A pril 2 0 , 199 4 • T he P ortland O bserver P age B6 Taking The Cross Out Of The Church God should bless them in their sinful w om an, who seem ed to be the married and they wanted children acts. They even said that they hold By Mame Ann Callier-Spears added to their union. For this phase of wife o f the couple, had she thought hands and pray before having sex. In the world, man has standards life, a man is needed. This couple on how this unusual m arriage may Well! The pastor dismissed them d ia l he has set for himself; and in im pact her child. H er response these standards, man has deliberately chose artificial insemination and a w as, “ I hope that he w ill love us immediately. He was appalled! He sat beautiful baby boy was bom. in wonder. “ How could these people forgotten to include God. as we w ill love him . And that he I said, “How ironic!" come to me thinking that I would All that one has to do is to listen w ill not be asham ed o f us.” Then The other woman, of the two, condone their sinful actions?” to the news on television and radio the question w as asked, “ W hat said that she would then have her This only proved that Satan also and read the newspapers and maga­ w ill you tell him w hen he asks child using semen for the same donor attends worship services regularly. zines. There - you will hear and see so that the children would have like about his father? And how do you However — evil is a strong that m an's standards, for life, have think your different lifesty le w ill features and the same father. persuader. Evil has a strong rap. It’s changed drastically. Such as: chil­ affect him when he enters school 1, personally, was perplexed by cunning and relentless. If you don’t dren divorcing their parents, separa­ and his peers begin to ask ques- the entire scenario; because, if you are know Christ, then, you become an tion of church and state, fraud, sex put-out with being a woman, why tio n s?’ and violence among the brethren, She lowered her head and her easy target Standards! homosexuality, drug laws, legally would you want to have a child? eyes before responding; and then, the My elders would say, “Sugah, As I grew, I can recall the words helping a person to commit suicide, you want to have your cake and eat it women looked at each other as it they of my parents, “Don ’ t ever lower y our sex in the schools among the teachers were searching for a common re­ and students, children killing their too. The best of both worlds.” sponse. The female, who had the baby standards to accommodate someone One woman said that having a parents and adults sodomizing their and had a big baby shower which was else’s desires.” The lowering of one’s standards children and others, serial killers of child was fulfilling the primary func­ attended by other women of the same tions of a woman’s body. Well? So is has always been an act of accommo­ every conceivable kind -- and more. mind, said, “We will tell him that we One day I watched this docu­ having a husband. Two women can­ are his parents. We will give him dation. An attempt to make some­ mentary that found an entire city that not produce a child. Neither can two much love. And - we can only hope thing fit. Right now, we have a myriad of square pegs that have been forced was inhabited by homosexual women. men. The same God that wiped-out and pray that he will be proud of us as into round an oblong holes. And this They owned and/or headed many key parents.” was blindly done with no regard of companies and/or businesses. They Sodom and Gomorrah is the same I thought to myself, as I sat God that rules and super-rules - to­ how it would impact the innocent or were the doctors, the teachers, the city day. There was a purpose to G od’s watching this program, “These people the young. board members, the lawyers, the store­ can’t really think that God approves Mankind has truly gone to his keepers, your next door neighbor and creation of Adam and Eve so that of this? They just can’t!” and her extremes. pastor. They had their own church propagation could take place. He did This reminded me of a true story not create Sam and Steve or Anna and More and more, each day, you that performed marnages between the Eve - because his words, “Be fruitful from a pastor-friend. He said that a can hear and you can see where same sex (even though this is an couple came to his office lor counsel­ and multiply...”, would have all been churches have literally taken the cross abom ination before God). These ing. The man was married and he and a horrible joke. That’s like telling a women were fair of face -- yet, some his family wenttothis pastor’s church. out of the church. The parishioners fish to go and hatch an elephant or foolishly believe that God really ap­ had altered their appearance to make The woman, however, was single and telling a mouse to give birth to a themselves seem and look hard. There also attended this same church. They plauds their efforts by saying, “When grizzly bear. Everything has its order Christ walked this earth, he did ev­ was open kissing in public places and came to the pastor because they loved and its place. erything he could to help mankind. restaurants and clubs. T he in te rv ie w e r ask ed the each other so much that they felt thai There was a couple that had been BIG PRE-MOTHER'S DAY GOSPEL EXTRAVAGANZA In Concert In His Name” Honoring: The Golden Eagles Gospel Singers 7V & Recording Artists 1st JKntttuersarn (Celebration -Special Guests- Sunday May 1st At TSA • 5335 N Williams Admission Free Come Hear The Good News Of J.C. Rosyln Wilder Solo _ _ Michelle Soles, Miss ------ — -------------------Black OR USA The Sons ot the Soul Revivers, San Francisco, CA _____ Moore Street Temple Lt. Ray Yant • Commanding Officer Corps Community Center 5335 N. Williams Ave. • Portland, OR 97217 (503) 239-1241 The Envoys Quartet Recording Artists IBafitLit Sean Strong Sermonette Gospel Singers, Portland, Oregon The Golden Eagles Gospel Singers MAY 1st,1994 - 3:00 P.M. at 103 NE Morris St., Portland, OR 97212 Sara Kristi Paulson Mss Oregon 1992 BENSON HIGH SCHOOL 546 NE 12th Avenue,Portland, Oregon Ticket Donation: $8.00 in advance-S 10.00 at the door ($3.00 for children 12 and under) Tickets On Sale At: House of Sound, 3634 N. williams Ave., Portland, OR, (503)287-1960. For More Information Call 280-5100 ’ Sunday School -9:30am ’ Sunday Morning Wor­ ship Service - 11:00am > Sunday School Teacher's Meeting Tues - 6:30pm - Bible Study Wednesday - 6:00pm ■ Prayer Meeting Wednesday - 7:00pm M allory Avenue Christian Church “Come to me oil you who ore weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest." Dr. Joe S. Hardie, Pastor We Invite You To Come And Worship With Us. The Church Where Everybody is Somebody And Christ Is All. 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Morning Worship 7:30pm Tuesday Bible Study and Prayer In te r-ra c ia l C o n g re g a tio n jgL Ojiani ^ is s to n a r u ^Baptist (Finirci] 126 N€ Alberta Portland, OR 97211 (503) 288 -5 1 73 Mt Olivet Baptist Church 8101 N. Fiske Avenue • Portland Oregon 97203 Church Phone: 2 8 9 - 0 1 4 7 w hen the Holy S pirit is m ade to w eep because o f the v io lence, the crim es, the lies, the ch eatin g , the in cest, the broken fam ilies... No matter how feverishly evil w o rk s, G od A lm ighty is the victor...already. If you need proof, go to the end of the book (Holy Bible) and read Rev­ elations. Hallelujah! In times like these, we need an anchor names Jesus Christ. Man may make frail attempts to remove the cross from the church in an effort to appease and satisfy the desires of the world; but, God’s Word shall stand forever. “Those false prophets speak about matters of the world, and the world listens to them because they belong to the world.” II John 4:5 GNB] To my sisters and brothers in Christ: don’t be astounded or amazed by the behavior of the world. You can’t expect a cat to act like a horse or a dog to act like a snake; therefore, you can’t expect the world to act like nothing else but ... the world. And who is the ruler of the world? Satan. That’s why......................... / shall cherish the old rugged cross. The emblem o f suffering and shame. I will cling to the old rugged cross; And exchange it someday for a crown. We W elcom e You to The (Greater .S aint JBteplpn ¿fHíssínnarn ^Baptist Oltjnrd} “Serving The Lord With Gladness” Psalm 100:2 THE SALVATION ARMY Church Phone Number 287-7457 All that we are doing is trying to remove some o f the restraints and make church more accommodating for those who are different.” Wrong! When God says that it is green, it is green; not magenta. When I hear words spoken care­ lessly like these, I immediately re­ buke the words and its author. I call upon the holy Spirit for comfort, strength and deliverance for the speaker. Because it troubles me to know that man is hurling him self and herself aimlessly into a path of de­ struction. My pastor has oft-time said, “The church is a hospital for the sick and the afflicted.” Now - that’s the truth! So — if you remove the cross, from whence will the healing come? Not from you and not from me. Heal­ ing —only from the blood of Jesus that was shed on the cross for you and for me. Yes! W e are truly liv in g in the last days. D ays w hen the child is no lo n g er innocent but w ise and ru th less as a serp en t. Days w hen wom en love w om en and m arry each other. D ays w hen men love men and m arry each other. Days when drag -q u een s defam e the G ospel o f Jesus C h rist and preach in drag on n atio n al te le v i­ sion. D ays w hen truth no longer has a high place on the step s o f m orality. D ays when the church allow s all m anner o f ev il to be ho u sed w ith in its w a lls. D ays Study Phone: 2L 3 -1 9 1 1 Sunday School 10am Morning Worship 11:05 Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 7pm Rev. G.L. Black I Pastor 3605 N.E. Mallory Ave. (503) 281-8117 Portland, OR 97212 Rev. and Mrs. G.L. Black I ©7/z ^Gyving öC km arp C ) f Gregory Dennis Allen March 24,1953 - March 29,1994 Services Were Held: Friday, April 8,1994 Emmanuel Temple Church; 1032 N. Sumner; Portland, Oregon; Bishop A. A. Wells Officiating Gregory Dennis Allen was bom March 24, 1953 to M illie and Alfreddie Allen, Sr., in Portland, Oregon. He attended Beach Elemen­ tary School and Jefferson High School. He continued his education at Portland Community College in General Studies and at Moler Barber College, graduating in July, 1988. He was employed at Golden ’ s House of Style. In 1976, G reg was Saved and filled w ith the H oly G host at E m m a n u e l T e m p le C h u rc h . T here, he serv ed as P resid en t o f the Sons o f T h u n d er, an au x il­ iary for young boys, and sang in the ch oir. Tn his later years, he experienced spiritual d ifficulties in his w alk, and w as not alw ays successful in en d u rin g w ith the Lord. Greg played many sports, loved fishing, singing and spending time with hischildren. He was also known by his family as having a sense of humor. Left to cherish his memory are his five children: Sirena Allen Robinson of Aurora, Colorado; D e’Asha Allen-Peterson, S ien a Allen, Chelsea Allen and Isaiah Phillips, all of Portland, Oregon; and two grandchildren, LeRoy Mo­ rales and Jarves Tryels. Greg, prececded in death by his father Alfreddie Allen, Sr., in 1980, is also cherished by his mother, Millie Allen-Pollard; Grandmother, Geneva Allen; brothers, Alfreddie Allen, Jr., Jeffrey Allen-McDavid, Anthony Allen, Kevin Allen and Michael Alien; sisters, Genice Allen, Barrie Allen, and Sherika Allen, all of Portland, Oregon. He also leaves four aunts, three uncles, and a host of nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. Has moved Sunday services to Sunday Service Family Life Center, 8725 N. Chautauqua Blvd., at Willis Blvd. 10:45 Sunday School 9:3 0 Worship Services 8:00am & 11:00am, Church School 9:30 to 10:30 am, Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 NE Schuyler, 10:30am & 7:00pm Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00am on KBMS Bible Study 6:00 Evening Service A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Marlin, Senior Pastor 7:00pm Pastor, Pc JamnsC C raulkner J I C hurch O ffice 116 NE S ch u y ler St. • (503) 2 84-1954 Nothing To Do On Sunday? Attend Church of Your Choice. Admission is Free.