3AGE S eptem ber 15, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver A4 Music Comes Alive In Dawson Park Fabric Depot A New Store With Over I'Zi Acres o f Fabrics (73,000 Square Feet) Most Complete Fabric Store in the West! Gigantic Fall Fabric Sale! Hein us < celebrate 30T O F On Saturday, September 11th the echoes of sweet gospel music swept through the. reestctfir^ eb^ he winds of the many voices that added to the harmonies that added to the other activities at g o s p e l festival. The Hissong group added their talents to the pot of gospel joy presented through out the day. Pictured are Rosalyn Hicks, Kim Travis, Lisa Manning and Celeste Warren._________ _____________ F / V EVERYTHING N ow thru S ep tem b er 28, 1993 PORTLAND OBSERVER Office: (503) 288-0033 Fax #: (503) 288-0015 Patterns <57/ Moving &Gnwry © f 50% OFF Citizen Volunteers Sought For Police Bureau Advisory Committee Choose from McCalls, Vogue, Butterick, Simplicity or Burda Sweatshirt Fleece 50% O FF The Portland Police Bureau is currently seeking citizen volunteers to sene on the Police Bureau A d v i­ sory Committee (PBAC) The com­ mittee is comprised o f citizens who assist in establishing the Police Bureau’ s goals and budget prepara­ tion for each fiscal year. PBAC members are appointed to threeyearterms Thccommittcemeets several times monthly and isexpectcd to start meeting in mid September or S olid s & Prints . D on't forget our "Special Purchase Department" Many fabrics and drapery items available $2" “Fantastic - $3 " Values” - $5" 1993. “ The Police B u rea u ’ s A d v i­ sory C om m ittee, is s triv in g to o b ­ tain a level o f d ive rsity w h ic h re­ flects the diverse p op u la tio n o f Portland, we encourage interested c itiz e n s to a p p ly ,” said C h ie f Discounts do not apply to special purchase or previously discounted o r m arked d ow n items. n H O U R S: I 84 / / STARK STREET 3AV P“ 2Zt A < 0/ N / / M F 9 -9 SAT 9-7 SUN 1 0 7 7 0 0 S.E. 1 2 2 n d Ave. P o rtla n d , OR b J 252 9530 Prices Effective now thru 9 /2 8 /9 3 RETAIL-WHOLESALE Plenty of FREE PARKING CARS’ BUSES’ RVS C harles Moose. Citizens interested in se n in g o n the PBAC, should call fiscal Sen ices Managcr.Nancy Dunford, at (503) 823-0361. Loving, Caring And Sharing In Home Childcare Center “ I t ’ s a Fashionable L ife ” is the theme o f the second annual fashion show and dance sponsored by Van­ c o u ve r Parks and R e c re a tio n Department’s Citizens o f D isability program and S.W. Washington Spe­ cial Olympics. Proceeds go to benefit both programs, says Connie Irw in, In And Outside Elay, Games, Toys, A rt, Books, And Teaching ABCs and 123s ‘Lots Of Fun” id Serving Hot Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, And BM Snack ______ z y * •* S • » * z. + * 9 0 * • r e • coordinator o f the c ity ’ s disability program. The evening begins w ith a silent auction and refreshments from 6-7pin followed by a fashion show and enter­ tainment from 7-8pm. People o f all ages and abilities w ill be models. A dance from 8-l()pm w ith music by Sound Supply ends the evening. Tickets may be purchased at Marshall Center, 1009E.McLoughlin B lv d at B agley C e n te r, 4100 Plomondon, or at the Special O lym ­ pics office, 211 E. 11th St. To donate items for the auction, or for more inform ation, call Irw in at 696-8218. Benefit For Sunshine Division 2307 NE Ainsworth Please Contact“ D” a t 33 5-373 2 6 :0 0 AM To 6 :0 0 PM CSD, AFS, Welfare Accepted Saturday, September 11 at 10am, at Bloom ington Park Field #2, at SE 100th Ave. and Steele St., the Port­ land Police Bureau and the U.S. Coast Guard Marine, w ill compete in a softball game to benefit the Sunshine D ivision. The public is invited to attend and please bring a canned donation. For more inform ationcall Sgt. M.F. Rob­ erts, 823-2143 or 823-2103 r * F * * • t * * ♦ * * * * * * f ç^cîmal éieon Omîtes Sunrise May 10, 1993 to August 29, 1993 Jamal Leon Bates was born on May 10, 1993, to Valerie Michelle Palmer and Robert Earl Bates in Portland, Oregon. He was the Godson of Arne ilia L. Paden. Jamal was christened on Friday, June 25, 1993, by Bishop A.A. Wells. He was a blessed, happy baby who always had a smile on his face. As a result of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), Jamal fell asleep in the arms of Jesus on Sunday, August 29, 1993. In his homegoing, he leaves his mother Valerie Palmer and his father Robert Bates; his sister Shoshannah Palmer; his brothers Robert Alexander and DeVaunte Earl Bates; grandson of Jackie Palmer, Neomia Deloyis Pickett, and Ona Bates, Sr.; the great- grandson of Perry and Maudell Palmer; four aunts, Jacquelyn, Tamiko, Donna and Lorraine; three uncles, Dynna, Lonnie and Jackie Jr.; five great- aunts; three great-uncles and a host of family and loved ones. The Palmer & Bates Families would like to thank each and everyone for whatever part you may have played to console our hearts in our time of bereavement. Thank You. Latino Celebration Of Iniciación De La Independincia "It's A Fashionable Life" Theme Of Fundraiser P’ ô Pay Cara * * * $ Celebrate Diversity t Imagen. The festivities get underw ay in the afternoon fro m 3 to 6pm. The dance is fro m 8pm to m idnight. T he event is co-sponsored b y V ancouver Parks and Recreation D epartm ent and B a lle t F o lk lo ric M e x tli o f Vancouver. There is a $ l donation fo r afternoon a ctivities, and the dance is $4 per person or $ 10 per fa m ily . F o r m ore in fo rm a ­ tio n c a ll 696-8218. Independence celebrations for Mexico, Central and South America w ill be the focus o f a family-oriented cultural celebration Saturday, Sept 18 at Bagley Center, 4100 Plomondon, Vancouver. Arts and crafts, ethnic foods, inform ation booths, children’ games, dances and entertainment fro m various C entral and South A m e rican countries w ill be fea­ tured. A fa m ily dance that evening w ill feature the L a tin o m usic o f EENEFir A SNO W VO N RANDOLPH O o ° We wish to sincerely thank everyone who contributed to the success of the "Benefit Car Wash-Bake Sale" on Saturday, September 4, for Snowvon Randolph, the 14 year old youth who suffered a severe stroke and aneurysm on June 14. Friends and relatives brought a beautiful array of baked goods, and over 60 cars and vans were washed. Donations totaled $1002.00 and with the matching funds from Aid Association for Lutherans Branch #3723 of St. Michael's Lutheran Church, a total of $2002.00 was deposited to a special fund at the U.S. Bank for Snowvon's medical expenses. Again we wish to thank everyone who contributed to the success of this event, and we hope and pray Snowvon's health will improve each day. The Staff of Youth With A Mission 285-6909 t * ” * ________________