A pril 20, 1994 • T he , P ortland O bserver P age B 8 GLASSIFIEDS/BIDS Insurance • - «i -A *. •S I ’ » *k I-«-. » >, -.-J 5 . ■ , ■ ' ’•> A •* 4 /*• • *♦ *-*■ -* • , ’ - Healthcare æ Payroll Clerk Outreach Program Assistant Position RR Donnelley Norwest, Inc.The local plant of the n a tio n ’s Cascade AIDS Project Is seek­ largest,most successful printer ing two Outreach Program and provider of print related Assistants to join the Men’s BlueCross BlueShield services has an immediate BlueCross BlueShield Prevention Program. Primary of Oregon opening for a Payroll Clerk. of Oregon responsibilities include the field Requirements for this position HMO Oregon implementation of outreach pro­ HMO Oregon gram activities targeting gay/ are: Corporate Actuary bisexual men and utilizing vol­ • Payroll experience Reimbursement (Position #070) • Knowledge: Payroll Law, Gar­ unteer staff. Experience with This position requires a minimum Management Analyst nishments & Wage Levy Pro­ gay/bisexual community/envi- (Position #046) of five years experience in ronments and working with di­ cedures health-related actuarial or sta­ Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Or­ • Excellent Data Entry e x p ./10 verse populations is preferred. egon/HMO Oregon is currently tistical work with two years Must be able to work evenings Key accepting applications for a • Computer & AS 400 exp. experience in a management and weekends. Half-time (20 Reimbursement Analyst. This • Strong office skills (filing, typ­ or supervisory position. Ten hrs/wk) $7,000-$10,500 + full position develops, coordinates, years experience is required if benefits. People of color are ing, copying) and executes project tasks • Demonstrated attention to de­ education is at a Bachelor’s encouraged to apply. Call which are necessary to sup­ level. Preferable is a master's CAP at 223-5907 for an appli­ tail port the corporation’s ongoing • Strong organizational skills degree in mathematics, statis­ cation packet. Deadline to ap­ professional and institutional • Demonstrated ability to work in tics or other quantitative sci­ ply is 5:00 pm, Friday, May 13. provider reimbursement pro­ ence or Associated of Society team environment grams and contract negotia­ • Excellent oral & written com­ of Actuaries. Systems tions for both the indemnity and For more information about munication skills managed care lines of busi­ current openings call our: Administrator Responsibilities Include: Job Information Line: ness. • Administration of payroll We are a fast paced, fast grow­ 1-800-231-1617 Qualifications include a college • Maintaining employee info, on ing printing and binding organi- degree in health care or busi­ Blue Cross and Blue Shield of McCormick and Dodge za tio n , ow ned by R.R. Oregon offers an excellent ness administration and pro­ • AS 400 computer operations Donnelley & Sons, the nation’s fessional experience in the • Provide training & advice for employee benefits package, largest commercial printer. healthcare field with familiarity flextime work hours and com ­ use on the AS 400 system R.R. Donnelley Norwest, Inc. has with current and late reimburse­ We offer an exciting and dynamic petitive salary. Pre-employ­ an i m m ed i ate opportu nity at ou r ment approaches and reim­ ment drug screening required. work environment, competitive Tigard facility. We are recruit­ bursem ent m ethodologies. To assure your resume is pro­ pay and benefits, great people ing for a Systems Adminis­ This position also requires good cessed immediately, place the to work with, good job security, trator to work on the Com­ position number or job title at creative and analytical prob­ & many other benefits. puter Services Team. lem solving abilities, strong Qualified applicants should apply This person will be responsible the top of your resume or in your cover letter. Send resume written and verbal communi­ in person or send resume to: for installation and mainte­ to: cations skills, strong statistical RR Donnelley Norwest, Inc. nance of AIX applications on Blue Cross and Blue Shield knowledge, experience using Recruitment Coordinator IBM RS/6000 computer; sys­ of Oregon/HMO Oregon the SAS programming lan­ 17401 NE Halsey tems administration in a multi­ Human Resources Dept. guage and a working knowl­ Portland, OR 97230 user UNIX/AIX environment; 3rd Floor, edge of computer program­ No phone calls, please! Network administration of lo­ 100 SW Market Street ming techniques, JCL, 4GL, RR Donnelley Norwest is an cal Novell Netware network; Portland, OR 97207 and various PC applications. A Equal Opportunity Employer. coaching and training. TDD #225-6780 good background knowledge Qualifications: Equal Opportunity Employer of institutional , professional • Bachelor’s of Computer Sci­ provider and/or insurance in­ Employment ence or equivalent experience. FT Driver dustry cost management would • Experience in administration, Wash. State Dept. Of also be highly desirable. Transporting children to & from maintenance and procedural For more information about Nursery in a safe & punctual Ecology-Kennewick use of Oracle RDBMS in a current openings call our: manner. Ability to interact w/ UNIX or AIX environment These positions are in support of Job Information Line: parents, children, & other staff • Ability to troubleshoot and re­ the clean up at Hanford. Envi­ 1-800-231-1617 appropriately. Req. GED/HS. 7 pair PCs , ronmental Specialist 3 Min. yrs driving exp., lift children up • Effective Organizational Skills Qual. B.S. + 2 yrs. prof. exp. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent to 60 lobs & fairly clean driving • E x c e lle n t C o m m u n ica tio n Mo. Salary: $2533-$3240 .Clos­ employee benefits package, record. Resume/Appl: Family Skills ing Date: May 13, 1994. Envi­ Nursery-Lorraine Barton, 537 • Demonstrated Flexibility flextime work hours and com­ ronmental Engineer 2/3 Mo. SE Alder St., Portland, OR • MRP II certification, desired petitive salary. Pre-employ­ Salary: $2865-$4255 Closing 97214 Equal Opportunity Em­ • Project management and pre­ ment drug screening required. Date: Further Notice. If inter­ To assure your resume is pro­ ployer. sentation skills using Excel, ested in these positions, call cessed immediately, place the (509) 736-3047 for information/ Word, Project and Powerpoint, position number or job title at application. desired the top of your resume or in Postal Examination R.R. Donnelley Norwest, Inc. has your cover letter. Send resume The United States Postal Service pioneered employee empow­ Springdale Job Corps to: erment concepts in our For­ will accept applications from the Blue Cross and Blue Shield tune 150 company. We offer a Center general public for the Test Bat­ Of Oregon/HMO Oregon continuous learning environ­ tery 470 April 25-29 in the lobby Job Announcement Human Resources Dept. ment, competitive pay and ben­ of the main post office at 715 Cook 3rd Floor, efits, and the chance to work NW Hoyt, Portland, Oregon On-call positions; 2 years institu­ 100 SW Market Street with an industry leader. If you from 8:30am to 4:30pm. The tional an short order experience. Portland, OR 97207 are interested in being consid­ actual examination will be ad­ Must be available to work on TDD #225-6780 ered for this challenging op­ ministered in June. short notice. Submit letter of Equal Opportunity portunity, please send your The Battery Examination will interest and resume to: Employer cover the positions of City Car­ qualifications to: Springdale Job Corps rier, Distribution Clerk, Flat Recruitment Coordinator 31244 E. Crown Point Hwy Sorting Machine Operator, Mail R.R. Donnelley Norwest, Inc. Troutdale, OR 97060 Handler, Mail Processor Auto­ 17401 NE Halsey Street Attn: Human Resources mated Mark-Up Clerk, and Dis­ Portland, OR 97230 An Equal Opportunity cm - tribution Clerk, Machine. Ex­ FAX: (503)251-3590 ployer M/FD/V isting scores for these posi­ R.R. Donnelley Norwest, Inc. Is tions become obsolete after An Equal Opportunity Employer the new Battery scores are received. Most Cities surrounding Portland Child Care with a zip code of 970, 971, Need for Proctor home Parents 972, or 986 are also open for to provide home care for emo­ the Test Battery. Applications The Portland D istrict o f the U.S. Postal Service w ill open applica­ tio n a lly , d is tu rb e d p re ­ are available at most larger post tions for the new Test Battery 470 during the month o f A p ril. One schoolers with 24 hour support offices covered by those zip exam ination w ill cover C ity Carrier, D istrib utio n C lerk, M ail Handler, from professional staff. Con­ codes. Current starting hourly M a il Processor, D istribution C lerk Machine, Flat Sorter Operator, and tracted salary $1,000 per rates range from $10.24 to month. Automated M ark-U p Clerk. $12.38. Anyone who is 18 years For application packet and addi­ I f you, or someone you know, are interested in taking the Postal of age or a high school gradu­ tional information contact: exam, You Are Invited To Attend A Special Pre-Exam T utoring Ses­ ate is eligible for employment. Ms. Diane Ponder sion!!! The US Postal Service is an Equal Garlington Center Children's A pplications fo r the Postal Exam must be obtained from the Urban Employment Opportunity Em­ Program League Em ploym ent Department, Thursday, A p ril 14, 1994, 8:30am- ployer. Minorities And Veter­ 911 N. Skidmore 5pm through Thursday, A p ril 28, 1994, 8:30am-5pm. No One W ill Be ans Are Encouraged To Apply. Portland, Oregon 97217 A llo w e d To Take The Test W ith o ut First C om pleting An A pplication Phone: (503) 249-7990 And Returning It T o The Post O ffice O r T o The Urban League E m ploy­ R-O-E ment Dept. Minorities and the Disabled are Dates fo r tutoring sessions: Encouraged to Apply Volunteering Helps The heart! Important Notice Post Office Jobs Friday, May 13, 1994,1:30pm-3:30pm, The Urban League O f Portland, IO N Russell, Portland,Oregon 97227, Shelton H ill Conference R(X)m. Thursday, M ay 19, 1994, l:30pm -3:30pm . The Urban League O f Portland, 10N Russell, Portland,O rcgon97227, Shelton H ill Conference Room. It is essential that we know which session you plan to attend. Space is lim ite d !! Call 281-3040 leave your name and number, someone w ill f , 'v ; ' contact you to make your reservation. The actual examination w ill be scheduled in late M ay or June. Applicants w ill be notified by m ail o f the exact date, time, and place o f the exam. The jo b inform ation line in Portland, 294-2270 w ill have 4‘‘ .'4 Z 'X '3 updated inform ation. Applicants w ill have the opportunity at the time they are tested to choose which position(s) they wish to be considered for. Applications w ill be accepted 9am to 4pm in the lobbies o f the Main post O ffices of: Portland and Bend, A p ril 25-29. This Is An O pportunity You D on ’t W ant T o M iss!!! Good luck, The S taff O f The Urban Ixague Employment Depart­ ment it A *• Request For Qualifications For Architectural Services The Vancouver Housing Authority (VHA) will accept State­ m ent ot Q ualifications from architectural firms until 5.00 pm. on May 9, 1994 for the purpose of the preparation of Phase II of a Space Planning Study. The VHA has outgrowri its current adm inistrative office space and may expand and/or relocate its adm inistrative offices in the greater Vancouve area. The selected architectural firm will evaluate viable options and recom mend a preferred option. The firm selected for this preliminary feasibility work may at the option of the. VHA, be retained to provide architectural services for the design and construction of the preferred option. RFQs which include more detailed information on the ser­ vices requested and the required form of proposal can be obtained from the VHA, 500 O m aha Way, Vancouver, WA, 98661 or by calling (206) 694-2501. The VHA is an equal opportunity em ployer and does not discriminate against individuals or firms because of race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, or disability. Public Notice Polk County Housing Authority, Dallas, Oregon Invitation To Bid The Polk County Housing Authority (PCHA) will receive bids for Modernization - Eight, Two-Bedroom Townhouse Units until 3:30 p.m . Standard Time on the 29th day of April 1994, at 204 S. W. W alnut, Dallas, Oregon, 97338, at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. The basic work consists of new windows; flooring; doors; kitchen and bathroom fixtures and cabinets; interior and exterior plum bing and electrical replacem ent and upgrades; insulation; m inor wall m odifications; replacem ent of the exist­ ing heating system; and texture and paint. All interested parties are encouraged to attend the pre-bid site inspection scheduled for 1:30 p.m. on April 2 1 ,1 9 9 4 , at the above address. Bid documents, including plans and specifications are on file at the PCHA; Salem Contractors Exchange, 362-7957 (Sa­ lem); Construction Data Plans, 225-0200/W est Side, (Port­ land), 234-0281/East Side, (Portland); Daily Journal of Com ­ merce Plan Center, 274-0624 (Portland); and Eugene Build­ ers Exchange, 484-5331 (Eugene). Interested bidders may obtain one set of bid docum ents at the PCHA office, upon receipt of a $10 deposit, which is refund­ able when docum ents are returned in good conditio within 10 days of the bid opening, additional sets may be obtained for a $5 non-refundable fee. Document 020 Request For Proposals The Port Of Portland Engineering Survey Services Proposals for providing engineering survey services will be received by the Manager, Contracts and Procurement, of The Port of Portland, 700 N.E. M ultnom ah Street, 15th Floor, Portland, Oregon, (503) 731-7590 (mailing address: Post Office Box 3529, Portland, Oregon, 97208) until, but not after, 5 p.m. Monday, May 9, 1994. Description of Work: Provide professional survey services for property, design, and construction projects, including office support. See tech­ nical specification section for greater detail of services. Please direct technical questions to the Port’s Representa­ tive Don Conwell, (503) 731-7380. Contract docum ents may be exam ined at the above Port offices. Copies may be obtained by prospective Proposers at no cost from contracts and Procurem ent (Address above). Proposals may be rejected if not in com pliance with specified procedures and requirements. Any or all proposals may be rejected if in the public interest to do so. The Port of Portland Ron Stempel, M anager Contracts and Procurem ent General Contractors And Builders Northeast Community Development Corporation (NECDC) is requesting interest from G eneral Contractors and builders to participate in the Nehemiah Housing O ppor­ tunity Program. NECDC is building up to 250 single family detached and attached houses in Northeast Portland afford­ able to low and m oderate income families. NECDC offers excellent contracting conditions, dependable payment, and a steady flow of repeat work. Contact: Port Of Portland Career Opportunities Environmental Affairs M anager Policy And Planning Departm ent Closing Date: April 2 2 ,1 9 9 4 If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland Employment Office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th floor Applicants residing outside the Portland metropolitan area and physically dis­ abled applicants may request application materials by calling (503)731 - 7400. Preemployment drug screening is required. All applications must be received by 5 p.m. on the closing date Ö Port of Portland Information about career opportunities with the Port can be obtained by calling the Job Hot Line at (503) 731-7480. NECDC 4114 N. Vancouver, Portland 97217 (503) 282-5482, FAX 282-9152 Advertisement For Bid Sealed bids for the W eatherford Dining Cooling Im prove­ ments project will be received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education until 3:00 PM, local time, May 17, 1994. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud on May 18,1994 at 3:00 PM local time. All bidders must be registered with the Construction Contractor's Board. Additional inform ation may be obtained by contacting Facili­ ties Services, Adams Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2001 or telephone 503-737-7694.