Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 19, 1994, Page 13, Image 13

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    P age B7
T he P ortland O bserver • J anuary 19,1994____________________
Sub-Bids Requested
Notice to Contractors
M cChord A ir Force Base, W ashington
Alter Dorm itory Bldgs. 1151 & 1152
IFB No. DACA67-94-B-0007
Sealed bids for the construction of W astewater Treatm ent
Plant and Effluent Disposal Improvements for the City of Adair
Village, Benton County, Oregon, will be received by the City
until 2:00 P.M., on F e b ru a ry 9,1994. Bids subm itted prior to
the opening are to be delivered to The City of Adair Village,
City Hall, 103 N.E. Wm. R. Carr Avenue, Corvallis, Oregon
97330. Bid opening will be conducted at the City Hall and
publicly opened and read aloud.
Bid Date: Monday, January 31,1994 @ 1:00 P.M.
P.O. Box 5003
Portland, OR 97208
(503) 285-8531
FAX: (503) 283-3607
We are an equal opportunity em ployer and request sub bids
from disadvantaged, minority, women, and em erging small
business enterprises.
The project includes two separate schedules of construction,
with the following items of work:
S c h e d u le “ A ”
W astsewater Treatm ent and Equipment. The project consists
of the construction of im provements to the existing w astew a­
ter treatm ent plant including the communitor, imhoff tank,
trickling filter, chlorination system, cover for sludge drying
beds and an addition to the control building.
Morrison Knudsen Corportation
Schedule “B”
Requests Quotations From Qualified MBE/DBE/WBE
All interested firms, subcontractors and suppliers for:
Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation
District of Oregon
Construction of a low pressure effluent outfall, holding pond,
outlet/pum p station structure and land application irrigation
Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of H.G.E.
INC., Engineers and Planners, 375 Park Avenue, Coos Bay,
Oregon 97420, and at the following locations:
Salem, Oregon
Salem C ontractor’s Exchange
Westside Light Rail-Line Section 7
_______ Comraa No. C-94-0634B\WC0700
Bid Date: February 15,1994 - 2:00 P.M.
Eugene Builders Exchange
Submit Scope letters and quotes to:
Morrison Knudsen Corporation
P.O. Box 73, Boise, ID 83729
Attn: Karina Casebolt
Phone: (208) 386-6378 - FAX: (208) 386-7050
Performance/Payment Bonds May Be Required
Equal Opportunity Employer
H.G.E. INC., 19 N.W. Fifth Avenue
Portland, Oregon
Builders Plan Exchange
DJC Plan Center
Portland,O regon
City of Adair Village
Construction Company
P.O.Box 12218 * Salem , Or 97309
(503) 581-1920 Fax (503) 399-0823
CCB #4
We are an equal opportunity em ployer and request sub-bids
from m inority businesses and em erging small business enter­
prises. _________________ ____________________________
Adair Village, Oregon
One copy of the Contract Documents may be obtained by
prospective bidders of cash or check in the am ount of $110.00
made payable to the Engineer. Deposit made upon procure­
m ent of drawings, specifications, and form s of contract docu­
m ents will be non-refundable. Individual sheets and specifica­
tion pages may be purchased for the cost of reproductions:
Drawings $2.00 per sheet; Specifications $0.25 per sheet.
Bidders must prequalify with Owner, on Standard Oregon
Review Board Prequalification forms, ten (10) days prior to bid
opening. Disqualification statements shall be issued not later
than 4 days before bid opening by the Owner. Prequalification
form s may be obtained from the Engineer and should be
subm itted to the Owner via the Engineer. If a prequalification
form is on file with the Engineer and is not over one year old,
refiling is not necessary unless there has been a substantial
change in C ontractor’s status.
County Of Clark
Invitation To Bid
Bid No. 1918
N o tice Is H ereby G ive n th a t S ealed B id s will be received by
the Board of County Com m issioners in the office of Purchas-
ing/General Services, 1013 Franklin Street, Vancouver, W ash­
ington, Until 9:50 a.m., on the 25th day of January, 1994, for
the purpose of securing:
$25.00 Refundable Deposit if docum ents are returned within
ten (10) days after bid opening.
M andatory w alk through on January 1 8 ,1 9 9 4 ,1 0 a.m .-Noon,
North County Social Service Center, 801 E. Main Street,
Battle Ground, WA
This project is financed through the C om m unity Developm ent
Block G rant Program with funds obtained from the U.S.
Departm ent of Housing and Urban Development. The con­
tract will be subject to regulations of the Departm ents of Labor
and Housing and Urban Development.
Attention is called to Federal provisions for Equal Em ploy­
m ent Opportunity, HUD Section 3 requirem ents, aqd the
minimum wages as set forth in the contract docum ents.
BIDS will be opened by the Board at approxim ately 10:00
a.m., January 2 5 ,199 4, subject to the agenda of the Board of
County Com m issioners. Bid Invitations and specifications
may be seen and copies may be obtained in the O ffice of
Purchasing General Services (206) 699-2323 at the above
address. The County reserves the right to reject any and all
bids and waive informalities.
Clark County
Purchasing/G eneral Services
Affordable * Quality * After-School
Seattle, W ashington
A Pre-Bid Conference will be held at 1:00 P.M., local time, on
J a n u a ry 2 6 ,1 9 9 4 beginning at the Adair Village City Hall. A
tour of the proposed construction sites will be conducted. At
this meeting all questions concerning the Contract Docu­
m ents or proposed work will be discussed.
PCC Rock Creek Building #7
Portland, Oregon
Bid Date: January 2 6 , 1994 * 2:00
Construction Data
Dodge Scan Reports
Sub-Bids Requested
Northeast Center YWCA
5630 NE Martin Luther King Blvd.
Call: 223-6281 EXT: 3046
Public Notice
The State of Oregon, Departm ent of Human Resources,
Senior and Disabled Services Division (SDSD), is issuing a
request for letters of interest for attorneys experienced in
conducting adm inistrative hearings in the Portland m etropoli­
tan area.
SDSD will pay a the rate of $50 per hour for travel, research,
conferencing, hearing time and post-hearing order prepara­
tion. Up to five (5) contracts will be offered through this
solicitation. If you are interested, please forward a letter
describing your experience conducting adm inistrative hear­
Interested parties may request further inform ation by calling:
Kim Redinger
Senior And Disabled Services Division
500 Sum m er Street, 3rd Floor
Salem, Oregon 97310-1015
made by check.
No bid will be received or considered by the City of Adair
Village unless the Bidder has registered with the Construction
C ontractor’s Board or licensed by the State Landscape
C ontractor’s Board as required by ORS 671.530. Bidder is not
required to be licensed under ORS 468.883.
Each bid must contain a statem ent as to whether the Bidder
is a Resident bidder as defined in ORS 279.020
The City of Adair Village may reject any bid not in compliance
with all prescribed public bidding procedures and require­
ments, and may reject for good cause any and all bids upon
the finding of the City of Adair Village that it is in the public
interest to do so.
Any Contract Award under this Notice to Contractors is ex­
pected to be funded in part by a grant from the United States
Environm ental Protection Agency (EPA) and The Department
of Housing and Urban Development through the Oregon
Comm unity Development Block Grant Program (OCD). Nei­
ther the United States nor any of its departm ents, agencies, or
em ployees is or will be a party to this Notice to Contractors of
any resulting contract. This procurem ent will be subject to
regulations contained in Part 33 Procurem ent Under Assis­
tance Agreements. Contracts are subject to 40 CFR regula­
Bidders on this work will be required to comply with the
provisions of the president’s executive O rder No. 11246
concerning equal employment opportunity, including all amend­
ments and requirements issued thereunder. The require­
ments for Bidders and Contractors under this O rder are
explained in the Contract Documents.
The attention of Bidders is directed to the requirements and
conditions of em ployment to be observed and minimum rates
to be paid under the Contract. The Bidder shall comply with
provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 276a) for this
public work project.
The bidder's attention is directed to the provision of these
Contracts that related to the utilization of small, minority, and
women business enterprises during the perform ance period of
the Contract. The following goals are set for this Contract:
1. Eight percent of the dollar am ount of the construction
services and/or supply services is to be perform ed by
m inority subcontractors and/or minority suppliers.
2. Four percent of the dollar am ount of the construction
services and/or supply services is to be performed by
subcontractors, and/or women suppliers.
Prior to award of Contract, EPA will review the Proposals with
respect to the bidder’s degree of com pliance with the above
goals; a low Bidder who has not achieved these goals must
dem onstrate to the satisfaction of the Director, Office of Civi
Rights and Urban Affairs, EPA Region 10, that the goals are
not attainable on the Contract work.
Before a Contract will be awarded, compliance with all EPA
and OCD requirements specified in the Contract Documents
will be subject to EPA and OCD review and approval.
No bid will be considered unless fully com pleted in the manner
provided in the “ Instructions to Bidders" upon the bid form
provided by the engineer and accom panied by a bid bond
executed in favor of the City of Adair Village in an am ount not
less than ten percent (10%) of the total am ount of the bid. Bid
bond is to be forfeited as a fixed and liquidated dam age should
the bidder neglect or refuse to enter in to a contract and
provide suitable bond for the faithful perform ance of the work
in the event the contract is awarded him. Funds for the
im provem ents are available, and monthly paym ents will be
The right is reserved to delete any portion of bid schedule a
O wner’s discretion, and to award each schedule separate to
the lowest responsive/responsible bidder on each schedule.
Public Notice
Request For Proposals
Tourism Marketing Coordinator
The Metropolitan Exposition Recreation Comm ission (METRO
ERC) through the Portland Civic Stadium is soliciting proposals
from qualified proposers for the exclusive right to produce a
com mercial sum m er concert series at the Civic Stadium,
located in Portland, Oregon.
Proposal must be received at the Civic Stadium M anager's
office no later than 5:00 pm PST, Friday January 28, 1994.
Proposers are solely responsible for ensuring that proposals
are delivered on time. Delays caused by delivery services,
including US Postal Service, will not be grounds for deadline
extension. Proposals received after the deadline will be re­
turned unopened.
An original plus five (5) copies of each proposal, in its entirety,
must be subm itted. Completed proposals shall be enclosed in
an envelope on which the proposer’s return address clearly
appears in the upper left corner, and the words “Civic Stadium
Concert Series Proposal" clearly marked in the opposite cor­
This project consists of concert prom otion activities during the
sum m er season of 1994 with MERC two one year options for
the sum m ers of 1995 and 1996. Concerts are to be a m ulti­
purpose outdoor stadium located between SW 18th and 20th
streets and S.W. Morrison, Portland, Oregon. Concerts are to
be com m ercial perform ances as defined but not limited to,
types of entertainm ent as listed in the RFP docum ents.
RFP docum ents may be exam ined after January 1 2 ,199 4 at
the Adm inistration Office of the Civic Stadium, 1844 S.W.
Morrison, Portland, Oregon Monday through Friday between
9:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. Copies of the docum ents may be
obtained at no cost from the same office.
O ptional pre-proposal conferences will be conducted January
20 or 2 1 ,1 9 9 4 at 2:00 pm PST at the Portland Civic Stadium
Main Office, through Gate #13 at the corner Plaza of S.W. 20th
and Morrison Streets, Portland, Oregon.
Potential proposers should contact Ms. Candy Cavanagh,
M anager Civic Stadium and RFP Coordinator to schedule pre­
proposal conference attendance. Q uestions or requests for
additional inform ation regarding the RFP should be directed to
Ms. Cavanagh at (503) 4345.
No bidder may withdraw or modify his bid after the hour set for
the opening and thereafter until the lapse of sixty (60) days
from the bid opening.
By order of the City Adair Village.
W anda Tobiassen
City Administrator
This position is with the Tourism Division of the Oregon Economic
Development Department, and is located in Salem. The salary
range is from $2606 to $3472 monthly, in annual increments.
The purpose of the position is to aid in and implement the sales
and marketing of Oregon as a tourism destination. This includes
the promotion of Oregon destinations and attractions as well as
the state’s quality of life, businesses, key industries, products
and principal exports.
Development and implementation of the Tourism Division's Inter­
national Marketing Plan is a major part of the job duties. The
position will also work with the international media to secure
placement of stories featuring Oregon’s lifestyle, key industries
and economic development.
To qualify you must have four years of experience as an executive
assistant, administrative analyst, researcher or administrative
officer which included administrative duties, provision of techni­
cal assistance, or operations review, Two of the required years
must have included administration or oversight of an on-going
tourism project or program.
A Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, Management,
Public Administration or a closely related field may be substi­
tuted for up to two years of the required experience. There is no
substitution for the two years of tourism administrative experi­
Preference may be given to applicants with Japanese or German
language skills.
To be considered, you must complete a state application form and
respond to examination questions on the recruiting announce­
ment. To obtain these materials, contact the address below.
Application materials must be received by the Department by
January 28,1994.
Economic Development Department, Human Resources Office, 775Sum­
mer St N.E.,Salem, OR 97310. (503) 3766324 (Voioe), (503)581 -5115
(Fax), (503) 373-1200 (TDD).
OEDD is an EEO/AA employer who complies with Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
I t J ust K eeps O n
H elping
I Jnited Way of the Columbia-Willamette
(503) 945-6952
2 2 8 -9 1 3 1
Letters must be received no later than 5:00 p.m., Monday,
January 31, 1994.
In com pliance with the 1990 Am ericans with Disabilities Act,
this notice is available in audio or large print format.