»«r** I 11 » » » » ♦ ♦ • • • ♦ » S eptember 15, 1993 • I'm P o m i and O bserver P agi B4 B i Ih » i¿X . , : . ¿/yivAWAL,// BLAZERS SHOWCASE NEW AND RETURNING MSMÄX v X e U v ÄX a M az » » » : . ,v. .¿W5U..V.... \ ®{jt3PoBiatti>®bBeruer •. ■ ' • * • ts jÿjfc&wRiisSiSSwô&XiW’XwX' MIGHTY HUDSON PORTLAND STATE 2-0 The Portland Trail Blazers team w ill make its first Portland appear­ ance of the 1993-94 season at its annual intrasquad game. Tuesday, O ct 19. 7:30pm. in Portland's M e­ morial Coliseum Sports fans can catch their first glim pse of well-known veterans and an exciting blend of new players. The evening also will include a special half-tim e celebrity three-point con­ test featuring media personalities and other fan favorites. ”To make this family event, we’ve made tickets affordable for everyone," em phasized Jerry Gatto. athletic de­ velopment director and event chair. Tickets are priced at $5.50 and $10 P u rc h a se tic k e ts a t a ll Ticketmaster outlets, including G.I. Joe’s. Memorial Coliseum. Civic Sta­ dium. Portland Center for the Per­ form ing Arts, and Blazer on Broad- wav For ticket order information, call 224-4400 w ithin Portland area or 1-800-745-0888 inside Oregon. This is your chance to see the new Trail Blazer team in action be­ fore the season begins." he added “It also is an outstanding opportunity to participate in a community event and to support opportunities for students to furiher their education at one of the nation's leading liberal arts and sci­ ences institutions." Proceeds will ben­ efit the High Five Scholarship Drive at Lewis & Clark College. "We are grateful to Smith’s Home Furnishings, Azumano Travel and U.S. Bank for their corporate support of quality eduction in the Portland community." G atto said. Special V IP p ack ag es also are av ailable th ro u g h Lew is & C lark College. T hese p ack ag es include courtside seatin g . B lazer pre-gam e b arb ecu e.an a p p e a ra n ce by H ead C o a c h Rick A delm an and other b en efits F o r in fo rm atio n ab o u t these pack ag es, call (50 3 ) 768- 7062. Z ■ Celebrate Diversity -X •'. s PSU wide receiver James Jessie tries to pick up extra yards after the reception. Portland State beat Idaho State 21-7. The Vikings travel to Kingsville, Texas to battle Texas A&M- Kingsville, Saturday at 5:30pm. P .I.L . OFF AND RUNNING by Jo h n Phillips P I L . football g o t o f f to a very fast sta rt Friday w ith no big su r­ prises. B enson scored a 26-13 w in o v er G rant. M ad iso n o v er C leve­ la n d 2 7 - 7 , F r a n k l i n g o t b y Jefferson. 21-18. W ilson easy over L incoln. 34-7. an d M arsh all real big over R oosevelt 42 -1 6 . D a m io n M a r t i n d a l e le d M arsh all in a big way w ith five touchdow n runs fo r the M inute­ men. M artin D ale sco red on runs o f 48 , 29, 14, 5 and 4 y ards. T o top th at off. D am ion kicked tw o extra points. Greg Demi had two touchdowns for Roosev elt on short runs o f 3 and 1 yards Wilson got behind 7-0 toLincoln early, but came on to score 34 points and the defense put the clamps on Lincoln. Jake Lancaster had two scores on runs or 6 and 3 yards. Tim Looney had a 32 yards scoring nin and David Jackson and Jason Eilertson scored on one yard runs. Lincoln’s lone touchdown came on a recovered fumble in the endzone by David Kang Doug Ashley had a big night for Madison passing for two touchdowns. One to Joel Greene for 59 yards and PIL F O O T B A L L STANDING L 1) Benson 1) M adison 1) W ilson 1) Franklin 1) M arshall 6) Jefferson 6) Roosev elt 6) G rant 6) Cleveland 6) Lincoln W hat: rhePortlandT railB laz- ers will hold auditions for individu­ als and/or groups interested in per­ forming the National Anthem for 1993 Blazers home games. The media is invited to attend the two- dav try outs w hich will feature a total o f 192 auditions The Auditions will be judges by a panel of local celeb­ rities. To Reserve an Anthem Audi- V. ’ .. 4 . / -A t ',1 tion Time Please Call The Trail Blazers Office at (503) 234-9291. Audition Reservations Are Limited To 192. W hen: Wednesday, September 29 and Thursday , September 30 from 8.00 a m. to 5:00 p m. W h ere: Memorial Coliseum, Georgia-Pacific Room. C ontact: Christee Sweeney or Jim Taylor, 234-9291 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 C A M E S ON FRIDAY SEPT. 16 4:30pm Madison at Roosevelt 4:00pm Jefferson at Cleveland 7:30pm Franklin at Wilson Grant vs Lincoln 6:00pm at Civic Stadium Benson vs M arshall 8:00pm at Civic Stadium the other to Shawn McGovern for 37 yards. Ashley then scored on a 5 y ard run. Robert Cavil added a 35 yard TD G.I. Joe’s Jefferson running back #18 Adrian Hudson burst through the line to score the touchdown on a 50 yard run. On G.I. Joe’s Jefferson next possession. Hudson scores again from about 40 yards out. ¿ people around the car acknow ledged my existance until lie came upand hit me. then they looked and glanced away." According to the v ictoim, no racial epithets w ere made bv the sus- t l P KMHD Night Schedule Sept. 9 Andrei Kitaev 7:30 PM Tall Jazz Trio *:30 PM (Two Sets) Sept 16 Kelly Broadway/Dan Faehnlc Duo Mary Kaddcrly Quartet Sept 23 Nancy Cady Quartet Dick Berk Jazz Adoption Agency Sept 30 Tony Mason Roy Rogers O ct 7 Andrei Kitaev Tom G rant’s Weird Willie Band O C T 14 Kelly Broadwav/Dan Facnhle Duo Dennis Springer Band O ct 21 Scroggins/Depriest Ron Steen Trio O C T 28 Nancy Cady Quartet Samba Dc Torres Nov 4 Andrei Kitaev Shirley Nanette Quartet Nov 11 Scroggi ns/Dcpricsl Randy Cannon Quartet Nov 25 Andrei Kitaev Gordon Lee Quartet pect Continued from front M F M S 9 -I Assault Update PORTLAND TRAIL BLAZERS ,♦ « t<7 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 mn for the Senators Clev eland got on the board w ith a 15 yard pass to Gabe Stewart from Chris McClain B e n s o n 's T a u h e e d Jerm an y scored on a 74 y ard pass from D esm ond Faizon. and helped the T echm en to a 20-0 h a lf tim e lead Jerm any a lso had a punt return o f 42 y ards. T eam m ate Paul Lauritzen had a p a ir o f one y a rd touchdow n nins. G ra n t’s tw o scores cam e on runs o f 10 yards by R ico W addell and G reg D um as caught a 6 yard pass from C ris B raucham p In a gam e play ed at Franklin. T he Q u a k e rs had a 21-0 lead at h a lftim e , b u t had to hold on after Jefferson cam e so very close Q u a r­ terback M att G eske passed 21 yards to Ja rra d M ock for a T D . Running back D errick B ram e ran for a 22 y a rd s to u c h d o w n . A n d Kenny Jenkins ran for 57 yards on only four ca rrie d and one touchdow n. The Democrats second half come back w as led by Chazz Moore with a one yard m n and a 25 yardTD pass to Lev i Ashley. Thomas Jacob added a 28 yard touchdow n m n for Jefferson. It is unknown if the suspect in­ volved in this assault, may have been involved the assault of Hawley. No arrests hav e been made and the inves­ tigation is continuing. Celebrate Diversity A THE AFRICAN AMERICAN MEN’S CLUB INC. BLACK HERITAGE Wishes To Thank Our Community For Your Support And John <& Gloria Olive Business (503) 248-8790 Home: (206) 892-8697 Gloria M cMurtry (503) 2814)885 Products dedicated to Black Heri­ tage Excellent fund raising opportunity Part time business opportunity Youth entrepreneur programs Nationwide Opportunities Shirley Cowans (503) 281-9052 281-9052 Jim & Dorothy Gantt Participation With The Bobby Blue Band Show as (503) 282-8070 m W "BLACK HiRUACE1' Exclusive p ro d u ct line consist of: xl •MANO V BOOY MOISTURIZER 'HAND « BODY SOAP 'CARPET » FABRIC DEODORIZER ' UNIVERSAL CLEANER • CAR WASH CONCENTRATE •O I$H WASH CONCENTRATE ‘ LIQUID LAUNDRY CONCEPIRÀ TE ‘ LIQUID INCENSE • PINE OIL CLEANFR CONCE N IP a TT • « U t • « ‘ ♦ « • * » M » ' , » A A- « ». » a .Ï. M • C Y;'.. .4*. è * - ' r *• • Nr ■