NftBJMfcMlNfel* f T he P ortland O R : P age B5 • A p r il 2 0 , 19 9 4 bserv er P '; r;.1 ” > T A '.i •X • *» f. * » '-V A n g e la W i n b u s h It ’ s a voice that’ 11 take your breath aw ay: Soaring and w inding through a dream -edged ballad with im provisa­ tory, jazzy grace. A nchoring itself to a sensual, funky beat. Invokingdeeply- felt gospel roots. A ngela W inbush is back with her Elektra debut, A ngela W inbush, her first album in four years. “ I ju st w anted to hone in and recapture w hat I do w ell,” she ex ­ plains. “ I d id n ’t have to hurry up and do a record and (E lektra C hairm an) s p r in g Bob Krasnow gave m e the total cre­ ative control I was accustom ed to. It m akes it really easy when someone trusts you like that — you can be com fortable, and let the real you com e through.” W hat she does w ell is - just about everything. An accom plished singerand musician, A ngela W inbush is also a highly respected songw riter, arranger and producer w hose credits include w ork with Janet Jackson, the SPECIAL CRUISES O n the S ternw heeler C olumbia G orge D o n ’t F orget Y ou r S e c r e ta r ies N a tio n a l S e c r e ta r ies D ay W ednesday, April 27 Special Luncheon Cruise N oon-1:30, $17.95 per person On the Stem w heeler M o th e r ’s D ay Brunches & Dinners Sunday, May 8 Please Call For Tim es & Prices T ravel R o b erts 3415 NE Broadway, Portland, OR 97232 (503) 287-1745 Cascade Queen 1 1/2 H our Portland H a rb o r C ru ises W ednesday through Sunday at exciting RiverPlace M arina Low Summer Air Fares (Round Trip) N e w Y ork C ity $ 3 5 8 .0 0 W a s h in g to n , D .C . $ 3 5 8 .0 0 B o sto n $ 3 5 8 .0 0 C h ic a g o $ 3 4 8 .0 0 A tla n ta $ 3 9 8 .0 0 St. L o u is $ 3 9 1 .0 0 M iam i $ 3 9 5 .0 0 O a k la n d $ 1 0 4 .0 0 L o s A n g e le s $ 1 9 8 .0 0 Angela Winbush all her talents. “Producing gives you control of the creative end, instead of relying on someone else to com e up with the style of the song,” she continues. “It’s • S e n io r D is c o u n ts T w o F o r O n e F a re s Too many cities to list. Call today Restrictions apply Alaska '94 T w o E xciting 7 D ay I tineraries A board the F abulous N ew W indward "THE GLACIER BAY": Vancouver, Ketchikan, Sitka, Juneau, Glacier Bay, Inside P a ssa g e , Vancouver "THE GOLD RUSH": Vancouver, Tracy Arm, Skagway, naiiiuu, w w iiv w iw , . ....... ............... — , t C o st/ Sayings/ C abin P erään $ 1 ,4 1 6 $ 1 ,1 8 7 M ay 16 G lacier Bay $ 1 ,4 1 6 $ 1 ,1 8 7 M ay 23 G la c ie r Bay $ 1 ,2 3 6 $ 1 ,2 7 7 J u n e 13 G old R u sh $ 1 ,4 1 6 $ 1 ,1 8 7 J u n e 13 G lacier Bay $ 1 ,2 3 6 $ 1 ,2 7 7 July 4 G old R u sh $ 1 ,2 3 6 $ 1 ,2 7 7 July 18 G old R u sh $ 1 ,2 6 4 $ 1 ,3 1 3 A u g u st 1 G la c ie r Bay $ 1 ,2 3 6 $ 1 ,2 7 7 A u g u st 15 G old R u sh $ 1 ,4 1 6 $ 1 ,1 8 7 A u g u st 2 2 G old R u sh $ 1 ,4 4 4 $ 1 ,2 2 3 A u g u st 29 G la c ie r Bay $ 1 ,4 1 6 $ 1 ,1 8 7 G lacier Bay Add on From PDX $199 - Air plus motorcoach - Add On From SEA $69 - Motorcaoch Itinerary Sailing Pats REPOSITIONING CRUISES (A dd on PD X -$195, SEA -$175) Sniiino D ate C osU Person Smines/Cabin 8 D ays: M ay 8 $1,187 $1,416 Los Angeles, San Fransisco, Sitka, Juneau, K etchikan, Inside Passage, Vancouver 8 Days: Sept. 19 $764 $742 Vancouver, Puget Sound, Seattle, C olum bia River, Portland, San Fransisco, Los Angeles TR ANSCANAL CRUISES (Includes Airfare) Snilinu D ate C o st/P erso n Saying,V t'abin 14 ays: p r •»“ 24 $2,548 $1,502 14 D u iiy s. / A a pi — - » San Juan Aruba, Cartagena, Panam a Canal, Balboa, Caldera, Acapulco. Zihuatancjo/lxtapa, Puerto Vallarta, Los Angelas 14 Days: Sept. 25 $2,498 $1,654 Los Angelas, Puerto Vallarta, Zihuatancjo/lxtapa, Acapulco, Caldera, Balboa, Panam a Canal, Cartagena, A ruba. San • A l l RATES SHOWN ARE EOR OUTSIDE CABINS • ALL RA TES SHOWN ARE PPDO G e o rg e D u k e , N athan E a st, and Isle y B ro th e rs , S h e e n a E a sto n , S te p h a n ie M ills a n d L a y la h H athaw ay, am ong m any other artists. For W inbush, it’s im portant to utilize Call Today Ask About XNORWEGIAN C R U IS E L IN E On Fridays, end the w eek with a relaxing S u n set C ru ise 5:30-7:00 pm Adults $10.95/Seniors $8.95 a significant part o f creating what goes on a record. In perform ing, the audience lets you know what you did right, if w hat you recorded was some­ thing good. T hat’s the best test in perfecting your craft.” A n g e la W in b u sh a lso u tiliz e s a s tu n n in g a rra y o f g u e st s ta rs , in c lu d in g A n g e la ’s h u sb a n d R o ­ n a ld I s le y , C h u c k ii B o o k e r, w ho p e n n e d th e f irs t sin g le , “ T re a t U R ite ,” and q u e sts G erald A lb rig h t, E rnie Isle y . T hey’re friends of m ine I ’ve known over the years,” says Winbush. “I’d call them up and say, hey, I hear you on this tune. I just happened to hook up with Chuckii when calling the house o f Gerald Albright to sched­ ule his appearance on the album. Chuckii gets on the phone and says, “Hey, I’ve got a song for you.” He came over to the studio and play ed the track, and I said, that’s it. It was the last song recorded. We got together and did it - I w ent in only to do a scratch vocal, but that ended up being New Subscribers Con Ulin ft Trip To Reno ’• .• ■ a *• 7 T w o out o f the next one hun­ dred (100) new subscribers to the Portland O bserver will be eligible to win a round trip to Reno. Tw o People, Round Trip A ir Tw o Nights Hotel and H otel Tax depart on S unday, M onday, or T ues- day. • Requires 14 days notice. • No Holidays. • Subject to availability. • Prize is not refundable. • M ust use by Ju ly 31, 1994. • E n try dead lin e is M ay 31,1994 * ; - ► “ " :A * F ■■ A Reno Contest Name Address Phone ANNUAL SU B SC RIPTIO N $30.00 MAIL YOUR ENTRY TO: RENO CONTEST P.O. BOX 3137 PORTLAND, OR 97208 Full Beverage and Snack Bar on Board! Say You Saw It I n ■ ■ » ■ ' :■ RENO Call 223-3928 ? (D b scru cr - >:;. J ■? for reservations or more information F F F t. FFFF í ’- F F F - t. RENO 700 NE Multnomah # 478, Portland, OR 97232, 1-800-545-0844 W O RLD TRAVEL RATES LAS VEGAS F R O M PO R T L A N D Via 2 NIGHT PACKAGES V ia: F R O M S E A T T L E /P O R T L A N D DAYS O F DEPARTURE 2 NT NT un-Wed Thur/Sat 140 March 6-April 9 124 Sands: 142 April 10-June 18 128 145 June 19-July 31 134 146 126 Thru March 31 Nugget: 144 165 April 1-July 3 143 132 Thru March 24 Circus 156 ' 156 C ircus: 155 148 April 10-June 9 161 June 10-July 31 154 134 143 P ioneer In n : Thru March 31 148 138 April 1-June 30 145 138 Thru July 31 Comstock: 161 136 Mar 1-Mar 17 Eldorado: 166 Mar 18-April 28 146 174 154 April 29-July 14 167 146 March 1-June 30 F lam ingo 164 181 July 1-July 31 H ilton 147 146 Reno Hilton: Thru April 30 161 148 May 1-July 31 156 146 Pepperm ill: Thru April 30 166 152 May 1-July 31 (All Prices/Person, Dbl Occ) 2 NT Friday 172 172 172 182 202 170 172 178 184 168 174 168 202 202 210 204 214 164 190 182 196 DAYS O F DEPARTURE (Til M ar 31 / Apr 1-M ay 31 / 2NT 2NT 2N T Jun 1-Sep 30) $un-Wgd Thur/Sat Friday 192 176 172 LONDON: $435/$605/$720 Thru May 1 F itzg erald s: 182 167 164 May 2-July 31 GERMANY: $445/$775/$905 212 193 186 S a h a ra T o w er: Thru May 7 206 188 182 3 NT AMSTERDAM:$570/$775/$830 May 8-July 31 220 196 184 Thru May 30 Thur/Fri E x calib er: BRUSSELS: $570/$775/$830 220 194 180 May 31-July 31 174 224 203 194 Thru May 29 PARIS: $445/$795/$935 Rio Suites: 176 216 192 180 May 30-July 31 179 MADRID: $525/$855/$960 258 220 194 Thru Mar 31 L uxor: 185 258 226 206 Apr 1-July 31 ROME/MILAN$605/$790/$920 214 Alexis P a rk 176 ATHENS $715/$860/$995 228 212 208 Thru July 31 R esort: 190 248 222 208 Eurail Passes • Car Rentals • Hotels Thru May 29 B ally's: 240 192 212 196 May 30-July 31 L im ita tio n s : Taxes not included I 254 229 201 216 M G M G ra n d : Thru July 31 Restrictions Apply / Rates Subject to 254 230 218 175 Thru May 29 Flam ingo Change W ithout Notice. 254 224 May 30-july 31 206 183 H ilton: 320 265 222 Caesars Palace: Thru July 31 177 210 * Seattle 215 $ 9 4 -W 227 • Mil 217 S438-.NW, UA, • New York 236 DL.HP S4(M-DL.AA,UA,TW,NW,\ • s a n Franala«» • Rano 177 CO [$\1S-UAAS,DL S4M-HP.UA.AA, • Denver $120-2245, HP 204 • LaaVegaa DL, NW, CO • Washington • St. Louée 195 S 46Í-D L, AA. $160-22. • Loa Angelaa ^ J A ,T W ,N W ,C O ,\ S458 7W, DL.UA 212 $198-20. • Atlanta • Phoenix SUMMCft IN MCXICO MRZBTIAM POX/KB O ceano Palace Luna Palace Playa M azatlan Pueblo Bonito 430PPD O 487 439 523 M IR T O VRLLRRTR Hda Buenaventura 434 Las Palmas W estern Beach Paradise Village kOJ CBOOS Posada Real Bahia M arina Fiesta Finisterra $218-22. • Deltas SMS-UA.AA.DL, NW. HP. CO* Prices Include: • Round trip airfare • USA & Mexico Air­ port Taxes • 3 NTS hotel ac­ comodations • Hotel Tax • Round trip airport transfers • Welcome Cocktail • E nglish Speaking host • Special Hotel Val­ ue Package. R e stric tio n s : Sun/Mon/Tue Departures-Friday Returns • Air/ Land Packages Only • Subject to availability • No Substitutions • Not valid with other hotel promotions • No refund or date changes • No refunds on unused services • Extra nights available. $478-DL A4, UA. TW, NW, CO l$659-7TV, AA, NW, CO, HP AIRLINES • LoeCaboe $394-flT S394-RT i Puerto Vaierta 94 /fT Best Airfares From Portland AA: American NW: Northwest AC: Air Canada QQ Reno Air AS: Alaska TW: Trans World BF: Mark Air UA: United CO: Conlinmtal DL: Delta HP: Amcncan West KN: Morris Air This chart shows the low est round trip fares reported by the airlines from Portland Fares: « Are subject to availability • May change w ithout notice • May not apply to al. scats on all fl»8hjs • M aV be subject to advance booking. O ther lim itations may include time of travel, length o f stay, and penalties for cancellations or charges. Fare Inform ation was researched M arch 14. Fares do not include the fuel surcharge collected by some airports or taxes on foreign travel. I 1 ? WTjc ^ I a r t l a n b the lead.” W in b u s h ’s m u sical tra in in g started early: “I grew up in church,” she recalls. “ I’m still in church. I also grew up on jazz, and I love it. 503^2314 600 •• »1« •• DOTTIE FISCHER PR E SE N T S: world TRAVEL 'F F * ■ f