'»«•»1 * * P age A 4 M ay 2 5 , 19 9 4 • T he P ortland O bserver u rtln n h h sc rü e r Homeowners Prefer Century 21 System For the third tim e, American homeowners rated the Century 21 system “Number 1” in a recent nationwide telephone survey of 1,800 h o m eo w n e rs a n sw e re d “ C e n tu ry 2 1 ” w hen a s k e d , “ Thinking about real estate sales organizations, which one would you say is the leader in real es­ tate?” Homeowners who were aware of both the Century 21 organiza­ tion and a particular com petitor were asked a series o f questions asking them to com pare the two organizations. W hen asked which o f the two named real estate sales organizations they believe is “Bet­ ter at helping people sell their hom es,” the Century 21 system won by more than five-to-one mar­ gins over Prudential and ERA, and by more than two-to-one over Coldwell Banker and Re/Max. Homeowners also overwhelm­ ingly named Century 21 when asked which of two named real estate sales organizations they think “gives customers better ser­ vice.” Further, an astounding 99 percent of those surveyed recog- Host Families Needed Global Partner’s Institute, a non­ profit cultural and educational exchange organization, is seeking families to host 15 Japenese high school stu d en ts from August 1 through August 22. While here in Portland, the students will spend their m ornings studying English language and American culture, and will be busy with field trips and other scheduled activities in the afternoons. nized Century 21. Only 84 per­ cent recognized Coldwell Banker, with ERA, Prudential and Re/Max recognized by 71 percent, 58 per­ cent of hom eowners surveyed, respectively. “The latest survey results are stronger in virtually every con­ sumer preference and image cat­ egory and c le a rly show the strength of the Century 21 im ­ ag e,” said A rt Fossum , C hief Operating Officer for Century 21 Northwest Region. “The findings also confirm those w e’ve received from our Quality Service Survey, which is conducted at the end of every transaction. In both cases, the Century 21 system rates ex­ tre m e ly h ig h am ong hom eow ners.” The 1994 National Survey of Homeowners was conducted dur­ ing January 5-17, 1994 by The W irthlin Group, a leading world­ wide survey research organiza­ tion that has conducted research for a number of Fortune 500 com ­ panies and four U.S. presidents. The random sample interviewed in the survey was representative o f the entire population o f U.S. hom eowners and has a 95 percent confidence interval. For more real estate inform a­ tion contact Steve Carter at the Century 21 Northwest Regional office, 800-342-0054 18000 In­ ternational Boulevard, suite 1021 S ea-T ac, W ashington 98188. Each Century 21 office is inde­ pendently owned and operated. McMurphy's Appliance Center UJasher fit Dryer 8199“ Refrigerators From 8129“ JEFFERSON VARIETY SCHOOL Ranges From 8129“ BENEFIT THE CLOSE-UP FOUNDATION AT JEFFERSON JUNE 3, 1 9 9 4 AT 7 :0 0 P.M Open Mon. - Fri. 9:00am to 5:00pm Saturday 10:00am to 2:00pm Sunday Closed JEFFERSON AUDITORIUM 5 2 1 0 N. KERBY ADMISSION $ 2 .0 0 STUDENTS & ADULTS CHILDREN 1 2 AND UNDER $ 1 .0 0 J.L. Lawn Service Phone (503) 288-4906 Pager.940-7721 ^ M o re value for your money...that’s why State Farm insures more homes than anyone else. 99 o f o w n in g y o u r o w n h o m e , y o u r d re a m m a y h a v e ju s t c o m e tr u e F o r a s l i t t l e a s y o u ' r e p a y i n g in m o n t h ly r e n t a n d a m o d e s t d o w n r : ’ r» ' Michael Harper 4245 S.W. Corbett Ave Portland, OR 97201 221-3050 p a y m e n t , y o u c o u ld b u y a H U D H o m e . T h a t 's r ig h t . T h e T H E ITREAM O F O W N IN G Y O U R O W N H O M E C A N C O M E T R U E FO R A B O U T W H A T Y O U ’RE P A Y IN G IN R E N T . State Farm Fire and Casualty Company Home Office: Bloomington. Illinois ( H U D ) h a s p r o g r a m s t h a t m a k e o w n in g a h o m e e a s ie r th a n y o u th in k . P r o g r a m s t h a t neighbor. State Farm is there.® CARPET CLEANERS NEW Generation $1400 per mo. We are #1 in the world. 43 Countries Strong Fortune 500 Company ★ NO W HIMPS!* Teachable • Hard Workers Only 15 People Needed • All Jobs Provided You Just Work. Call 579-6819 Need Dependable Vehicle n o t a ll o f y o u r c l o s i n g c o s t s If y o u 'd lik e m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t t h e h o m e y o u 'v e a l w r i y s d r e a m e d o f. c o n t a c t y o u r' r e a l b ro c h u re o n h o w to b u y a H U D h o m e , c a ll 1 - 0 C O - 7 6 7 - 4 H U D t i m e t o f o l l o w y o u r d r e a m , b e c a u s e n o w y o u c a n a f f o r d it W E 'LL HELP YOU O W N A PIECE O F A M E R IC A • Yr’.*. *• Pi. ’ / ■ m A ?