Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 02, 1994, Page 6, Image 6

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    M arch 02, 1994 • T he P ortland O bserver
P age A6
Man Created, Born To Lead;
But Must Become Leader
Jerusalem 3000 Celebration
In M arch o f 1994 Portland,
Oregon will be Ihe first city in the
world to host a m ajor celebration of
the 3000th anniversary o f Jerusalem .
The precise date of King D avid’s
establishm ent o f Jerusalem as the
capital of Israel is not know n but
scholars generally agree that it was
996 B.C.E., plus or m inus two or
three years. S ince that time Jerusalem
has exerted a more pow erful effect
upon the spiritual lives o f human
being than any other city in the world.
Jerusalem 3000 will bring to O regon
the beauty, the joy, and the inspira­
tion o f this great city. In light o f the
re m a rk a b le d e v e lo p m e n ts in the
M iddle E ast with the signing of the
Peace Accord betw een Israel and the
P.L.O ., it is m ore im portant than ever
toreflecto n the universality o f Jerusa­
lem and to appreciate its message to
h u m a n k in d . T h e se e v e n ts w ere
planned by C hristians, Jew s, and
M oslem s in the spirit o f Jerusalem as
a light unto the w orld for peace and
“ V isions of Jerusalem ,” will
open at the G oodm an Hall o f the
Schnilzer Family Center, at Tem ple
Beth Israel, on M arch 2 and will be
open to the public until M arch 31.
V isiting hours are Sunday from
10:AM to 1:00 PM , Tuesday and
Thursday 11:00 am to 2:00 pm , and
W ednesday evenings from 5:30 pm to
8:30 pm.
The photographic exhibit
“ Images of Jerusalem ” will open at
the M ittlem an Jew ish Com m unity
C enter on M arch 3rd. The public is
invited to a reception from 6:00-8:00
pm. O n Sunday, M arch 6, an inter­
faith music concert will be held at St.
M ary’s Cathedral at 3:00 pm. Tw o
Film s o f Jerusalem will be shown in
the Vollum Lecture Hall o f Reed C ol­
lege Tuesday, M arch 8 at 7:30 pm.
They are “W alking Through Jerusa­
lem with Elie W iesel,” and “Jerusa­
G eographic
A lecture series
will bring to
speak on Monday March 7 at 7:30 pm
in the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox
Dr. Yehoshua Ben Aryeh,
Rector and Professor o f Historical
G eography at the Hebrew University
in Jerusalem will speak W ednesday
March 9 at 7:30 pm in the Templeton
Chapel o f Lew is and Clark College.
Dr. Israel Shatzm an, the D irector of
the Jewish National Hebrew Univer­
sity Library in Jerusalem , will speak
Thursday, March 10 at 7:30 pm at
Congregation Ncveh Shalom.
Two workshops wil 1 be given
on Tuesday, March 8th a t2:00 pm , at
the First United M ethodist Church.
The subject will be “Jerusalem in
W orld Literature.” The second w ork­
shop will be Thursday at 2:00 pm at
the First United M ethodist Church.
The subject will be “Jerusalem - A
M onotheistic Trialogue.” All Jerusa-
lent 3000 events are free and open to
world renowned scholars o f Jerusa­
lem, Dr. Thom as Idinopulos, author
of the highly acclaimed book, “Jerusa­
lem Blessed, Jerusalem C ursed” will
the public.
public. For
For information
information on
on spe-
cially arranged group tours call 292-
» ,™ ia « . n « w n « l s c h o l a r s o f
Iona Locke,
Winans Aide To
Preach Here
A p asto r associated w ith the
w orld-fam ous Perfecting Church of
D etroit, MI, will preach at a Portland
revival for tw o days in M arch, accord­
v a.H pastor
-o v _______
ing g tu
to a.u
a local
who is - ________
ing the event. Both nights are free and
open to the public.Evangelist Iona
Locke, who works with well-known
Pastor M arvin W inans, w ill preach
during the Spring E vangelistic Re-
vival Explosion at 7pm M arch 10 and
11, at D aniels M em orial Church o f
God in C hrist, 1234N E K illingsw orth
St., according to M inister Lonnie
Hoslcy, founder o f Heaven Bound
Gospel M inistries and an associate
pastor another local church.
The W inans family m inistry and
gospel singing groups are am ong the
best-know n in the United States, noted
Rabbi James Rudin To Speak
On Religious Issues
Marcia Rudin To Present A Workshop On Destructive
E cum enical M inistries of
O regon and the Am erican Jew ish
Com m ittee are co-sponsoring a lunch
and a workshop with Rabbi A. James
R Ud in a n d M a rc ia R .R u d in ,M a rch 4 ,
1994 at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
at Noon. Rabbi Rudin is a renowned
international religious figure, and
prolific author. He will be speaking
on “R eligious Issues Facing Ameri-
cans Today
M arcia R. Rudin is Director
of the International C ult Education
Program headquartered in New York
Minster Hosley.
A native o f Pittsburgh, PA, Evan­
gelist Locke has preached all over the
United States, Europe, and British West
Indies. “Everything takes a back seat to
salvation, sanctification, and operating
with the unction and power of God’s
precious Holy Ghost,’ she has said.
Heaven Bound Gospel Ministries,
sponsor o f the revival, is a three-year-
old intcr-church local choir o f about
40 voices from about 10 churches
under H osley’s leadership. The choir
is expected to sing at the revival, he
said, and will soon also travel to South
Carolina to sing he added.
T he choir also presents another
revival a four-night gospel m usic
w orkshop, and num erous other per­
formances during the year, said Hosley.
“ D on’t miss your blessing,” said
Hosley. “Com e out and hear what the
Lord has to say through this highly
o f u God.
nted woman or
For further inform ation, call 727-
2677, Heaven B ound’s prayer line.
City. She will be conducting an after­
noon workshop on D angerous Cults
and Their Targets. M s. Rudin is rec­
ognized as an international expert on
The International C ult E du­
cation Program , which M arcia Rudin
heads, helps professionals in colleges,
universities, high schools, churches,
synagogues, and other educational
settings quickly and effectively edu­
cate them selves and their young
people about cults, occult-ritual prac­
tices and psychological manipulation.
Every election time sees old and
new faces o f men/women seeking to
establish them selves as leaders; some
have qualified as true leaders, while
others seek to dom inate other hu­
mans. D om inion was given to man
when he was created. Man is to sub­
due and dom inate the Earth, he is not
to dom inate other men. Dominate
earth; Birds of the air; fish of the sea;
cattle o f the fields; everything that
creeps over all the earth.
In order for man to dom inate
another hum an, he m ust first reduce
that hum an from being a man, for
man was not given dom inion over
G od’s creation, man. Hitler did it by
creating w hat he called a M aster Race,
Race, supposedly
supposedly pure;
pure; thus
the Arian Race,
all others were im pure, im perfect,
less than men. Americans did it by
stealing African people and reducing
them to slave status, sub-hum an ani­
m als w ithout rights; all this in order
to dom inate them.
God is raising up a new crop of
leaders; Red, Yellow, Black, W hite,
w ho’sb eliefis“thatallm enare equal” .
You m ust understand who you are,
where you came from and what you
were born to do in order to be free
from the opinions o f others.
No leader is a bom leader. There
is a process one m ust go through
before he/she can lead. (Genesis, story
of Moses). Leaders must develop from
experience, the character o f leader­
ship. Character is not a gift. C harac­
ter com es from life pressures. C har­
acter is w hat com es forth when no one
, h e A r ia n
Call 288-0033 For
Ad Information
is watching. Character (ie) fixed, pre­
dictable image (set, statue). Charac­
ter process: Molded, chiseled, ham ­
mered, born with greatness, but not
bom great. Leaders must be tem ­
pered; changed from immature to
mature. G od sends life to man and
tells life to beat him into my image.
i i e c u v c leaders
ica u v iM never
iv v v i become effec-
live leaders until they dom inate them-
selves, until they obtain character
below their waists.
Do not confuse character with
gifts. Leadership is not a gift; qualify
for leadership; stop fighting against
G od’s chisel. If you would be a leader
you m ust have a vision for your life;
you m ust discover your personal pur-
just an immature, ineffective person
(Christian). Effective parents produce
effective parents. Jesus said “because
I go aw ay, you shall do greater thing
than 1 have done”. A fter the resurrec­
tion, Jesus said “all authority is in my
hands"; Matt 28 “You go and preach
the gospel, (I did it in Palestine), you
go into
the w orld”. True leaders do
— all
not restrict your growth or retard your
vision. True leaders find joy when the
people who follow him/her, become
effective leaders themselves. A true
leader expects greater things than he
has done from his former followers.
Know your purpose for being bom;
visualize your reason for being here
on e a rth a n d g o
pose. Y
o u m ust
u sthaveadeepcravingto
have a deep craving to
see something done at the expense of
your life; you must have passion for
your purpose. You must press to the
mark o f a new calling. (Ephesians).
You must earn the trust o f others:
How? Earn o u st through character.
Be faithful. Stand for something. Sur­
vive th etestso flife.(2 T im .C h 2 ). We
have lots o f Characters in the Church,
no character.
to see
U U l I1U
v u a i a v i v i . If
11 you w ant w
professional actors, don’t go to Holly-
w ood.
com e
C h u rc h .
^ 8chisc, you from
the rough stone, thus producing from
the raw m aterial a person in His im ­
age, with a passion to com plete his
purpose here on the earth given for
his dom ination.
Be wise, take a good look at
those who would lead. Com pare their
character with those who have been
through the
fires o f life; those who
have a healthy respect for all people,
Do they qualify as leaders? Are they
trust worthy? Are they C hrist-like in
T rust.......teach God to your children,
so that they know what God has done attitudes and deportm ent? Is their
wort! to be taken as tnith? Arc they truly
for you.
Purpose o f leadership is to pro­ mature, visionaries with a puipose that up­
duce leaders, not to maintain follow ­ lifts and builds future leaders?
These standards of character for lead-
ers. True leadership works itself out
o f a job, by producing people who can ersarcnottobcaltered,butare lobe strictly
lead. If a leader is afraid someone w ill adhered to if we would have effective lead-
take his hob, he is not a true leader,
íSafitíst Cliwiaíí
103 NE Morris St., Portland, OR 97212
Jehovah Jireh
We W elcom e You to The
Feb. 21, 1994 - 10:00 a .m . -
C harlie’s R estaurant, 1826 1st Ave.,
Longview, W ash Continental break­
¿ j H i s s w n a r g ^ B a p t i s t dLIrjixrctj
fast - $2.50
F e b . 22, 1994 - 12 noon -
FGBM FI - Lloyd Center - Farrell’s -
m ust buy lunch - $6.50 1st tim e free
or $3.50 cover charge.
Feb. 2 3 ,1 9 9 4 -12noon FGBMFI
- Beaverton, O regon - Peter Redding
Feb. 24, 1994 - go to Kingston,
W ash. - contact Ruth G othenquest -
Phone 206-297-4455.
M a rc h 1 ,1 9 9 4 -7 :0 0 P.M . Bea­
verton P.M. Aglow - Kay Lindquester
- Phone 503-664-4407
M arch 2, 1994 - 10:00 A.M.
Portland, A.M. Aglow - Chuckw agon
Brenda Sanbom 5 0 3 ^ 9 5 .3 4 0 1
(g r e a te r J B a m t jB te p lp n
Serving The Lord
With Gladness”
Psalm 100:2
Sunday School 10am
Morning Worship 11:05
Prayer & Bible Study 7pm
Rev. G.L. Black I Pastor
3605 N.E. Mallory Ave.
(503) 281-8117 Portland,
Rev. and Mrs. G.L. Black I
OR 97212
u ñ e ra
In c ,
F uneral D irectors
2736 NE R odney
M a llo ry A venue
Christien Church
A nnouncing our
N ewest S taff
M ember
9:45am Sunday School
11:00am Morning Worship
7:30pm Tuesday Bible Study
and Prayer
Church Phone Number
Dr. Joe S. Hardie, Pastor
We Invite You To Come And Worship With Us.
The Church Where Everybody is Somebody And Christ
Is All.
___ _
L piatti (M tssttm arg
^Baptist (fiTjurctj
8 1 0 1 N. Fiske Avenue • Portland Oregon 9 /2 0 3
Study Phone: 2L 3-1911
Church Phone: 289-0147
Sunday Service
Sunday School
Bible Study
"Come to me oil you tuho ore
weary and heavy laden and I
mill give you rest."
In te r-ra c ia l C o n g re g a tio n
I H om e
Sunday School -9:30am
Sunday Morning Wor­
ship Service -1 1 :00am
- Sunday School Teacher's
Meeting Tues - 6:30pm
. Bible Study Wednesday -
• Prayer Meeting
Wednesday - 7:00pm
Evening Service
7:00 pm
Jerome G. Tanner
Pastor. Re. Jam csC C Faulkner
A pprentice F u n e ra l D irector
Denise Bell
126 N€ Alberto Portland. OR 97211 (503) 288-5173
Mt Olivet
Baptist Church
Has m oved Sunday services to
Family Life Center,
8725 N. Chautauqua Blvd.,
at Willis Blvd.
Worship Services 8 00am & 11 00am,
Church School 9:30 to 10:30 am,
Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 NE Schuyler, 10:30am & :00pm
Radio Ministry each Sunday. 8:00am on KBMS
A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry
Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor
Church O ffice 116 NE Schuyler St. • (503) 284-1954
Family Owned and Operated Since 1954 Serving
Women's Bible Class
the City of Portland fo r over 31 years In your
hour o f need Vann US Vann are there to serve.
Bible Study
9:30 am
Morning Worship
10:45 am
Men's Training Leadership
5211 N. Williams Portland, OR 97217
‘ I"
5 00 pm
Evening Worship 6.00 pm
Wednesday prayer meeting'
and Bible study
7:00 pm
Restoring New Testament Christianity
A V E N U E *
3 9 0 8