ré * • • • fr • V e ▼« r K * W *> 1 »« » » » »» W "» V » « V • P age B9 Tin P oru and O bserver • S eptember 15, 1993 ®l|c JJortbmh (©becruer Ws Position Announcement Program Development Coordinators The Area Health Education Cen­ ters Program, OHSU is seek­ ing two (2) qualified persons to do health professions educa­ tion community development. Responsibilities include: assis­ tance in planning and develop­ ment of two new centers; pro­ viding staff support to these new centers; technical assis­ tance and c o n s u lta tio n on needs assessment, program planning and other center re­ quirements; and staff support for other AHEC Program Of­ fice activities. Position is lo­ cated in Portland, OR. Mini­ mum qualification: a masters degree in Public Health, Public Administration, Adult Educa­ tion, or related discipline with an em phasison community or­ ganization of community de­ velopment, and five years of p ro g re s s iv e ly re s p o n s ib le health professions education program and community de­ v e lo p m e n t e x p e rie n c e in healhcare system planning and adult education, preferably in rural areas and/or with special or undeserved populations. K now ledge of social, e co ­ nom ic, d e m o g ra p h ic, g e o ­ graphic and health care char­ acteristics of Oregon especially rural areas and the needs of special populations. Experi­ ence in assisting communities and resolving health care de­ livery system and health pro­ fessions education problems is desirable. Salary range $30- 35K. Submit cover letter and resume no later than Oct. 1, 1993 to: D eputy D irecto r, AHEC Program Office, OHSU, L 1 0 2 ,3181 SW Sam Jackson Park RD, Portland, OR 97201 - 3098. OHSU is an equal op- p o rtu n ity /a ffirm a tiv e action employer. Employment Receptionist/ Secretary W &H P a cific, an e m p lo ye e owned engineering firm, seeks a highly organized individual with excellent verbal commu­ nication skills for front office position. Primary duties will include operation of multi-line PBX phone system, monitor­ ing the activities of a diverse staff of 85 individuals, meeting and gre etin g clie n ts, daily preparation of mail, and some errand running. For co nside ra tion applicants must be computer literate, pos­ sess good typing skills and have prior front office experi­ ence. Successful candidate must be able to work with mini­ mal supervision, able to deal with stress, and must be pro­ fessional in appearance and demeanor. We offer excellent benefits, in­ cluding a 401K program, health and life insurance. To apply, send or deliver cover letter and resume to: W&H Pacific 8405 SW Nimbus Ave. Beaverton, Oregon 97005 Attn: Katherine Brown We are an affirmative action/ equal opportunity employer. Multnomah County Librarian 2/D A's Office; $16.01 per hour; apply by October 1. For 24 hour job information, call 248-5035 or visit Multnomah County Employee Services, 1120 S W 5th Ave., Room 1430, Portland. Equal Opportunity Employer Economic Opportunity Committee Of Clark County, Inc. Position Announcement Program Development Coordinators The Area Health Education Cen­ ters Program, OHSU is seek­ ing two (2) qualified persons to do health professions educa­ tion community development. Responsibilities include:assis­ tance in planning and develop­ ment of two new centers; pro­ viding staff support to these new centers; technical assis­ tance and co n su lta tio n on needs assessment, program planning and other center re­ quirements; and staff support for other AHEC Program O f­ fice activities. Position is lo­ cated in Portland, OR. Mini­ mum qualification: a masters degree in Public Health, Public Administration, Adult Educa­ tion, or related discipline with an emphasis on com munity or­ ganization of community de­ velopment, and five years of p ro g re s s iv e ly re s p o n s ib le health professions education program and community de­ v e lo p m e n t e x p e rie n c e in healhcare system planning and adult education, preferably in rural areas and/or with special or undeserved populations. K now ledge of social, e c o ­ nom ic, d em og ra p hic, g e o ­ graphic and health care char­ acteristics of Oregon especially rural areas and the needs of special populations. Experi­ ence in assisting communities and resolving health care de­ livery system and health pro fessions education problems is desirable. Salary range $30 35K. Submit cover letter and resume no later than Oct. 1, 1993 to: D eputy D irecto r, AHEC Program Office, OHSU, L102, 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park RD, Portland, OR 97201 3098. OHSU is an equal op p o rtu n ity /a ffirm a tiv e action employer. Engineer Senior/Associate Engineer METRO City of Portland Bureau of Water Works. Civil engineer/project manager position responsible for planning, design and con­ struction management related to the development and imple­ mentation of Capital Improve­ ment projects for a major water utility. PE and related experi­ ence required. Salary range: $40-$52K. Minorities, women and qualified individuals with disabilities are urged to apply. Send resume and work history to: Portland Water Bureau, A t­ tention: Project Management Unit, 1120, SW 5th Ave, Room 600, Portland, Oregon 97204. The City of Portland is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Oregon Convention Center Minority/Ethnic Marketing Agent Transportation Administrator $3,718-$5,232 Oregon Public Utility Commis­ sion is recruiting for an experi­ enced leader to serve as ad­ m inistrator of Motor Carrier Services Division of the Trans- portation Program. The divi­ sion includes the weight-mile tax, registration, and liability insurance function of the PUC. Requires four years of man­ agement experience in a pub­ lic or private organization which in clu de d re s p o n s ib ility for (a) developm ent of program ru le s and p o lic ie s , (b) developm ent of long-and short range goals and plans, (c) program evaluation, and (d) b u d g e t p re p a ra tio n . Gradate-level courses in man­ agement may be substituted for one year of the required experience. For application materials, contact PUC Per­ sonnel Services at (503) 373- 7449, or TDD 800 648 3458. Anticipated closing date is Sep­ tember 24 d Qualifications Due 5:00 p.m., September 30,1993 M etro’s Metropolitan Exposition-Recreation Commission is soliciting written proposals and qualifications to be filed no later than September 30, 1993, 5:00 p.m., PST. Require­ ments and procedures for submitting proposals and qualifica­ tions are described in detail in a formal request for proposals (RFP) available from Jeffrey A. Blosser, Oregon Convention Center, (503) 235-7575, 777 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, Portland, Oregon 97232. Ten copies of the proposals must be delivered to the Oregon Convention Center King Office located at 777 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, Portland, Oregon 97232 by Sep­ tember 30, 1993, at 5:00 p.m., PST. In the performance of the anticipated work, respondents will be expected to meet the requirements of the Metropolitan Exposition-Recreation Com­ mission Disadvantaged Business Program in contracting activities. All proposals and statements of qualifications will be evalu­ ated by the Metropolitan Exposition-Recreation Commission. This RFP process will result in a determination of the most responsive and qualified entity to lead this effort. It is antici­ pated that a contract will be the result of this RFP process. Data Processing Sr. Operations Support Analyst Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting applications for a Sr. Operations Support Analyst in the Computer Operations Dept. Qualified candidates will be responsible for per­ forming EDP operation activities which include: • Identifying & resolving problems related to production process­ ing, minimizing impacts on the production schedule. . Defining & recommending enhancements to production job streams or the automation of manual proceedures. • Supporting MVS console processing and other duties within the computer center. Qualified applicants must have 3 yrs related experience, excellent knowledge of MVS/JCL and Utilities, VSAM, TSO/ISPF, Librarian, and adequate knowledge of FDR, CLIST Language and DATASET maintenance & recovery techniques. Demonstrated skills in setting priorities, meeting deadlines & recognizing & analyzing problems & causes. Off-shift & weekend work is necessary, as is the ability to work 12-hour shifts & overtime if required Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon otters an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary Pre employment drug screening required. I o assure youi iesume is processed immediately, place ad #244 at the top of your resume or in your cover letter. Send resume to : Secretary - Minimum two years clerical experience; one year of college or business school Training & Employee course work may be substi­ Accounting Assistant RN tuted for one year of experi­ Development Portland Development ence. Demonstrated ability to LPN Manager Com m ission type 55wpm .,W P 5.1 required, Hourly Range: $8.89 - $12.64, CNA Oregon Department of Transpor­ Lotus 1 -2-3, desktop publish­ DOE tation seeks experienced train­ ing and graphics highly desir­ “Do you enjoy having a part in the Blue Cross Part-time Accounting Assistant ing and employee development able. Typing and WP test will decision making process? Do needed 3 days a week for ac­ Blue Shield manager to function as key be given. Knowledge of office you enjoy working hard and counts payable processing, change agent within our team practices, business English, having fun? of Oregon data entry, transaction verifi­ environment. This 2-year lim­ correspondence layout. 35 If your answer is YES! then cation and filing. Must have ited duration position, located hrs./wk., 46 wks./yr; beginning Human Resources Dept., 3rd fir Bishop Morris Care Center and minimum 6 months experience in Salem, will be instrumental salary $7.11/hr. the Skilled Nursing Facility at 100 S.W. Market in data entry, 10-key, and typ­ in enhancing overall Depart­ Obtain application package, 9 Holladay Park are the places Portland, OR 09202 ing skills. Knowledge of ac­ ment performance and imple­ a.m.-4 p.m., Mon.-Fri. (office to work. Our team is dedicated TDD# 225-6780 counting procedures and ca­ menting a working model of a will be closed 9/15/93), EOC to making each member a vital Equal Opportunity Employer pability to handle extended pe­ high performance team. As unit Office, 10621 N .E.Coxley Dr., part of our participatory man­ riods of com puter entry re­ manager, will be responsible S te. 207, V a n co u ve r, WA agement. At our facilities, you for developing training and quired. 98662 (206) 896-9912. Com ­ will enjoy working with a group Insurance Please pick up application or send employee development poli­ pleted applications must be of professionals in a progres­ resum e by S eptem ber 22, Customer Service cies, procedures and programs received in EOC Office by 4 sive and challenging setting. consistent with a progressive 1993. p.m., Wed., Sept. 22, 1993. Being a part of Legacy Health Representative PDC, 1120 S.W Fifth Avenue, organizational developm ent EEOC/AA System affords our employees Blue Cross and Blue Shield is currently accepting applications tor full philosophy, and assisting man­ #1100 m any a dva n ta g e s and re ­ time Customer Service Representatives. Qualified candidates will Hearings Officer Portland, OR 97204 agement in determining train­ sources that are hard to find possess the ability to communicate effectively and professionally THE PORTLAND DEVELOP­ $3,309 - $4,414 ing and development resources elsewhere. both orally and in written form involving an in-depth knowledge of all MENT COMMISSION VAL­ needed to achieve the agency's The Public Utility Commission in Currently, we are accepting ap aspects of BCBSO. This position involves the ability to work autono­ UES DIVERSITY IN ITS strategic and operational goals. Salem is recruiting for a hear­ plications for full time, part time mously in a fast-paced environment, and applicants must have WORK FORCE AND IS Playing an important role on ings officer to conduct hear­ and on call positions in our demonstrated excellent attendance in previous employment. Other COMMITTED TO EQUAL the HR/OD managementteam, ings and write orders in motor multi-level facility at Bishop EMPLOYMENT OPPORTU­ this position requires 6 years carrier and utility cases brought requirements include: Morris (ICF, Skilled and Spe­ NITY ACTION. experience in training or em ­ before the Commission. Re­ • 1 yr work experience in customer relations (within the last 2 cial Care) and on call CN posi­ ployee development programs, quires a law degree from an tions at our Skilled Nursing years, preferably insurance-related including 2 years of mid man­ accredited law school AND Human Resources Facility at Holladay Park Hos­ • Practical knowledge of medical/dental terminology agement responsibilities in a membership in good standing pital. W e o ffe r com petitive Technician large organization. An appro­ in a state bar AND 1 year of . CRT experience & the ability to type 40 wpm wages and a full benefits pack­ Portland Development priate bachelor's degree may experience conducting formal age which includes: medical, • Good math skills Com m ission substitute for 3 of the required administrative hearings or 3 dental, vision and life ins.; tu­ Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee Hourly range: $11.49 - $16.44, 6 years of experience. In addi­ years of trial experience as a ition reimbursement; and re­ benefits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary. Pre DOE tion to training expertise, the p ra c tic in g a tto rn e y or an tirement benefits which include employment drug screening required To assure your resume is Part time technician needed to successful candidate will have equivalent combination of ex­ a matched saving plan. processed immediately, place ad #228 at the top of your resume or perform confidential, adminis­ a proven track record as a perience. For application ma­ If you are interested in joining our trative tasks 3 days a week. proactive manager within a in your cover letter. Send resume to: terials, contact PUC Person­ team of professionals, please Maintain files, schedule inter­ change environment. Contact nel Services at 503/373-7949 apply M-Th 9a-3p at Bishop Blue Cross views, monitor perform ance or TDD 800-648-3458. Antici­ ODOT Recruitment at (503) Morris Care Center, 2430 NW review system, perform cleri­ 378 6281 (TDD 373-7727) for pated Close date September Blue Shield Marshall or at Holladay Park cal duties and maintain com­ required application packet. 29, 1993. EEO/AA Hospital 1225 NE 2nd. Job of Oregon puter generated personnel re­ C om pleted application and Hotline: 229-7061 and 280 Administrative cover letter due by 5:00 p.m., ports. 4727. Human Resources Dept., 3rd fir Minimum 2 3 years of related O ctober 8, 1993. This vital Equal O pp o rtu nity Employer Assistant 100 S.W. Market experience. Previous clerical management position offers a Administrative information Sys­ Portland, OR 09202 and administrative experience competitive benefits package tems Specialist to assist in the Purchasing Analyst 3 TDD# 225-6780 required. Knowledge of word and negotiable salary. ODOT Position with the State of Or­ information Services Depart­ Equal Opportunity Employer perfect and ability to organize is an equal oppoi tui iity affirma egon, Department of Adminis­ ment at a small college. Needs and set priorities a must. tive action employei commit trative Services, in Salem. Re to know computers & major Please pick up application packet ted to work force diversity. sponsible for purchasing, prod­ software packages. Be able to and return with supplemental uct market research, use of the work as part of a team. Needs Executive Director- questions and resume by Sep­ automated purchasing system, O.D.O.T. strong communication skills & Portland Area Radio C ouncil tember 22nd PDC, 1120 S.W. strong problem solving skills 2 yrs prior administrative ex­ Sunset Highway M inim um 7 years M arketing/ Fifth Avenue. #1100, Portland, and customer service ethnic perience. Annual salary range Highland (200) Interchange M a n a g e m e n t e x p e rie n c e . OR 97204. desirable. Purchasing experi­ $16,400-$17,250. Insurance & Bid Date: September 23,1993 Bid Time 9:00 AM Strong communication/presen- THE PORTLAND DEVELOP­ ence a plus. For detailed an tuition benefits included. Send MENT COMMISSION VAL­ tation skills. Heavy experience Kiewit Pacific Co. nouncement and job applica resume to inform ation S er­ in implementing concepts, p ro -. UES DIVERSITY IN ITS P0 Box 1769 Vancouver, WA 98668 tion call 378 4697 by 5 p.m., vices, ConcordiaCollege, 281 1 WORK FORCE AND IS motions and special events. Sept. 20, 1993. State of OR is (206)693-1478 (503)285-4687 NE H olm an P ortlan d , OR Resumes to President PARC COMMITTED TO EQUAL an AA/EOE. 97211 6099. No phone calls FAX (206)693-5582 P.O. Box 14957. Portland, OR EMPLOYMENT OPPORTU­ please. Application deadline We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and request sub-bids from 97214 by September 7th. EOE NITY AND AFFIRMATIVE Sept 10th. women and minority-owned business enterprises. ACTION. Sub-Bids Requested