U» i J ¿* n'w P age B5 T he P ortland O bserver • A pril 13, 1994 M ét ENTERTAINMENT * 1 « . ( * - Z. African Art Event To Benefit Severely Emotionally Disturbed Children lectcd by royalty and international Preparations are now being made Goldschmidt, former governor of Or­ sale and exhibit, making it the largest celebrities such as The Prince of Wales, for “Spirits in Stone,” a stunning ex­ egon; Vera Katz, mayor of Portland; exhibition of Shona sculpture ever Queen Sophia o f Spain, Richard hibit and sale of extraordinary Zimba­ Arlene Schnitzer, arts patron and ac­ presented in the Pacific Northwest. Attenborough, actor Jimmy Stewart bwe stone sculpture to be presented for tivist, and executive vice-president of The exhibition will host the majority and many more. the first time in Portland, May 7-15 at Harsch Investment Corporation; Harry of sculptures ranging from $50 to Shona sculpture from Zimbabwe Cheatham Hall, World Forestry Cen­ Demorest, president of Columbia For­ $2,000 with a few substantial pieces first came to the attention of the West est Products; Peter Jacobsen, golf pro­ as high as $20,000. ter, 4033 S.W. Canyon Road. in the 1960’s and has since been hailed Shona sculpture has been col- The exhibit, sponsored by Provi­ fessional; and Mel Renfro, former dence Medical Foundation and Zim­ Dallas Cowboy, Hall of Fame athlete The 36th Annual babwe Shona Sculpture, will be open and president of Legends Honey Fried free to the public from 12 noon 8pm Chicken; and the Portland-Mutare EBONY FASHION FAIR Sister City Association. daily. Presents The art, carved by the mostly self-taught Zimbabwe artists, us­ ing the varied serpen­ tine stone found only in their African coun­ try sid e , has been lau d ed aro u n d the S p o n s o re d b y world by critics for beauty, naturalism and PORTLAND CHAPTER spiritual qualities of THE LINKS, INC. the work. Benefit of P ro ceed s w ill LINKS EDUCATIONAL b en efit P rovidence SCHOLARSHIP FUND M edical C e n te r’s OREGON Gately Child and Ado­ lescent Day emotion­ CONVENTION CENTER ally disturbed children Friday, April 2 2 ,1994 since 1986. Aprogram 8:00 p.m. that has successfully treated severely emo­ Tickets available at: tionally disturbed chil­ Mrs. C's Wigs — 281 -6525 Shona Sculptor Crisin June Mutambika dren since 1986. A 707 N.E. Fremont Chiseling fine facial features portion will also be House of Sound — 281 -1502 dedicated to a special 3606 N. Williams Ave. The stunning exhibition and sale fund for African-American children Daddio's Deli Mart — 335-3256 who receive care and treatment at the of Shona sculpture will begin with an 3536 N.E. MLK Jr. Blvd. Gately program in Northeast Port­ invitation-only gala at the World For­ estry Center, on May 6, honoring the land. Ticket Price: $25.00 Due to the severity of their emo­ ambassador from Zimbabwe, His Ex­ tional problems, students referred to cellency Amos Midzi. More than 650 (Includes I yr. subscription to EBONY/EM or 6-month subscription tolET) Gately are not able to learn in a public pieces of are being assembled for the school setting. Gatcly’s high staff to student ratio allows individualized PO R T L A N D R E PE R T O R Y T H E A T E R treatment and educational programs "A locker room romp... that the students require. clever and amusingly done I " Zimbabwe Sons Sculpture will — NY Times March 26 donate a portion of its process to the Child Survival Fund of Zimbabwe. ÏÏIlie Jîa rtla n b through April 30 With the many difficult chal­ (¡Dbserücr lenges facing disturbed youth, several community leaders have taken per­ sonal responsibility to help with the fundraiser. Included among the many individuals committed to this project are honorary committee Chairman, James DcPriest, director of the Or- egon Symphony; and members, Neil by international art critics. In 1987, Newsweek called Shona sculptures, “The most important art form to emerge from Africa this century.” An art critic in The Economist declared, “They are producing fine stone work- ’ • • es\ : .1 .’T. 3 S; -the finest, some say in the world.” For more information about the Spirits in Stone” exhibit and sale, please call Gately Child and Adoles­ cent Day Treatment at (503) 287- 2672. few .•f.,«?*.. ■ - « Vfi-y r • /A - • ■< * ,•< ‘/7zt’ eJ{apturc o f /Fashion » ' •»« I • ", ' L W • . i *2 *;X • 9 3 / 94 WEST COAST PREMIERE! D •*e. » Say You Saw It In... T igard C inemas 1 1 6 26 SW PACIFIC (HWY 9 » ^ 2 26 -5 5 5 6 4-4627 STARTS FRIDAY AT THESE THEATRES O N E v, n V T V nder by John Godber Music Millennium WINNER OF TH E OLIVIER AWARD! This hilarious comedy follows the trainer of the worst amateur rugby team in Eng­ land who bets his house that his sorry collection of misfits can beat the best team in Yorkshire. Located in the World Trade Center, The REP offers a unique and cosmopolitan setting to enjoy profes­ sional theater at its best! MUSIC, INC. Demenica Berry Asst. Manager • Billboard Reporter Box Office: 224-4491 32nd & E. Burnside 231-8926 I 23rd & NW Johnson 248-0163 Shop One Stop for beauty supplies as well as PageNet Pagers. L ive M esic Friday & Saturday 8pm-Midnight Wednesday Jam Session 1615 NE Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 97211 503/284-2435 featuring Louisiana style cuisine at its finest At Bourbon Street we're proud io offer the finest ribs, freshest seafood, delicious fettucim and blackened dishes En|oy the big screen IV in our lounge. 5828 N Lombard Portland, Oregon 97213 503/283-3212 FAX/289-8906 srm i s 15900 Boones Ferry Road in Lake Grove, Oregon 636-0017 A d van ce tick et« at all OI J o e ’a /T ic k e tm a s te r location « Subject to s e r v ic e charge Charge by phone S S 4 <