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The theme for this news conference was Human Investment, Decent Housing & Good Education, Create a Better Residential • Commercial • Group Homes Floor Covering William Harden 4837 N.E. M.L. King Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97211 503/284-1324 NAMCO Ô Ô lad’s heating 011 oils 5a Best Cash Prices Speedy Service Friendly Call for Quctel 104 NE Russell Portland, OR 97212 282-5111 h i a . M . i v / i v i d ik u i u ii a oÜRBESt S A L E O f , ® Community for a Better Future. The properties will be renovated with proceeds from a $2.5 million Rental Rehabilitation Loan from the Portland Development Commission, with additional funding provided by the Federal Home Loan Bank and Multnomah County ’s Weatherization Program and the Pacific Power W ash­ ington Program. In addition, the State o f Oregon Housing and Community Services D epartm ent provided a $100,000 H ousing D evelopm ent Grant and a $2.9 million allocation of low income housing tax credits. The tax credit allocation, will enable Ha­ cienda to expand the scope o f the project to include a Head Start build­ ing and a social and health services facility. On July 1, 1993, the Hacienda Community Development Corpora­ -1 St Michael’s Lutheran Pre-School AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT ■ » ■ a B S i-s a s s S -g Top r.ralnieatnersota^ NE Christian Pre-School Has Openings For Youngsters 3 and 4 years old 9 to 11:30 AM NE 29th and Dekum EXCEPTIONAL VALUE! Beautifully tailored in fancy fabrics. Lifetime quality s495 Sofa & Loveseat! Sac.?* L 1^1 jR tion, a Hispanic operated non-profit organization, assumed control o f the long-troubled apartments and on July 7, they entered into a community policing partnership agreement, with the Cully Association of Neighbor­ hoods, aim ed at reducing crim e throughout the neighborhood The dev elopment plan, which is similar to those at the Columbia Villa, Iris Court and Rose City Village Apart­ ments, calls for bringing in a variety of se n ices, many sponsored by M ult­ nomah County, to include an employ­ ment resource center, health services, housing assistance and educational assistance programs The plan also provides for the position of a Hispanic issues counselor to prov ide assistance to tenants, o f which over 50% are Spanish speaking, who will assist with problems due to cultural differ­ Notice Of Available Funding: Washington County HOME Program The W ashington County Depart­ ment of Housing Serv ices (DHS) an­ nounces the availability of $348,400 inFY 1992 HOME program funds for the construction , acquisition, and rehabilitation o f affordable rental housing and for programs to assist low-income first-time homebuyers in W ashington County. Public agencies, nonprofit organizations, and for-profit entities are eligible to apply for W ash­ ington County HOME assistance, which will be made available to se­ lected project sponsors in the form of Call: 282-0000 r T PORTLAND OBSERVER Office: (503) 288-0033 Fax #: (503) 288-0015 .. ences. “We are pleased to have been part o f the community policing agree­ ment and grateful for the support we have received from M u ltn o m ah County, the City of Portland and the community,” said Baltazar F. Ortiz, president of Hacienda Community Development Corporation. “T here has been a great amount of work by many people that has helped our group gain control of the properties so that we can join with others to combat crime in this neighborhood. Although equal access to housing and hum an resources are important, equal access to quality education is another vital element in order to reduce the crim i­ nal activity in Portland. Hispanic stu­ dents have the highest dropout rate in this state (15%) and the highest drop­ out rate in Portland (20%), “ said Ortiz. deferred-payment, low-interest loans. O rganizations interested in a p ­ plying for H O M E funds m u st su b ­ m it a preapplication to D H S no later than Friday, O ctober 15,1993, in order to be considered for fu n d ­ ing. T o o b tain app licatio n m a te ri­ als and other H O M E S pro g ram inform ation, co n tact T odd A dkins a t (5 0 3 ) 6 9 3 -4 7 7 7 o r w rite to: W ashington C ounty D epartm ent o f H ousing Services, 111 N .E . L in­ coln S treet, #200-L , H illsboro, O R 97124. "Capturing The Moment" A Lifetyme Of Memories Photography By Duane 2808 NE Martin Luther King Blvd Portland, Oregon 97211 Duane Lewis, President Call: 503/284-8268, orPager 833-8838 QUEEN ANN 18th Century Grandeur CHERRY GENUINE OAK BEDROOM SET(h « w ly n ft .-- ,, I— i— i SET inc L udes F dresserj > MIRROR «QUEENSIZE EADBOARD » OPEN DAILY 9:30-6 PM • SATURDAY 10-6:00 PM • SUNDAY 12:00-6:00 PM DINING ROOM WORTH MUCH MORE! Oval d in in g ta b le w ith 4 m a tc h in g side chairs, a rm ch a irs available Q u a lity w o rk m a n s h ip . C h e rry o r Oak. “ «795 BROADWAY FURNITURE Form er profes­ important part EASY CREDIT TERMS s i o n a l b a s e b a ll of w bat we offer p itc h e r , M ick ey residential cus­ B e a v e r, u n d e r ­ tomers. Also, for stands tbe im por­ new hom e buy­ tance of responding ers, o u r > u p e r to tbe right signal good Cents pro­ 228 N.E. BROADWAY 281-5555 E N T E R P R IS E F R A N C IS C A N gram is tops for at tbe right tim e. A nd in s te a d of M ickev Beaver k iu ’rjfv .Senices Suhw .Munuger throwing sliders or c u rv e b a lls , he is responding to cus- building in ener­ to m e r s ig n a ls gy efficiency. “C om m ercial re g ard in g energy cu sto m ers have savings, efficiency what your support and holy ls acconepLishiriep 'Thanks to y o u , F ranciscan Enterprise has /ust finishecLfour of the fourteen houses th a t were moved ontptne empty Lots in the W alnut park, area of tbe Energy FinAnswer and flexibility. “In baseball, if tbe signal is program that identifies to bunt, you don’t argue with and even helps fund effi­ tbe coach. The signal right ciency improvements for now to every homeowner and business owners. T h a t’s business owner is just about as plain. Make tbe f^ighborhood, play...or in tbe case of saving energy...pay. T\rte: September 2b, 1993 Openina ceremony: 2:00-2:30 tfouserour; 2:30-p. 00 Place: 914 X 6 “Whether it’s lighting, water beating, space "T h at’s exactly what Pacific Power is pre­ conditioning or spot beating... we ve got more pared to do for customers. We’ve got tbe experi­ programs than I ve g o t...or used to bave...- ence, know-how and programs that can make pitebes. A lot more! saving energy, increasing efficiency a whole lot easier. CSuiuucr ts between ^beitaayia Killings worth, C1V55 street L s\fc9 - ’ a terrifically popular program . “W eatherization info rm atio n ...h elp with financing improvements to tbe home...are an See tbe people at Pacific Power for tbe right kind of energy to save dollars and improve energy efficiency. O u r team is ready to play. # PACIFIC P O W E R THF RIGHT KIND OF FNFRGY 4826 N .E . E IG H T H A V E N U E PO R T L A N D O R E G O N 9721 1 1 5 0 3 284 A A 8642 * I » » « < flbA •