Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 15, 1993, Page 13, Image 13

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All O ut There can be no more
apt description o f The W inans’
m usical g ifts. Giving their all, m ak­
ing it m atter, tak in g it to the
limit , the First Fam ily o f Am eri­
can music never does anything half­
All o f which m akes the title o f
the G ram m y-winning group ’ s elec­
trifying new Q w est Records re­
lease so fitting. On All Out The
W inans do w hat com es naturally,
fashioning a sound that reaches
past borders and boundaries, ex­
ceeding our expectations and cre­
ating, in the process, a whole new
standard o f excellence and sheer
Irre sistib le p o p , streetw ise
soul, rap, rock and even c o u n try -
on All O ut, the brothers, M arvin,
Carvin, M ichael and Ronald, have
put the pedal to the metal on a
collection o f original songs that
mix their gospel m essage with some
o f the freshest m usic o f their ca­
reer. Simply put, on All O ut, The
W inans deliver.
Ably assisting the brothers is
an all-star line-up o f A-list o f pro­
ducers and artists. Aside from
M arvin and C arvin, All Out boasts
production by the u ltra-hot R.
K e lly , G e ra ld L e v e rt, S te v e
Buckingham, M ichael J. Powell
and Vincent Herbert. The Album
The Winans: (Left to right) Marvin, Carvin, Micheál, and Ronald
also includes a contribution by the
legendary Johnny Mandel on the
moving “H e Said G o.”
E qually im pressive are the
guest vocalists who grace some
key track s on All O ut. Lalah
H athaw ay is featured on the cut,
“ It’s N ot H eaven,” while Kenny
Loggins is heard on “Love Will
Never Die.” Country' great Ricky
Van Shelton lends his talents to
“ If He D oesn’t Come Tonight”
while family member BeBe W in­
ans o f BeBe & CeCe fame steps
in for backing vocals on the above
mentioned, “He Said Go."
T he ex u b e ran t new single
“ P ayday,” featuring the above
mentioned R. Kelley, All Out is the
latest and greatest chapter in the
unfolding saga o f a group who
never settles for anything less than
the best.
Dedication, devotion, and de­
term ination have, in fact, been cor­
nerstones in The W inans' success
story from the beginning. Bom and
raised in Detroit, Michigan, they
served their musical apprentice­
ships in the local church. The
groups’ recording career began in
1981 with the album Introducing:
The W inans, then, A Long Time
Coming, and two years later by
Tom orrow which garnered the first
o f an amazing four Grammies for
the group.
Signed to Qwest Records in
1986, The W inans’ major label
debut, Let M y People Go was
another gospel Grammy winner,
as was its follow-up. Decisions,
which featured the track, “A in't
No Need To W orry,” the first o f
the W inans’ cross-over hits and
th e ir fo u rth G ram m y -g rab b er.
The brothers’ sizzling live show
was captured on the 1988 concert
a lb u m . T h e W in an s L ive A t
Carnegie Hall, while a year later
the group topped ch arts again
with their version o f “Lean On
M e” from the hit film o f the same
In 1990, The W inans took a
giant step forw ard with Return, an
album that expanded their gospel
base with dazzling forays into pop,
R& B and rap. The sm ash single.
“It’s Time” was part o f a package
that included guest perform ances
by Teddy Riley, Stevie W onder
and Kenny G.
A breakthrough album in ev­
ery sense o f the work, R eturn was
followed by an extensive round o f
international touring, both as a
group and as part o f the historic
1992 W inans One family W orld
Tour. With a concert itinerary that
spanned the globe, the One Family
W orld Tour brought together on
stage all twelve members o f the
W inans clan, including Mom and
P op W in an s, B eB e & C eC e
W inans, Daniel, Angie and Debbie
W inans and, o f course, the broth­
ers best known sim ply as The
It was in-between tounng stints
that the group began putting to ­
gether new material for a follow­
up to the smash Return. W ith a
recording strategy' that included re­
cruiting the best producing and
performing names on the scene,
The Winans recorded tracks in vari­
ous locales throughout 1992, bring­
ing together an awesome inventory
o f top-notch talent.
The result is All O ut, an album
that defines all the essential ingre­
dients o f The W inans' winning
sound: creativity, versatility and,
above all, a commitment to excel­
lence that never fades.
Taking The Cross Out Of The Church
. .
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abomination before God). These
women were fair of face-yet, some
had altered their appearance to make
themselves seem and look hard. There
was open kissing in public places and
restaurants and clubs.
There was a couple that had been
married and they wanted children
added to their union. For this phase of
life, a man is needed. This couple
chosen artificial insemination and a
beautiful baby boy was bom.
I said, “How ironic!”
The other women, of the two,
said that she would then have her
child using semen from the same
donor so that the children w ould have
like features and the same father
I, personally, was perplexed by
the entire scenario; because, if you are
put-out with being a woman, why
would you want to have a child?
My elders would say, “Sugah,
you want to have your cake and eat it
too. The best of both w orlds.”
One woman said that hav ing a
child was fulfilling the primary func­
tions of a woman’s body. Well? So is
having a husband. Two women can­
by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears
In the world, man has standards
that he has set for himself; and in
these standards, man has, deliber­
ately, forgotten to include God.
All that one has to do is to listen
to the news on television and radio
and read the newspapers and maga­
zines. There—you w ill hear and see
that m an's standards, for life, have
changed drastically. Such as: chil­
dren divorcing their parents, separa­
tion of church and state, fraud, sex
and violence among the brethren,
homosexuality, drug laws, legally
helping a person to commit suicide,
sex in the schools among the teachers
and students-and more.
One day I watched this docu­
mentary that found an entire city that
was i nhabited by homosexual women.
They owned and/or headed many key
companies and/or businesses. They
were doctors, the teachers, the city
board members, the lawyers, the store­
keepers, your next door neighbor and
pastor. They had their own church
that performed marriages between the
same sex (even though this is an
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not produce a child. Neither can two
The same God that wiped-out
Sodom and Gomorrah is the same
God that rules and super-rules—to­
day There was a purpose to God’s
creation of Adam and Eve so that
propagation could take place. He did
not create Sam and Steve or Anna and
Eva—because his words. “Be fruitful
and multiply...”, would have all been
a horrible joke. That’s like telling a
fish to go and hatch an elephant or
telling a mouse to give birth to a
grizzly bear. Everything has its order
and its place.
The interviewer asked a woman,
who seemed to be the wife of the
couple, had she thought on how this
unusual marriage may impact her
child. Her response was, “I hope that
he will love us as we will love him.
And that he will not be ashamed of
us.” Then the question was asked,
"What will you tell him when he asks
about his father? And how do you
think your different lifestyle will af­
fect him when he enters school and
his peers begin to ask questions?" She
lowered I her head and her eyes before
responding; and then, the women
looked at each other as if they were
searching for a common response.
The female, who had the baby and
had had a big baby show er which was
attended by other women of the same
mind, said, “We will tell him that we
are his parents. We will give him
much love, and-w e can only hope
and pray that he will be proud of us as
I thought to myself, as I sat watch­
ing this program. "These people can't
really think that God approves of
this? They just can't!”
This reminded me of a true story
from a pastor-friend He said that a
couple came to his office for counsel­
ing. The man was married and he and
his fami ly went to this pastor' s church
They came to the pastor because they
loved each other so much that they
felt that God should bless them in
their sinful acts They even said that
they hold hands and pray before hav ­
ing sex. Well! The pastor dismissed
Continued on page 8
D -I
8138 N. Hudson, Portland, OR 97203
Elder Moore, Pastor
3 9 0 8
Evangelist Gregory Fobbs
Bible Study
9:30 am
M orning W orship
10:45 am
Men's Training Leadership
Women's Bible Class
5:00 pm
Evening W orship 6:00 pm
Attended nursery for all services
Wednesday prayer meeting
and Bible study
7:00 pm
Restoring New Testament Christianity
JBL ^ttaul jHitssionarg
^Baptist (Cburrh
8101 N. Fiske Avenue • Portland Oregon 97203
Church Phone: 289-0147
Study Phone: 289-1 911
Sunday Service
1 0 :4 5
Family Owned and Operated Since 1954 Serving
the City of Portlandfor over 37 y r t i n your
hour o f need Vann & Vann are there to serve,
5211 N. Williams Portland, OR 97217
The Church With Determination
Determined To Stand. Hold On To God's Hand
And Win All The Souls We Possibly Can
‘‘Come Unto Me All Ye That
Labor And Are Heavy Laden, And
I Will Give You Rest. Take My
Yoke Upon You And Learn Of M e”
Matthew 11:28-29
Order Of Service
Sunday School - 9:30 A.M.
Morning Worship -11:45 A.M.
Y.P.W.W. - 7:00 p.M.
Sunday School
9 :3 0
Bible Study
6 :0 0
Evening Service
7 :0 0 p m
Pastor, Re. JamesC.E. Faulkner
Theme: Whatever your going to do for the Lore, do It now.
I Peter i v . l l
Mallory Avenue
Christian Church
' ’ "Come to me all you uiho are
uieary and heavy laden and
I will give you rest."
Sunday School
Morning Worship
Tuesday fiilble
Study and Prayer
Inter-racial Congregation
26 N.6. Alberto t Portland, OR 97211 t (503) 288-5173
(ffa f e / o f ( f r (ffîm es
Has moved Sunday scvices to
B ryo n C. N u d d
Stone T ow er C hurch
N .E . Sandy Blvd. & 30th
Funeral Director
Worship Services 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Church School 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 N.E. Schuyler
10:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00 a.in. on KBMS
A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministiy
Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor
Funeral Home • Cemetery • Memorial Garden
Killingsvvorth Chapel
430 N. Killingsvvorth
Portland, Oregon 97217
(503) 283-1976
Lombard Chapel
3018 N Lombard
Portland, Oregon 97217
Church Office 116 JN.E. Schuyler St. • (503) 284-1954
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