M ay 2 5 , 1 9 9 4 • T he P ortland O bserver P age B 6 Daphne Maxwell Reid To Star In New Infomercial D a p h n e M a x w e ll R e id , a c ­ claim ed star o f “F ran k 's Place” and “The Fresh Prince o f Bel-A ir”, and celebrity hair care and image consult­ ant Bernard Evans have joined forces to produce an infom ercial introduc­ ing Bernard E v an ’s Platinum Hair Care System (TM ), an advanced new hair care system for African-Americans. The new infom ercial, airing later this sum m er, will educate consum ers about hair care and Bernard E van’s Platinum Hair C are System (TM ), a three phase system designed to bring out a luxurious look in all types o f hair. The new hair care line m arks the first item that sophisticated hair care products have been made specifically for the needs o f A frican-A m ericans. “Daphne M axwell Reid is known for her beauty, glam our and talent, and is the ideal spokesperson for the Platinum H air C are System (T M ), explained Bernard Evans. “Daphne displays the self-confidence and suc­ cess which com es from looking your best.” “ B e a u tifu l h a ir m a k e s m en Daphne Maxwell Reid and w om en fe e l m o re s e lf - c o n f i­ d e n t,” E v a n s a d d e d . “ T h a t is w hy m y p r o d u c ts w e re d e v e lo p e d . T h ese sh a m p o o s and g e ls g o far b ey o n d ju s t m ak in g yo u r h a ir look g r e a t.” Daphne M axwell Reid was bom and raised in M anhattan’s W estSide. She was discovered while attending Northw estern University, when her photograph was featured in an article in “ Seventeen” magazine. She was quickly signed by the Eileen Ford agency and soon was a working model, appearing in many m agazines, in­ cluding the cover o f “G lam our”. Daphne is an accom plished tele­ vision actress, equally at hom e with dram a o r comedy. Her credits include regular roles on “ Simon & Sim on” , “F rank’s Place,’’and iscurrently star­ ring as Vivian M axwell on NBC- T V ’s “Fresh Prince o f Bel-A ir”. Bernard cam e to New York City -- the fashion capital o f the w orld -- seventeen years ago from his native Florida. Evans opened his ow n salon, and his creativity and com m itm ent to his clients soon earned him a reputa­ tion as the preem inent im age m aker o f African-American celebrities. Ber­ nard has been privately using these products on clients, including m any international celebrities o f screen and stage, for years. T h e P la tin u m H a ir C a re System(TM ) includes a variety o f el­ egantly packaged sham poos, condi­ tioners, sprays and gels. Innovative Statewide Campaign Raises Funds For 400,000 of Oregon’s Neediest Citizens W hat ’ s daring, courageous, bold, classy and satisfies the appetite? The Network o f Oregon Food Bank ’ s state­ wide raffleo fan ew 1994 Lexus aimed at raising over half-a-m illion dollars to feed the 1 in 6 O regonians who need help to feed their families. Tragi­ cally, half o f O regon’s hungry are children. Mr. Jam es D ePriest, nationally acclaim ed conductor o f the Oregon Sym phony and C o-C hair o f the O r­ egon Cam paign to End C hildhood Hunger, will purchase the first offi- cial $50 raffle ticket to win a new 1994 Lexus ES 300. This will kick off an intensive 5-w eek campaign to sell 12,000 tickets. The winning ticket will be draw n on July 4 ,1 9 9 4 . You are invited to be on hand for this im portant event: W hen: T u esd ay , M ay 2 4 ,1 9 9 4 a t 10 a .m . W here: Lobby of Portland T ow ­ ers, 950 S.W . 21st, Portland, O regon W hat: M r Jam es DePriest, rec­ ognized throughout O regon for his com m itm ent to alleviating hunger, V ic A lfonso D iscount A uto S ales will buy ticket #1 in this first-ever statewide raffle to fight hunger. The prize will be a new 1994 Lexus ES 300. W ho: R e p re s e n ta tiv e s fro m th e N e tw o rk o f O re g o n F o o d B an k s w ill b rie fly d isc u ss h u n g e r in O re g o n an d th is u n iq u e s ta te ­ w id e c a m p a ig n . N ev er b e fo re in the h isto ry o f the s ta te h a v e so m any o rg a n iz a tio n s jo in e d fo rc e s to ra is e fu n d s to m a k e su c h an im p a c t on h u n g e r a t th e lo c a l lev el. 230*4922 2705 NE SANDY BLVD, PORTLAND SW WASHINGTON & PORTLAND AREA FINANCING SPECIALISTS! Employment I in Oregon: Remembering... April 1994 Memorial Day May 30th O re g o n ’s seasonally adjusted unem ploym ent rate dropped to 5.9 percent in A pril, from the March rate o f 6.3 percent. This drop puts O regon’s unem ploym ent rate slightly below the national figure o f 6.4 percent. The num ber o f O regonians un­ em ployed is now 97,100. This is the first m onth since N ovem ber 1991 when few er than 100,000 O regonians have been actively seeking work w ith­ out finding suitable em ploym ent April m arks the second consecu­ tive month with a large decline in O regon’s unem ploym ent rate. W hile this is g o o d n ew s for O re g o n ’s workforce, analysts at the Em ploy­ m ent D epartm ent caution that the new U.S. Bureau o f Labor Statistics form ulas used to compute most states ’ rates are resulting in unusually large fluctuations in O reg o n ’s m onthly unem ploym ent rates. In April O regon’s em ploym ent c o u n ts fro m th e E m p lo y m e n t D epartm ent’s survey o f businesses showed a slight decline in overall seasonally adjusted em ploym ent lev­ els. A seasonally adjusted decline o f 2,500 jobs in total nonagricultural payroll indicates the job grow th o f the past two years has m oderated early this year. Part o f the em ploym ent decline in April is attributed to the trucking industry strike ending A pril 29th. Nine hundred trucking workers were on strike and w ere not counted in the payroll em ploym ent totals. Hiring new w orkers in the con­ struction sector in April was not as strong as in previous years, causing co n struction’s seasonally adjusted em ploym ent to decline by 500 jobs over the month. Still, construction em ploym ent levels, remain at histori­ cally high levels in Oregon. Durable goods m anufacturing show ed a slight gain in A pril, and is now 900 jobs above its January level, on a season­ ally adjusted basis. Notably, fabri­ cated metals m anufacturing, w hich now em ploys 11,800, has turned the corner after the national recession, adding 300 jobs over the m onth, and 900 jobs over the year. W holesale trade em ploym ent has basically been flat since January. Seasonally adjusted retail em ploym ent grew by 800 in A pril, to return to its February level. Cutbacks in federal natural re­ source agencies continue to im pact O regon. Nine hundred few er federal governm ent w orkers are em ployed than in A pril 1993. Sim ilarly, state governm ent em ploym ent is not ex ­ panding the O reg o n ’s population grow th, and now em ploys the same num ber o f w orkers as it did one year ago. 1982 ELDORADO BIARRITZ New & used books on Business, Music, & African-American Studies POWELL’S C ITY OF BOOKS 9 a m - 11 p m M o n d a y th o u g h S a tu rd a y 9 am - 9 p m S u n d ay s U se d b o oks b o u g h t every day till 8:30 p m O n th e # 2 0 B us line • O n e h o u r free p arking 1005 W est B u rn sid e S tre e t 228-4651 FARRIS FASHIONS 4 Year Anniversary Sale 1) Night Club D e sig n e r S h o rt Set $25.95 to $69.95 2) Snake Skin Belt $7.95 3) Snake Skin Shoe Men from $69.95 Women from $49.95 4) Men Double Breasted Suits Ail Colors From $149.95 5) W om en B u tterfly Short Pants from $99.95 6) Men and Women Silk Joggers $49.95 O ffer Ends June 6 Visa I Master I American Express I Select Check Service •LAYAWAY» 2929 NE Alberta 281-7164 d*adhi&n SPlalemeMl Hlbie One o f a • White • Clean • Loaded $4995 V \insWorth Drug 1982 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL Fully Loaded $4,995 Portland O R 97211 503*282*0787 Is Your New N.E. 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