M ay 2 5 , 199 4 • T he P ortland O bserver P age B IO s 1 W \ fjR |> City Of Vancouver, Washington Invitation To Bid Street, Storm Drainage And Traffic Signal Improvements From N.E. 65th Avenue To SR 500 Overpass Sealed bids will be received by the purchasing Agent of the City of Vancouver, W ashington, up to the hour of 11:00 a.m., Pacific Time, M onday, June 20, 1994, and publicly opened and read aloud at 11:00 a.m. on the sam e day in the Council Cham bers on the First Floor of City Hall, 210 East 13th Street, Vancouver, W ashington, for the following: The construction of asphalt pavement, sidewalks, curbs, noise wall, traffic signals, drainage improvements, and asso­ ciated work as shown on the plans for Project No. TB 813, Street, Storm Drainage, and Traffic Signal Improvements for N.E. Fourth Plain Road from N.E. 65th Avenue to SR O ver­ pass. Notice is hereby given that Tri-City Service District is inviting proposals to perform the following project for the Tri-City W ater Pollution Control Plant. Influent Pump Station Vibration Repairs Sealed Proposals addressed to Tri-City Service District will be received at the office of the Departm ent of Utilities, 902 Abernethy Road, Oregon City, OR 97045, until 2:00 p.m., local time, on the 2nd day of June, 1994, and then will be publicly opened and read. Plans and Specifications may be exam ined in the Departm ent of Utilities, 902 Abernethy Road, Oregon City, OR 97045, telephone: (503) 650-3323. A copy of the docum ents may also be obtained at the D epartm ent of U tilitie s for a nonrefundable fee of $15.00. The contract docum ents are also on file at the following plan room services for the w ork contem plated herein. Approxim ate Q uantities: M aintenance and Protection of Traffic Lump Sum Mobilization and Demobilization Lump Sum Roadway Excavation and Em bankm ent 25,590 C.Y. 9,105 C.Y. Crashed Surfacing Base Course Crushed Surfacing Top Course 3,175 C.Y. Asphalt Concrete Pavement Class “A” 8,490 Ton Asphalt Concrete Pavement Class “B" 875 Ton Asphalt Concrete Pavement Class “E” 9,140 Ton Storm Sewer Pipe, 10-lnch Diameter 1,350 L.F. Storm Sewer Pipe, 18-lnch Diameter 1,025 L.F. Storm Sewer Pipe, 24-lnch Diameter 745 L.F. Storm Sew er Pipe, 30-lnch Diameter 1,510 L.F. Catch Basin Type 1 10 Each Curb Opening Inle 24 Each Com bination Curb Inlet 13 Each Storm Sewer Manhole, 48-lnch Diameter 10 Each Storm Sew er Manhole, 54-lnch Diam eter 7 Each Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter 23,940 L.F. Cem ent Concrete Curb 2,685 L.F. Cement Concrete Sidewalk 7,850 S.Y. Cement Concrete Driveway 940 S.Y. Precast Concrete Noise W all 20,634 S. F. Trees, Shrubs and O ther Plants 2,855 Each Street Lights (Installed) 87 Each Traffic Signalization Improvem ents 4 Each And other related work/contract items Specifications may be obtained from the office of Purchasing and Contracts, Vancouver City Hall, 210 East 13th Street, Vancouver, W ashington, “ Bid Line” phone (206) 696-8125. All bids shall be addressed to the attention of the Purchasing Agent, Vancouver City Hall, 210 East 13th Street, P.O. Box 1995, Vancouver, W ashington 98668. All bids delivered shall be delivered to the Purchasing Agent, Lower Level, City Hall, 210 13th Street. Bids shall be placed in an envelope which is sealed and which clearly states the name of the bidder, the date of the bid opening, and appropriate wording to indicate definitely the nature of the contents. Do not send bids by FAX. Bids subm itted via FAX will not be accepted. Each bid must be accom panied by a certified check, cashiers check, or bid bond in the am ount equal to 5% of the bid. The City of Vancouver reserves the right to reject any or all bids subm itted or to waive any m inor form alities of this call if in the judgm ent of the City Council the best interest of the city would be served. No bidder may w ithdraw his bW after the hour set for the opening thereof, unless the award of contract is delayed for a period exceeding thirty (30) days. V. Marcelyn Jandreau Purchasing Agent Construction Data Plan Center Daily Journal Of Commerce Plan Center Contractors must be qualified in accordance with the appli­ cable parts of ORS 279 in order to enter into a contract with the Owner for public work in Oregon. Each Proposal m ust be subm itted on the prescribed form and accom panied by a certified check or bid bond executed on the prescribed form, payable to Tri-City Service District in an am ount not less than ten percent of the am ount bid. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish perform ance and paym ent bonds for the faithful perform ance of the Contract in the full am ount of the contract price as prescribed in the Contract Documents. The attention of the Bidder is directed to the requirem ents and conditions of em ploym ent to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under this contract. Each bid must contain a statem ent as to w hether the bidder is a resident bidder as defined in ORS 279.029. Complete descriptive literature, as required by the Contract Documents shall be subm itted with the Bidder’s proposal for the District’s review and evaluation. Tri-City Service District reserves the right to reject all bids and to waive all inform alities, or to accept any bid which appears to serve the best interests of the District. Prices quoted shall remain firm for a period of 90 days, and include delivery freight paid by the Bidder to the jobsite, Tri- City W ater Pollution Control Plant, 15941 S. Agnes Avenue, O regon City, Oregon. The right is reserved to reject all Proposals or any Proposal not conform ing to the intent of the Contract Documents, and to postpone the award of the Contract for a period of time which, however, will not extend beyond 90 days from the bid opening date, to waive inform alities, and to consider the Proposal which is to the best interest of the District. For information, regarding this Invitation for Bids, contact John Graham, O wners' Project Manager, telephone (503) 650-3323. Board Of County Com m issioners Ed Lindquist, Chair Judie Hammerstad, Com m issioner Darlene Hooley, Com m issioner The Vancouver Housing Authority will receive bids for the project Asbestos Abatem ent At 19 Apartm ents - C G P 1993 until 2:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Saving Tim e on the 14th day of June, 1994 at Vancouver Housing Authority, 500 Omaha W ay, Vancouver, W ashington 98661 at which tim e and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Proposed form s of contract docum ents, including specifica­ tions, are on file at the office of Vancouver Housing Author­ ity at 500 O m aha W ay, Vancouver, W ashington 98661. Copies of the docum ents may be obtained by depositing Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) with the Vancouver Housing Authority for each set of docum ents so obtained. Such deposit will be refunded to each person who returns the specifications and other docum ents in good condition within 10 days after bid opening. A certified check or bank draft, payable to Vancouver Housing Authority, U.S. G overnm ent bonds, or a satisfactory bid bond executed by the bidder and acceptable sureties in an am ount equal to five percent of the bid shall be subm itted with each bid, or separate perform ance and paym ent bonds, each for 50 percent or more of the contract price, or a 20 percent cash escrow, or a 25 percent irrevocable letter of credit. (Required for all bids in excess of $25,000) Attention is called to the provisions for equal em ploym ent opportunity, and paym ent of not less than the minimum salaries and wages as set forth in the specifications m ust be paid on this project. As perm itted by state law and required by the U.S. Departm ent of Housing and Urban Development: a. Retainage is 10 percent not 5 percent, b. Interest will not accrue on retainage, and c. Bonds or securities may not be substituted as an alternate form of retainage. The Vancouver Housing Authority reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any inform alities in the bidding. No bid shall be withdrawn for a period of 60 days subsequent to the opening of bids w ithout the consent of the Vancouver Housing Authority. Rothchild Graduate Housing Project Attachment No. 6 The Portland Developm ent Com m ission herewith notifies construction subcontractors and suppliers that general con­ tractor proposals are being prepared for the constructions of the Rothchild G raduate Housing Project located at the corner of W est Burnside and SW Burnside St., Portland, Oregon. W ork will consist of renovating an existing 7 story structure to provide 106 units of single room housing and related im prove­ ments. Inquiries should be made to the following prime contractors who have indicated that they will subm it propos­ als: Walsh Construction Company Co. 3015 SW 1st Ave., Portland, OR 97201 Attention: Dave Riedel/Project Manager, (503) 222-4375 Baugh Construction Co. 15500 SW Jay Street, Beaverton, OR 97006 Attention: Ted Jacobsen/Project Manager, (503) 641-2500 Emerick Construction Co. 8850 SE Otty Rd., Portland, OR 97266 Attention: Dennis Barstad/Project Manager, (503) 777-5531 The w ork includes dem olition, asbestos abatement, general labor, clean-up, concrete, rebar, grouting, m iscellaneous metalwork, concrete stairs and steel railings, carpentry, insu­ lation, glass entry doors and storefront, metal doors and frames, door hardware, taping and drywall, painting and other finishes, signage, elevator, lighting, electrical, HVAC, plum b­ ing and the work of other trades as called for in the drawings and specifications. Drawings and specifications have been issued to the prime contractors listed above and to the following plan centers: • Construction Data W est, 1200 NW Front St., Portland OR 225-0200 • Construction Data East, 1125 SE Madison St., Suite 200 Portland OR 234-0281 • Daily Journal of Comm erce (DJC) Plan Center, 2374 NW Vaughn St., Portland OR 274-0624 • Impact Business Consultants, 8959 SW Barbur Blvd. Port­ land OR 245-9253 • Oregon Assoc, of Minority Entrepreneurs (OAME), 1130 NE Alberta St., Portland OR 249-7744 • National Assoc, of M inority C ontractors (NAMC), 4837 NE Martin Luther King Blvd., Portland OR 281-6099 • Salem C ontractors’ Exchange, 2256 Judson Street SE, Salem OR 362-7957 • SW W ashington C ontractors Exchange, 7017 NE Hwy. 99, #214, Vancouver W A (206) 694-7922 • Oregon Contractor, 10788 SE Highway 212, Clackam as, OR 650-0148 Drawings and Specifications are also available for purchase, at purchaser’s expense at: W illam ette Blueprint, 510 NW 15th, Portland, OR (503) 223-5011. A ESB/MBE/W BE subcontractor outreach meeting will be held Thursday, May 26, 1994 at 4:00 p.m. at the site of the Rothchild Building lower level located at the SW corner of W est Burnside and South Broadway. All ESB/MBE/W BE subcontracting firm s and material suppliers are invited to attend. The purpose of the m eeting is to m eet the prime general contractors proposing on the project and to inform interested ESB/MBE/WBE of subcontracting or material sup­ ply opportunities available on the project. Sub Bids Requested O. H.S.U. U.H.S. 4B Hemodialysis Unit And Elevator Lobby Upgrade Bids: June 1, 1994, 3:00 p.m. Invitation To Bids Notice To MBE, ESB, WBE Subcontractors/Suppliers Invitation Bid OTKM Construction Incorporated P. O. Box 8459 Proposals are due at the Portland Developm ent Comm ission, 1120 SW 5th Ave., Suite 1100, Portland, OR from the prime contractors listed above, on Thursday, June 9 ,1 9 9 4 , at 3:00 p.m. There will not be a public bid opening at that time. The Comm ission has established ESB/M BE/W BE participa­ tion goals for this project as follows: 10% Em erging Small Business, 5% Minority Business Enterprise, and 2.5% Womens Business Enterprise. The City of Portland’s W orkforce Train­ ing and Hiring Requirem ents will apply to this project. 1631 S.W. Jefferson Phone: (503) 241 -2875 FAX: (503) 274-9691 We are an equal opportunity em ployer and request sub-bids from m inority, emerging small Business, and women Busi­ ness Enterprises. Sub-Bids Requested Oregon Department of Transportation Skipanon River (Perkins Rd) Bridge Columbia County, OR Bid date: May 26,1994 * 9:00 AM Jam es W. Fow ler Co. 12775 W estview Drive Dallas, OR 97338 (503) 623-5373 Fax (503) 623-9117 Attn: Rod King We request subbids for small business and small disadvan­ taged sub-contractors, and wom en and m inority business enterprises. Sub-Bids Requested We are encouraging subcontractors to subm it quotes for the following City of Gresham project: Centennial Area II, Mid County Collector Sewer Project #3049 Bidding 6/2/94 @ 10:00 AM W e are seeking subcontractors in various fields including paving, rock suppliers, piping and trucking. There will be a prebid meeting on 5/31/94 @ 4:00 PM at our office to answer questions. James W. Fow ler Co. 12775 W estview Drive Dallas, Oregon 97338 (503) 623-5373 Fax (503) 623-9117 Attn: Rod King CCB #63701 We are an equal opportunity em ployer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged subcontractors and women and m inority business enterprises. Sub-Bids Requested N. E. 148th Avenue and Private Property Sanitary Sewer-Bid No. 167 Bid Date: May 24,1994 Moore Excavation, Inc. P. O. Box 30569 Portland, OR 97230 (503) 252-1180 FAX (503) 242-1730 We are an equal opportunity em ployer and request sub-bids from disadvantaged, women, and emerging small business enterprises. CCB#28397 Sub-Bids Requested C e n te n n ia l A re a II M id -C o u n ty S e w e r P ro je c t N o. 3 0 4 9 P o rtla n d , O re g o n Bid D ate: J u n e 2 ,1 9 9 4 Moore Excavation, Inc. P. O. Box 30569 Portland, OR 97230 (503) 252-1180 FAX (503) 252-1730 We are an equal opportunity em ployer and request sub-bids from disadvantaged, women, and emerging small business enterprises. CCB#28397 Sub-Bids Requested Alliance Corporation St. Johns “B" Basin Drainage System Separation Project City of Portland, Oregon Bid Date: May 26, 1994 2:00pm Alliance Corporation P .O . Box 16394 Portland, OR 97216 Phone: (503) 256-4003 FAX: (503) 256-4211 We are an equal opportunity em ployer and request sub-bids from m inority, em erging small Business, and wom en Busi­ ness Enterprises.