P age A 6 A pril 13, 1994 • T he P ortland O bserver In Reno, Piaij An Unforgettable Round O f Golf. Neui Subscribers Con W ith Packages That Are Truly Memorable Imagine yourself g olfing under Reno’ s clear blue skies w ith a pan­ oramic view o f the m ighty Sierra Nevada mountains. Next, imagine enjoying several days in Reno w hile you tee o ff at one o f the area’s premier courses, at a te rrific package price. But wait, it gets better. N ow imagine playing the game o f your life - be­ cause at this elevation, your ball flies farther. Imagine that. N ow make it real in Reno. Eleven affordable summer pack­ ages featuring Northgate G o lf C lub and W ildcreek G o lf Course are cer­ tain to have golfers sm iling not o nly on the links, but all the way back to their hotels as well. T hat’s because Reno’s high desert and ro llin g h ills make fo r fabulous golfing. A nd the special packages make fo r fabulous savings. Northgate G o lf Club devised its landing areas w ith the elevation in m ind. B u ilt in the true Scottish links tradition, N orthgate’ s natural ro llin g contours combine the a lluring con­ trasts between the greens, surround­ ing sagebrush and a b rillia n t blue sky. Northgate boasts fast, undulating greens w h ile 114 grass bunkers supplement 40 strategically placed sand traps at this cham pionship course. A t W ildcreek G o lf Course, the site o f past Senior PGA Tours, golfers find sidehill, uphill, and d o w n h ill lies that make fo r a challenging game. The championship course, located in the foothills o f northeast Reno, covers more than 7,100 yards and features a meandering stream, seven lakes and a panoramic view o f Reno and the su rro u n d in g T ruckee M eadow s. W ildcreek also sports a par three ex­ ecutive course. And - get this - courses situated at elevations near 5,000 feet (such as those in Reno) send g o lf balls soaring an average 13 percent farther than balls played at a sea level course. T hat’ s right, experts have actually figured this out. But as they say, your actual mileage many vary. So take a swing in Reno and find out fo r your­ self. The fo llo w in g packages for sum­ mer g o lf in Reno offer more variety than ever. Some restrictions do apply; most packages are priced per person, double occupancy, and arc subject to availability. A i r p o r t P la z a H o te l has packages ra n g in g fro m S100 fo r tw o days o f g o lf, tw o n ig hts ac­ co m m od atio ns fo r a m id w ee k stay and a fte rn o o n tee tim es; to S150 fo r tw o days o f g o lf and tw o nights a cco m m o d a tio n s w ith S aturday m o rn in g tee tim es; to $225 fo r three days o f g o lf, three n ig h ts a cco m m o d a tio n s w ith S aturday m o rn in g tee tim es. C o n tin e n ta l b re a kfa s t, green fees, a irp o rt and g o lf course s h u ttle se rvice and hea lth c lu b use in c lu d e d . C h il­ dren 12 and under are free. C a ll 1 -8 0 0 -6 4 8 -3 5 2 5 . C la rio n H o te l C asino offers three days and tw o nights o f new deluxe accommodations, one round o f g o lf including cart, a special tee book, and airport shuttle. C all 1 -800- 648-4866. Eldorado Hotel Casino: It's your choice...three days, two nights for $155 per person (double occupancy) or tw o days, one night fo r $104 per person (double occupancy). Both o f these Sunday - Thursday packages include: deluxe accommodations, one round o f g o lf per person including cart, dinner fo r tw o in the M arket Place Buffet, cabaret show fo r two (including one cocktail per person), airport transfers and Eldorado Trea­ sure Hunt Vouchers. C all 1 -800-648- 5966. John Ascuaga's N ugget: For $108 per person, double occupancy, Two E xciting 7 D ay I tineraries A board the F abulous N ew W indward “THE GLACIER BA Y": Vancouver, Ketchikan, Sitka, Juneau, G lacier Bay, Inside Passage, V ancouver "THE GOLD RUSH": Vancouver, T racy Arm, Skagway. Haines, Juneau, Ketchikan, M isty Fjord, Inside Passage Itinerarv Glacier Bay Glacier Bay Gold Rush Glacier Bay Gold Rush Gold Rush Glacier Bay Gold Rush Gold Rush Glacier Bay Glacier Bay Cost Person $1,187 $1,187 $1,277 $1,187 $1,277 $1,277 $1,313 $1,277 $1,187 $1,223 12 $1,187 Sailing Date May 16 May 23 June 13 June 13 July 4 July 18 August 1 August 15 August 22 August 29 September Savings/ Cabin $1,416 $1,416 $1,236 $1,416 $1,236 $1,236 $1,264 $1,236 $1,416 $1,444 $1,416 Add on From PDX $199 - Air plus motorcoach • Add On From SEA $69 - Motorcaoch R E P O S IT IO N IN G C R U ISES (A d d on PDX-$195, SEA-$175) S ailing Date C»st/Person S avings/Lahia 8 Days: M ay 8 $1,187 $1,416 Los Angeles, San Fransisco, Sitka, Juneau, Ketchikan, Inside Passage, Vancouver 8 Days: Sept. 19 $764 $742 Vancouver, Puget Sound, Seattle, C olum bia River, Portland, San Fransisco, Los Angeles T R A N S C A N A L C R U ISES (Inclu de s A irfa re ) Sailint? Date CosUPerson Savings/Cabin 14 Days: A p r 24 $2,548 $1,502 San Juan, Aruba, Cartagena, Panama Canal, Balboa, Caldera, Acapulco, Zihuatancjo/Ixtapa, Puerto Vallarta, Los Angelas 14 Days: Sept. 25 $2,498 $1,654 Los Angelas, Puerto Vallarta, Zihuatancjo/Ixtapa, Acapulco, Caldera, Balboa, Panama Canal, Cartagena, Aruba, San Juan • ALL RATES SHOWN ARE FOR OUTSIDE CABINS • • A LL RATES SHOWN ARE PPDO • tw o Ulin A Trip To Aeno n ig h ts accommmadations, a round o f g o lf including cart, C elebrity Showroom show including tw o cocktails, $10 value fun book and airport shuttle service. Available March 1 - Oct. 1, 1994. C all 1-800-648-1177. A t the M c C a rra n House In n , a prime rib dinner fo r tw o in the Gar­ den Cafe tops o ff three days and two nightsofdeluxeaccommadations fea­ turing an round o f g o lf per person including cart and airport and g o lf course shuttle fo r $75 per person, double occupancy. Call 1-800-548- 5798. For more inform ation call, 1- 800-FOR-RENO. T w o out o f the next one hun­ dred (100) new subscribers to the Portland Observer w ill be eligible to w in a round trip to Reno. T w o People, Round T rip A ir T w o Nights Hotel and Hotel Tax depart on Sunday, M onday, or Tues- day. • Requires 14 days notice. • No Holidays. • Subject to availability. • Prize is not refundable. • M u s t use by J u ly 31, 1994. • E n try deadline is M a y 31,1994 □ TLCIAAL CRUISES On the Stern wheeler C o lu m b ia G org e Jazz up your Friday with a Dinner D ance April 15 — Featuring OPUS 3! 7 00-10:00 pm. $32.95 per person And Don’t Forget your Secretaries N ational Secretaries Day Wednesday. April 27 Special Luncheon Cruise Noon-1:30. $17.95 per person fieno Contest On the Stern wheeler Distinguished Guest Chef's N am e ________________________ Cascade Q u e e n Address 1 1/2 Hour Portland Harbor Cruises Phone Wednesday through Sunday at exciting RiverPlace Marina ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION $30.00 MAIL YOUR ENTRY TO: RENO CONTEST P.O. BOX 3137 PORTLAND, OR 97208 On Fridays end the week with a relaxing Sunset Cruise 5:30-7:00 pm Adults $10.95/'Seniors $8.95 5:30ptn Champagne Reception 6:30pm Seven Course Dinner Full Beverage and Snack Bar on Board! Say You Saw It In... Mt. Hood Community College Tow n and G ow n R oom Featuring Executive Guest Chefs ^ îo r tla n h QDbscruer Call 223-3928 for reservations or more information Mark Gould o f Atwater's and Jim Lippincott o f Stonehenge Inn $39.00 per person, inclusive To make reservations please call 669-6993 INORWEGIAN Alaska '94 d ays, Saturday, May 14,1994 occupancy, that includes three days, two nights accommadations (includ­ ing tax), one round o f g o lf including cart, a g o lf prize, tow breakfast cou­ pons, two bonus food coupons, tow- fo r -one dinner in Am igo's, a fun L IN E three Gala Dinner prize for each golfer, caberet enter­ tainment and a $30 value tunpack, for $115 per person, double occupancy. Call 1-800-723-6500. A t the Com stock H otel/Casino, S unday- Thursday packages are avail - able from $75 per person, double C R U IS E e n jo y RENO DOTTIE FISCHER PRESENTS: WORLD TRAVEL 503-2314 600 LAS VEGAS REN 0 F R O M S E A T T L E /P O R T L A N D D A Y S OF D EPAR TUR E (All Priccs/Pcrson, Dbl Occ) 2 NT 2 NT March 6-April 9 April 10-June 18 June 19-July 31 Nugget: Thru March 31 April 1-July 3 Thru March 24 C ircus March 25-April 9 C ircus: April 10-Junc 9 June 10-July 31 Pioneer In n : Thru March 31 April 1-June 30 Com stock: Thru July 31 E ld orad o: M arl-M ar 17 Mar 18-April 28 April 29-July 14 Flam ingo March 1-June 30 H ilto n : July 1-July 31 Reno H ilto n : Thru April 30 May 1-July 31 P e pp e rm ill: Thru April 30 May 1-July 31 Sands: 700 NE Multnomah # 478, Portland, OR 97232, 1-800-545-0844 124 128 134 126 144 132 156 148 154 134 138 138 136 146 154 146 164 146 148 146 152 140 142 145 146 165 143 156 155 161 143 148 145 161 166 174 167 181 147 161 156 166 2 NT 3 NT 172 172 172 182 202 170 172 178 184 168 174 168 202 202 210 204 214 164 190 182 196 174 176 179 185 214 176 190 192 201 175 183 177 210 215 227 217 236 177 204 195 212 PPX/Mfl Oceano Palace Luna Palace Playa Mazallan Pueblo Bonito 430PPDO 487 439 523 PUfRTQ VRURATR Hda Buenaventura Las Palmas Western Beach Paradise V illage lOSCflftQS 434 445 464 472 ( T il M a r 31 / A p r 1-M ay 31 / Ju n 1-Sep 30) LONDON: $435/$605/$720 GERMANY: $445/$775/$905 AMSTERDAM:$570/$775/$830 BRUSSELS: $570/$775/$830 PARIS: $445/$795/$935 MADRID: $525/$855/$960 ROME/MILAN$605/$790/$920 ATHENS $715/$860/$995 Eurail Passes • Car Rentals • Hotels L im ita tio n s : Taxes not included / Restrictions A p ply / Rates Subject to Change W ith o ut Notice. York S43i-HP.UA.AA DL, NW, CO • Loa Angeles SlbC-QQ. S46i-DL,AA,UA,TW,NW, CO • Washington • St. Louis S 4b i-D L , AA, S-JA.TW .NW .CO, S45i-TW.DL.UA 198-ßß, • Atlanta SUMMCA IN MCXICO MRZATIRN WORLD TRAVEL RATES F R O M P O R T L A N D V ia 2 N IG H T PA C KAG ES • D A Y S OF D EP AR TU R E 2NT 2NT ( A ll Prices: Per Person, D bl Occ) 2 NT Sun-Wed Thur/Sat Friday 192 172 176 F itzge ralds: Thru May 1 182 164 167 May 2-July 31 212 186 193 Sahara T o w e r: Thru May 7 182 188 206 May 8-July 31 184 220 196 E x c a lib e r: Thru May 30 194 220 180 May 31-July 31 224 194 203 R io Suites: Thru May 29 192 216 180 May 30-July 31 194 220 258 L u x o r: Thru Mar 31 226 258 206 Apr 1 -July 31 A lexis P ark 212 228 208 R esort: Thru July 31 222 248 208 Thru May 29 B a lly 's : 240 212 196 May 30-July 31 254 229 216 M G M G ra n d : Thru July 31 254 218 230 Flam ingo Thru M ay 29 254 224 H ilto n : May 30-july 31 206 320 222 265 Caesars Palace: Thru July 31 S4H-DL, A4, UA. TW. NW, Prices Include: • Round trip airfare • USA & Mexico Air­ port Taxes • 3 NTS hotel ac­ comodations • Hotel Tax • Round trip airport transfers • Welcome Cocktail • English Speaking host • Special Hotel Val­ ue Package. Posada Real 438 Bahia 493 M arina Fiesta 494 Finisterra 500 R estrictions: Sun/Mon/Tue Departures-Friday Returns • Air/ Land Packages Only • Subject to availability • No Substitutions • Not valid with other hotel promotions • No refund or date changes • No refunds on unused services • Extra nights available. Miami $659-7»', AA, NW, CO, HP A IR L IN E S $394-/?/' Best A irfa re s From P o rtland A A : American MW: Northwest AC : A ir Canada Q Q : Reno A ir AS: Alaska T W : Trans W orld BF: Mark A ir UA: United C O : Contininlal D L : Delta HP: American West KM: Morris A ir This chart shows the lowest round trip fares reported by the airlines from portland. Fares: • A rc subject to a vailability • M ay change w ithout notice • May not apply to all scats on a ll flights • May be subject to advance booking. Other lim itations may include tim e o f travel, length o f stay, and penalties for cancellations or charges. Fare Inform ation was researched March 14. Fares do not include the fuel surcharge collected by some airports or taxes on foreign travel.