P age BS A pril 13, 1994 • T he P ortland O bserver PCC Celebrates Hispanic/Latino Heritage Month During May University of Portland Student Wins PMN Minority Scholarship Cheryl C oxeff, a recent U niver­ sity o f Portland graduate, has won a Western Scholars grant to attend the A p ril 7-10 Pacific M ountain Network annual meeting in Denver, C olo. PM N, a public television network and organization o f 13 W estern state members, awarded the scholarships to 20 winners, w ith C o xe ff the only Oregon recipient. C oxeff, who earned a bachelor’s degree in social w ork and certificate in gerontology in December was also awarded the U niversity o f Pordand’ s Outstanding Social W o rk Student Award. She recently assisted in pro­ ducing a video tille d “ Moon Stories: cultural Variations in A g in g ” w ith U niversity social w ork and gerontol­ ogy professor Joseph Gallegos, and is planning several other gerontological documentaries. In A p ril, the 20 grant winners w ill compete fo r 10 paid internships at PM N member stations ¡his sum­ mer. This is the first year PM N is offe ring the internships, designed to encourage m inority college students to consider public television careers. A t the annual meeting, public ••• ‘ <-• ' V ♦ Portland C om m unity College w ill host a m onth-long celebration o f H ispanic/Latino cultural traditions during May. The theme is “ voces Unidas Celcbrando Raises Hispanas” (United Voices Celebrating Latino Roots). College wide events have been planned and displays w ill be featured at the learning resource centers at the Cascade, Rock Creek and Sylvania campuses. On Thursday, May 5, a panel o f leading Latino(a) educators w ill dis­ cuss the first draft o f a National Higher 1994 Vancouver Answers to Word Knowledge Festival-Where 1. sum ptuous-B: Lavish; cosdy and luxurious; m agnificent; as, an impres­ Summer Begins 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1ft. 11. 12. 13. TEAM Stewards for Americorps Na­ tional Service Program with centers near Hood River and Portland, Oregon. Supervise, train, guide team members in variety of environmental, com­ munity service and experien­ tial learning programs. Skills and knowledge in directing team based programs. Back­ ground in community develop­ ment, forestry, ecology, teach­ ing, counseling and/or trade skills in construction, carpen­ try, etc. a plus. Physical capac­ ity for strenuous effort. Minor­ ity applications encouraged. $20,652-$23,400/yr. Educational Service District 112 2500 NE 65th Ave Vancouver, WA 98661-6812 1 -800-775-7142(206)750-7508 An Equal Opportunity Employer Outside Sales Representatives '■ :< l EDUCATION Education Action Plan duringa m orn­ ing at the PCC Rock Creek Campus, 17705 N. W. Springville Road. Lunch ChcrylCoxeff, University o f Port­ and materials are included in the $25 land, Pacific M ountain N etwork M i­ cost. The event w ill take place from nority Scholarship winner. 9:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Forum in B u ild in g 3. Preregistration is re­ television, and the scholars w ill at­ quested by A p ril 28. Also on M ay 5 at the Rock Creek tend professional sessions on man­ agement, programming and educa­ Campus, die Associated Students o f tion before interview ing for the in ­ PCC w ill celebrate Cinco Dc Mayo w ith music, food and fun forthe whole ternships. The three-month internships in ­ fam ily, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Begin your career with Paragon clude housing, transportation and a Other planned events arc: Cable and don’t miss out on S3,000 salary. - M CtASSIFIEDSZBIDS 1 ' ■■■ ’ Ä sively sumptuous celebration. Latin sumptus (expense). cascade-C: W aterfall descending over a steep and rocky surface. Also, anything that resembles a w aterfall; as, a cascade o f flowers covering the railing. Italian cascata. in sa tia b le -A : Impossible to satisfy; never getting enough; greedy; as, the leader’ s insatiable drive for power. Latin insatiabilis. fetish-D : An object or activity receiving obsessive or irrational devotion; as, to make a fetish o f sports. Latin facticius ( a rtificia l). penchant-B : Strong likin g or inclination fo r something; as, a penchant fo r politics. O ld French pencher (to incline). e xp licit-C : Clear and precise, leaving no doubt as to meaning; as, The general gave an e xp licit explanation. Latin ex- (out) andplicare (to fold). arcana-C : Mysteries; inform ation known o nly to those involved; as, an attempt to expose a secret society’ s arcana. Latin arcere (to shut in). frip p e ry -D : Pretentious showiness in dress or manners; as, disdain fo r frippery o f any kind. O ld French freperie (old clothes). heinous-A: Outrageously wicked; abominable; hateful, as, the heinous crimes o f the dictator’ s soldiers. O ld French haine (hatred). nemesis-C: Opponent or problem one cannot overcome; as. The press became the Congressman’s as. The press became the Congressman’s nemesis. The Greek goddess o f vengeance was named Nemesis. scu rrilo u s-A : Abusive and insulting; coarse; vulgar; as, The talk-show host grew tired o f the scurrilous attacks on him . Latin scurrilis (jeering). m endacious-C: Not truthful; lying or false; as. Voters complained about the mendacious statements o f party old-tim ers. Latin mendax. vin d ica tio n -B : Justification; clearance o f blame or g uilt; as, the vindica­ tion o f a controversial policy when it turns out to be successful. Latin the opportunity to be on the leading edge of the dynamic cable television industry: The Inform ation Superhighw ay. Qualified applicants need to possess a high school diploma or equivalent, own reliable transportation and possess a good driving record. Sales ex­ perience helpful but training will be provided. We offer competi- tivecommission.excellentben- efits, including free Cable TV and the opportunity to work in a team environment and drug- free workplace. A pre-employ­ ment drug test is required. Please apply to: The Vancouver Festival, a sanc­ tioned Rose Festival event, is seeking the best in amateur and semi-profes­ sional talent from Clark County. A rt­ ists w ill be showcased at the festival’ s People’ s Stage, one o f the four major performance areas, Artists w ill perform during the weekend o f June 18 and 19. Everyone is encouraged to audition from c h il­ dren to seniors. “ W e’re looking for musicians, dancers, stand-up comedy 3075 NE Sandy Blvd, to theater. I f you’ ve got talent, we Portland, OR 97232 want to hear about it,” said Rusty Equal Opportunity Employer Moe, talent coordinator. Selected performers w ill be in good company with the likes o f The Need for Proctor home Parents to provide home care for emo­ Temptations, Mary W ilson o f The tio n a lly , d is tu rb e d p re ­ Supremes, Curtis Salgado and many schoolers with 24 hour support other top local, regional and national from professional staff. Con­ acts. tracted salary $1,000 per For performance and audition month. criteria Monday-Friday, contact Rusty For application packet and addi­ Moe, C ity o f Vancouver, (206)696- tional information contact: 8031, or evenings and weekends, Ms. Diane Ponder Chris Thompson (206)573-4468. Paragon Cable Child Care vindicare (to claim ). 14. Com m em orate-D : To honor or celebrate someone or something; as, Flag Day, June 14, commemorates adoption o f the U.S. flag in 1777. Latin Say You Saw it In... commemorare. 15. m eld-B : To merge, blend or unite; as, His graceful letters melded many different people into a political party. Blend o f m elt and weld. iEIjc Jlurthniit (Obscvucr Garlington Center Children's Program 911 N. Skidmore Portland, Oregon 97217 Phone: (503) 249-7990 R-O-E Minorities and the Disabled are Encouraged to Apply Public Notice Polk County Housing Authority, Dallas, Oregon Invitation To Bid The Polk County Housing Authority (PCHA) will receive bids for M od e rn iza tio n - Eight, T w o-B edroom T o w nho use U nits until 3:30 p.m . Standard Time on the 29th day of April 1994, at204S .W . Walnut, Dallas, Oregon, 97338, at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. The basic work consists of new windows; flooring; doors; kitchen and bathroom fixtures and cabinets; interior and exterior plumbing and electrical replacem ent and upgrades; insulation; m inor wall m odifications; replacement of the exist­ ing heating system; and texture and paint. All interested parties are encouraged to attend the pre-bid site inspection scheduled for 1:30 p.m. on April 21 ,1 9 9 4 , at the above address. Bid documents, including plans and specifications are on file at the PCHA; Salem Contractors Exchange, 362-7957 (Sa­ lem); Construction Data Plans, 225-0200/W est Side, (Port­ land), 234-0281/East Side, (Portland); Daily Journal of Com ­ merce Plan Center, 274-0624 (Portland); and Eugene Build­ ers Exchange, 484-5331 (Eugene). Interested bidders may obtain one set of bid docum ents at the PCHA office, upon receipt of a $10 deposit, which is refund­ able when docum ents are returned in good conditio within 10 days of the bid opening, additional sets may be obtained for a $5 non-refundable fee. Request For Statements Of Qualifications From Prime Contractors (Solicitation No. 94-13) Rothchild Graduate Center The P o rtla n d D e ve lo p m e n t C o m m is s io n will receive state­ ments of qualifications from prime contractors for: Rothchild G raduate Center, a project providing special needs housing until 3:00 p.m., Pacific Standard Time (PST) on April 22, 1994, at its offices located at 1120 S.W. Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100, Portland, Oregon 97204-1968. The work con­ sists of the renovation of the Rothchild Building (formerly housing United Way) and will be perform ed in accordance with plans and specifications by Söderström Architects. The project consists of 48,360 s.f. concrete frame building located at the southw est corner of the intersection of S.W. Broadway Avenue and W. Burnside Street, Portland, Oregon. The existing building is to be renovated to provide approxim ately 106 units of single room housing to be used to support a drug and school recovery program an to provide housing for the chronically m entally ill. Renovation work will consist of struc­ tural, interior, mechanical, electrical and retail space im prove­ ments as provided in more detail in the request for statem ents of qualifications. Requests for the Comm ission docum ents related to this request for statem ent of qualifications should be forwarded to Randy Stenson at 503-823-3237. Contractor’s statem ents of qualifications must respond specifically to the information as requested in the Com m ission’s documents. The P o rtla n d D e ve lo p m e n t C o m m is s io n is com mitted to acting affirm atively to encourage and facilitate the participa­ tion of Emerging Small Business (ESB), Minority Business Enterprises (MBE), and W om en Business Enterprises (WBE) in C o m m is s io n projects and operations. Portland Developm ent Commission By Christian Steinbrecher Manager, Construction M anagem ent Services S a fe w a y Brands S a le ! SAFEWAY Prices effective April 13 through April 19 1994 at Safeway. New Safeway SELECT Mayonnaise layonnai • 1-Quart • SAVE UP TO 70t each 99 ea Town House Tomato Sauce • 8-0unce •SAVEUP TO 8e each $ for Look In The This Week Magazine for your Safeway Shopping Guide for a complete list of specials on sale this week at Safeway! E n j o y E x tr a S a v i n g s W it h T h e N e w 'Iii-S to re* S a fe w a y S h o p p in g G u id e M A G A Z I N E Avallar thle at your Safeway store.