Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 04, 1994, Page 3, Image 3

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Vancouver To Lace Up
Mother's Day Fun Run/Walk
All Abilities Encouraged for May 7 events
ing lot, heads east along the trail past
Columbia Shores condos and circles
back to the Quay.
Awards go to the top three men
and women and for the top mom.
Moms are eligible for a post-race
honors mothers, is set for Saturday, raffle.
Sponsors are the Vancouver
May 7 at 10 a.m.
and Recreation Department,
The scenic course starts at the
and Larry’s Restaurant
Red Lion Inn at the Quay back park­
People of all abilities are encour­
aged to lace-up their sneakers and
take part in a 5K (3.1 mile) fun run or
walk along the newly-opened Colum­
bia River Trail. The event, which
and Cantina, Red Lion Inn Quay and
the Chart House restaurant.
Cost for mother is $8; other $10;
say of the race $12; race only with no
T-shirt, $6.
Pre-register at Bagley Center,
4100 Plomondon or Marshall Center,
1009 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Registra­
tion and check-in start at 9 a.m. on
State Lottery
Competition at Bagley Center
Taking One-Step To Help At-Risk Youth
D onita L incoln
“We want to effectively and con­
sistently help at-risk youth change
their outlook on life,” said Michael
Warren, executive vice president and
co-founderofOne-Step incorporated.
One-Step incorporated is a non-
profitorganization foundedby Tyrone
White and Michael Warren last year.
The purpose of the organization is to
participate in the research, public
education, and critical analysis of
cunentand future problemsconfront­
ing youth and their families in the
North/Northcast community.
“We want parents to self-cvalu-
atc and ask themselves, w hat can they
do to be better role models for their
children. What can parents do to be
more instrumental in their children s
lives?” asked Warren.
One-Step will work primarily
with youth,ages 13-17 and their fami­
lies. Warren said One-Step will offer
every youth that comes through their
doors counseling and courses that
will provide them with lolls for creat­
ing positive lifestyles. One-Step be­
lieves that youth can change if they
gain self-dedication, self-worth and
positive frame of minds.
One-Step will work closely with
Donald E. Long, Yaun Youth Care,
House of Umoja, Self-Enhancement,
and other community-based organi­
zations to effectively assist youth in
the community.
“We wanted to design a program
that could create positive change in
our community,” said White, co­
founder and executive president of
One-Step. “We wanted to use our
experience with at-risk youth to give
something back to the community we
were raised in,” he said.
White has worked with youth for
the last six years. He is a former youth
counselor for Self-Enhancem ent,
Donald E. Long and McCoy Acad­
emy, an alternative school for youth
in the community. White now teachet
One-Step courses at the Yaun Youtl
Portland’s Blanton House
To Serve Medically Fragile
Blanton Street G roup Home
opened its new doors to medically
fragile individuals who have severe
and multiple disabilities. Diagnoses
include cerebral palsy, seizure disor­
ders, brain tumor, spina bifida and
severe osteoporosis.
Prior to moving into Blanton
House, these people had been receiv­
ing services in large, congregate care
nursing home facilities. Blanton
House will offer these individuals the
opportunity to live with dignity in a
smaller, more personalized setting in
the community while also receiving
highly specialized nursing services
Date: April 13,1994
Place: Portland Building
1120SW Fifth Ave., 11 th Floor
Portland, Oregon
Time: 8:00 a.m.
under the direction of a 30-year nurs­
ing veteran - an option which pre­
sents the best of both worlds!
The recently constructed Blanton
House was built with its purpose in
mind (as is especially apparent upon
a visit to the home). The funding for
this program comes from the Clacka­
mas County Mental Health Depart­
ment. Blanton House is Albertina
K err C en ters’ new est program .
Albertina Kerr Centers welcomes the
opportunity to meet the even greater
and more specialized needs of those
individuals wit disabilities who are
also medically fragile.
Marshall Center, 1009E. McLoughlin
Blvd. Cost is $15 per player ($12 for
city resident). Scholarships are avail­
able for those in need of financial
assistance. Space is limited. Call
Barrett Goddard at 686-8219 for de­
Awards will go to the top two
teams in each division. Each player
will get a T-shirt. The tournament is
sponsored by the Vancouver Parks
and Recreation Department.
1503 NE 78 St
Vancouver WA 98665
Lotto Report
Lotto Numbers For 04/27/94
Lotto Numbers For 04/30/94
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Social Security Administration offer
more help. Your Social Security
Number (Item 515A, free) includes
information on protecting your num­
ber and reporting misuse. And with
Request for Earnings and Benefit
Estimate Statement (Item 517 A, free),
you’ll have the forms necessary to
request your earnings history and an
estimate of future benefits.
To order both these free publica­
tions, send your name and address to:
Consumer Information Center
Department 22
Pueblo, CO 81009
When you write, you’ll also re­
ceive a free copy of the Consumer
Information Catalog. The Consumer
Information Center of the U.S. Gen­
eral Services Administration revises
and publishes the Catalog quarterly,
so you know it’s up-to-date. Its pages
list more than 200 free and low-cost
federal publications on a variety of
Quick Tip: When applying for a
child’s Social Security number, or
requesting a new card if yo u ’ve
changed your name, steer clear of
companies offering to file your appli­
cation for a “processing” fee or any
other charge. They may get you a new
card or number, but there’s no need to
pay. All the necessary forms and
services are provided free by Social
Security. Contact your nearest office
for more information.
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U p u n til now , S a m fro m E u g e n e h a d to k e e p a p p ly in g fo r lo a n a fte r
Sam prefers to avoid
repetitive tasks—
like applying for loans
again and again.
lo a n . W ith th e s a m e b a n k . “ W h y d o I h a v e to d o th is o v e r a n d o v e r? ”
h e w o n d e re d . “ Is th is th e b e s t u s e o f m y tim e ? ”
B o f A h a s a b e tte r id ea. I t’s o u r n ew E q u ity M ax im izer® - a h o m e
Commission meetings are open to
the public. A complete agenda is
available at PDC or by calling
823-3200. Citizens with disabilities
may call 823-3232 or TDD 823-6868
for assistance at least 48 hours in
e q u ity lin e o f c re d it th a t y o u c a n c o n v e rt in to sev e ra l fix ed ra te lo a n s
w h e n e v e r y o u n e e d th e m . ► S o n o w y o u c a n g e t th a t c ar, re m o d e l
y o u r h o m e , o r p u t th e k id s th ro u g h c o lle g e - all w ith o u t a p p ly in g
PDC is the City of Portland's urban
renewal, housing and economic
development agency.
a g a in a n d a g a in . A n d all w ith o u t p a y in g p o in ts o r fe e s. T h e n e w
E q u ity M a x im iz e r is ju s t o n e o f th e w a y s w e 'r e w o rk in g to b u ild a
b e tte r b a n k fo r e v e ry b o d y . C a ll 1 -8 0 0 - T H E -B o fA to fin d o u t h o w w e
c a n m a k e it h a p p e n fo r y o u .
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Your Social Security Number
income lax returns. At the blood
bank, you recite your number when
you donate, and you may be asked for
it when paying for groceries by check.
But though other organizations
may use your number for their own
record-keeping purposes, they don’t
have access to your Social Security
records. Your files are held in the
strictest confidence. Even so, it’s
important to protect your Social Se­
curity number and make sure your
earnings record is accurate. Here’s
what you can do:
Protect your Social Security card
by keeping it with your other impor­
tant papers and documents.
When a private business or orga­
nization request your number, ask
why they need iL You’re not required
to give it out, buy you may not get
their product or service if you don’L
Even if you know your number
by heart, always use your card to
double check when filling out a job
application or tax form.
Verify that your name and num­
ber on your W-2 forms are correct. If
there’s an error on the W-2, notify
your employer. If the information on
your card needs updating, contact
Social Security.
Make sure your file is accurate
and up-to-date by sending for a free
record of your earnings every three
Two free publications from the
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Basketball Tourney Hosted
Teens ages 12-18 can enter a 3-
on-3 basketball tournament Saturday,
May 7 at the Bagley Center gym
starting at 1 p.m. Bagley Center is at
4100 Plomondon.
Care Center and also works as a gang
Players must be enrolled in jun­
employment specialist for Yaun.
ior or senior high school. Each team
Warren is a former employee of may have three or four players and are
McCoy Academy. There, he taught guaranteed three games. The age di­
One-Step’s Positive Frame of Mind visions are 12-14 years and 15-18
Warren and White said One-
Register at Bagley Center or
Step’s courses are constructed and
tailored around specific needs of at-
risk youth. The youth will evaluate
their past experiences of both success
What makes your Social Secu­
and failure, and learn how to make
so special? It’s the one
better decisions. They will be involved
number that belongs to you for your
in classroom activities, field trips,
entire life. Phone numbers and li­
listening to guest speakers, examin­
cense plates may change, and your
ing gang behavior, participating in
age is only good for a year. But your
job application and resume workshops
Social Security number? It always
and learning how to improve their
study skills through workshops. The stays the same.
The reason you need a number in
course titles are: positive frame of
the first place is so the Social Security
mind, lifestyles, gang rapport build­
Administration (SS A) can keep track
ing, job preparation and high school
of all the Social Security taxes you’ve
completion assistance.
ever paid, no matter how many times
Warren and White believe the
you switch jobs or change names. By
lifestyles portion of One-Step is part
knowing how much you’ve contrib­
of the treatment program and is what
uted to the system during your work­
sets them apart form all other com­
ing years, SSA can determine the
munity-servicing agencies. One-Step
amount of benefits when you retire or
takes at-risk youth’s current lifestyle
if you become disabled.
and frame of mind and helps to under­
Well, imagine trying to keep ac­
stand what is wrong. The goal is to
curate records for millions of people.
help youth understand that they are
completely responsible for their ac­ It would be a nightmare without some
tions and how they should be treated method of identifying each person in
by society. The treatment is done a way that’s both constant and unique.
before any other activities or services In 1935 when the Social Security
program was just getting off the
are rendered.
Jeddy Beasley, a board member ground, assigning each individual a
nine-digit number was the most effi­
of One-Step, said the organization is
way to do this. It still is.
necessary mainly for families. “Our
Until recently, applying for a
goal is to instill pride back into the
single-parent fam ily as a support piece number really wasn’t necessary until
you got your first job and began pay­
for the community,’ he said.
One-Step has eight staff mem­ ing Social Security taxes. But it’s no
bers and four directors. One-Step staff longer just employers who ask for i t
and director’s will work together to The law now requires parents or
make decisions for the daily opera­ guardians to list the Social Security
numbers of dependents on federal
tions of the organization
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