P age B9 T he P ortland O bserver • A pril 06, 1994 CLASSIFIEDS/BIDS Information Systems Analyst/Consultant For Information Systems of the L e g isla tive A d m in istra tio n Committee. Position ensures effective implementation of in­ formation technologies and provides professional expertise within the Legislative Branch. You must have two years of experience in systems analy­ sis and a Bachelor's degree, an Associate’s degree, or cer­ tificate in Computer Science or two additional years of pro­ gram m ing and/or system s analysis experience. Salary range $2,773 - $3,718 per month. A Legislative Adminis­ tration Committee application is required. Application materi­ als must be received by 5 pm, April 15, 1994. Contact Em­ ployee Services, Legislative Administration Committee, S- 401 State Capitol, Salem, OR 97310 (503) 986-1373. TDD (503) 986-1374. FAX: (503) 378-3289. EOE ACCOUNTING Medicare Cost Reimbursement Coordinator Coordinator of Minority Student Recruitment & Concerns, Western Oregon State College Individual responsible for the re­ cruitment and retention of un­ der-represented ethnic minor­ ity students; work with admis­ sions office and other campus constituents with program de­ sign and implementation, in­ volvement in other admission and student recruitment activi­ ties. Qualifications: Bachelor's degree required; master’s de­ gree plus college level admis­ sion experience, particularly with ethnic minorities, pre­ ferred. Bilingual in English and Spanish highly desirable. 12- month, non-tenure track, $28- 30,000 salary, excellent ben­ efits. Application: Send cover letter, resume, one-page per­ sonal statement on recruitment and retention of ethnic minori­ ties and 3 recent recommen­ dation letters, post-marked by April 29,1994 to: Craig Kolins, Director of Admissions, WOSC, Monmouth, OR 97361. AA/ EOE. Women, minorities and individu­ als with disabilities encouraged to apply. This position coordinates and oversees the reporting require­ ments process of the Medicare Cost Contract. By coordinating and directing this position en­ sures that all internal and ex­ District Manager ternal reporting objectives re­ Oregon Department of Transpor­ lated to the Medicare Cost tation seeks manager for posi­ Contract are met; this includes tion in The Dalles. Will manage the responsibility of keeping all maintenance and operations current with rule and regula­ of the state highways, bridges, tion changes; and assessing and related facilities within the apportionment statistics in or­ district. Requires six years re­ der m aximize the corporation's sponsible experience related reimbursement under the con­ to transportation engineering, tract. including two years at project The qualified candidate will pos­ leader level. Related degree ses the following skills and may be substituted for up to 3 education: years experience. Position of­ • A Bachelor’s degree in ac­ fers a competitive benefits counting, including auditing package and salary ranging course work. $3054-54301. Contact ODOT • A minimum of two years, work Recruitment at (503) 378-6281 experience in financial account­ (TDD 373-7227) for applica­ ing or medicare cost account­ tion packet. Completed appli­ ing. cations due by 5:00 p.m., April • Experience in the operation of 22, 1994. ODOT is an equal micro-computers and various opportunity/affirmative action software products. employer committed to a di­ Preference will be given to can­ verse workforce.___________ didates with the following: • previous Medicare reporting Child Care experience. Need for Proctor home Parents • "Big 6” accounting background. to provide home care for emo­ • Previous experience in com­ tio n a lly , d istu rb e d p re ­ plying with governmental con­ schoolers with 24 hour support tracts. from professional staff. Con­ HMO Oregon/Blue Cross and tracted salary $1,000 per Blue Shield of Oregon offers month. an excellent benefits package For application packet and addi­ and competitive salary. Pre­ tional information contact: employment drug screen re­ Ms. Diane Ponder quired. To assure your appli­ Garlington Center Children's cation is processed immedi­ Program ately, send your resume or 911 N. Skidmore application to: Portland, Oregon 97217 Phone: (503) 249-7990 R-O-E Minorities and the Disabled are HMO Oregon/Blue Cross and Encouraged to Apply Blue Shield of Oregon HMO Oregon School 534 Ferry St Salem, OR 97309 Bus Drivers PORTLAND PUBUC SCHOOLS is now accepting applications. We provide: Multnomah Education • Paid Training • Exc benefits Service District • Exc starting wage Job Information Hotline • Guaranteed hours 257-1510 Apply to: 257-1518 TDD Portland Public Schools kn Equal Opportunity Em- Transportation Dept. »loyer & Drug Free Work Place 2054 N. Vancouver Portland, Or 97227 Equal Opportunity Employer Request For Proposals #491-94-260 for furnishing The Port Of Portland Portland International Airport Terminal Building Roof Restoration Sealed bids for the Portland International Airport, Terminal Building Roof Restoration, will be received at the office of the Manager, Contracts and Procurement, of The Port of Port­ land, 700 Multnomah Street, 15th floor, Portland, Oregon, (mailing address: Post Office Box 3529, Portland, Oregon, 97208) until, but not after, 2 p.m., Tuesday, April 26, 1994, and thereafter publicly opened and read. Description of Work: Restoration of 36,656 square feet of the existing roof system over concession lobby; roof repairs and coating of 55,552 square feet over ticket lobby. A prebid conference will be held at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, April 12, 1994, in the Portlandia Conference Room on the third floorm ezzanine of the Portland International Airport Terminal Building to discuss all phases of the work. The elevatorto the third floor m ezzanine is located between Norm Thom pson’s and Powell’s Books in the concession lobby. Please direct technical questions to the Project Engineer, Patrick O ’Day, (503) 335-1181. Bids must be on the bid form which will be provided to prospective bidders and must be accom panied by a certified or cashier’s check drawn on a United States bank or a bid bond payable to The Port of Portland in an am ount equal to at least 10 percent of the total am ount bid. Bidders are required to prequalify in the following category: Roofing Prequalification applications must be submitted not laterthan 5 business days prior to the bid opening date. The drawings and the contract manual may be examined at Port offices. Copies may be obtained by prospective bidders at no cost from Contracts and Procurem ent (address above). No bid will be received or considered unless it contains a statem ent by the bidder as a part of the bid that the provisions of ORS 279.350 (regarding prevailing wage rates) are to be complied with. No bid will be received or considered unless the bidder is registered with the State of Oregon Construction Contractors Board, pursuant to ORS 701.055(1), priorto submitting a bid. (Reference Articles 10, 12, and 13 in the Instructions to Bidders.) A license for asbestos work under ORS 468A.720 is not required for this work. Bidders are required to state whether or not the bidder is a resident bidder, as defined in ORS 279.029. (Reference Article 3 in the Instructions to Bidders.) Bids may be rejected if not in compliance with bidding procedures and requirements. Any orall bids may be rejected if in the public interest to do so. Port of Portland aloud. Requests for Proposals may be obtained at the above office. The District may reject any proposal not in com pliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements, and may reject for good cause any or all proposals upon a finding of the agency it is in the public interest to do so. No proposal will be considered that is received afterthe appointed date and time. S.E. 1st Street Improvements Street Project No. 5096 Waterline Project No.4081 Sealed proposals will be received by the Department of Environmental Services at City Hall, 1333 N. W. Eastman arkway, Gresham, O regon 97030, until April 19, 1994, at 11:30 a.m. local time, at which time they will be opened, forthe S.E. 1st Street Improvem ents. The major quantities Involved are as follows: 1,286 L.F. 16* D.l. Waterline 421 L.F. 12* D.l. Storm Pipe 2,900 C.Y. Excavation 1,190 Tons A.C. Pavement 1,835 L.F. Curb and Gutter 466 S.Y. Concrete Sidewalk Tons Base Rock 2,160 Contractor for this work shall furnish all labor at current State of Oregon prevailing wage rates, materials and equipment and services of all kinds to complete the work in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor. Plans and specifications may be examined at the office of the Department of Environmental Services, 1333 N. W. Eastman Parkway, Gresham, Oregon. Copies of said plans and speci­ fications may be obtained upon application to the Department of Environmental Services and by posting a non-refundable fee of $25 with the Department of Environmental Services for each set of plans and specifications requested. Questions concerning this project should be addressed to Alan Benoit, Engineering Technician, 669-2486. Contractors must prequalify for construction with the City of Gresham, as required by the laws of the State of Oregon, before the date of the bid opening. Otherwise, their proposal may not be given consideration. Contractors shall obtain a City of Gresham business license prior to commencing work. All proposals must be submitted on the regular forms fur­ nished by the City of Gresham, addressed and mailed or delivered to the Department of Environmental Services, City of Gresham, in a sealed envelope plainly marked, “Sealed Bid for the S. E. 1st STREET IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NOS. 5096 & 4081, bearing the name and address of the bidder. Each must be accom panied by a certified check, cashier’s check or bid bond in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total bid. A performance and payment corporate surety bond in the full amount fo rth e contract shall be required to guarantee faithful performance of the terms of the contract at the time of contract execution. In determining the lowest responsible bidder, the public contracting agency shall, for the purpose of awarding the contract, add a percent increase on the bid of a nonresident bidder equal to the percent, if any, of the preference given to that bidder in the state in which the bidder resides. Each bid must contain a statement as to whether the bidder is a resident bidder, as defined in ORS 279.029. Each bid must contain a statement by the bidder that the provisions of ORS 279.350 will be complied with. Each bidder must file with his bid an affidavit of non-collusion. Ron Stempel M anager Contracts and Procurement The City of Gresham reserves the right to reject any and/or al bids, waive informalities or to accept any bid which appears to serve the best interests of the City. The City of Gresham is an equal opportunity employer. Document 020 Request For Proposals The Port Of Portland Engineering Specifications Word Processing Services Proposals for providing specifications word processing ser­ vices will be received by the Manager, Contracts and Pro­ curement, of The Port of Portland, 700 N. E. Multnomah Street, 15th Floor, Portland, Oregon, (mailing address: Post Office Box 3529, Portland, Oregon, 97208) until, but not after, 5 p.m. W ednesday, April 20, 1994. Description of Work: On-call word processing of technical material to be done off Port premises by a licensed professional service. Word processing shall be done in Port-compatible WordPerfect 5.1 and M icrosoft Word formats (IBM-PC versions) with laser- printed quality printouts. Please direct technical questions to the Port’s Representa­ tive, Christine Steel, (503) 731-7367. Contract docum ents may be exam ined at the above Port offices. Copies may be obtained by prospective Proposers at no cost from Contracts and Procurem ent (address above). Proposals may be rejected if not in compliance with specified procedures and requirements. Any or all proposals may be rejected if in the public interest to do so. Port of Portland Ron Stempel, M anager Contracts and Procurement Rack Mounted Modems Proposals are solicited to furnish rack mounted modems for this agency. Proposals will be received by Michael Mlynarczyk, Purchasing Agent, at 11611 NE Ainsworth Circle, Portland, OR 97220-9017 (PO B o x 301039, Portland, OR 97230-9039) (Phone: 503-257-1791) until no later than 4:00 PM, Pacific Daylight Savings Time, April 28, 1994, at which time and address the proposals will be publicly opened, but not read Notice To Contractors Document 00020 Advertisement For Bids By O rder Of City Council 1333 N. W. Eastman Parkway Gresham, Oregon 97030 The Private Industry Council Public Notice The Private Industry Council, serving Multnomah and W ash­ ington Counties and the City of Portland, will subm it a draft of the plan for Title IIA 8 percent Education Coordination funds to the State of Oregon Department of Education on April 15, 1994. The Private Industry Council will seek approval of the plan at its May 11, 1994, board meeting. This 7:30 AM meeting of The Private Industry Council Board of Directors is open to the public and oral comments concerning the plan are welcome. A mix of activities will be provided to approximately 186 low income youth between the ages of 14-21 years old who are school dropouts or are at risk of dropping out of school, and who are residents of Multnomah and W ashington Counties and the City of Portland. Services will include alternative education services and school-to-work services. Funding for the Title IIA 8 percent funding fo rthe program year beginning July 1,1994, and ending June 30,1995 will be $261,107 and will also include $161,301 in lottery funds. A copy of the draft plan may be obtained after April 15,1994, by calling or writing The Private Industry Council, 720 SW Washington, Suite 250, Portland, Oregon, 97205, (503)241- 4600, FAX (503) 241-4622, TDD (503) 241-4632. Written comments concerning the Title IIA 8 percent plan will be accepted until May 6, 1994. The Private Industry Council, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer/program, and auxiliary aids are available upon request to persons with disabilities. Sub-Bids Requested Sub and supply bids are requested for: Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Plant Bid No. 122 Headworks Replacement Project Bids Date: April, 1994 Bid Time: 2:00 PM Wildish Building Co. CCB# 34429 P.O. Box 7428 Eugene, OR 97401 We request bids and encourage pre bid contact from minority-owned, women-owned, and emerging small businesses for the subcontract and supply opportunities of this project. Please Call, or read Volume one of the bid documents for bidding instructions. Request For Proposal Kennedy School Master Plan The City of Portland seeks a consultant to analyze proposed uses for the Kennedy School properly and assist the Kennedy School Committee in developing a master Plan for its future development. For more information, contact David Nemo. Project Coordinator, PDC, 1120 SW 5th Ave., #1100, Portland, OR 97204. PH#(503) 823-3214 Proposals are due by 5:00 pm April 25,1994. PDC encourages participation of Minority, Women and Emerging Small Business Enterprise contractors in it’s proiects.