned with the purpose of discussing the
draft of PDC’s new Five-Year Business Plan. The Plan sets the
framework for PDC’s future work program In 10 targeted areas of
the city as well as city-wide programs.
Robert B. Ingram (left), elected President of the National
Conference of Black Mayors, receives congratulations from
George L. Knox III of Philip Morris Companies.
Robert B. Ingram , Ph.D ., the
m ayor o f O pa-L ocka, F la., w as
elected President o f the National
Conference o f Black M ayors during
the conference’s 20th annual con­
vention recently in W ashington, D.C.
Serving his fourth consecutive
term as mayor of O pa-Locka, Ingram
is also chairperson o f Extension and
Continuing E ducation at Florida
M emorial College and a form er M i­
ami C hief o f Police.
G eorge L. Knox III, vice-presi­
dent, public affairs, for Philip M orris
Com panies assured the 354 mayors
that Philip M orris supports their
efforts to prom ote economic growth
in their constituencies. Philip M orris
and M iller Brew eries sponsored the
convention’s “Tribute to a Black
A m erican,” which honored Rev.
L eon H . S u lliv an H. S u lliv a a ,
founder o f the O pportunities indus­
trialization Centers.
Nelson Mandela
To be Honored
Congressm an Donald M. Payne
(N J-10) was recently selected to be
the Honorary Chairm an o f the C on­
gressional Black Caucus Foundation
(C B C F) 24th A nnual L egislative
Conference (ALC). The Conference
(previously known as the Annual
Legislative W eekend) will be held on
Septem ber 14-18,1994 at the W ash­
ington Convention Center.
Payne said that under his direc­
tion, the annual event will focus on
preparing a new generation o f lead­
ers. “I plan to stress the importance of
m entoring and serving as role models
for young people. Changes in the
traditional family structure have left
too many children w ithout the guid­
ance they need to grow into respon­
sible, successful members o f their
com m unities,” said Payne. I want our
Annual Legislative Conference to be
a clarion call for action, a strong
signal to African A m erican adults
that their positive influence is desper­
ately needed to make a difference in
the lives o f children in every part of
our nation.”
Following his selection, Payne
also announced that he plans to invite
the newly elected president o f South
Africa, Nelson M andela to address
the conference and to receive the
Foundation’s highest honor, the A n­
nual Legislative Conference Achieve­
m ent Award.
“Nelson M andela’s long struggle
to bring freedom to the oppressed
people o f South Africa was supported
and closely watched by millions o f
A m e r ic a n s ,” sa id P a y n e . “ T h e
Foundation’s annual gathering will
be an ideal forum to hear this rem ark­
W hether it's u new
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Training For Landlord
Tenant Mediation
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this lou) won't last much longer.
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able leader’s first-hand account o f the
dramatic m ove towards dem ocracy in
his hom eland,”
The Annual Legislative C onfer­
ence is a five day event which in­
cludes a series o f issue forum s, w ork­
shops and congressional braintrusts.
There are also four fund-raising events
which support the Foundation’s edu­
cational program s and its mission to
broaden and elevate the political in­
fluence o f African Americans: the
Congressional Black Caucus Spouses
(CBC Spouses) 18th Annual Fashion
Show “ C u rta in C a ll” ; th e C B C
Spouses Benefit Concert; the CBCF
Prayer Breakfast; and the gala A n­
nual A w ards Dinner.
T he 24th A nnual L egislative
Conference marks the third consecu­
tive year in which the W ashington
C onvention Center has been selected
as the site for the conference. O ver
20,000 people participated in last
year’s e v e n t
The Congressional Black C au­
cus Foundation was established in
1976 as a non-partisan, non-profit,
public policy, research and educa­
tional institute. Since its inception,
the Foundation has w orked to en­
hance the influence o f African A m eri­
cans in the legislative and public policy
arenas through issue forum s, leader­
ship sem inars, research and educa­
tional program s. C ongressw om an
Cardiss Collins (IL-7) is Chairwoman
o f the Congressionasl Black Caucus
For additional inform ation on
the C B C F 24th Annual Legislative
C onference, please call 202-675-
In preparation for a fall comm encem ent o f a new out-of-court Land­
lord-Tenant M ediation Program sponsored by M ultnom ah C ounty’s C om ­
munity and Family Services Division and jointly coordinated by N eighbor­
hood M ediation C enter (Portland) and E ast M etro M ediation (G resham ),
a training for qualified volunteer mediator applications will be offered in
Portland on the following dates: Saturday, July 23 from 9 to5, Friday, Aug. 5 from
6 to 9 p.m. and Saturday, Aug. 6 from 9 to 5. The training will provide participants
with intensive instruction regarding Oregon’s landlord-tenant laws and related
legal issues, will allow for discussion and review of selected mediation methods
and topics, and will include opportunities for role play practice and application.
It should be noted that this is an advanced training, requiring that all
participants have a m inim um o f 30 hours o f basic m ediation training. A
minimum twice-a-m onth (two 3-hour sessions) com m itm ent for nine
months following the training will be required o f all volunteers. A fee o f $35
will be charged participants to cover costs; how ever som e scholarships are
available. To request an application form or for more inform ation call
N eighborhood M ediation Center at 823-3152 in Portland, or E ast M etro
M ediation at 669-2684 in Gresham .
The deadline for receipt o f applications in both Gresham and Portland
is no later than Friday, June 17. Individuals who are bi-cultural o r fluent in
more than one language and who w ould like to assist in serving M ultnom ah
C ounty’s diverse population are encouraged to apply.