May 4. 1994 Serving the community through cultural diversity." Volumn XXIV. Number 18 L ife in the P ortland M etropolitan A rea SECTION B ommwnttç a b n fc a r Volunteers Make A Difference Students honored April Is National Community College Month! Entrepreneur Kurt Widmer Speaks At MHCC Current History Forum Entrepreneur Kurt W idm er, ow ner o f jne of O regon’s leading m icrobrew eries, i 11 be the guest facilitator at an open forum April 28, n o o n -1:30 p.m ., in the Tow n and □own room at Mt. H ood Com m unity C ol­ lege. F o r m ore in fo rm atio n call T hom Armstrong, associate dean of Social Sci­ ences, at 667-7481. Pacific University Jazz Nite Featuring the jazz groups o f PU; F ri­ day, May 6, 1994 8 p.m.; Pacific U niver­ sity, M cCready Hall in Taylor-M eade Per­ forming A rtsCcnter. Free Admission. Form more inform ation, please contact: Chris Bruya, Director o f Bands, Pacific U niver­ sity, 357-6151, ex 2297 Amtrak Changes Departure Time For The N orthbound “ M ount R ainier” A m trak’s train #796, the northbound M ount Rainier betw een Portland and Se­ attle, w ill begin operating on a revised schedule. Effective May 1, 1994 the train will depart Portland at 7:35 a.m ., 20 min- ites earlier than the current schedule, and ill arrival/departure times north o f Port- and will be 20 m inutes earlier. A rrival in Seattle will be 11:30 a.m. Tygh Valley All Indian Rodeo T he 45th Annual Tygh V alley All Indian Rodeo will be held at the Tyw am a Saddle Club grounds in Tygh Valley on May 21st and 22nd. The event will kick off on Friday night with a W estern D ance at the Club Hall at 9:00pm . Saturday Night, w eather perm itting a dance will be held in Arthur May patient at the medical office. “It’s just nice to A Y IS ONE OF 63 IN D IV ID ­ have people like that who can get you to your UALS W H O SERVE AS V O L U N T E E R A M B A S S A ­ destination.” choose the days and hours D O R S. T H IS D IV ER SE G R O U P Volunteers OF they’d like to work. May, who is a retired IN D IV ID U A LS DO SUCH THINGS AS engineer and a former m inister of the Union G R EET PEOPLE, GIVE DIRECTIONS, Avenue Baptist Church, is heavily involved A N D READ TO CHILDREN. A rthur May sports a big friendly grin as in comm unity activities but manages to squeeze he w elcom es people entering through the in seven hours a week to volunteer at the w est doors o f Kaiser Perm anente’s East In­ medical office. He balances this with his terstate Medical Office. His information desk involvem ent in the Vernon School Safe Com­ is positioned where h e ’s sure to capture a mittee, the Foster Parents Association, Afri­ patient’s eye to say, “Hello, may I help you?” can A m erican Clergy, and church activities. “ I’ve found that every time I come in it’s He and his w ife have a daughter at home and nice to have a happy smiling face to greet you three foster children. “It’s ju st rewarding,” and that the volunteers are readily available says M ay. “ I think it cheers people up and it to give directions, “ says Kenneth Clark, a makes a difference when you can give them a M o n e .” The V olunteer A m bassador Program provides a vital link betw een patients and the medical office. To becom e a part o f the team, contact Program Coordinator Sheryl DuCette at (503) 249-5539. ig Sisters” Needed For At Risk Teenage Girls the arena at 6:30pm . Artist Laurie Balmuth’s Works Featured In MHCC Gallery Exhibit little T LC .” M ay jo in e d the V o lu n te e r A m b a s­ sa d o rs la st fa ll a fte r re sp o n d in g to a b ro c h u re he re c e iv e d in the m ail. He say s he sp re a d s the w o rd to frie n d s and o th e rs th a t v o lu n te e rin g is g ra tify in g w ork and if th e y have free tim e , com e jo in . “ I ’m here to b u ild a b rid g e th at o th e rs can c r o s s ,” say s M ay. “ I ’m e n ­ c o u ra g in g o th e rs to jo in b e c a u se i t ’s a b le sse d fe e lin g w hen you can help som e­ The Portland Teachers Program is hold­ ing its 1994 “Celebration o f Students” event to acknow ledge nearly 150 aspiring m inority educators-50 at the post-secondary and gradu­ ate level, and 100 from middle and high schools in the G rand and Jefferson clusters. The event will be held on “Cinco de M ayo”- -Thursday, M ay 5, from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm in the Student C enter C afeteria at Portland Com m unity College Cascade Cam pus, 705 N. K illingsw orth. The formal program b e­ gins at 5:30, and the student recognition at 5:45 pm. Attending the C elebration will be pro­ gram participants, family m em bers, teachers, and leaders from ethnic com m unities, busi­ ness and education. Rosalind Curry, who started the program at PCC in 1989 and graduated this year, will speak. The event is being sponsored by W ashington Mutual Bank and the Portland Association o f Teachers. T h e P o rtla n d T e a c h e rs P ro g ra m is a p a rtn e rs h ip e ffo rt b e tw e e n P o rtla n d P u b ­ lic S c h o o ls, P o rtla n d C o m m u n ity C o l­ leg e and P o rtla n d S ta te U n iv e rsity to in c re a se the n u m b e r o f m in o rity te a c h e rs in P o rtla n d P u b lic S c h o o ls. Im p le m e n te d in 1989 as a re s p o n s e to th e c r itic a l sh o rta g e o f m in o rity te a c h e rs, th is un iq u e tri-in s titu tio n a l c o lla b o ra tio n is d e sig n e d to a ttr a c t, p re p a re a n d re ta in ta le n te d A fric a n A m e ric a n s, N a tiv e A m e ric a n s, H isp a n ic s an d A sian A m e ric a n s in the te a c h in g p ro fe s s io n so th a t a ll y o u n g p e o p le w ill be b e tte r p re p a re d to jo in an in c re a s in g ly m u ltic u ltu ra l w o rk fo rc e . The “C elebration” is an excellent oppor­ tunity for the press and the general public to see a culturally diverse group o f students, primarily from N ortheast Portland, who have made positive career choices that will benefit them selves, their com m unities and society as a whole. This event honors them not only for their choices, but for the effort and sacrifice that m any of them are m aking to achieve their goal. V o lu n te e rs o f A m e ric a is in n eed o f v o lu n te e rs fo r the C h ere A rnie B ig S iste r p ro g ra m to p ro v id e frie n d sh ip , su p p o rt an d c a rin g to young g irls in c ris is . V o lu n te e rs spend a p p ro x im a te ly ten h o u rs p e r m o n th p a rtic ip a tin g in a c tiv i­ “It’s Not My Story,” an exhibit of works by artist Laurie L. Balmuth, will be on display May 2-30 in the College Center Fireplace Gallery at Mt. Hood Community College, 26000 S. E. Stark St. in Gresham. A reception for Balmuth is scheduled for May 4,6:30-8:30 p.m. in the gallery. The public is invited to attend the exhibit and reception free of charge. o i n - t v is PLEASED TO A NNO UNCETH EW INNERSO F Gallery hours are 8 a.m.-8:30 pun. Mon­ THE 1994 JE FFE R SO N day-Wednesday, 8 a.m.-7 p.m. Thursday, and 8 a.m.-5:3O p.m. Friday. For more information AW ARDS FOR PUBLIC SERVICE IN TH E O R EGON-SOUTHW EST W A SH ­ call the College Center at 667-7260. tie s a n d sp e n d in g tim e w ith th e a t-risk g irls. A ll v o lu n te e rs are tra in e d by q u a li­ fied sta ff m em bers. In v o lv in g y o u rs e lf in th is pro g ram is v ery re w a rd in g say s L o u ise L an g ley , C h e re A rnie Big S iste r C o o rd in a to r. “ By v o lu n te e rin g you are p ro v id in g frie n d ­ sh ip a n d a p o s itiv e ro le m odel for th e se g irls w h ic h is v e ry im p o rta n t.” To r e g ­ iste r fo r th is p ro g ra m p le a se c a ll V O A ’S K le tz e r H all a t 2 3 4 -9 2 1 1 . V o lu n te e rs o f A m e ric a is a n a tio n ­ w id e so c ia l serv ice o rg a n iz a tio n w ith b ra n c h e s in over 200 c o m m u n itie s. V o l­ u n te e rs o f A m erica o f O reg o n , Inc. serv es the co m m u n ity through ch ild re n and fa m ­ ily se rv ic e s, se n io r se rv ic e s and c o m m u ­ n ity c o rre c tio n s p ro g ra m s. KOIN-TV Announces 1994 Jefferson Award Winners K “Coaching The African American Athlete” The Oregon Black Coaches Association OBCA), will conduct a four hour clinic on tow to coach the African American Athlete. \ n Oregon first, the clinic will attempt to educate coaches and athletes about issues that ifTect the African American Athlete as it re- ates to coaching. Ed Whalen, KOIN Sports Anchor, will be Featured as the keynote speaker. Clinicians and Facilitator will be accomplished local African American coaches who arc presently coaching at the high school, middle school and or club levels. Sponsored by Avia, an Oregon based ath­ lete shoe and apparel company, the clinic will be held Saturday, May 14, 1994, 9:00AM- 1:00PM at Whitaker Middle School. Theclinic is free of charge and is open to coaches, ath­ letes, and the general public. Registration be­ gins at 8:00 AM. Questions regarding the OBCA clinic should be directed at Mitch W hitehurst (503) 282-1290.' O BCA is a non-profit organization. has been described by her associates as a “ spark plug” and the “glue” for the many organizations and projects she has been in­ house in east M ilwaukie. W hen she’s not dusting cleaning or doing a lunch run, K athy’s talking with anyone who needs to talk, hold­ ing hands, or giving a m uch needed hug. She has also donated proceeds from her one per­ son show, “Two by four By Philpott”, to help those stricken with the AIDS virus. Quoting K athy, “ There is destiny that m akes us broth­ ers. None of us goes our way alone. All of what we give to the lives o f others com es back to our volved with through the years. B enita H arris Benita Harris INGTON REGION. is a m em ber o f the The five individuals, chosen by a panel of A m e ric a n R ed independent community leaders, are Hildah C ro s s r e g io n a l Highbe, Benita Harris, Kathy Philpott, Beverly b lo o d s e rv ic e s Z /T M axey, and Diane W ehage. Following is a ow n”. description o f the work for which each recipi­ B oard o f D irec- ! Beverly M axey tors. She is also i ent will be honored. Beverly Max­ B oardofD irectors . H ildah H i g h b e _________________ ey works as a vol­ President for the Hildah H igh­ u n te e r fo r th e A rea be has always been Lutheran Refugee Council o f Cam p —— ------------ active in her com ­ Fire. H er work with ARC has stimulated Program , helping m u n ity . H ild a h minority aw areness of the need for blood former Soviet Re­ has been involved donors and bone marrow registrants. Through public Pentacost- as a 4-H leader for her efforts, the 1994 Martin Luther King als m ake the cul­ the past 62 years, blood drive saw a 61% increase in donations tural adjustment to providing W ash­ over the previous year. During the past three life in the United in g to n C o u n ty years, Benita has been instrumental in devel­ States. Her activi­ youth with an ac­ oping several Camp Fire programs for youth tie s ra n g e from c h a u ffe u rin g to tak in g tivity that helps such as the G ang Peace and Hispanic pro­ fa m ilie s into h e r ow n ho m e. S o c ia l s e r ­ build self-esteem, v ic e s for re fu g e e s u su a lly fo c u s on the confidence and achieve their personal goals. gram s, which enhance self-esteem and ad­ first e ig h t m o n th s b e c a u se o f b u d g e t r e ­ Hildah was also instrumental in the establish­ dress the issue o f peer pressure. s tra in ts , b u t B e v e rly has w o rk e d w ith m ent of the Tualatin Valley W orkshop, a K athy P hilpott L ocal actress and com edian K athy m any o f the fa m ilie s fo r th re e and four company that provides work opportunities for y e a rs, and the re la tio n s h ip b e tw e e n them the physically challenged. She has received Philpott, looks for the real m eaning in life; c o n tin u e s to g ro w . the “First Citizen o f Beaverton” award and volunteering her time to an AIDS hospice 1 ■L J»* ~ - * V / ’ ; J« • * 4 (tV • », A »4 D iane W ehage Clackamas County’s Victim’s Assistance Program would not be possible without vol­ unteers like Diane W ehage. Diane has been and advocate in this program for 13 years. Her role is to follow a person through the crim inal justice system, giving emotional support, information about the status of their case, and accompanying the victim to court. Besides working as a registered nurse, Diane also does the training for new advocates in hospital procedures and does all o f the program s public speaking to schools on the subjects of date rape and sexual abuse. KOIN-TV has sponsored the Jefferson Awards for Public Service for fifteen years. The com petition is sponsored nationally by the prestigious American Institute for Public Service located in W ashington, D.C. and locally by Subway. The Jefferson Awards were created to give public recognition to individuals who have made tremendous per­ sonal com m itm ents to the com m unities in which they live. KOIN-TV is a division o f Lee Enter­ prises, Inc. Lee owns and operates eight tele­ vision stations; publishes 19 daily new spa­ pers and 33 specialty publications; and m anu­ factures graphic arts products for the new spa­ per industry through NAPP Systems, Inc. in San M arcos, California. ¡SHH9EF • SWK •’ ■'X