Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 08, 1993, Image 1

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“Serving the community through cultural diversity.
V oinnin XXIII. N um ber 37
(Elie ^ n rila n ù (Oh se w er
T h e W h e r e h o u s e P r o je c t , In c .
P a ck w o o d C o n c lu d e s
E x te n s iv e A u g u s t
R ece ss Trip Th ro u g h
O re g o n
During his public meetings, and 35
media interviews, Packwood answered
numerous questions about his plan, the
North A merican Free Trade Agreement,
taxes, spending, the Endangered Species
Act, international trade, the Columbia
Gorge, National Scenic Act, and many
other subjects.
See related story on page B 7
C h e c k list R eleased To
E va lu a te P re sid e n t
C lin to n ’s H ealth Plan
You can clip the checkl ist out and use
it as a tool to evaluate the President’s
televised address to Congress on Septem­
ber 22. Am ericans need to make up their
own m inds about health reform. We can­
not let the insurance companies and dnig
companies tell us what to do.
Sec related story on page B 5
^ S re h o u s e S o S S S s e ^
to Right. Jerry Greene (Exec. Director. WHP), Andy Sloop (METRO), Sandi Hansen (Metro Councilor, Dist. 12.),
Connie L. Hays (Chairman o f Board o f Commissioners o f Washington County), and Ed Washington (METRO Councilor, Dist. 11).
Dr. John K itzh a le r To
S p e a k O n T h e O re g o n
H ealth Plan
Oregon has been assigned the task of
prosiding600,000 people with basic medi­
cal insurance coverage. John K itzhaler is
to address how the implementation of this
plan will affect you and your business.
See related story on page B 2
It was a do it yourself home owner at his
best. Robert Frailey was painting his home on
Thursday morning. It was a community project
all the way The reclaimed paint had been
donated by Metro to The Wherhousc Project -
-a unique non profit agency designed to give
the community an affordable face lift. Port­
land Development Commission (PDC) was
making it happen by making a donation to
cover the costs o f sprayers, ladders, paint
brushes, the needed equipment for this spe­
cial event.
H o u ses a re b e in g p a in te d w ith
W herehouse Project’s reclaimed paint in all
parts o f the northwest. Equipment donated by
M iller paints plays a big role in the overall
success o f this venture.
Contractors, remodelers and businesses
with extra inventory can benefit by donating
items to Wherehouse Project Inc. On return.
WHP sells these items at a reduced rate to help
the do-it-yourself home-owner with much
needed supplies. In stock is everything from
brass door knobs, cabinets and reclaimed
paint, ready to apply.
It is the Robin Hood theory , but every­
one wins. This is recycling with immediate
results These pre-used m atenals and re­
claimed paint offer those in the community
w ith old-fashioned homes, easy old-fashioned
Individuals and businesses can make
donations to The Wherehouse Project. Your
donations to W’HP will insure another home
ownera fresh look. WHP calls this a g if t‘from
the community for the community ” .
National Association For Sickle Cell Disease, Inc.
Launches Sickle Cell Month With Agenda To Change Public Policy - Congressional Hearings Hlghligh New Direction For NASCD
Ta rg e te d Jo b s Ta x
C re d it P ro g ram
E x te n d e d
Under TJTC an employer may earn a
federal tax credit equal to 40% o f the first
$6,000 o f wages they pay to qualified
workers during the first year of employ­
Qualified workers areemployees who
come from nine targeted groups.
See related story on page A 4
O re g o n H ealth D ivision
R e ce ive s Federal Funds
To C o n tro l S m o k in g
The funding will be used to develop
information and education, training, as­
sistance and resources to state and local
tobacco control activities throughout O r­
See re la te d story on page A 4
Fo undation A w a rd s 6
E d u ca to rs $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 Each
The six educators will be honored at
a noon luncheon September 22 at the
Hilton Hotel in Portland. T hey'll receive
their checks in April, 1994 at a national
meeting in Los Angeles.
See related story on page A 3
U nder the banner “B reak Them
Sickle C ycle,” th e N ational A ssocia­
tio n for S ic k le C ell D ise a se , Inc.
(N A SCD ), and its 74 m em ber organi­
zations, will launch its 10th annual
“ N a tio n a l S ic k le C e ll A w a re n e ss
M onth” cam paign in Septem ber with
sights set on a new agenda to redirect
public policy. H elping in the effort are
C alifornia congressm an Julian D ixon
serving as H onorary C hairm an for the
m onth long drive and N A S C D 's new
N ational P oster C hild and G oodw ill
A m bassador, 9 year old A nthony O liver
M iller o f Los A ngeles, CA.
“ O ur goals are to place this heredi­
tary blood disease on the front burner
o f equitable healthcare reform , end in­
stitutionalized discrim ination against
those w ho have the disease and dispel
m any o f the m isconceptions associ­
ated w ith th e c o n d itio n ,” revealed
Lynda K. A nderson, executive director
o f the 22 year old organization.
“ W e are aggressively m oving for­
ward to address those issues and see
Septem ber as the starting point o f tak­
ing our com m itm ent to advocate for
those w ith sickle cell to another level,”
she said. A ccording to A nderson, a
m ain com ponent o f the thrust will be to
take N A SC D ’s case before a federal
General News
governm ent in the m idst o f reshaping
its national healthcare polices.
“O n Septem ber 16th, N A SC D offi­
cials, m edical specialists, health care
providers, patients and their fam ilies
1993-94 National Sickle Cell Poster
Child - 9 year old Anthony Oliver Miller
has been selected as the National
Association for Sickle Cell Disease, Inc.
Poster Child and Goodwill Ambassador.
He will serve from October 1 to
September 30, 1994.
will be giving testim ony before the
Brain Trust o f the C ongressional Black
C aucus and other invited congressional
representatives, during their annual
convention in W ashington, D C .,” she
inform ed “ O ut o fth is we are hoping to
carve a niche in the new healthcare
package that will reverse polices that
have ham pered our ability to properly
care for the m ore than 2.5 m illion
A m ericans who are directly affected by
sic k le cell c o n d itio n s ,” A n d e rso n
A m ong the N A SCD officials testi­
fying before the Caucus wi 11 be NA SCD
p r e s id e n t, D r. K w a k u O h e n e -
Frem pong, D irector o f the C om pre­
hensive Sickle Cell C enter C h ild re n ’s
H ospital o f Philadelphia. Frem pong
says it is essential that Am erica lead the
way in com m itting resources to com ­
bat sickle cell w hich has been errone­
ously view ed in this country as a dis­
ease lim ited to people o f A frican d e­
“In the U nited States, w here race is
the prim ary defining characteristic o f
every hum an being, sickle cell disease
is perhaps best know n as th e ' disease o f
black people,” w hen in fact it affects
m any races and exist in m any countries
inside and outside o f tropical Africa
including all the countries surround­
ing the M editerranean Sea, parts o f the
M iddle Eastern countries as well as
C an ad a, F rance, B e lg iu m a n d the
Continued on page A4
U N C F “W alk-A-M ile-to
S a ve -A -M in d ” W alk-A-Thon
The Portland Chapter of the United
Negro College Fund will hold its fourth
annual "W’alk-a-M ile-To-Save-A-M ind"
fundraising Walk-A-Thon on Saturday, Sep­
tember 18.1993. at Grant Park in Northeast
Portland Registration begins at 7:30am
and the 10-kilometer (6.2 mile) walk kicks
off at 9am.
Local residents are invited to partici­
pate by walking or sponsori ng a walker The
event, w hich involves hundreds o f w alkers
and volunteers w ho care about higher edu­
cation. should raise $35,000 says Adrienne
Carve. Area Development Director for the
The UNCF enables historically black
colleges to provide scholarships and finan­
cial aid to deserving students More than 75
students from Oregon and W ashington cur­
rently attend UNCF member colleges
US West Communications, Northwest
Natural Gas and U S Bank are the sponsors
o f this year's w alk For more information,
call the UNCF at 503/223-8890
E n te rta in m e n t
S p orts
A utom otive
U nited K ingdom ,” Frem pong noted o f
th e d isease w hich produces sickle
shaped red blood cells that, am ong
N ew S tu d y S h o w s Losing
W e igh t R e d u ce s High Blood
P re ssu re
B est Used C a r Buy M a yb e The
O ne You O w n
G ap B e tw e e n Football And
S ch o ol W id e n s
Kenny G
O f all the nutritional factors implicated
in the development o f hypertension,
obesity appears to be the most
page A4
A little money can go a long way toward
upgrading a car
The next few months, the question
is going to be who are the best
teams in college football 7
"I look outside and i f its raining, the song
will be something about rain... ”
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