P age A3 T he P ortland O bserver • J anuary 19, 1994 p e r s p c c t i v 6 S African American Spirituality,III by P rof . M c K inley B crt I appreciate your interest in this series and hope to even further in­ crease your aw areness o f the docu­ mented contribution o f those o f A fri­ can descent to the essential spiritual­ ity o f mankind. As 1 quoted the an­ cients last week, “ In the beginning was the w ord...” , a phrase that many in lands beyond Africa incorporated into their theologies; how fortunate our forefathers w rote in stone. I never tire o f reading the gem s in my extensive religious library 1 m en­ tioned; w hether about the more struc­ tured facets o f theology (doctrines, canonics, hierology, apologetics and so forth), or the less dogm atic expres­ sions o f piety and unw orldliness. As I did several years ago, let me rem ind you again o f that “w ord” as it cam e down from A frican A ncestors, even thousands o f years before clem ent and dionsius o f A lexandria, A frica - - or Cyprian o f C arthage, A frica (that is the coast o f the fertile continent that was home to so many o f the early black Popes). In particular, I w ould reco m ­ m end, for some rather enjoyable and enlightening reading, the th ree-vol­ ume set by M iriam L ichtheim , “ An- cientEgyptian Literature”, 1973,U .O f Cal. Press @ Berkeley (I got m y set from Barnes & Noble, m ail order, 126 Fifth Ave., N.Y. 10011). T he beauty about reading in literature w ritten by A fricans thousands o f years before the tribes to the north becam e literate is that one is able to see how and where other peoples of the world got their ideas about the nature of things - creation, cosm ology, the soul, Gods and angels, grace, redem ption, codes ofconductetc. It is no wonder that the Greeks, marveling at the peoples of these lands (collectively, they named Ethiopians), called them “the m ost pious and godly o f the earth” . Then, too, I would have you find further enlightenm ent and revelation in a famed text, “T he Egyptian Book o f The Dead”, translation by Donald Budge, Dover Publications Inc., 31 East Second s t , Mineola, N . Y . 11501. Between these books you will find the traditional African deities, panthe­ ons, eschatology, doctrinesand creeds that the less developed people o f J udea and G reece used in structuring their own religions . You will find saviors and M oses’, heavens and hells, judge­ ments and salvation. Yet, today, many A frican A m ericans celeb rate the themes and cerem onies, unaware of their true origin. Much o f w hat the Jews carried aw ay in the Exodus (to write their own versions) is memory o f extremely high levels o f organized religious practice in Ethiopia/Egypt thousands o f years earlier. I especially like to read in this literature the m yriad ac­ counts of the African deities, nearly alw ays characterized by the principal icons they carried - The “rod and the staff” , Biblical-type images o f statue and painting. Further eludication in ad’s Oil Servii heating oils Speedy Service Friendly Call for Quote! Best Cash Prices 104 NE Russell Portland, OR 97212 282-5111 respect to Israel’s inheritance from A frica is to be gained by examing a copy o f “A dictionary O f The Bible’, by Fleming (Note, Israel just brought 15,000 Ethiopians from A frica to Palestine. W hy?) This illustrated classic, first pub­ lished last century at the close o f the Civil W ar, reveals in startling detail how much of Israel, its religion, cus­ toms and traditions was and is A fri­ can. From the religious icons to the architecture, from the household uten­ sils to the toiletries (even mirrors are exact replicas of the Egyptian 'ankh ’, symbol of life), from the “ Ark o f the C ovenant”, an exact model o f the Egyptian ships’ designed to accom ­ pany the dead Pharaohs to glory, to “ Solom on’s Tem ple”, carefully de­ signed in Egyptian m easurem ents (The Royal Cubit). A m odem version o f this book may be ordered through the Looking G lass Book Store, 318 S . W . Taylor in Portland (227-4760). I would also recom m end for further docum enta­ tion and research in respect to the African precedence in technology, architecture and cosmology, “Secrets o f the G reat P yram id” by P eter Tom pkins. (All books m entioned in this article can be ordered through Looking Glass). It goes without question that it is only this m illennium s - old spiritual foundation and tradition that has en­ abled the African psyche to survive, both on the hom e continent and in the 4 phers). So while this country and even nations wonder if the world can sus­ tain further psychological, spiritual and philosophical damage without collapse, the African American may have a definite ray o f hope. After all he has a “home court advantage”. M R S . S L O A N E 4> “WORLDS (5 0 3 ) 2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 PSYCHIC” 901-722*8X62 Arctic Circle 3171 M. 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You must have diabetes and an ulcer on the bottom Of vour fo o t For more information, call It's wonderful news for peo­ ple in a huny to start losing weight. It's the remarkable new Superstart program and you'll find it only at Weight Watchers. Former network an- chor Kathleen Sullivan o ' had this to say after just > one week on Superstart “For me getting started has always been the hardest part of losing weight. But with Su­ perstart, Weight Watchers has created an incredibly simple and easy to follow weight loss program that lets you see dra­ matic results quickly. "After just a week I've lost more than five pounds But what's really remarkable is that I did it eating terrific food, and plenty of it. "And I'm not alone. People who follow the program have lost an average o f more than 5 lbs. in just tw o weeks NORTHEAST PORTLAND Maranatha Church 4222 N.E. 12th (Enter on Skidm ore) Sat. 9:30am Ranges From * 129°° Portland Diabetes & Endocrine Associates are accepting diabetic patients with foot ulcers for participation in a Phase III clinical study of an investigational wound-healing drug. DAY 14 KATHLEEN SULLNAN HAS LOST MORE THAN 8 LBS DAY 1 KATHLEEN SULLIVAN JOINS WEIGHT WATCHERS M ake ft C ombo F or O nly $1.99 r Assurances given much earlier than the 23’rd Psalm that the Lord is my shepherd...he restoreih my soul...I will fear no evil for thou art with me... thy rod and thy staff they comfort me”. Thais right, thousands o f years ago we have the earlier African mode of pleas and petitions to the deity and icons and paintings of “good shep­ herds who tended human flocks. These powerful pleas to heaven came during century-long period of “alienation” and despair as just de­ scribed — they were called “ Interme­ diate Periods” , and sustained the populace until enemies were thrown out and the cultural infrastructure restored. But today, in an allegedly ‘mod­ em ’ world where man seems over­ whelmed by his evil and arrogance, by the bloody scenes and reports of the media, the crim e in high and low places and the world-wide phenom­ enon o f a crushing disillusionment and uncertainty about life - we find that the best his favorite religious philosophers and intellectuals can offer is the observation that “God Is Dead!” (Jean Paul Sartre and the “E xistentialist” religious philoso­ Reader and Adviser from M em phis, Tennessee can help you no m atter what your problems are. Are you Suffering? Are you Sick? D o you have Evil and Bad Luck all around you? Are you Having Troubles in your Love Life, in your H om e? Mrs. Sloane Guarantees To Help. No m atter tflic ^ o r t l a n h (© b se ru e r 3002 NE Ainsworth (503) 282-0787 Portland, OR 97211 Acetified Tablets asunder. The ‘church’ has persevered in the New W orld, the ‘W ord” has been shouted from a thousand pulpits, and the praises have been sung — the spirituals o f black sacred music, the choirs like the “Fisk Jubilee Singers’ , or the acapella praises o í a “ Sweet Honey In The Rock” . It is indeed unfortunate that the black race has not been given credit; its contribution of the spiritual glue holding the “End Times” at bay. And how much louder are the shrill cries that today’s violence and amorality must surely be the precur­ sor to the Biblical “ Apocalypse”, the cosmic catastrophe in which God destroys evil and raises the righteous to life in a messianic Kingdom. There is something familiar, startling and ironic about this current era of “enor­ mous fragmentation of the human spirit” as I put t in the first article (1/ 4/94). Like the message on the “buzz­ ing w ings over Ethiopia” described in Isaiah there is a particular memory of the strong voices that have always spoken out of Africa to comfort her alienated children. W ebster’s dictionary describes “alienation” as a withdrawal or sepa­ ration of a person or his affections from the values o f one’s society or family. And we refer you to a time in Egypt and Ethiopia a thousand years before the prophets wrote the “Good Book” - when the violent and bar­ baric “Sea people” o f Asia had swept down upon the devout cultures of Africa, wreaking a pathological de­ struction of the highly developed so­ cial and cultural fabric. As is the case today we find a “literature of de­ spair”; institutions fail, no one can be trusted, thieves run amok, the young people rebel and fight in the streets as w e are told on papyrus and stelae. The 23 ’ rd Psalm arises. But in the m idst of all this chaos and desolation came the “ word” - and all through the authen­ tic African literature recommended here, you will find sustaining prayer for times of woe: A d v e r t iz e In Ainsworth Drug GNP Non-Aspirin Cold Medication Compare to Tylenol Cold Americas, All, o f course, has not been a traumatic journey, one step ahead of extinction. We so well know, now, of the many times the Africans have led the world to the wellsprings o f reli­ gion, culture and education; from Akhenaten and his concept o f “ A single G od” to the Tem ple Schools and the m athem atics that the prim i­ tive and avaricious G reeks first ad­ mired, then stole. But in each time of adversity and trauma there has com e to the fore that salvation, that sustaining pow er that W.E.B D ubois referred to as “The Soul O f Black Folks” . And like the Phoenix bird o f the ancient fable, the black psyche has risen from the ashes, even literally. During the horrors of colonialism, the tortuous passage to the slavelands o f the Am ericas, and the racism and discrimination inflicted upon the descendants, that indestruc­ tible “ Soul” has always burst the chains NORTH PORTLAND Northmmister Presbyterian 2823 N. Portland Blvd. Fellowship Hall Tucs. 7:00pm X M l M MIK • W >233 Sales • Service • Parts x: > * '^ ^ Î^ H E R S ^ r S Â n . inc University of Portland 5000 N. W illam ette Blvd. C olum bia Hall, (E nter From Portsmouth); W ed. 5:00pm ow n«, o . »TIG HT WATCHERS