Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 20, 1993, Page 12, Image 12

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O ctober 2 0 , 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver
P age B 2
Oregon Bankers Excel At
Executive Management Education
T h e “ C u l t i f i c a t i o n ” O f A m e r ic a
Last week the T reasury D epart­
ment cam e out w ith the first o f a
num ber o f reports w hich will be re­
leased over the next few w eeks ex am ­
ining w hat w ent w rong at Waco.
T he 5 10-page report is v ery criti­
cal o f the Bureau o f Alcohol. Tobacco
and F irearm s (ATT), the law enforce­
m ent arm o f the Treasury D epart­
ment. w hich planned and executed
the initial raid on the Branch Dav idian
com m unity during w hich four ATF
agents and six Dav idians w ere ki 1 led
T he report concludes that A TF offi­
cials m ade serious "m istakes" during
the February 28 raid and then repeat­
edly lied to cover th eir tracks.
But for all its criticism s, the re­
port never gets at the underlying as­
sum ptions behi nd th e "m istakes ” For
exam ple, why did the ATF go after
the B ranch D avidians in the first
place9 D espite all the hype in the
m edia about the “illegal w eapons”
stockpiled at the Dav idian settlem ent,
to this day there is no concrete evi­
dence that the group had unregistered
firearm s (the A TF excuse for the raid).
And even if there were such w eap­
ons. since w hen is possession o f
unregistered guns a capital offense?
As one former ATF agent put it in the
W ashington Tunes: "E ven if there
were violations, and th a t’s question­
able. they involved registration prob-
le m s-n o i real crim inal acts.” If the
ATF believed that D avid Koresh. the
g ro u p 's leader, was breaking the law ,
it could have served him a w arrant on
the streets o f Waco, as local law en ­
forcement officers had d o n e-n o n v io -
lentlv —on a sim ilar charge a few years
earlier (By the way, K oresh was found
not guilty in that case.) T here was just
no need to kick in the doors w ith guns
But the question most asked by
jo u rn alists is: why did the A TF go
ahead w ith the raid ev en after it learned
that it had lost the elem ent of surprise
w hich it had considered essential for
a successful strike? A ccording to the
report. A TF supervisors in Waco w ere
told by an undercov er agent w ho fled
the com pound the m orning o f Febru­
ary 28 that the Dav idians knew the
raid was im m inent But the supervi­
sors w ent ahead aim vay—w ith the
predictable result o f 10 dead an d 36
Why? W hat could possibly ju s ­
tify this reckless endangerm ent o f
hum an life9 N either the report nor
sub seq u en t T reasury D ep artm en t
statem ents prov ide a credible answ er
Did the A TF go ahead w ith the raid
simply because it w anted to provoke
the Branch D avidians9 W as the raid
deliberately designed to set up and
destroy a sm all religious group that
dared to stray too far from the m ain­
stream 9
T he F B I's final assault on April
19 ended in the deaths o f nearly 90
people including 24 children.
T he m essage was clear: T here is
very little room for dissent and differ­
ence in 1990’s America. G od help
you if the federal governm ent decides
that your religion is a "cult.”
T he "cultification" o f dissent has
not sim ply im pacted on non-m ain-
stream religions. The FBI. w hich has
been investigating me and the New
A lliance Party (on and off or continu­
ously since 1988), has labeled the
Black-led. m ultiracial electoral party
which I chair a "political cult organization.”
N A P has, over the last 14 years,
received m illions o f votes (a signifi­
cant portion o f them from Black vot­
ers) in local, state and federal elec­
tions, been the principal catalyst for
Rem em bering King
T hree O regon bankers tied for cial m anagem ent o f a b a n k ’s assets
first-place h o n o is in the 1993 g rad u ­ an d liabilities to the leadership o f
ating class o f Pacific Coast B anking hum an resources.
Pacific Coast B anking School is
School (PC BS) to w in the prestigious
K erm it O H anson Award for E xcel­ know n throughout the financial-ser­
lence Marily n C onverse. Vice P resi­ vices industry for providing the h igh­
dent and C redit M anager, U S Bank; est quality executive education M ore
M ark E. Landsem , Vice President/ than 300 presidents and ch ief execu­
C o llateral L oan O fficer, W estern tive officers o f banks in the W estern
Bank; and W esley W Lawrence, Vice U nited States are PCBS graduates.
T he school, a unique product o f
P resid en t, K ey B ank o f O reg o n ,
, w as created in 1938 and
earned the highest scores am ong the
147 senior bank m anagers who g radu­ has been gov erned throughout its his­
tory by representatives o f the indus­
ated from the school this fall.
T o w in , th e th r e e b a n k e r s try. C urrent m em bers o f the school’s
achieved alm ost perfect scores on a B oard o f D irectors include Frank
series o f w ritten assignm ents on bank B raw ner, President, O regon Bankers
m anagem ent-related topics an d a re­ A ssociation; A H . Towsey, Executive
search report on a topic o f im portance V ice P re s id e n t o f F irs t I n te rs ta te
to the fin an cial-serv ices industry. B a n k o f O r e g o n ; a n d R o g e r
P C B S classesandw rittenassignm ents S h ie ld s . P re s id e n t/C E O , o f B a n k
cover a range o f topics from the fin an ­ o f th e C a sc a d e s.
the introduction o f legislation for
dem ocratic reform o f the electoral
process and galvanized voter partici­
pation in the Black com m unity and
other com m unities o f color th ro u g h ­
out the country But to the FBI, the
New A lliance Party is a "political cult
1 and other leaders o f NAP have
filed a lawsuit against the FBI de­
m anding that it drop its use o f a
plainly p ejo rativ e-an d increasingly
deadly—code word to describe the
i ndependen, party The suit challenges
the B ureau’s use o f the w ord “cult” to
justify inv estigative activ ities, the use
o f force, crim inal prosecution or gov­
ernm ental regulation. O nce we ac­
cept the use o f the “cult” label to
dem onize a group o f people and sus­
pend their Constitutional rights, the
basic freedom s o f all A m ericans are
in danger.
H arlem C ongressm an C harles
Rangel and C alifornia C ongressm an
Hatfield secures funding in Joint com m ittee
D on Edw ards have spoken about the
F B I’s investigation an d harassm ent
A jo in t H ouse-Senate conference W est Hills. T he project is expected to
o f the New A lliance Party We all com m ittee has approv ed $97 m illion generate over 3,000 jo b s and will be
n e e d to sp e a k o u t a g a in s t th e for W estside Light Rail in fiscal 1994, com pleted in 1998
"cultification” o f A m erican religion Senator M ark H atfield announced.
“T his is great new s for Portland,
and politics.
T he am ount for Portland is the Beaverton, Hillsboro, and the entire
second highest allotted for light rail P o rtla n d M e tro p o lita n r e g io n ” ,
projects in th e country. O nly Los H atfield said. "W e w ent into the con­
A ngeles receiv ed a h igher am ount for ference com m ittee w ith a $29 m illion
light rail in 1994.
difference an d cam e out w ith a n um ­
H atfield, a m em ber o f the confer­ ber that keeps the project on track.
en c e c o m m itte e c o n s id e rin g th e T his project continues to be one o f my
T ran sp o rtatio n A ppropriations bill highest priorities an d I intend to see
and ran k in g m em ber o f the Senate that it is adequately funded ”
A ppropriations Com m ittee, was able
T ri-M et officials said they were
to increase the am ount allotted by the elated at the news.
House from $70 m illion to $97 m il­
“T h is is a s tu n n in g v ic to ry
lion. T he Senate version o f the bill f o r O r e g o n a n d f o r S e n a t o r
included $99 m illion. H atfield said H a tfie ld ," s a id T o m W a lsh . T ri-
T h e sw itch to S tandard Tim e on the anything less than $97 m illion as a M e t g e n e ra l m a n a g e r, “ W e are
n ig h to fO c t.3 1 -H a llo w e c n -is a g o o d final am ount w ould have required the th r ille d w ith th is tre m e n d o u s a c ­
tim e to sw itch to reflective tape on Tri-M etropolitan T ransportation D is­ c o m p lis h m e n t. S e n a to r H a tfie ld
clothing and equipm ent, the doctors o f trict to borrow money in the current d e s e rv e s o u r th a n k s a n d o u r a d ­
the O regon O ptom ctric A ssociation fiscal year.
m ir a tio n fo r th is su c c e ss. C o n ­
W ork has already begun on the g re s s w o m a n F u rse a ls o d e s e rv e s
O ptom etric research show s that new 12-milc light rail line that will c r e d it fo r h e r ro le in p u s h in g fo r
reflective tape is m ore visible to driv- run from dow ntow n Portland to dow n­ th is fu n d in g . S h e ’s m a d e th is h e r
e rs-e v e n drunk dri v e rs-th a n any other town H illsboro. Crew s arc w orking top le g is la tiv e p rio rity a n d w orked
m aterial or color, including white. The on the m ain tunnel u nder P o rtlan d 's tir e le s s ly o n o u r b e h a lf .”
greater visibility m eans drivers have
m ore tim e to avoid pedestrians in the
T he early darkness resulting from
S tandard Tim e m eans parents should
a d d r e f le c tiv e m a te r ia l to th e ir
ch ild ren ’s backpacks, bike fendersand
c o a ts . L ik e w is e , jo g g e r s an d
dogw alkers need to put reflective m a­
terial on their clothing.
A com m on com m ent from drivers
w ho hit pedestrians at nig h t is. “ I
d id n ’t see an y o n e.” D rivers can help
Private school in your area that land, OR, 97211, adm its students o f
them selves by turn ing on headlights at strives to prom ote excellence by ad­ any race, color, national and ethnic
the first sign o f dusk. T hat is the m ost dressing the needs o f the w hole be­ origin to all rights, privileges, p ro ­
difficult tim e o f day to see clearly, ing, i.e. socially, em otionally, spiri­ gram s, and activities generally ac­
according to optom etrists.
tually, and academ ically. W e spe­ corded or m ade available to students
A study by the Federal H ighw ay cialize in counseling,as well as aca- at the school. It does not discrim inate
A dm inistration show s that drivers need d e m ic s , a n d in m a tc h in g th e on the basis o f race, color, national,
10 seconds at 30 mph to detect a p ro b ­ s tu d e n t’s le a rn in g s ty le to the and ethnic origin in adm inistration o f
lem, decide to take action and co m ­ teacher’s teaching style. W e believe its educational policies, adm issions
plete an avoidance maneuver.
in creating an en vironm ent o f lov­ policies, scholarship and loan pro­
Reflective tape m ay be found at ing, caring, an d und erstan d in g as a gram s, and athletic and o th er school-
safety supply stores, craft stores and foundational basis for prom oting adm inistered program s.
fabric stores. Because m ost reflective positive self-concept.
F o r m o re in f o rm a tio n p le a s e
m aterial is perm anent, be sure it is in
T he Judah E ducation C enter lo­ c a ll: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 1 -2 7 9 3 a n d a s k fo r
the desired location before it is placed. cated at 5632 N E 30th A ve. Port- D r. W illia m s o r H u tto n .
Westside Light Rail Nets Another
$97 Million For 1994
Calls For
Private School
Judah Educational Center
Rev. Billy Graham, Accompanied By Mrs. Coretta Scctt King, laid flowers and said a prayer at the tomb
o f her late husband, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., on the grounds o f the Martin Luther King, Jr., Center
for Nonviolent Social Change. “First and foremost, Rev. King was a preacher o f the Gospel of Jesus
Christ," Mr. Graham said. "He was a great reformer whose sermons changed the world-we haven't had
another man like that in this century.
The fact that he came from the Church gives credence to people like me who preach the Gospel, “he
continued, “I can use the great work he did for the advancement of the Kingdom o f God." The evangelist was
in Atlanta to accept an invitation from local churches to hold his third crusade there in October, 1994.
Invitation To Groundbreaking For Walnut Park Precinct At North Killingsworth
Tuned Engines Mean Cleaner Air Says Lung Association
And Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
T he regu lar m eeting ot the Chief s Forum for 9 to 11 a.m. M onday, Oct. 25, has been canceled so m em bers may
attend the groundbreaking o f the W alnut Park Precinct at North K illingsw orth and M artin L uther King Jr.
B oulevard at 10 a.m . M onday, O ct. 25, at the W alnut Park Precinct.
T he regular m eeting schedule will resum e on M onday, Nov. 8.
;:T:T I • '
Up to 70 cars (many under $1000) • Gates op
75 Chry Cordoba
85 Buick Electra PK AV
77 Toy SR5
54 CAD Eldo Biartz
82 Buick Riviera
80 ChevCitation
87 SubrRX Turbo 4WD
80 VW Rabbit
at 9:00 a.m.
85 GMC Sierra 1500
88 Ford Taurus GL
87 Buick Skylark
84 MercTopaz
6500 NE Martin Luther King, Jr., Blvd. • Portland
T he A m erican L ung Association
is teaching m otorist responsible b e­
havior during the nationw ide obser­
vation o f N ational C ar M onth in O c­
tober, driving hom e the m essage that
properly m aintained cars can decrease
air pollution, im prove lung health,
increase gas m ileage and save the car
ow ner money.
"M otor vehicle exhaust is com ­
prised o f many dangerous pollutants
that contribute Io lung disease, in ­
cluding carbon m onoxide, hydrocar­
bons and nitrogen oxides,” w arns
A lfred, M ünze, M D president o f the
A m erican Lung Association. "T hese
harm ful auto exhaust em issions can
cause headaches, chest p ains and
drow siness. W hen they interact in the
atm osphere, these em issions can also
burden healthy lungs, m aking it to
difficult to breathe."
A ccording to the Lung A ssocia­
tion. m otor vehicle em issions arc re­
sponsible for nearly 40% o f the air
pollution in the U nited States. M any
auto service cen ters have exhaust
analyzers that m ake em ission testing
quick, easy and inexpensive. “E m is­
sion testing should be a regular part of
all auto rep air checks,” says Dr.
M unzcr. (E ditors Note: A pparently,
they h av en 't checked w ith or heard of
O regon)
I t H mt K eeps O n
H elping
United Way of the
Lexus Luxury Cars To Move
Through The Port Of Portland
T he Port o f P ortland will be a
new port o f entry for Lexus. T oyota’s
luxury division, beginning O ctober
23, according to G eorge Borst, Lexus
gro u p vice presid en t and general
m anager
A pproxim ately 1 (),()()() to 15,000
Lexus cars a year will be distributed
by rail from T oyota’s 100-acrc auto
facility at the Port o f P o rtland’s T er­
m inal 4 to 13 M idwest states.
Portland has been a major port o f
entry for Toyota since the mid-1960s.
Toyota has a long-term auto lease
with the Port extending into the next
Toyota presently distributes about
100,000 cars a year from Portland Io
30 states.
Lexus port o f entries hav e been
Long Beach, Calif., and N ew ark, N.
J. Francois E lm aleh, Port autom otive
division m anager, said Lexus chose
Portland to serve its central region
because o f the careful auto handling
and efficient transportation infrastntc-
turc experienced by Toyota ov er many
"I am delighted," said Port ex­
ecutive director M ike T horne, "to sec
that our co n tinuing com m itm ent to
custom er satisfaction and Io the d e­
livery o f a quality product has led to
an expanded relationship with one of
our valued custom ers, Toyota Motor
Co In adding the Lexus line to our
operation, we know that by focusing
on the custom er and their needs, we
provide serv ice, quality and efficiency
that achieves the goals o f custom er
Lexus m odels that w ill move
through Portland include the LS 400,
GS 300, ES 300 and the SC 300 and
SC 400 sport coupes
T he Port o f Portland m oved into
fourth place am ong the largest auto
ports in the U.S. for 1992according to
the Journal o f C om m erce PIERS (Port
Im port/Export R eporting Service).
D uring 1992, the Port o f Port­
land handled 274,119 im port/export
autom obiles for Toyota and other car
m akers
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