P age AS Churchs Chicken Donates $100,000 To United Negro College Fund president and general m anager. “ We hope our contriubtion helps UNCF sustain its mission o f providing strong educational support to the African- A m erican C o m m u n ity ’s aspiring scholars and future leaders.” Funds contributed to UNCF help provide for those colleges’ day-to-day operating expenses, including schol­ arship aid. M ore than 90 percent o f UNCF students require financial aid and over half com e from families earning less than $14,000 annually. The H ispanic A ssociation o f Colleges and U niversities is a na­ tional non-profit association repre­ senting college and universities where C hurchs C hicken presented a check for $100,000 to the United Negro College Fund (U N CF) during the recent “ Lou Rawls parade of Stars” telethon, b en efitin g U N CF. T his marks the second consecutive year that Churchs has donated $100,000 to UNCF. T he c o n trib u tio n w ill be u se d to h e lp su p p o rt U N C F ’s m e m b e r c o lle g e s a n d s c h o la r s h ip p r o ­ g ra m s. “W e are proud to support the United Negro College Fundand use Churchs restaurants as a vehicle to raise im portant funds for U N CF,” said Steve Clark, C hurchs senior vice Ration OT 3slam In Honor Of Martin Luther King Jr.? ... .... In reflection o f this past holiday I wrote this article. Hoping that this Hispanic students constitute at least may help us see things, deeper, that 25 percent o f total student enroll­ perhaps w e previously did. ment. HACU serves 77 Hispanic in­ W e d o n ’t honor leaders by nam­ stitutions o f higher education in the ing streets after them , nor do we United States. Thirty-five o f the 77 honor leaders by naming a school schools are in towns and cities where after them. W e honor this man (King) C hurchs restaurants are located. by living by the principals that he Churchs Chicken is a 1,075-unit taught. In my opinion, Dr. King was quick-service chicken chain special­ more o f a man for the next world than izing in southern-style chicken. C u r­ for this one. W hy so I say this? Be­ rently, the chain has 608 com pany - cause he wanted “ integration” (black ow ned and 467 franchised restau­ and w hite together). But this w orld is rants. C hurchs has restaurants in 30 based on w hite suprem acy, and until states, 27 in T aiw an, and also has this world (system o f belief) is de­ restaurants in Mexico, Puerto Rico stroyed w e will not see black and and Indonesia. Churchs 1992 system w hite together. And anyw ay-w hat is sales exceeded $510 million. wrong w ith us that we will desire to unite w ith w hite people before unit­ ing w ith one another? Furtherm ore, Dr. King fought for the poor and oppressed of the people but the poor and oppressed are in a w orst condition today than when King was marching. So w hat is this holiday all about? O thers would like to pick our ¡leaders for us, and they use their pow erful m edia to make us think that the m asses o f people are in agree­ ment. A lso the same G overnm ent that gave a holiday to a man is the same governm ent that killed the man. This truth we have learned from the gov­ e rn m e n t itself. W hat m ust be known February Is Black History Month « • .1 taking away the rights of its citizens. In 1990 Min. Farrakhan w as on the National talk show DONAUHE and a woman stood up and asked, “The direction that your pursuing seems to be a complete reversal from the direction from what M.L.K. was going into which is total integration. You seem to be wanting to pull your people apart into a more segregated but equal situation. Can you draw any parallels between yourself and He and the end result that your looking for.” Farrakhan answered, “Dr. M ar­ tin Luther King of-course was a giant am ong us. Dr. Martin L uther King was a hum anist as well as a deep religious thinker who hoped and be­ lieved and worked for the coming together of people. I don’t think that Dr. King was in error to work what his heart commanded him to do. But while Dr. King was doing that would you believe that the United States G overnm ent, under the counter intel­ ligences program of J. Edgar Hoover, was plotting all the while against Dr. King to discredit him-to keep him from getting the noble peace prize. W hen he went to meet with the Pope the F.B.I. tried to interfere with his m eeting with the Pope; thinking that if the Pope met with Dr. King it would give him to much credibility. Dr. King, in 1968, lost’ his life because he felt that poverty in America was so is the fact that this Government is slowly pervasive not only among blacks but .ohitan Ànsi even thrllltyH whites. And, though, Lendon Baines Johnson was the one that was the architect of the war on poverty (and commissioned the kum er com ­ mission) Mr. Johnson became so ob­ sessed with winning the w ar in V iet­ nam he took money away from deal­ ing with the problems o f A merica sending that money into Vietnam in a cause that America lost. And when Dr. King spoke openly honestly against the war in V ietnam - you know the rest; Dr. King was assassi­ nated.” - GET THE PICTURE? - W e can best honor this man by standing up for justice as he did whatever the consequences! We can also honor him by backing and helping living man and women who are fighting for Freedom, Justice and Equality. B e­ fore the ending of the Donahue show a woman asked, “I wanted to ask if all o f his followers agree with every­ thing he says or if some o f them think for themselves. T hat’s what I want to know .” In response to her a woman stood up and said, “It is a insult to ask who follows Min. Farrakhan, ok, that is an insult-to you it is relevant to us it is not. He is our leader. W e are tired o f you trying to pick our friends. W e are tired o f white people trying to say who our leaders should be. W e will decide who our leaders should be not you.” Thank you for reading this. E li­ jah X=Ghetto Rise R E E S E 'S O IL 1 iC i' 24 Hour Service Why Wait When You're Cold? Delivery On Saturday And Sunday Joe Reese p i p Taking the bus to work in Rivergate is easier than ever with Tri-Met’s more frequent Rivergate service. If you live in North or Northeast Portland and work in the Rivergate area, your life just got easier. The 200-Rivergate bus now serves Rivergate every half hour during weekday peak commuting hours, serving St. Johns on the way. Here's all you need to know to take advantage of the Rivergate Shuttle: The Shuttle makes five morning trips from North and Northeast Portland out to Rivergate, and five afternoon trips from Rivergate back to North and Northeast Portland. This program is only available through Rivergate employers. You must register at your place of work before you can use it. Arrive at your bus stop a couple of minutes early so you don't miss your bus. The Guaranteed Ride Home program lets you take a taxi cab to the nearest bus stop or to your home at no charge to you. There’s a per-person limit of $50 in cab fares every six months. Regular Tri-Met fares and transfers apply on the 200-Rivergate. 2 8 7 -2 X 2 1 Furnace Repair 24 Hour Service W a tc h F o r F u tu r e S p e c ia ls Say you saw it in the Observer. "Three Strikes, You’re Out” Campaign Launched A Guaranteed Ride Home If you leave your car home and you have an emergency or unexpected overtime at work, you can still get a ride home through the Guaranteed Ride Home program. (5 0 3 ) State R epresentative M ichael Payne, D-Baker City, announced the formation o f a statewide com m ittee to gather signatures for a proposed “Three Strikes, Y ou’re O ut” ballot measure. This measure would require life sentence without possibility of parole or early release for persons convicted o f three violent crim es. In­ cluded are all class A felony crimes against persons such as murder, as­ sault, and rape. Rep. Payne said, “W e will be working with neighborhood watch groups, victims rights organizations, and concerned citizens to pul this m easure on the N ovem ber ballot. O regonians should no longer fear that violent repeat offenders will pass through a revolving prison-door to victim ize society again.” The “Three Strikes, Y ou’ re O ut” com m ittee said that’ its initial poll showed 86 percent o f likely Oregon voters would support the proposed ballot measure. W ashington voters approved a similar m easure by a 3 to 1 ratio last year. After public outcry over the m urder o f 12-year-old Polly K laas, C alifornia petitioners are also working to pass such legislation. “ If W ashington and California both pass this law, O regon m ust do at least as much to protect our com m u­ nities,” said Rep Payne. The O regon proposal would take into account vio­ lent felonies committed in other states as well as thoseoffenses com m itted in this state. T h e S e c re ta ry o f S ta te sa id th a t th e “T h re e S trik e s, Y o u ’re O u t ” c o m m itte e m u s t g a th e r 6 6,771 v alid sig n a tu re s by Ju ly 8, 1994 to q u a lify fo r th e g e n e ra l e le c tio n b a llo t. -All Rivergate Shuttles are lift-equipped. Montgomery ■ WarOs Oregon Steel Mills I S "This is no time for apathy or complacency. This is a time for vigorous and positive action. (2001 Rivergate F is h e r M ills M artin L uther K ing , J r .- Zone 2 StemteKti 1929 - 1968 Travels Only m Zone 2 »aro iG ■ L om ba rd Lombard 8F0Ì7 75 ST. JOHNS ▲ Bus Stop Q I Bus Stop & Timepoint I À Kilhngsworth 7 I Bus Stop, Transler & Timepoint V I©- Bus Stop & Translerpoint ■n 2 ? <5 ?*/> n* 3 26 3 56 426 4 56 5:26 1 •0 g -o fi 2 so. £ J l i n ” S < o « fi 344 4:14 444 5:14 5 44 3 38 408 438 508 5:38 Alberta & 6th Weekdays - To Kilhngsworth & Kerby e 3:48 418 4 48 5:18 For other information about Tri-Met routes and services, call 238-R1DE any time and ask for “World’s Greatest Transit Stuff'. You'll get a full-color route map, schedules, fares, how-to-ride tips, a refrigerator magnet and a bus. That’s right, a bus! £ ? E a *- = 8 M M * 15, 4:2, 4:5, 5:21 « 40 «8 I « 7:10 1 « « fi « » --fi 5 |l Dr. Bass will share recollections of his experiences as a black American soldier in World War II and what he witnessed at the Buchenwald concentration camp. He uses these and personal experiences growing up in the South to help others confront issues of racism, anti-Semitism, hate and prejudice. The Celebration of Harmony & Diversity Friday, January 14, 6 to 9:30 p.m. s 1 i.r « < ito S S » 5:13 5:43 5:18 5:48 5:25 5:55 8:43 7:13 6:48 7:18 6:55 7:25 fi-75 5:33 6:03 6:33 7:03 733 55 539 609 639 709 739 An evening of family fun and cultural entertainment featuring ethnic dining, entertainment and informational resources shared by Southwest Washington's ethnic communities. Jß î K 5 46 616 6:46 7:16 7:46 ?v - Facing History and Ourselves Lecturer, WW11 Veteran, and Retired Educator TDD 238-5811 N Z > I Wednesday, January 19 ■ 7 p.m. ■ by Dr. Leon Bass 238-RIDE Weekdays To Rivergate I 1994 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. LECTURE -O ^ -n iA lb e r 5:5, 6:21 6:5, 7:2, 7:5, Both events w ill be held at Clark College, Gaiser Hall Student Center, 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd., Vancouver, Washington. TRI-MET We're here to g e t you there. Light tguiM « ( A M D ir k f i,u r w M l P M C L A ScheduM lme> MAT IE CHANCED WITHOUT NOTICE by 44 much as thiee minutas to leheve owcrowdmg or to ad|ust to traffic conditions ' - f ' ■ ■< ■ Í •, R K . . 4 c o L n Q l • Affirmative Action/Equat Opportunity Institution » t ‘