T he P ortland O bserver • M ay 25, 1994 P age B7 Warner Pacific Graduate Largest Class In keeping w ith the trend o f the last several years, W arner Pacific College will graduate the largest class in the history o f the College. C om ­ m encem ent cerem onies for the 155 m em ber Class o f ‘94 was held May 15 at 3 p.m . in the New Hope C om m u­ nity Church. Dr. Ronald E. Post, president and founder o f N orthw est M edical Team s, delivered the com m encem ent address titled, “Fly in F o rm a tio n - Soar Above the C row ”. B a c c a la u re a te w as h e ld in M cG uire A uditorium on the cam pus at 7:30 p.m ., M ay 14, Rev. Jim Reed, pastor o f the First Church o f G od in K lam ath Falls and father o f Lori Fast, a m em ber o f the graduating class, spoke on the topic, “Enjoying the Journey”. A new event was inaugurated this year in connection with gradua­ tion festivities. Taking advantage of the com pletion o f the new Schlatter M em orial Prayer C hapel on the cam ­ pus, “C om m encem ent C om m union” was hosted by the Portland A rea M in­ isters o f the Church o f G od from 1 to 2 p.m . on May 14. W orshippers, in­ cluding graduates and their fam ilies as well as friends o f the College, were invited to com e and go as they wish during this service which precedes a reception to honor the graduates in the ch ap el’s K ardatzke Hall. Obituary M arsha A nn M ikes 3425 N.E. 19th - Portland, O regon Date o f death: M ay 15, 1994 Age: 41 D ate o f birth: Dec 13,1 9 5 2 Place o f birth: Q ueen City, Texas How long in local area: 1957 in Oregon: 1957 Occupation: Homemaker at Home - Lived in Pasco, Wn from 1952tol957. AttendedWoodlawnGradeandAdams High Schools in Portland and Gradu­ ated from Sisters of Providence Hospi­ tal Nursing School in Portland as a registered Nurse. M em bership: M acedonia Baptist Church in Portland, Oregon Service time: 1:00 pm . Date: Saturday, May 21,1994 Location: WaIkerTanpleC.O.GlC.Church - 5023 N. Michigan - fbrtland, Oregon Service: Funeral Services Survivors: M other M inni M ikes Portland, O regon F ather Billie M ikes Portland, O regon D aughters L ekeshia N. and N ylaekia A. Mikes Portland, O regon Son Andrew R. Mikes Portland, O regon Sisters Bernice Bum s & Billie Spries A nchorage, Alaska Sister Liza Mikes A nchorage, A laska Sisters Noble Jean Mikes- C rittenden, C harlie Spires, Cecil Hudson & M ae W arren Portland, Oregon Brother T hurm an M ikes, Dino M ikes Portland, Oregon Brother Elm er G rundy San D iego, California Dispostion: Burial to follow at Lone Fir Cemetery. Memorial: Macedonia Baptist Church N£. 30th & Alhena SL - Portland, Oregon. Obituary Jam es Earl Stephens 4137 N .E. 8th - Portland, Oregon Date o f death: M ay 15, 1994 Age: 70 D ate o f birth: Aug 10, 1923 Place o f birth: Sw enson, Texas How long in local area: 1946 in O regon: 1946 O c c u p a tio n : C o o k a n d o t h e r j o b s o n t h e U .S . A r m y C o rp o f E n g in e e rs D re d g e B id d le o u t o f P o rtla n d . W o rk e d th e re fo r 2 7 y e a rs . R e tire d A u g 1 2 , 1 9 8 3 . L iv e d in T e x a s p r io r to e n ­ te rin g s e rv ic e , th e n P o r t­ la n d . L iv e d in V a n p o r t a t tim e o f 1 9 4 8 f lo o d . H a d a ls o w o rk e d a fe w y e a rs fo r th e r a ilr o a d a n d a ir p o r t a f ­ te r s e r v ic e a n d p r io r to M e r ­ c h a n t. V e te ra n : A rm y C o rp o ra l - W W I I - F e b 1, 1 9 4 3 to J a n 2 5 , 1 9 4 6 ... M a r in e s . M em bership: B aptist Church Service Time: 12:00 noon Date: Friday, May 20, 1994 L o c a tio n : K illin g sw o rth L ittle Chapel o f the C him es - Portland, Oregon Service: Funeral Service Survivors: Com panion Mary M. Tillis Portland, O regon Son Jam es Earl Stephens O akland, C alifornia Sister Thelm a L. W illiam s Portland, O regon Sister Ruby J. Elliot Portland, O regon Sister Mary Lee Johnson Portland, O regon Sister M innie L. Johnson Portland, Oregon D is p o s itio n : B u r ia l to f o l ­ lo w a t W illa m e tte N a tio n a l C e m e te ry - P o rtla n d , O r ­ egon. Contributions: N o requests. Hi! I'm The "New” Kid In Town. My Name Is... 1 'Blaque Elegance A little o f this A little bit o f that Plus AH your flo ra l needs \Vcrnctta B olton 407 N D . Mason ScMUC \\ ytf' ¡ Portland, OR 97211 SX j (503) 2 87-2581 S u m m er D a y C am p S e t A SUMMER DAY CAMP FOR BOYS & GIRLS, 4 TO 13 YEARS OLD According to Dr. Jean Fitzgerald, registrar, the Class o f *94 includes a record 65 students com pleting their undergraduate work through W P C ’s Degree Completion program. Eight in­ ternational students received degrees. The youngest graduate was 20 years old and the oldest, 61. Business A dm inistration aw arded the highest num ber o f degrees, 63, w ith the sec­ ond highest num ber being aw arded in Human Developm ent, 45. D egrees also were awarded in Religion & C hristian M inistries, H um anities, Biological Science, Sociology/Social W ork and in several additional c a t­ egories. T w o M aster o f Religion d e­ grees were awarded. SPONSORED BY CHRISTIAN WOMEN AGAINST CRIME READING AND MATH, GAMES, MINI TRIPS, ARTS AND CRAFTS, AND FUN THE SESSIONS OPEN JUNE 20 AND RUN THROUGH SEPT. 2, FROM 7AM - 6PM MORNING STAR BAPTIST CHURCH ANNEX, 120 N.E. IVY ST. New Time Capsule A new Time Capsule was placed in the walls of St. Paul Catholic Church, St. Paul, OR, on Tuesday May 24,1994 at 2:00 pro. The capsule will replace the one opened on January 6, 1994. The original capsule was found as workmen were repairing the church, which was damaged by the March 1993, Spring Break earthquake. A m ong the item s to be included are tw o issu e so f the Catholic Sentinel (January 7 & 14, 1994), which gave account o f opening the original time capsule, 1994 O regon Catholic D i­ rectory, a M iraculous M edal, sim ilar to the one found in the original cap ­ sule, and other item s yet to be deter­ m ined. It is intended to reuse the original co m er brick from 1846. The May 24th date was chosen, because it is the 148th anniversary of the original church dedication. St. Paul church was built in 1846. The damage of the earthquake was severe, and parts of the original church needed to be taken apart, piece by piece, reinforced, and then rebuilt using as many of the original bricks as possible. BREAKFAST, LUNCH & SNACKS SERVED THE FEE IS $6.50 PER DA. SOME SCHOLARSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE SIGN-UPS ARE REQUESTED ALBERTA PHILLIPS IS THE DIRECTOR AND CAN BE REACHED AT (503) 282-1316. His Pain Your Gain Holy G host...June 19-26, 1994 Time: 8:00 PM cTunelal Stente TENT REVIVAL r e m d e ïy - < ifentouat Tiaìden MLK & NE Alberta Portland, OR E xpect M iracles Sponsored By Portland, M etro A/G 287-4825 Dad’s Oil Servi heating oils Best Cash Prices 104 NE Russell Portland. OR 97212 282-5111 ax tz Speedy Service Friendly Call for Q uctel dínixeíi Sunday School -9:30am Sunday Morning Wor­ ship Service - 11:00am Sunday School Teacher's Meeting Tues - 6:30pm Bible Study Wednesday - 6:00pm Prayer Meeting Wednesday - 7:00pm Church Phone Number 287-7457 Offers Black Books, Cards, Pins, Dolls, Vidoes And More For A Free Catalog Write: L’Amour Noir (PO) 5042 NE 42nd Ave Portland, OR 97218-1550 Phyllis C. Benton, Owner 9:45am, Sunday School 11:00am Morning Worship 7:30pm Tuesday Bible Study and Prayer In te r-ra c ia l C o n g re g a tio n 126 N€ Alberta Portland, OR 97211 (503) 288-5173 M i s s i o n a r y ^ B a p t i s t (¡H jn rctf H Serving The Lord With Gladness” Psalm 100:2 Dr. Joe S. Hardie. Pastor JsH. 3¡3aul ¿M issiim arg ¡apitsl (finirci) Church Phone: 289-0147 Denise Bell (greater J^aint JgHeptjen Portland Oregon 97203 Study Phone: 2Í 3-1911 Sunday School lOam Morning Worship 11:05 Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 7pm Rev. G.L. Black I Pastor 3605 N.E. Mallory Ave. (503) 281-8117 Portland, OR 97212 Rev. and Mrs. G.L. Black I Mt Olivet Baptist Church Has m oved Sunday services to 10:45 L’Amour Noir Afrocentric Mailorder Com® to me all you inho ore tueary and heavy laden and I mill give you rest." We W elcom e You to The We Invite You To Come And Worship With Us. The Church Where Everybody is Somebody And Christ Is All. 8101 N. Fiske Avenue Killingsworth Chapel 430 N. Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 97217 503-283-1976 M a llo ry Avenue Christian Church 103 NE Morris St., Portland, OR 97212 Sunday Service New Business Lombard Chapel 3018 N. Lombard Portland, Oregon 97217 503-283-0525 Family Life Center, 8725 N. Chautauqua Blvd., at Willis Blvd. Sunday School 9:30 Bible Study Worship Services 8:00am & 11:00am, Church School 9:30 to 10:30 am, Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 NE Schuyler, 10:30p,m & 7:00pm Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00am on KBMS 6:00 Evening Service 7:00 pm Pastor. Re. JamcsC f Paulkner A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor Church Office 116 NE Schuyler St. • (503) 284-1954