Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 20, 1993, Page 4, Image 4

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    P age A4
Ou k * bi R 20, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver
PDC’s Rental Housing Rehabilitation
Program Sets New Record
The Portland Dev clopnicnt C om ­
m ission (P D C ) announced that its
Rental Housing Preservation Program
(R H P ) has loaned $5 ' m illio n since
July 1, 1993 tow ard repairing sub­
standard rental housing in the city
and has run out o f funds T h is repre­
sents the repair o f 527 lental units for
lo w -in co m e in d iv id u a ls W ith new
fu n d in g expcctedin January. the Com­
m issioners approved a $71)0,000 in ­
crease in a private lender agreement
w ith Bank o f A m erica to pros ide
a d d itio n a l reha b ilita tio n fin a n cing
P D C H ousing D ire c to r N cylc
H unter indicated this is the first tim e
in the RHP program s history that
such record levels were achieved so
q u ickly. "W h a t this really means,’'
said H unter, "is we have succeeded
very early in the fiscal year in putting
more than fiv e m illio n dollars to w ork
in the com m unity ”
In ad d ition to the private funding
agreement through Bank o f Am erica.
P o rtla n d ’s RHP program recciv es fed­
eral dollars through the Com m unity
D evelopm ent B lock Grant Program
adm inistered nationally by the B u­
reau o f H ousing and C om m unity
P D C 's Rental Housing Prescrv a-
tio n Program offers low -interest loans
to a cq u irc and rehabilitate m u lti-fa m -
ily housing Since 19X1 the Rl IP pro-
gram has succeeded in repairing over
4.000 units o f rental housing It is a
requirement o f the RHP program that
properties q u a lify in g for re h a b ilita ­
tio n rem ain affordable to low-and
mode rate-income households,
flic RHP program combines low -
i merest federal funds vv till funds from
Bank o f A m erica (know n as a Priv ate
L ender P articipation Agreement, or
P LPA ) toy ic k la m o n th ly pay m entfor
borrowers that is below current m ar­
ket rates PDC is currently involved
in negotiations vv ilh Bank o f Am erica
fo r a new PLPA agreement and sev­
eral other area banks have indicated
an interest in jo in in g w ilh PDC in the
sm aller projects to allow the federal
dollars to be concentrated on larger,
more complex projects The success
of the K IIP program includes the
following current m ajor reh ab ili­
tating projects:
Currently the RHP program m ar­
ries publie/private dollars to achieve
a 3-10-1 investment ratio. In other
words, for every d o lla ro f public money
used in an RHP project, three dollars
o f private money is invested. This
ratio helps preserve the use o f pre­
cious public dollars so they can be put
to use on other projects. The RHP
program ’ s use o f federal and priv ate
dollars has left the program basically
unaffected by P D C ’ s loss o f tax incre­
ment money.
PDC tra d itio n a lly u tilizes loan
d o lla rs fro m P L P A p ro g ra m on
V illa de C la ra Vista (formerly
the Galaxy Apartm ents)
178 units; PDC loan totals $2.5
Dresden Apartm ents and San
M arco Apartments
54 u n its ; P D C lo a n to ta ls
Colonial P ark Apartm ents
48 units; PDC loan totals $1.3
Glisan Street Shelter
40 SRO units, 121 beds, PDC
loan totals $407,000
C athedral P ark Apartm ents
40 u n its ; P D C lo a n to ta ls
$ 189.9(H)
G ra n d O aks T rio
145 u n its ; PDC loan to ta ls
M o rris o n P a rk A p a rtm e n ts
6 0 u n its ; P D C lo a n to ta ls
PDC is the C ity ’s agency fo r urban
renewal, housing and economic
T h ir d A n n u a l S o l i d a r i t y
C o m m i t t e e W o rk -A -T h o n
The Portland Central Am erica
S o lid a rity Com m ittee (P C AS C ) and
The Ben L in d e r C onstruction B ri­
gade w ill be hosting a W ork-a-T hon
on Sunday, October 24, 1993, in
H illsboro, Oregon
T h is year, W ork-a-T hon p a rtic i­
pants w ill paint and repair play ground
equipm ent a the M ig ra n t Head Start
fa c ility in H illsboro as w e ll as bu ild a
garden space. M ig ra n t Head Start is a
childcare center w h ich provides edu­
cation and social services fo r m igrant
workers and their fam ilies P a rtici­
pants w ill be w eatherizing lo w -in ­
come housing.
The W ork-a-T hon, the th ird an­
nual, w ill raise funds to give support
and hum anitarian aid to E l Salv ador
and Nicaragua. The funds w ill also be
used to aid w om ens’ groups in E l
Salvador as they prepare fo r the most
im portant election in the history o f El
Salv ador w hich takes place in M arch,
J o in in g the w o rk e rs w ill be
M arian Isabela Morales, an electoral
candidate in the election and the
founder o f El S a lva d o r's M c lid a
Anaya Montes W om en’ s M ovem ent
(M A M ). She w ill be speaking on the
critica l ro lco fw o m e n in El Salvador’s
upcom ing election. Her lecture be­
gins at 5:30pin.
M arian Isabela Morales founded
M A M in July o f 1992 to respond to
the need o f women as the country t rics
to build economic and social justice.
Today M A M has over 4,000 m em­
bers in El Salvador.
The elections in El Salvador are
the firs t to occur since peace accords
were signed between the government
o f E L Salvador and the Farabundo
M a r ti N a tio n a l L ib e ra tio n F ro n t
(F M L N ) in January, 1992. In the
election, the people o f E l Salvador
w i 11 be v otin g to clcct a new president,
a new national assembly and new
m unicipal governments.
People w ish in g to participate in
the W ork-a-T hon arc meeting at 9am
at the Centro C ultural in Cornelius.
T h c C c n tro C u llu ra lis lo c a te d a t 1110
N. A d a ir Street in Cornelius, Oregon.
C ar poolers arc meeting at 7 :45am at
the Liberty Tree Cofice House at 344
N .E . 2 8 th A v e n u e (n e a r N .E .
Flanders) in Portland.
T o v o lu n te e r fo r th e W o rk -a -
T h o n and fo r m ore in fo r m a tio n ,
please c o n ta c t G race T a y lo r at
(5 0 3 ) 2 3 6 -7 9 1 6 . F o r m ore i n f o r ­
m a tio n , a b o u t th e B en L in d e r
C o n s tru c tio n B rig a d e , please c a ll
(5 0 3 ) 2 3 0 - 9 4 2 7 .
Sisters In Support (SIS)
Seeks Help From Community
There is a disease w h ic h plagues
our com m unity, its tentacles touch­
in g us in m any ways. The disease is
the violence w hich is so pervasive
throughout northeast Portland. Wc
a ll hear it every day; it is ram pant and
relentless. We feel vulnerable and
helpless, and we fear for our children,
who are affected the most.
A ll o f us have felt the effects o f
this disease in some way: As a rela­
tive, a neighbor, a church member or
a co-worker. We, Sisters In Support
(SIS), have coine together because we
have been touched by the crisis in the
life o f one o f our own, Jean Drew -our
neighbor, our co-worker, our friend
Jean’ s only son, Jomo. was ac­
cused, tried and convicted o f man­
slaughter, as a result o f an altercation
earlier this year. H is plea was self-
defense. A single parent, Jean has
depleted her lim ite d resources in her
valiant efforts to keep her son from
going to prison She is going through
“ — ” , in her words, phy sically , emo­
tionally and financially.
W h ile wc a ll feel a sense o f per­
sonal loss for the other fam ily in ­
volved, SIS is hosting this special
luncheon to support Jean. Please jo in
us Friday, October 22, from noon to
1:3()pmat thcO A M E /C ascade Plaza,
41.34 N. V a n c o u v e r (c o rn e r o f
Skidm ore). O ur guest speaker. Rev.
A lccna Boozer, p rin cip a l o f Jefferson
Grass Roots Campaign
Gains Momentum
Local grass root efforts to gain a
yes vote on B a llo t Measure 1 are
co n tin u in g at fu ll speed, despite a
M a rio n County ju d g e ’ s ru lin g that
the measure is unconstitutional.
Jane Ames, who is c o -ch a i/ o f
Portland Citizens fo r Oregon Schools,
said that Judge A b lin N o rb la d 's ru l­
in g was not a surprise. “ W c knew
som ething like this m ig h t come up.
but we fu lly expect it to be overturned
by the Oregon Supreme C ourt," Ames
said She said that drafters o f the
measure worked closely w ith the A t­
torney G eneral’ s office to make sure
that it was constitutional
“ There arc a few technical legal
issues to be worked out, but th a t’ s not
distracting us from the real issue hcrc-
-and th a t’ s school funding fo r our
c h ild re n ," Ames said “ We re m ov­
ing ahead as planned and educating
voters about the im portance o f voting
yes on Measure 1 in order to back up
O regonians' stated com m itm ent to
A c c o rd in g to Aines, Portland
C itizens from Oregon Schools has
more than 20 events scheduled d u r­
ing the next tw o weeks, in clu d in g
presentations at in -h o m e coffees,
schools, youth care centers, neigh­
borhood fairs and scrv iccclubs. “ W ith
the election draw ing near, we re p ic k ­
ing up mom entum as more people see
the positive im pact B a llo t Measure 1
w ill have,” she said
“ T h e re is a s ilv e r lin in g to
Judge N o rb la d ’ s r u lin g , ” A m es
said “ Il w il l m ake people lo o k
m ore c lo s e ly at the b a llo t tit le ,
and w c k n o w th a t the m ore people
read e x a c tly w h a t M easure 1 is,
the m ore yes vo le s vve h a v e ."
Roosevelt H igh School held its
first A n nual M ost Valuable Partner
Awards D inner on Tuesday, October
19,19**3. T lu presentation was giv en
to private sector businesses that are
w o rkin g w ith schools in a business
education partnership
The speaker for the occasion vv as
T im W Ferguson, Business W orld
c o lu m n is t and m em ber e d ito ria l
board. The W a ll Street Journal
The Business Y outh Exchange is
a private, n o n-profit organization a f­
filia te d w ith the Portland M e tro p o li­
tan Chamber o f Commerce whose
goal is to assist at-risk youth in their
successful com pletion o f high school
and transition into the workforce.
New Urban
Bicycle School
Begins With
Parade & Prizes
M a rk o ff Saturday October 30
fro m 2-5pm to grab your costume and
your bike, and jo in the FundRide ’ 93
Pledge Parade at Sabin Elementary
School, 4013 NE 18th (4 blocks N orth
o f Fremont). A new bike tops the list
o f prizes you could w in. Pick up your
FundRide ’ 93 pledge sheets now at
local bike shops and schools. T h is
fa m ily event offers great food, music,
bike games and races, safety and ob­
stacle courses, and other comm unity
resource inform ation. The grand f i ­
nale is a leisurely 5 m ile r parade and
a scavenger hunt through the neigh­
borhood. Remember, the more pledges
you make, the more you can w in !
A ll this fun supports start up
costs fo r the C o m m u n ity C yclin g
Center. The Center leaches urban
youth how to fix bicycles donated
from agencies fo r low cost sale to low -
income residents. The Center also
advocates cyclin g for transportation,
health and fun.
Volunteers arc needed now to
make FundRide ’ 93 even belter! C all
the Center’s message number a #727-
5480 or #771-9087.
C o n ta c t: D ire c to r B ria n Lacy
at (5 0 3 ) 7 2 7 -5 4 8 0 o r at the C o m ­
m u n ity Cy c lin g C e n te r, B ox #163.
2600 N E M L K B lv d . P o rtla n d ,
O R , 97 2 1 2 .
O ffice: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 8 -0 0 3 3
Fax #: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 8 -0 0 1 5
Presents Its...
Third Annual Awards
Scholarship Banquet
“Investing In O ur Community”
Thursday, O ctober 21, 1993
S h en n an ig an ’s on the W illam ette
4575 N. Channel, Portland
Tickets: $35 person in advance
Keynote Speaker:
Ray Leary
Executive Vice President
Self-Enhancement, Inc.
Schedule for the evening:
6 to 7pm No H ost Reception
7 to 9pm D inner (Program to follow)
Please join us in celebrating our accomplishments & presentation of our annual
OAUB scholarships, l or ticket information, contact June Clarke, 340-5613.
Environmental Services Recommends
Caution For Recreational River Use
Due to the most recent rain
storms. Environm ental Services is
advising the p ublic against some
types o f recreational activ ity in the
W illa m e tte R ive r and C olum bia
Com bined sewer overflow s do
not ty pically present any serious en­
vironm ental concerns fo r fish and
aquatic life . People w ho fis h should
I n Portland ‘ s sew cr system. sew­
age m ixes w ith storm ru n o ff in w hat
is called a combined sewer sy stem
W hen the combined sewer system
receives too much storm runoff, it
overflow s into the W illam ette R iver
and C olum bia Slough. These com ­
bined sewer overflows (CSOs) are
contam inated w ith bacteria from
untreated sewage.
Env ironm ental Scrv ices is ad-
j visin g the public to avoid the W il­
lam ette R iver and the C olum bia
! Slough fo r recreational a ctivitie s—
wash th e ir hands fo llo w in g contact
w ith the water. Fish are safe to eat as
long as they are cooked to k ill bacte­
j such as water skiing or s w im m in g -
in w hich water could be swallowed
W h ile the health risks from com ­
bined sewer ov erflow s are unknow n,
these precautionary measures arc
being taken to protect the p ublic
P o rtla n d is u n d e rta k in g an
a m b itio u s 2 0 -y e a r p ro g ra m to
im p ro v e the c i t y ’ s sew er system .
U n til the p ro g ra m is c o m p le te ,
o v e rflo w s o f u n tre a te d sewage
and s to rm w a te r w il l o c c u r d u r ­
in g ra in sto rm s, a lth o u g h th e fr e ­
quency o f o v e rflo w s and n u m b e r
o f o u tfa lls w i l l d im in is h as th e
p ro g ra m progresses.
The Bureau o f E nvironm ental
Serv ices prov ides city residents w ith
w ater quality protection, sewage
treatm ent, wastewater c o lle c tio n ,
sewer insta lla tio n , and solid waste
collection, and oversees recycling
I t J ust K eeps O n
H elping
United Way of the Columbia-Willamette
2 2 8 -9 1 3 1
H igh School, w i ll talk about the need
fo r women to support each other in
these d iffic u lt, try ing times.
Cost is $ 15 per person. You may
RSVP by c a llin g 284-6354 or 255-
5482. Please call early as sealing is
lim ite d . I f you arc not able to attend
but w ish to be i nvolvcd, you may send
your donation pay able to: Account for
Jean Drew, c/o Am erican Stale Bank.
2737 NE M L K Jr. B lvd., Portland,
OR 97212.
Jean needs our support, and wc
should do what wc can to help her.
W hat has happened to Jean’ s family
could happen to any one o f us at any
tim e. W c want to help each other
when wc can, however wc arc able.
5 0 3 /2 8 1 -8 6 9 6
Lunch &
in Barbeque
Ribs & Beef
P urchase, repair an d rem o d el. O ne loan d o e s it all. You can
10:00 AM -6:00 PM
Fri. & Sat.
10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
3217 N Williams Avenue
e v e n refin an ce an e x is tin g loan to add a room , a roof or do
ju st a b o u t a n y th in g e ls e to m a k e your h o m e m ore cozy. V isit
your n ea rest W a sh in g to n M utual F in an cial C enter or call
1-800-562-3565 and a sk a b o u t our A ffordable R ehab loan. It's
Packwood Gains Support To Reduce Foreign
Tariffs On U.S. Forest Products Exports
Oregon Senator Bob Packwood forest products industry’ has been a
gained wide-spread support for his consistent perform er for Oregon and
efforts to e lim inate foreign C iri(Ts on the nation, in p arl.bccnuscofcxporls
forest products He expressed disap­ That grow th simply cannot continue
pointm ent that these barriers have i f U.S exporters face high lari ffs ov cr-
not been elim inated in on-going in ­ scas w hile their foreign competitors
ternational trade negotiations The have u n lim ite d access to our mar-
Most Valuable
Partner Awards
th e h o m e loan, h o m e im p r o v em e n t loan and repair loan
rolled in to one.
kets,” said Packwood
The market access agreement
announced at the Tokyo Economic
S um m it last July successfully e lim i­
nated ta riffs for many products hut
not wood and paper products
T h a t 's D if f e r e n t. T h a t ’s W a s h in g t o n M u tu a l.
FDIC Insured
An Equal Housing Lender tai