A pril 06, 1994 • T he P ortland O bserver P age B6 E arth q u ake P rep ared n ess Could R eap B en efits...A n d An Award Being prepared for the nextearth- quake would reap you or your com ­ pany iw o important benefits; reduc­ ing loss o f lie and property, and w in ­ ning an award that recognizes your comm itment todisaster preparedness. Metro is sponsoring the newly initia ted "M e tro Regional hazard M itig a tio n Aw ards Program” and invites individuals and business sot apply or to nominate someone else. The non-monctary awards w ill be announced and presented at the “ 1994 Disaster Preparedness Conference: Tools for Public Policy.” The two-day conference, June 16-17, is sponsored by M etro and the Department o f State Police, Oregon Emergency Management. The con­ ference program w ill focus on what policy makers in Oregon can do to prepare the state and the Portland region for an earthquake or other natural disaster. The conference w ill be held at the Monarch Hotel in Clackamas, near Clackamas Town Center. The M e tro C o u n cil established the a w ards p ro g ra m in F eb rua ry to recognize o utstanding earthquake preparedness in three categories: • thedesignandconstructionofbuild- ings to reduce seismic hazards • the reduction o f seismic hazards by means other than b uilding design and construction (e.g., non-struc- tural measures,, such as bolting down bookcases, heavy equipment and hot water heaters); • the demonstrated com m itm ent o f individuals who have improved the com m unity’ scmergency prepared­ ness capability. A committee consisting o f emer­ gency management representatives from state, local and regional govern- 7o Our (Beautiful A n d Taknted (Daughter ‘Tanisha (ficaie Vann In Celebra tion OfHer20th B ir th d a y “A pril 9, 1994“ We Wish You Love - Much Success In College And Above A ll “God’s Constant Guidance“ ments and from private industry w ill review the award applications make a recommendation to M etro ’ s G ov­ ernmental A ffairs Committee fo r f i ­ nal selection. “ T his awards program is some­ thing the M etro C ouncil plans to do annually,” said M etroC ouncilor M ike Gates, who is active in the agency’ s emergency preparedness program and is chairman o f the G overnm ental A ffairs Committee. “ The program is part o f our com m itm ent to increase awareness about regional disaster preparedness and to recognize those who deserve a pat on the back fo r their efforts.” The application deadline fo r a disaster preparedness award is 5pm, A p ril 22. For an application or addi­ tional inform ation , contact M ichael M cGuire, M etro’ s emergency man­ agement analyst, at 797-1823. Sister M a r y Health Screening For Seniors Legacy V isitin g Nurse Associa­ tion is o ffe ring during A p ril Health Screenings fo r adults 55 and older. The free screenings may include gen­ eral physical assessment, nutrition testing, blood pressure check, foot care evaluation, dental check, medication review, pulm onary functions, cancer education, and vision, glaucoma, and hearing tests. Blood tests are optional at a $5 fee. Appointments are neces­ sary and may be made by calling the fo llo w in g screening sites: Senior Center; 7688 SW Capital H w y; 244-5204; 9am - noon A p ril 15; Volunteers o f Am erica; 537 SE Alder; 232-2233; 9am - noon A p ril 22; M ittlem an Jewish Com ­ S P IR IT U A L H E A L E R & A D V IS O R BLESSED BY GOD TO HEAL ALL PEOPLE OF THE WORLD L et this woman heal. D on’t be misled by others when this woman can help you in ju s t 12 hours. Yes, let this woman heal you. A re you sick & suffering? G ot bad luck? A lw ays losing and never w inning in g am bling . Lost your sweetheart? Is your hair fa llin g out? Do doctors say they can t fin d anything w rong w ith you? W orry no more fo r she is the advisor you have been looking for. G ot voodoo? Has someone crossed you up in life? W ant your husband back? N o matter what your problem is she can help. D o you like money? W ith her blessings you can’t lose. Do you have sex problems? ¿ g g t 1-206-414-5882 ‘Free lucky piece w ith each reading.” m unity Center, 6651 SW Capital Hwy; 244-0111; 9am - noon in the African-American Studies Section M o th e r Elizabeth Ann Churchwell, Fa­ ther Cleodis Don Vann, Jr., B rother Eric C h u rc h w e ll, G randm other Roberta Vann and Your Son C artier Damon Vann. COME IN AND SEE WHAT’S REALLY HAPPENING! BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY! SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE CLOWN - HOT DOGS • BALLOONS $5 OFF SHOES - SWEAT SUITS > K fA Portland Teachers, Building And Construction Unions Endorse Burton Area labor groups jo in growing list o f candidate's supporters M etro region construction trades and Portland area teachers have join ed a growing number o f labor groups, law enforcement leaders and p o litica l party organizations w ith their support o f M ike Burton in his bid fo r the M etro executive o ffic e r’s seat. The C olum bia Pacific B u ild ing and Construction Trades Council, A F L -C IO , cited B urton’ s support against repeal o f the Oregon Prevailing Wage Law as an important factor in their decision. The labor organization’ s affiliates include Bricklayers Local 1, Carpenters, electricians Local 48, Ironworkers Local 29, Laborers, Operator Local 701 and Plumbers and Fitters Local 290. The Portland Association o f Teachers also added their endorsement o f B urton’s candidacy this week. The Burton for M etro Executive O ffice r Campaign holds endorse­ ments from six labor groups, three local law enforcement professionals and tw o p olitical party affiliates. The lis t includes: 1. Northwest Oregon Labor C ouncil/A FL-C IO 2. C olum bia Pacific B u ild ing and Construction Trades/AFL-CIO 3. A F S C M E Local 3580 (representing M etro employees) 4. International Union o f Operating Engineers, Local 701 5. Com m unication Workers o f Am erica, Local 7901 6. 7. 8. 9. Portland Association o f Teachers M ike Schunk, M ultnom ah County D istrict Attorney Bob skipper, M ultnom ah county Sheriff Ris Bradshaw, Clackamas County Sheriff 10. M ultnom ah County Democratic Central committee 11. Eastside Democratic Club YOUR NOT-SO-ORDINARY GROCERY STORE V,t RESERV- THE SPECIALS EFFECTIVE TUESDAY throuoh SUNDAY RIGHT I.' LI'.LT CHANT!' -s APRIL 5 through APRIL 10. 1994 MEMBER OF UNITED GROCERS FOR YOUR NEAREST KIENOW'S STORE CALL; 659-5220 VANILLA OR WHOLE WHEAT V/t ’S Ten if3 Shoes 1005 West Burnside Street 9 AM - 11 PM Monday though Saturday 9 AM - 9 PM Sundays Dislocated Timber Worker Receive US Grant From ABC to Ph.D. to |o.b. I 5’ the training, retraining and other ad juslm cnt services they need to remain competitive in the workplace.” The award w ill be used to assist w o rk e rs la id o f f due to the government’ s decision to lim it tim ­ ber harvests in the Pacific Northwest and is in response to President C lin to n ’ s N orthw cstTim bcr program announced last July. The award was made to the O r­ egon Economic Development Depart­ ment. The project w ill be operated by 14 oz. the fo llo w in g four substatc areas: the » EACH PKG. -Southern W illam ette Private Indus­ try Council, Eugene; The Job Coun­ c il, M edford; The Oregon Consor­ tium, Albany; and the M id-W illam ette IN ITS OWN JUICE Jobs C ouncil, Salem. • FRUIT COCKTAIL • SLICED PEARS The grant, authorized under the SLICED PEACHES • CHUNKY FRUIT T itle III o f the Job Training Partner­ ship A ct, w ill provide a number o f services including assessment, job search assistance, remedial educa­ tion, vocational classroom training and supportive services such as day 16 oz. EACH care and transportation assistance and CAN -em ergency health care. The dislocated w orker program is a comprehensive retraining ap­ proach to assist workers who have been, or arc about to be, laid o ff for MEAT • MUSHROOM reasons such as technological change, • TRADITIONAL foreign com petition or government actions. Generally such workers arc 26.5 oz. eligible i f they arc u nlikely to return LAC t0 their previous industry or occupation. CAN EACH At AT&T, we believe in making connections that will last a lifetime, whether it means improving grade school skills or helping to educate one-fifth of the nation’s minority Ph.D.s in electrical engineering. NATURAL FRUITS s&w tyrni cock COUPON GOOD ONLY ON GRAND OPENING DAY ONE COUPON PER PERSON, PER ITEM nounced today. “ Our nation’ s environmental and employment priorities should not be in co nflict,” Reich said. “ Workers adversely affected by sound actions, / such as those taken to protect the environment, should receive assis­ STORE HOURS tance in m aking the transition from WEEKDAYS 8 0 m (o 9 p m old jobs to new jobs. We arc com m it­ SUNDAY 9 c m . to 8 pm . ted to providing these workers with F.F.V. FRUIT BARS FIG or PEACH APRICOT $ POWELL’S CITY OF BOOKS The U.S. Department o f Labor is providing a $5,030,275 grant to O r­ egon to assist 840 dislocated timber and timber-related workers, Secre­ tary o f Labor Robert B. Reich an­ HOME DELIVERY IS AVAILABLE CALL: 245-4595 __ Phone: So, from our support of the National Irban Coalition program that enhances math and science learning for elementary kids, to our 20-year- old AT&T Bell Libs Minority Ph.D. Fellowship Programs, to our searc h to hire and do business with memlxTs ot the community we sen e, AT& I is with you, staying connected lor life. SPAGHETTI SAUCE , DEL MONTE 89 AT&T © I'TU AULI i I