. . * • • • .4 - r. . * * * 2 A £r ft ; ? ¿ if i- ’« .N A L ife in the P ortland M etropolitan A rea (Elie ^ n rtla n h (©bserlier New Theatre Work To Premiere At IFCC iary 4-6, for four performances only, the 1FCC will host the premiere of a new theater work called Episodes i the Edge o f Time. Written and directed by dith Catterall, Episodes on the Edge o f me features a versatile ensemble of seven irformers in a kaleidoscope of surreal and tirical vignettes that take a look at historical ops. Drawing on sources ranging from Sto­ len Hawking and Joseph Campbell to June >rdan, from Janies Glcick ti Molly Ivins and usan Griffin, Catterall creates a parallel ality where The Hitchiker's Guide to the alaxy meets Fellini. New songs will include f Metro Councilor Sandi Hansen Files For Metro Seat ¿if-Metro Councilor Sandi Hansen, age 46, announces hercandidacy .for Metro District 5. Hansen’s current district covers all of North Port­ land, east to NE 47th, follows the Banfield Freeway across the river and up to Sylvan, and includes all of fowntown, the NW, and North Portland. Sandi Hansen was elected to Metro in 1990 where she has held several key posi­ tions. She was recently selected by the council tochair the regional facilitiescommittee which oversees the operations of the MERC facili­ ties, the zoo, and regional parks and grecnspaces. Hansen provided a vital liaison between the Metro Council and the Mult­ nomah County Commission during the nego­ tiations to transfer management of the Mult­ nomah County Parks and natural areas to Metro. She also chairs the North Portland Enhancenent Committee and the Metro Cen­ tral Enhancement Committee. These citizen and the Metro Central Enhancement Com­ mittee. These citizen committees fund grant proposals for enhancement of those neighbor­ hoods experiencing an impact from garbage facilities. The funds come from collected garbage fees. Over $600,000 has been spent in the North Portland area during the past five years. Hansen has several goals for her next term of office. She believes that the purchase and developm ent of open spaces and grecnspaces is the cornerstone to good plan­ ning got the future. She will wock to find ways “The Abomination Waltz” and “My God is to fund this.She will also work for planning Better than Your God.” The show features which places affordable housing close to ar­ appropriately askew performances by Pattie eas of employment. Hansen recognizes the Benson, Ruby Bums, Peggy Gilliam, James link between tourism and many of the Metro Griener, Paul Harris, Paul Irvin, and Lee Ann facilities and will strengthen those ties. She will continue monitoring the successful clo­ Slawson. Episodes on the Edge of Time runs Feb­ sure of the St. Johns Landfill and the water ruary 4th, 5th, and 6th with 8:00pm shows on quality of the adjoining lakes and slough. Hansen, a lifelong resident of North Friday and Saturday, and 2:00pm shows on Saturday and Sunday. Tickets are $10.00 Portland and graduate of Roosevelt High General; $8.00 for Studcnts/Seniors/DCO and School, has a degree from Lewis and Clark PATA members. The two matinees are reces­ College and a masters degree from the Uni­ sion-priced at $5.00 for all seats. Reserva­ versity of Portland. She has taught school in tions are recommended and may be made by North Portland for twenty-five years. Her neighborhood activities go back even fur- calling the IFCC at 823-2000. efferson High School will I host another in its series '¿ J of Community Symposia, on Saturday, January 22, from 9 a.m. to noon in the cafeteria at 5210 North Kerby. Parents, students, staff and community members are invited to dis­ cuss issues of importance to the Jefferson attendance area and the community at large, including the process of build­ ing a peaceful, harmonious community in a conflicted world. In addition, the newly elected site council with be soliciting ideas regarding the development of a school-im­ provement plan. All points of view are welcome. Door prizes will be awarded. Refreshments will be available forpurchase. ft * Sandi Hansen ther, to when she was a performer for the Albina Arts Center. She worked on the Ca­ thedral Park Committee which convinced the city to create the waterfront representa­ tive to the North Portland Citizens’ Com­ mittee. She has served on the board of direc­ tors for the Ockley Green Community School and for the Peninsula Childrens Center. Chief Moose Uses Another Vehicle by N oah J ackson hief Moose began to talk about his f transition into the Northeast commu- Y liC> nity and how well the move has been. He went on to say that the one thing that stands out first and foremost in his mind is the obtrusive litter problems around the vari­ ous business. M oose seemed to believe that this c o m m u n ity serv es as th e d u m p in g ground for all who eith er live here, or pass through. It is as if we are saying "w ell, everyone else does it, so that m akes it OK for me as w e ll” . We all know the dom ino effect w orks in re ­ take you out for an entire day with an airplane verse. C hief M oose says that he would like and will even fly them around and see how these things work for the Air Force and our to sec the many businesses initiate a strong clean up cam paign, jo in ed by the country! Gen. McBroom boosts that the Air Force m any churches in the com m unity. This is in the business of doing as well as walking could be achieved by having everyone the walk and not just talking. Thus they’ve adopt a 25 foot area near their business, become the number one highly respected church, or home. The adopted area would then be kept clear o f litter and debris. branch there is. The Air Force chose the Portland This program would work in much the O bserver specifically as it’s vehicle in sam e m anner as the Adopt - A - Freew ay the A fro-A m erican com m unity to get the program currently w orks. W ith this new word out, that as an organization they com m unity litter program M oose hopes offer a great way of life. They take care that we can reinstall the pride back into o f young kids that com e in, they teach the com m unity and its populous. them a m arketable skill, via high tech C hief M oose, has his own way of training, d iscipline, keep them drug free, em phasizing his point. He does this not USAF Brigadier General McBroom we give them additional pride. W e’re an with hand gestures, or folded arm s, but tells them, people join the Air Force and like alternative to other work sources. If the rather with a raised eyebrow that co m ­ young men and women com e through the m unicates the profoundness o f his m es­ to stay beyond initial enlistments. The General says that the Air Force is Air Force then when we com plete our sage. The C h ief also addresses the m is­ looking at going to the youth and saying association at the end of the four year “wc’llmakcacontractwith you that says “you en listm en t, then they can return to their conception that the m asses have re g ard ­ stay in school, stay drug free, raise all your perspective com m unities ready to co n ­ ing the congregation o f youth that all grades 1 letter a grade, and the Air Force we’ 11 tribute in an absolutely positive manner. too often get the guilty verdict of being a gang m em ber by m ere association. Point being, the ch ief says, many youth are tagged with the “g an g ster” label, when in fact they are great kids/stu- dents w ith adm irable G P A ’s. On the other hand, we know that these youth are the victim s o f pow erful peer group pressures. These youth are torn betw een being d ifferen t or ju st blending in. It is in this circum stance that p o sitiv e role m odels play a bigger than life responsibility to all ad o le s­ cents. T here are an aw ful lot o f p rivate funds com ing in to help with gang reh ab ilitatio n and various altern ativ e activ ities program s but “ personal input is good to o !” says M oose. Chief Moose further explains his under­ standing and belief in the gangs ability to be quite intelligent. Moose says our young women are not becoming pregnant, for the most part. In Fact, these gang members arc often intelligent and want to make a commit­ ment to their own future. Their mistake is in only seeing the immediate gain and not the ultimate outcome the life-style of crime that they submit to in compromise. It’s the community who has the power to impactcrime in your neighborhoods. Prima­ rily by rising up to make a stand against Black on Black crime. Without a doubt, this sort of crime has become far more common than was thought possible. C hief M oose wants the com m unity to know that he is here for you, you and you too! He can only serve you if you let him know what you would like. All of this is achieved through p ersisten t, u n ­ b rid led , com m unication and support. Neighborhood “Eyesore” Becomes Gem Of The Block In Rehabilitation Effort 79 year-old four-plex in Northeast Portland’s King neighborhood has _been given a new lease on life after renovation has relumed it to affordable rental housing for low-income families. The four- plex is located at 4941 N.E. Garfield Avenue and was rehabilitated by Jane Olbcrding of Fair City Housing. Total renovation cost was $135,000. Over the years, the building’s condition had deteriorated to the point of being unsafe for occupants and was closed by the City’s Bureau of Buildings. PDC acquired the prop­ erty from Better Housing Trust and held a public competition for a developer. Bruce Wade, PDC’s Rental Housing Preservation Manager praised the renovation work adding, “Jane has done an outstanding job in turning a neighborhood eyesore into the gem of the block.” PDC’s Rental Housing Preservation Pro­ gram provided a $124,000 low-interest loan to finance the project. In return, Fair City Housing is required to maintain affordable V *•» • V ’ W " rigadier General Comes To Portland ft*-SAF Brigadier General Mc-Broom I Makes an appearance in Portland on January 5, 1994 to young men and men to join the all volunteer service. The ited States Air Force. There’s a nationwide recruitment going to target particular markets with Portland ng one of them, Gen. McBroom realizes it they have recruiters all around the coun- and that there are certain things that they juire in order to become more appealing to ; young men and women across the country. The Air Force has a new program that’s lied “Coming Of Age”. This program tar­ ts young middle school kids, not so much, to come into the Air Force but to stay in tool, also there’s “The Gold Bar Program” tich take young LT’s that arc minorities >m all culture’s and return them to the mmunity as positive role models for the ung kid’s to stay in school and be the best u can be. The Air Force boosts its 12% Afro-Amcri- n enlistment annually while maintaining a % national composition which in their eyes Jefferson To Host Community Symposium rents at the four-plex for a period of 10-ycars. Rents average $380 for the 700 sq. ft. one- bedroom units. All units arc fully rented. UsingCommunity Development Block Grants from thcCity of Portland’s Bureau of Housing and Community Development, PDC’s Rental Housing Preservation Program (RHP) assists private and non-profit developers in the rede­ velopment of affordable rental housing. The RHP program has been successful in renovat­ ing over 537 units of affordable rental hous­ ing this past calendar year; and over 5,000 units total since the beginning of the program. PDC is the c ity ’s agency for urban renew al, housing and econom ic d ev e lo p ­ ment. February Is Black History Month ■ 7 ”7 i. ■ ' r . ••