Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 08, 1993, Page 10, Image 10

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    S eptember 08, 1993 • T he : P ortland O bserver
P age B4
JJurtlanh ©bsertter
Checklist Released To Evaluate
President’s Clinton Health Plan
Fam ilies U S A , the health care
consumer group, released a checklist
that consumers can use to decide i f the
President’ s health re fo rm w ill help
th e ir fa m ilie s
" Y o u can c lip the checklist and
use i t as a to o l to e va lu ate the
P resident’ s televised address to C on­
gress on September 22,” said Ron
P ollack, executive d ire cto r o f F a m i­
lies U S A
F a m ilie s U S A is m a k in g the
lis t a re :
1) Does it guarantee that you and
yo u r fa m ily w o n ’ t E V E R lose your
health insurance, no m atter what?
c h e c k lis t a v a ila b le to c o n s u m e r
groups and newspapers around the
sive hospital care, doctor care and
"A m ericans need to make up their
o w n m inds about health reform We
m ust not let the insurance companies
and drug companies te ll us w h a t to
th in k ,” P ollack said
“ T w o m illio n A m e rica n s lose
th e ir health insurance each m onth.
A m ericans should make sure that the
charges under control?
5) D o c s il help protect sm all b u si­
ness fro m insurance company oxer-
charges and u n fa ir rules?
President's plan w ill guarantee that
you and your fa m ily w o n ’ t E V E R lose
y o u r health insurance, no m atter
w h a t,” P ollack said
The checklist suggests th is and
nine other key questions consumers
shouldask about the President’ s plan
T h e ten questions on the c h e c k ­
6) Does it guarantee that you can ’
change jobs or move to another state
w ith o u t losing your health benefits?
7) Does it protect you fro m "fin e
p rin t” that insurance companies use
to cheat you out o f benefits y o u ’ve
paid for?
8) Does it reduce the paperw ork
burden on your doctor?
Does it include com prehen­
preventive medicine?
9) Does
it give you somebody to
co m p la in to i f y o u ’ re not happy w ith
the service you get fro m your doctor
4) Does it start to do som ething
o r hospital?
1«) Does it help you cope w ith
prescription d n ig prices?
F am ilies U S A is the national
health reform consumer group It ac­
cepts no funds fro m the insurance and
Does it include help fo r your
fa m ily to provide long term care to a
father w ith A lz h e im e r’ s disease o r a
m other w ith c rip p lin g a rth ritis at
home, w here you want them cared
about g e ttin g skyro cke tin g health
Ä sm B Ä Ä
T e rra in leather SOW
tailored in
fancy fabrics.
Lifetim e quality
Sofa & Loveseat!
— I
4 -4
Ê Ë S iiU il
i Àuthentïcallÿ^tYÎed [ ¿ t e
d n ig companies.
Q UEEN A N N 18th Century Grandeur CHERRY
Oval dining table w ith
4 matching side chairs,
arm chairs available.
Quality workmanship.
Cherry or Oak.
Does it guarantee that you and
your family won’t EVER lose
your health insurance, no
matter what?
Does it include comprehensive
hospital, doctor and preventive l II I
L- H— 1
Does it include help for your
family to provide long term care
to a father with Alzheimer's
disease or a mother with
crippling arthritis at home
Does it guarantee that you can
change jobs or move to another
state without losing your
health benefits?
Does it protect you from
“ fine print’ ' that insurance
companies use to cheat you
out of benefits you've paid for?
Does it help protect small
business from insurance
company overcharges and
unfair rules?
St Michael’s
Does it reduce the paperwork
burden on your doctor?
Does it give you somebody to
complain to if you're not
happy with the service you
get from your doctor or
where you want them cared for?
Does it start to do something
about getting skyrocketing
health charges under control?
Vour Doorway to Values
• OPEN DAILY 9:30-6 PM • SATURDAY 10^6:00 PM
• SUNDAY 12:00-6:00 PM
R e s id e n tia l • C o m m e rc ia l • G rou p H o m e s
F lo o r C o v e rin g
NE Christian
Has Openings For
Youngsters 3 and 4
years old
9 to 11:30 AM
NE 29th and Dekum
Call: 282-0000
Does it help you cope with
prescription drug prices?
W illia m H a rd e n
4 8 3 7 N .E . M .L . K in g B lvd .
P o rtla n d , O re g o n 9 7 2 1 1
5 0 3 /2 8 4 -1 3 2 4
IW M A » 4 )1 IT
C ommission
Prepared by FAMILIES USA Foundation, the nonpartisan, nonprofit consumer group leading the fight
for health and long term care reform. Families USA Foundation does not accept any money from the
Insurance and health industries
N a t io n O f Is la m
T h e H on E lija h M u h a m m a d
s a id /ta u g h t that, “ C iv iliz a tio n is
know ledge, w isdom , understanding,
cu ltu re and refinem ent; P ursuit o f
happiness.” The hum an fa m ily is in
the te rrib le co n d itio n (w ar, disease
e tc...) that it is in because le a rn in g is
not k in g (p rio rity ). A n in d iv id u a l can
o n ly act on what the conscious or/and
sub-conscious m ind knows. The more
one know s the more pow er an in d i­
v id u a l can extract fro m se lf to enjoy
th e ir existence, because the se lf is
fro m G od A n d th is s e lf is a ru le r or
the ru le r in each and every person.
W e ru n in to trouble w hen we do not
liste n to th is in n e r ru le r o f our being.
The a im o f our in n e r s e lf is to lead and
g ive us guidance by w h ic h we may be
successful. But we liv e in a w o rld that
is s p iritu a lly and m o ra lly under de­
veloped w h ic h makes us to vie w the
in n e r s e lf as u n im p o rtan t So there
m ust be a re -b u ild in g in the people o f
m o ra l and sp iritu a l consciousness.
W e must receive a teaching that w ill
cause us to condemn our ow n action
o n ly then w ill there be an aw akening
o f m oral consciousness, w h ic h w ill
lead to a sp iritu a l aw akening. The
m oral and sp iritu a l aw akening o f
hum an beings can be compared w ith
the B ib le s story o f Jacobs ladder
Jacobs ladder is sym bolic o f a ll o f us
on o u r jo u rn e y to the M ost H ig h God
am one o f those w ho believe that
M in L o u is Farrakhan is a brother
th a t is d iv in e ly guided, in th is tim e
era, to take us fu rth e r up the ladder
J a b ril M u h a m m a d said o f M in .
Farrakahn that, “ A recent event that
demonstrates that those w ords fit
M in is te r Farrakhan occurred on the
18th o f October, 1992 when nearly
60,000 people w ent to the Georgia
Dome, In A tlanta. Georgia. They went
to sec th is B lack man w ith S 10.00
each to help defray the expenses in ­
volved. They d id not go to hear a man
dance a dance. They d id not go to be
entertained, in the usual sense o f the
w ord. Instead, they w ent w ith the
intentions o f liste n in g to a black man
speak to the heart o f th e ir concerns.
The opening game o f the w o rld series
took placea, about the same tim e, and
more people went to hear h im speak
than were in attendance at the ball
gam e1 The very nature o f the m ission
o f the Honorable Louis Farrakhan is
lik e other c ra w lin g things on Earth
A lla h (G od) never intended fo ry o u to
be an anim al He w anted you to be a
perfect reflection o f h im s e lf (H oly
Q uran 11:7). B ut, there must be a
com ing out o f the anim al stage o f
developm ent in to a m oral conscious­
ness, where you have a s p irit in you
that accuses you fo r w hat you do,
based on that w h ic h you know in ­
stinctively is rig h t (Self-Im provem ent
Speech Pages 14-16) “ Farrakhan for
president” lee cube's The Predator
T h a n k you fo r reading this, your
b ro th e r E lija h X Jeffcrson-G hctto
Date: September 15,1993
Place: Portland Building
1120 SW Fifth A v e , 11 th Floor
Portland, Oregon
Time: 8:00 a.m.
Com m ission m eetings are open to
the public. A com plete agenda is
available at PDC or by calling
823-3200. Citizens with disabilities
m ay call 823-3232 or TDD 823-6868
for assistance at least 48 hours in
PDC is the City of Portland's urban
renewal, housing and econom ic
developm ent agency.
3 9 4 0 M. X X H IIA M S. 2 8 4 -0 3 0 4
ashington L o tte ry
Open 11:00 am
------- ’
Wednesday, September 1, 1993
; . '• '
i v
/ f t i'Z
Saturday, September 4, 1993
A dvertise in the O bserver
New PayLess Drug Store To Be Environmentally Sound
When the doors open to the new
Pax Less drug Store located at 4346
C u lly B lvd in Portland, they w ill
open into a b u ild in g that is state-of-
the-art in terms o f energy conserva­
tio n The Portland Store is tentatively
presence, message and w ork. (T h is Is
The One Page 150-51) So let us study
and learn from th is w onderful brother
o f ours. “ M an can be an anim al or
man can reflect A lla h (G od) You
start in th is w o rld , lik e a fish, s w im ­
m in g in a b a g o fw a te r You evolve out
M c A le a r “ That effects the way we
scheduled to open in November. 'W e
w ant to be e n viro n m e n ta lly respon­
sible in the way we do business,’ said
PayLess President and C E O T im
construct our stores, and how xve op­
erate them once they open "F o rm a xi-
m um efficiency, new PayLess D n ig
Stores haxe insulation in the outside
w alls and ro o f w h ic h exceeds code In
addition the store a ir conditioners use
what is know n as "energy econom iz­
ers.” These econom izers measure
outside and inside tem perature and.
w hen possible, use outside a ir rather
standards as a m in im u m fo r a ll new
constniction, even outside California
“ In many cases, we go beyond
than refrigerated a ir to cool the store
The energy savings are evident in the
T itle 24 standards ju s t to be as energy
e(Ticicnt as possible," said Joe Sw eenv.
E lectrical Design E ngineer ofPaylcss
lig h tin g system as w ell. The fluores­
cent fixtures are equipped w ith en­
ergy-saving electronic ballasts and
tnphosphorusT-8 lamps These lamps
produce more lig h t per watt ofcncrgx
than typical flourcscents The fix ­
tures are recessed, and have rcflcctixc
backs to increase th e ir efficiency
T h c C a lifo rn ia Energy Code, also
know n as T itle 24, sets the most s trin ­
gent standards fo r energy conscrxa-
tio n in the western U nited States
Pax I ess D rue Stores has adopted these
D ru g Stores.
A cco rd in g to Sweeney, the com ­
pany is c o n tin u a lly b reaking new
ground in energy conserxation “ For
puter m onitored energy management
system The operating in fo rm a tio n
collected fro m each Heating, V e n ti­
la tin g and A ir C o n d itio n in g (H V A C )
u n it a llo w s the equipm ent to be run at
peak efficiency. L ig h tin g and tem ­
perature co n tro l are lin ke d to the tim e
o f day . automatically changing tic ther­
mostat setting to conserve energy
A ll th is adds up to a savings o f
nearly 20 years executive manage­
ment has given us a great deal o f
over 20 percent in energy usage co m ­
pared to stores that arc not s im ila rly
latitude in try in g out new options
Through experim entation and study
we have dcxeloped a store plan that is
equipped, according to Sweeney
“ T a kin g care o f the environm ent
is everybody’ s concern," concluded
extrem ely e ffic ie n t," said Sweeney
One o f the m ajor features o f the
M c A le a r “W e w ill continue to do
cxviything we can as a company to pro­
mote environm ental responsibility ”
cncrgx savings program is a com-
• a « •
• . .8 -,
.» C \ ». *
Close 10:00 pm
such; the com bustible elements that
make up the problems o f A m c ric a -
cspccially the core problems, w h ich is
the position and c o n d itio n ot 4U-50
m illio n B lacks--is such, that no one
can forever avoid the im pact o f his
o f that and you coinc fo rth c ra w lin g
- ■'
; 1